r2181 - in packages: . libgetopt-euclid-perl libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t

Niko Tyni ntyni-guest at costa.debian.org
Thu Feb 23 19:56:30 UTC 2006

Author: ntyni-guest
Date: 2006-02-23 19:55:47 +0000 (Thu, 23 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 2181

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libgetopt-euclid-perl

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Build.PL	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+my $builder = Module::Build->new(
+    module_name         => 'Getopt::Euclid',
+    license             => 'perl',
+    dist_author         => 'Damian Conway <DCONWAY at cpan.org>',
+    dist_version_from   => 'lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm',
+    requires => {
+        'Test::More' => 0,
+        'version'    => 0,
+        'File::Spec::Functions' => 0,
+        'List::Util' => 0,
+    },
+    add_to_cleanup      => [ 'Getopt-Euclid-*' ],

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Revision history for Getopt-Euclid
+0.0.1  Sun Jan 30 20:42:36 2005
+       Initial release.
+0.0.2  Sat Jul 23 04:37:18 2005
+       No changes logged
+0.0.3  Sun Jul 24 20:16:17 2005
+    - Removed need for Smart::Comments
+0.0.4  Thu Aug  4 18:03:28 2005
+    - Fixed embarrassing encoding bug (thanks dakkar!)
+0.0.5  Fri Feb 17 15:52:20 2006
+    - Changed POD::Text to Pod::Text (curse you, case-independent MacOS X!! ;-)
+    - Fixed erroneous bug report when only syntax checking with perl -c
+    - Fixed bug in license defaults (thanks clpoda!)
+    - Added :minimal_keys mode (thanks Thomas)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+META.yml # Will be created by "make dist"

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Getopt-Euclid
+version:      v0.0.5
+version_from: lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm
+installdirs:  site
+    File::Spec::Functions:         0
+    List::Util:                    0
+    Test::More:                    0
+    version:                       0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+    NAME                => 'Getopt::Euclid',
+    AUTHOR              => 'Damian Conway <DCONWAY at cpan.org>',
+    VERSION_FROM        => 'lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm',
+    ABSTRACT_FROM       => 'lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm',
+    PL_FILES            => {},
+    PREREQ_PM => {
+        'Test::More' => 0,
+        'version'    => 0,
+        'File::Spec::Functions' => 0,
+        'List::Util' => 0,
+    },
+    dist                => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
+    clean               => { FILES => 'Getopt-Euclid-*' },

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Getopt::Euclid version 0.0.5
+       Getopt::Euclid uses your program's own documentation to create a com-
+       mand-line argument parser. This ensures that your program's documented
+       interface and its actual interface always agree.
+       To use the module, you simply write:
+           use Getopt::Euclid;
+       at the top of your program.
+       When the module is loaded within a regular Perl program, it will:
+            1.  locate any POD in the same file,
+            2.  extract information from that POD, most especially
+                from the "=head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS" and "=head1
+                OPTIONS" sections,
+            3.  build a parser that parses the arguments and options the
+                POD specifies,
+            4.  parse the contents of @ARGV using that parser, and
+            5.  put the results in the global %ARGV variable.
+To install this module, run the following commands:
+    perl Makefile.PL
+    make
+    make test
+    make install
+Alternatively, to install with Module::Build, you can use the following commands:
+    perl Build.PL
+    ./Build
+    ./Build test
+    ./Build install
+Copyright (C) 2005, Damian Conway
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid/HierDemo.pm
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid/HierDemo.pm	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid/HierDemo.pm	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package Getopt::Euclid::HierDemo;
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Getopt/Euclid.pm	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@
+package Getopt::Euclid;
+use version; $VERSION = qv('0.0.5');
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(splitpath);
+use List::Util qw( first );
+# Utility sub to factor out hash key aliasing...
+sub _make_equivalent {
+    my ($hash_ref, %pairs) = @_;
+    for my $name (keys %pairs) {
+        for my $alias ( @{$pairs{$name}} ) {
+            $hash_ref->{$alias} = $hash_ref->{$name};
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+# Report problems in specification...
+sub _fail {
+    my (@msg) = @_;
+    die "Getopt::Euclid: @msg\n";
+my $has_run;
+my @std_POD;
+END { $has_run = 1 }
+sub Getopt::Euclid::Importer::DESTROY {
+    return if $has_run || $^C;  # No errors when only compiling
+    croak '.pm file cannot define an explicit import() when using Getopt::Euclid';
+sub import {
+    shift @_;
+    my $minimal_keys
+        = grep { /:minimal_keys/ || croak "Unknown mode ('$_')" } @_;
+    if ($has_run) {
+        carp "Getopt::Euclid loaded a second time";
+        warn "Second attempt to parse command-line was ignored\n";
+        return;
+    }
+    # Handle calls from .pm files...
+    my @caller = caller;
+    if ($caller[1] =~ m/[.]pm \z/xms) {
+        # Save module's POD...
+        open my $fh, '<', $caller[1]
+            or croak "Getopt::Euclid was unable to access POD\n($!)\nProblem was";
+        push @std_POD, do{ local $/; <$fh>};
+        # Install this import() sub as module's import sub...
+        no strict 'refs';
+        croak '.pm file cannot define an explicit import() when using Getopt::Euclid'
+            if *{"$caller[0]::import"}{CODE};
+        my $lambda;  # Needed so the anon sub is generated at run-time
+        *{"$caller[0]::import"}
+            = bless sub { $lambda = 1; goto &Getopt::Euclid::import },
+                    'Getopt::Euclid::Importer';
+        return;
+    }
+    $has_run = 1;
+    # Acquire POD source...
+    open my $fh, '<', $0
+        or croak "Getopt::Euclid was unable to access POD\n($!)\nProblem was";
+    my $source = do{ local $/; <$fh>};
+    # Set up parsing rules...
+    my $HWS      = qr{ [^\S\n]*      }xms;
+    my $EOHEAD   = qr{ (?= ^=head1 | \z)  }xms;
+    my $POD_CMD  = qr{ \n\n = [^\W\d]\w+ [^\n]* \n\n}xms;
+    my $POD_CUT  = qr{ \n\n = cut $HWS \n\n}xms;
+    my $NAME     = qr{ $HWS NAME    $HWS \n }xms;
+    my $VERS     = qr{ $HWS VERSION $HWS \n }xms;
+    my $USAGE    = qr{ $HWS USAGE   $HWS \n }xms;
+    my $STD      = qr{ STANDARD | STD  }xms;
+    my $ARG      = qr{ $HWS ARG(?:UMENT)?S? }xms;
+    my $OPTIONS  = qr{ $HWS $STD? $HWS OPTION(?:AL|S)? $ARG? $HWS \n }xms;
+    my $REQUIRED = qr{ $HWS $STD? $HWS REQUIRED        $ARG? $HWS \n }xms;
+    my $EUCLID_ARG = qr{ ^=item \s* ([^\n]*?) \s* \n\s*\n
+                        (
+                        .*?
+                        (?:
+                            ^=for \s* (?i: Euclid) .*? \n\s*\n
+                            | (?= ^=[^\W\d]\w* | \z)
+                        )
+                        )
+                    }xms;
+    # Extract POD alone...
+    my @chunks = $source =~ m{ $POD_CMD .*? (?: $POD_CUT | \z ) }gxms;
+    my $pod = join q{}, @chunks;
+    # Extract essential interface components...
+    my ($prog_name)     = (splitpath($0))[-1];
+    my ($version)
+        = $pod =~ m/^=head1 $VERS     .*? (\d+(?:[._]\d+)+) .*? $EOHEAD /xms;
+    my ($opt_name, $options)
+        = $pod =~ m/^=head1 ($OPTIONS)  (.*?) $EOHEAD /xms;
+    my ($req_name, $required)
+        = $pod =~ m/^=head1 ($REQUIRED) (.*?) $EOHEAD /xms;
+    my ($licence)
+        = $pod =~ m/^=head1 [^\n]+ (?i: licen[sc]e | copyright ) .*? \n \s* (.*?) \s* $EOHEAD /xms;
+    # Extra info from higher-level pod...
+    for my $std_POD (reverse @std_POD) {
+        my (undef, $more_options)
+            = $std_POD =~ m/^=head1 ($OPTIONS)  (.*?) $EOHEAD /xms;
+        $options = ($more_options||q{}) . ($options||q{});
+        my (undef, $more_required)
+            = $std_POD =~ m/^=head1 ($REQUIRED) (.*?) $EOHEAD /xms;
+        $required = ($more_required||q{}) . ($required||q{});
+        my ($more_licence)
+            = $std_POD =~ m/^=head1 [^\n]+ (?i: licen[sc]e | copyright ) .*? \n \s* (.*?) \s* $EOHEAD /xms;
+        $licence = ($more_licence||q{}) . ($licence||q{});
+    }
+    # Clean up interface titles...
+    NAME:
+    for my $name ($opt_name, $req_name) {
+        next NAME if ! defined $name;
+        $name =~ s{\A \s+ | \s+ \z}{}gxms;
+    }
+    # Extract the actual interface...
+    my @requireds = ($required||q{}) =~ m{ $EUCLID_ARG }gxms;
+    my @options   = ($options||q{})  =~ m{ $EUCLID_ARG }gxms;
+    # Convert each arg entry to a hash...
+    my (%requireds, %options);
+    my $seq_num = 0;
+    while (@requireds) {
+        my ($name, $spec) = splice @requireds, 0, 2;
+        $requireds{$name} = { seq => $seq_num++, src => $spec, name => $name };
+    }
+    while (@options) {
+        my ($name, $spec) = splice @options, 0, 2;
+        $options{$name} = { seq => $seq_num++, src => $spec, name => $name };
+    }
+    BEGIN {
+        %STD_CONSTRAINT_FOR = (
+            'string'    => sub { 1 }, # Always okay (matcher ensures this)
+            'integer'   => sub { 1 }, # Always okay (matcher ensures this)
+            '+integer'  => sub { $_[0] > 0 },
+            '0+integer' => sub { $_[0] >= 0 },
+              'number'  => sub { 1 }, # Always okay (matcher ensures this)
+             '+number'  => sub { $_[0] > 0 },
+            '0+number'  => sub { $_[0] >= 0 },
+              'input'   => sub { -r $_[0] },
+              'output'  => sub { my (undef, $dir) = splitpath($_[0]);
+                               $dir ||= '.';
+                               -e $_[0] ? -w $_[0] : -w $dir
+                           },
+        );
+        _make_equivalent(\%STD_CONSTRAINT_FOR, 
+              'integer' => [qw(   int   i )],
+             '+integer' => [qw(  +int  +i )],
+            '0+integer' => [qw( 0+int 0+i )],
+               'number' => [qw(   num   n )],
+              '+number' => [qw(  +num  +n )],
+             '0+number' => [qw( 0+num 0+n )],
+               'string' => [qw( str s )],
+                'input' => [qw( in readable )],
+               'output' => [qw( out writable writeable )],
+        );
+    }
+    # Extract Euclid information...
+    ARG:
+    for my $arg (values(%requireds), values(%options) ) {
+        $arg->{src} =~ s{^ =for \s+ Euclid\b [^\n]* \s* (.*) \z}{}ixms
+            or next ARG;
+        my $info = $1;
+        while ($info =~ m{\G \s* (([^.]+)\.([^.\s]+) \s*[:=]\s* ([^\n]*)) }gcxms) {
+            my ($spec, $var, $field, $val) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+            if ($field eq 'type') {
+                my ($matchtype, $comma, $constraint)
+                    = $val =~ m/([^,\s]+)\s*(?:(,))?\s*(.*)/xms;
+                $arg->{var}{$var}{type} = $matchtype;
+                if ($comma && length $constraint) {
+                    ($arg->{var}{$var}{constraint_desc} = $constraint)
+                        =~ s/\s*\b\Q$var\E\b\s*//g;
+                    $constraint =~ s/\b\Q$var\E\b/\$_[0]/g;
+                    $arg->{var}{$var}{constraint} = eval "sub{ $constraint }"
+                        or _fail("Invalid .type constraint: $spec\n($@)");
+                }
+                elsif (length $constraint) {
+                    $arg->{var}{$var}{constraint_desc} = $constraint;
+                    $arg->{var}{$var}{constraint} = eval "sub{ \$_[0] $constraint }"
+                        or _fail("Invalid .type constraint: $spec\n($@)");
+                }
+                else {
+                    $arg->{var}{$var}{constraint_desc} = $matchtype;
+                    $arg->{var}{$var}{constraint} = $STD_CONSTRAINT_FOR{$matchtype}
+                        or _fail("Unknown .type constraint: $spec");
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ($field eq 'default') {
+                eval "\$val = $val; 1"
+                    or _fail("Invalid .default value: $spec\n($@)");
+                $arg->{var}{$var}{default} = $val;
+                $arg->{has_defaults} = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                _fail("Unknown specification: $spec");
+            }
+        }
+        if ($info =~ m{\G \s* ([^\s\0\1] [^\n]*) }gcxms) {
+                _fail("Unknown specification: $1");
+        }
+    }
+    # Build one-line representation of interface...
+    my $arg_summary = join ' ',
+                        sort { $requireds{$a}{seq} <=> $requireds{$b}{seq} }
+                             keys %requireds;
+    1 while $arg_summary =~ s/\[ [^][]* \]//gxms;
+    $arg_summary .= lc " [$opt_name]" if $opt_name;
+    $arg_summary =~ s/\s+/ /gxms;
+    $pod =~ s{ ^(=head1 $NAME \s*) .*? (- .*) $EOHEAD }
+            {$1 $prog_name $2}xms;
+    $pod =~ s{ ^(=head1 $USAGE \s*) .*? (\s*) $EOHEAD }
+            {$1 $prog_name $arg_summary $2}xms;
+    $pod =~ s{ ^(=head1 $VERS    \s*) .*? (\s*) $EOHEAD }
+            {$1 This document refers to $prog_name version $version $2}xms;
+    # Handle standard args...
+    if (grep { / --man /xms } @ARGV) {
+        _print_and_exit($pod, 'paged');
+    }
+    elsif (first { $_ eq '--usage' } @ARGV) {
+        print "Usage: $prog_name $arg_summary\n",
+            "       $prog_name --help\n";
+        exit;
+    }
+    elsif (first { $_ eq '--help' } @ARGV) {
+        my $pod = "=head1 Usage:\n\n$prog_name $arg_summary\n\n";
+        $pod .= "=head1 \L\u$req_name:\E\E\n\n$required\n\n"
+            if ($required||q{}) =~ /\S/;
+        $pod .= "=head1 \L\u$opt_name:\E\E\n\n$options\n\n"
+            if ($options||q{}) =~ /\S/;
+        _print_and_exit($pod);
+    }
+    elsif (first { $_ eq '--version' } @ARGV) {
+        print "This is $prog_name version $version\n";
+        if ($licence) {
+            print "\n$licence\n";
+        }
+        exit;
+    }
+    # Convert arg specifications to regexes...
+    _convert_to_regex(\%requireds);
+    _convert_to_regex(\%options);
+    # Build matcher...
+    my @arg_list = (values(%requireds), values(%options));
+    my $matcher = join '|', map { $_->{matcher} }
+                    sort({$b->{name} cmp $a->{name}} grep {$_->{name} =~ /^[^<]/} @arg_list),
+                    sort({$a->{seq} <=> $b->{seq}} grep {$_->{name} =~ /^[<]/} @arg_list);
+    $matcher .= '|(?> (.+)) (?{ push @errors, $^N }) (?!)';
+    $matcher = '(?:'.$matcher.')';
+    # Report problems in parsing...
+    *_bad_arglist = sub {
+        my (@msg) = @_;
+        my $msg = join q{}, @msg;
+        $msg =~ tr/\0\1/ \t/;
+        $msg =~ s/\n?\z/\n/xms;
+        die "$msg(Try: $prog_name --help)\n\n";
+    };
+    # Run matcher...
+    my $all_args_ref = { %options, %requireds };
+    my $argv = join(q{ }, map {my $arg=$_; $arg=~tr/ \t/\0\1/; $arg} @ARGV);
+    if (my $error = _doesnt_match($matcher, $argv, $all_args_ref)) {
+        _bad_arglist($error);
+    }
+    # Check all requireds have been found...
+    my @missing;
+    for my $req ( keys %requireds ) {
+        push @missing, "\t$req\n"
+            if ! exists $ARGV{$req};
+    }
+    _bad_arglist('Missing required argument', (@missing==1?q{}:q{s}),
+                 ":\n", @missing)
+        if @missing;
+    # Back-translate \0-quoted spaces and \1-quoted tabs...
+    _rectify_args();
+    # Check constraints and fill in defaults...
+    _verify_args($all_args_ref);
+    # Clean up %ARGV...
+    for my $arg_name (keys %ARGV) {
+        my $val = delete $ARGV{$arg_name};
+        my $var_count = keys %{$val};
+        $val = $var_count == 0 ? 1                    # Boolean -> true
+             : $var_count == 1 ? (values %{$val})[0]  # Single var -> var's val
+             :                   $val                 # Otherwise keep hash 
+             ;
+        for my $arg_flag ( _get_variants($arg_name) ) {
+            $ARGV{$arg_flag} = $val;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($minimal_keys) {
+        _minimize(\%ARGV);
+    }
+# ###### Utility subs #############
+# Recursively remove decorations on %ARGV keys
+sub _minimize {
+    my ($arg_ref) = @_;
+    return if ref $arg_ref ne 'HASH';
+    my %seen;
+    for my $old_key (keys %{$arg_ref}) {
+        my $new_key = $old_key;
+        $new_key =~ s{\A -+ | \A < | > \z }{}gxms;
+        $new_key =~ s{-}{_}gxms;
+        if ($seen{$new_key}) {
+            croak "Internal error: minimalist mode caused arguments '",
+                  $old_key,
+                  "' and '",
+                  $seen{$new_key},
+                  "' to clash";
+        }
+        $arg_ref->{$new_key} = delete $arg_ref->{$old_key};
+        $seen{$new_key} = $old_key;
+        _minimize($arg_ref->{$new_key});
+    }
+    return;
+# Do match, recursively trying to expand cuddles...
+sub _doesnt_match {
+    use re 'eval';
+    my ($matcher, $argv, $arg_specs_ref) = @_;
+    our @errors;
+    local @errors = ();
+    %ARGV = ();
+    $argv =~ m{\A (?: \s* $matcher )* \s* \z}xms;
+    for my $error (@errors) {
+        if ($error =~ m/\A ((\W) (\w) (\w+))/xms) {
+            my ($bundle, $marker, $firstchar, $chars) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+            $argv =~ s{\Q$bundle\E}{$marker$firstchar $marker$chars}xms;
+            return if ! _doesnt_match($matcher, $argv, $arg_specs_ref);
+        }
+        ARG:
+        for my $arg_spec_ref (values %{$arg_specs_ref}) {
+            our $bad_type;
+            local $bad_type;
+            next ARG
+                if $error !~ m/\A [\s\0\1]* ($arg_spec_ref->{generic_matcher})/xms
+                || !$bad_type;
+            return qq{Invalid "$bad_type->{arg}" argument\n}
+                 . qq{$bad_type->{var} must be $bad_type->{type}}
+                 . qq{ but the supplied value ("$bad_type->{val}") isn't.}
+        }
+        return "Unknown argument: $error";
+    }
+    return;  # No error
+# Assign default values to missing components in %ARGV...
+sub _rectify_args {
+    for my $arg (values %ARGV) {
+        if (ref $arg eq 'HASH') {
+            for my $var (values %{$arg}) {
+                if (ref $var eq 'ARRAY') { 
+                    tr/\0\1/ \t/ for @{$var};
+                }
+                else {
+                    tr/\0\1/ \t/ for $var;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') { 
+                tr/\0\1/ \t/ for @{$arg};
+            }
+            else {
+                tr/\0\1/ \t/ for $arg;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub _verify_args {
+    my ($arg_specs_ref) = @_;
+    ARG:
+    for my $arg_name (keys %{$arg_specs_ref}) {
+        # Skip non-existent/non-defaulting arguments
+        next ARG if !exists $ARGV{$arg_name}
+                 && !$arg_specs_ref->{$arg_name}{has_defaults};
+        # Ensure all vars exist within arg...
+        my @vars = @{$arg_specs_ref->{$arg_name}{placeholders}||[]};
+        @{$ARGV{$arg_name}}{@vars} = @{$ARGV{$arg_name}}{@vars};
+        # Get arg specs...
+        my $arg_vars = $arg_specs_ref->{$arg_name}{var};
+        VAR:
+        for my $var (@vars) {
+            # Check constraints on vars...
+            if (exists $ARGV{$arg_name}) {
+                # Named vars...
+                if (ref $ARGV{$arg_name} eq 'HASH' && defined $ARGV{$arg_name}{$var}) {
+                    for my $val (ref $ARGV{$arg_name}{$var} eq 'ARRAY'
+                                    ? @{$ARGV{$arg_name}{$var}}
+                                    :   $ARGV{$arg_name}{$var}
+                                ) {
+                        _bad_arglist( qq{Invalid "$arg_name" argument.\n},
+                                    qq{<$var> must be },
+                                    $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint_desc},
+                                    qq{ but the supplied value ("$val") isn't.}
+                                    )
+                            if $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint}
+                            && ! $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint}->($val);
+                    }
+                    next VAR;
+                }
+                # Unnamed vars...
+                elsif (ref $ARGV{$arg_name} ne 'HASH' && defined $ARGV{$arg_name}) {
+                    for my $val (ref $ARGV{$arg_name} eq 'ARRAY'
+                                    ? @{$ARGV{$arg_name}}
+                                    :   $ARGV{$arg_name}
+                                ) {
+                        _bad_arglist( qq{Invalid "$arg_name" argument.\n},
+                                    qq{<$var> must be },
+                                    $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint_desc},
+                                    qq{ but the supplied value ("$val") isn't.}
+                                    )
+                            if $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint}
+                            && ! $arg_vars->{$var}{constraint}->($val);
+                    }
+                    next VAR;
+                }
+            }
+            # Assign defaults (if necessary)...
+            next ARG if !exists $arg_specs_ref->{$arg_name}{var}{$var}{default};
+            $ARGV{$arg_name}{$var}
+                = $arg_specs_ref->{$arg_name}{var}{$var}{default};
+        }
+    }
+# Convert arg specification syntax to Perl regex syntax
+        integer => '[+-]?\\d+',
+        number  => '[+-]?(?:\\d+\\.?\\d*|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?',
+        input   => '\S+',
+        output  => '\S+',
+        file    => '\S+',
+        string  => '\S+',
+        q{}     => '\S+',
+    );
+    _make_equivalent(\%STD_MATCHER_FOR,
+        integer => [qw( int i +int +i 0+int 0+i )],
+        number  => [qw( num n +num +n 0+num 0+n )],
+        input   => [qw( readable in )],
+        output  => [qw( writable writeable out )],
+        string  => [qw( str s )],
+    );
+sub _convert_to_regex {
+    my ($args_ref) = @_;
+    for my $arg_name ( keys %{$args_ref} ) {
+        my $arg = $args_ref->{$arg_name};
+        my $regex = $arg_name;
+        1 while $regex =~ s/ \[ ([^]]*) \] /(?:$1)?/gxms;
+        $regex =~ s/ (\s+) /$1.'[\\s\\0\\1]*'/egxms;
+        my $generic = $regex;
+        $regex =~ s{ < (.*?) >(\.\.\.|) }
+                   { my ($var_name, $var_rep) = ($1, $2);
+                     $var_name =~ s/(\s+)\[\\s\\0\\1]\*/$1/gxms;
+                     my $type = $arg->{var}{$var_name}{type} || q{};
+                     push @{$arg->{placeholders}}, $var_name;
+                     my $matcher = $STD_MATCHER_FOR{ $type }
+                        or _fail("Unknown type ($type) in specification: $arg_name");
+                    $var_rep ? "(?:[\\s\\0\\1]*($matcher)(?{push \@{\$ARGV{q{$arg_name}}{q{$var_name}}}, \$^N}))+"
+                             : "(?:($matcher)(?{\$ARGV{q{$arg_name}}{q{$var_name}} = \$^N}))"
+                   }gexms;
+        $arg->{matcher} = "(??{exists\$ARGV{q{$arg_name}}?'(?!)':''}) $regex (?:(?<!\\w)|(?!\\w)) (?{\$ARGV{q{$arg_name}} ||= {}})";
+        $generic =~ s{ < (.*?) > }
+                     { my $var_name = $1;
+                       $var_name =~ s/(\s+)\[\\s\\0\\1]\*/$1/gxms;
+                       my $type = $arg->{var}{$var_name}{type} || q{};
+                       my $matcher = $STD_MATCHER_FOR{ $type };
+                       "(?:($matcher|([^\\s\\0\\1]+)"
+                       . "(?{\$bad_type ||= "
+                       .  "{arg=>q{$arg_name},type=>q{$type},var=>q{<$var_name>},val=>\$^N};})))"
+                     }gexms;
+        $arg->{generic_matcher} = $generic;
+    }
+    return;
+sub _print_and_exit {
+    my ($pod, $paged) = @_;
+    if (-t *STDOUT and eval { require Pod::Text }) {
+        if ($paged) {
+            eval { require IO::Page } or eval { require IO::Pager::Page };
+        }
+        open my $pod_handle, '<', \$pod;
+        my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
+        $parser->parse_from_filehandle($pod_handle);
+    }
+    else {
+        print $pod;
+    }
+    exit;
+sub _get_variants {
+    my @arg_desc = @_;
+    # Only consider first "word"...
+    return $1 if $arg_desc[0] =~ m/\A (< [^>]+ >)/xms;
+    $arg_desc[0] =~ s/\A ([^\s<]+) \s* (?: < .*)? \z/$1/xms;
+    # Variants are all those with and without each optional component...
+    my %variants;
+    while (@arg_desc) {
+        my $arg_desc_with    = shift @arg_desc;
+        my $arg_desc_without = $arg_desc_with;
+        if ($arg_desc_without =~ s/ \[ [^][]* \] //xms) {
+            push @arg_desc, $arg_desc_without;
+        }
+        if ($arg_desc_with =~ s/ \[ ([^][]*) \] /$1/xms) {
+            push @arg_desc, $arg_desc_with;
+        }
+        $arg_desc_with =~ s/[][]//gxms;
+        $arg_desc_with =~ s/\b\W .* \z//xms;
+        $variants{$arg_desc_with} = 1;
+    }
+    return keys %variants;
+1; # Magic true value required at end of module
+=head1 NAME
+Getopt::Euclid - Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
+=head1 VERSION
+This document describes Getopt::Euclid version 0.0.5
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Getopt::Euclid;
+    if ($ARGV{-i}) {
+        print "Interactive mode...\n";
+    }
+    for my $x (0..$ARGV{-size}{h}-1) {
+        for my $y (0..$ARGV{-size}{w}-1) {
+            do_something_with($x, $y);
+        }
+    }
+    __END__
+    =head1 NAME
+    yourprog - Your program here
+    =head1 VERSION
+    This documentation refers to yourprog version 1.9.4
+    =head1 USAGE
+        yourprog [options]  -s[ize]=<h>x<w>  -o[ut][file] <file>
+    =over
+    =item  -s[ize]=<h>x<w>    
+    Specify size of simulation
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.type:    int > 0
+        h.default: 24
+        w.type:    int >= 10
+        w.default: 80
+    =item  -o[ut][file] <file>    
+    Specify output file
+    =for Euclid:
+        file.type:    writable
+        file.default: '-'
+    =back
+    =head1 OPTIONS
+    =over
+    =item  -i
+    Specify interactive simulation
+    =item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+    Length of simulation [default: 99]
+    =for Euclid:
+        l.type:    int > 0
+        l.default: 99
+    =item --version
+    =item --usage
+    =item --help
+    =item --man
+    Print the usual program information
+    =back
+    Remainder of documentation starts here...
+    =head1 AUTHOR
+    Damian Conway (DCONWAY at CPAN.org)
+    =head1 BUGS
+    There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+    Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+    =head1 COPYRIGHT
+    Copyright (c) 2005, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+    This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+    and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+    (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)
+Getopt::Euclid uses your program's own documentation to create a command-line
+argument parser. This ensures that your program's documented interface and
+its actual interface always agree.
+To use the module, you simply write:
+    use Getopt::Euclid;
+at the top of your program.
+When the module is loaded within a regular Perl program, it will:
+=item 1.
+locate any POD in the same file,
+=item 2.
+extract information from that POD, most especially from 
+the C<=head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS> and C<=head1 OPTIONS> sections,
+=item 3.
+build a parser that parses the arguments and options the POD specifies,
+=item 4.
+parse the contents of C<@ARGV> using that parser, and
+=item 5.
+put the results in the global C<%ARGV> variable.
+As a special case, if the module is loaded within some other module
+(i.e. from within a C<.pm> file), it still locates and extracts POD
+information, but instead of parsing C<@ARGV> immediately, it caches that
+information and installs an C<import()> subroutine in the caller module.
+That new C<import()> acts just like Getopt::Euclid's own import, except that
+it adds the POD from the caller module to the POD of the callee. See
+L<Module Interface> for more details.
+=head1 INTERFACE 
+=head2 Program Interface
+You write:
+    use Getopt::Euclid;
+and your command-line is parsed automagically.
+There are no options to pass. Getopt::Euclid doesn't export anything. It just
+=head2 Module Interface
+You write:
+    use Getopt::Euclid;
+and your module will then become just like Getopt::Euclid, except that your
+module's POD will be prepended to the POD of any module that loads yours.
+You don't need to pass any options.
+Getopt::Euclid installs an C<import()> subroutine in your module. If
+your module already has an C<import()> subroutine defined, terrible
+things happen. So don't do that.
+=head2 POD Interface
+This is where all the action is.
+When Getopt::Euclid is loaded in a non-C<.pm> file, it searches that file for
+the following POD documentation:
+=item =head1 NAME
+Getopt::Euclid ignores the name specified here. In fact, if you use the
+standard C<--help>, C<--usage>, C<--man>, or C<--version> arguments (see
+L<Standard arguments>), the module replaces the name specified in this
+POD section with the actual name by which the program was invoked (i.e.
+with C<$0>).
+=item =head1 USAGE
+Getopt::Euclid ignores the usage line specified here. If you use the
+standard C<--help>, C<--usage>, or C<--man> arguments, the module
+replaces the usage line specified in this POD section with a usage line
+that reflects the actual interface that the module has constructed.
+=item =head1 VERSION
+Getopt::Euclid extracts the current version number from this POD section.
+To do that it simply takes the first substring that matches
+I<< <digit> >>.I<< <digit> >> or I<< <digit> >>_I<< <digit> >>. It also
+accepts one or more additional trailing .I<< <digit> >> or _I<< <digit> >>,
+allowing for multi-level and "alpha" version numbers such as:
+    =head1 VERSION
+    This is version 1.2.3
+    =head1 VERSION
+    This is alpha release 1.2_34
+Getopt::Euclid uses the specifications in this POD section to build a
+parser for command-line arguments. That parser requires that every one
+of the specified arguments is present in any command-line invocation.
+See L<Specifying arguments> for details of the specification syntax.
+The actual headings that Getopt::Euclid can recognize here are:
+=item =head1 OPTIONS
+Getopt::Euclid uses the specifications in this POD section to build a
+parser for command-line arguments. That parser does not require that any
+of the specified arguments is actually present in a command-line invocation.
+Again, see L<Specifying arguments> for details of the specification syntax.
+Typically a program will specify both C<REQUIRED ARGUMENTS> and C<OPTIONS>,
+but there is no requirement that it supply both, or either.
+The actual headings that Getopt::Euclid recognizes here are:
+=item =head1 COPYRIGHT
+Getopt::Euclid prints this section whenever the standard C<--version> option
+is specified on the command-line.
+The actual heading that Getopt::Euclid recognizes here is any heading
+containing any of the words "COPYRIGHT", "LICENCE", or "LICENSE".
+=head2 Specifying arguments
+Each required or optional argument is specified in the POD in the following
+    =for Euclid:
+=head3 Argument structure
+=item *
+Each argument is specified as an C<=item>.
+=item *
+Any part(s) of the
+specification that appear in square brackets are treated as optional.
+=item *
+Any parts that appear in angle brackets are placeholders for actual
+values that must be specified on the command-line.
+=item *
+Any placeholder that is immediately followed by C<...> may be repeated as many
+times as desired.
+=item *
+Any whitespace in the structure specifies that any amount of whitespace
+(including none) is allowed at the same position on the command-line.
+=item *
+A vertical bar within an optional component indicates an alternative.
+For example, the argument specification:
+    =item -i[n] [=] <file>
+indicates that any of the following may appear on the command-line:
+    -idata.txt    -i data.txt    -i=data.txt    -i = data.txt
+    -indata.txt   -in data.txt   -in=data.txt   -in = data.txt
+as well as any other combination of whitespacing.
+Any of the above variations would cause both C<$ARGV{'-i'}> and C<$ARGV{'-
+in'}> to be set to the string C<'data.txt'>.
+You could allow the optional C<=> to also be an optional colon by specifying:
+    =item -i[n] [=|:] <file>
+Optional components may also be nested, so you could write:
+    =item -i[n[put]] [=] <file>
+which would allow C<-i>, C<-in>, and C<-input> as synonyms for this
+argument and would set all three of C<$ARGV{'-i'}>, C<$ARGV{'-in'}>, and
+C<$ARGV{'-input'}> to the supplied file name.
+The point of setting every possible variant within C<%ARGV> is that this
+allows you to use a single key (say C<$ARGV{'-input'}>, regardless of
+how the argument is actually specified on the command-line.
+=head2 Multiple placeholders
+An argument can have two or more placeholders:
+    =item -size <h> <w>
+The corresponding command line argument would then have to provide two values:
+    -size 24 80
+Multiple placeholders can optionally be separated by literal characters
+(which must then appear on the command-line). For example:
+    =item -size <h>x<w>
+would then require a command-line of the form:
+    -size 24x80
+If an argument has two or more placeholders, the corresponding entry in
+C<%ARGV> becomes a hash reference, with each of the placeholder names as one
+key. That is, the above command-line would set both C<$ARGV{'-size'}{'h'}> and
+=head2 Optional placeholders
+Placeholders can be specified as optional as well:
+    =item -size <h> [<w>]
+This specification then allows either:
+    -size 24
+    -size 24 80
+on the command-line. If the second placeholder value is not provided, the
+corresponding C<$ARGV{'-size'}{'w'}> entry is set to C<undef>. See also
+L<Placeholder defaults>.
+=head2 Unflagged placeholders
+If an argument consists of a single placeholder with no "flag" marking it:
+    =item <filename>
+then the corresponding entry in C<%ARG> will have a key the same as the
+placeholder (including the surrounding angle brackets):
+    if ($ARGV{'<filename>'} eq '-') {
+        $fh = \*STDIN;
+    }
+The same is true for any more-complicated arguments that begin with a
+    =item <h> [x <w>]
+The only difference in the more-complex cases is that, if the argument
+has any additional placeholders, the entire entry in C<%ARGV> becomes a hash:
+    my $total_size
+        = $ARGV{'<h>'}{'h'} * $ARGV{'<h>'}{'w'}
+Note that, as in earlier multi-placeholder examples, the individual second-
+level placeholder keys I<don't> retain their angle-brackets.
+=head2 Repeated placeholders
+Any placeholder that is immediately followed by C<...>, like so:
+    =item -lib <files>...
+    =item <offsets>...
+    =for Euclid:
+        offsets.type: integer > 0
+will match as many times as possible, but at least once. Note that
+this implies that an unconstrained repeated unflagged placeholder
+(see L<Placeholder constraints> and L<Unflagged placeholders>) will
+consume the rest of the command-line, and so should be specified last
+in the POD.
+If a placeholder is repeated, the corresponding entry in C<%ARGV>
+will then be an array reference, with each individual placeholder match
+in a separate element. For example:
+    for my $lib (@{ $ARGV{'-lib'} }) {
+        add_lib($lib);
+    }
+    warn "First offset is: $ARGV{'<offsets>'}[0]";
+    my $first_offset = shift @{ $ARGV{'<offsets>'} };
+=head2 Placeholder constraints
+You can specify that the value provided for a particular placeholder
+must satisfy a particular set of restrictions by using a C<=for Euclid>
+block. For example:
+    =item -size <h>x<w>
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.type: integer
+        w.type: integer
+specifies that both the C<< <h> >> and C<< <w> >> must be given integers.
+You can also specify an operator expression after the type name:
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.type: integer > 0
+        w.type: number <= 100
+specifies that C<< <h> >> has to be given an integer that's greater than zero,
+and that C<< <w> >> has to be given a number (not necessarily an integer)
+that's no more than zero.
+These type constraints have two alternative syntaxes:
+as shown above, and the more general:
+Using the second syntax, you could write the previous constraints as:
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.type: integer, h > 0
+        w.type: number,  w <= 100
+In other words, the first syntax is just sugar for the most common case of the
+second syntax. The expression can be as complex as you wish and can refer to
+the placeholder as many times as necessary:
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.type: integer, h > 0 && h < 100
+        w.type: number,  Math::is_prime(w) || w % 2 == 0
+=head2 Standard placeholder types
+Getopt::Euclid recognizes the following standard placeholder types:
+    Name            Placeholder value...        Synonyms
+    ============    ====================        ================
+    integer         ...must be an integer       int    i
+    +integer        ...must be a positive       +int   +i
+                    integer
+                    (same as: integer > 0)
+    0+integer       ...must be a positive       0+int  0+i
+                    integer or zero
+                    (same as: integer >= 0)
+    number          ...must be an number        num    n
+                    (same as: number > 0)
+    +number         ...must be a positive       +num   +n
+                    number
+                    (same as: number > 0)
+    0+number        ...must be a positive       0+num  0+n
+                    number or zero
+                    (same as: number >= 0)
+    string          ...may be any string        str    s
+                    (default type)
+    readable        ...must be the name         input  in
+                    of a readable file
+    writeable       ...must be the name         writable output out
+                    of a writeable file
+                    (or of a non-existent
+                    file in a writeable
+                    directory)
+=head2 Placeholder defaults
+You can also specify a default value for any placeholders that aren't
+given values on the command-line (either because their argument isn't
+provided at all, or because the placeholder is optional within the argument).
+For example:
+    =item -size <h>[x<w>]
+    Set the size of the simulation
+    =for Euclid:
+        h.default: 24
+        w.default: 80
+This ensures that if no C<< <w> >> value is supplied:
+    -size 20
+then C<$ARGV{'-size'}{'w'}> is set to 80.
+Likewise, of the C<-size> argument is omitted entirely, both
+C<$ARGV{'-size'}{'h'}> and C<$ARGV{'-size'}{'w'}> are set to their
+respective default values.
+The default value can be any valid Perl compile-time expression:
+    =item -pi=<pi value>
+    =for Euclid:
+        pi value.default: atan2(0,-1)
+=head2 Argument cuddling
+Getopt::Euclid allows any "flag" argument to be "cuddled". A flag
+argument consists of a single non- alphanumeric character, followed by a
+single alpha-numeric character:
+    =item -v
+    =item -x
+    =item +1
+    =item =z
+Cuddling means that two or more such arguments can be concatenated after a
+single common non-alphanumeric. For example:
+    -vx
+Note, however, that only flags with the same leading non-alphanumeric can be
+cuddled together. Getopt::Euclid would not allow:
+    -vxz
+That's because cuddling is recognized by progressively removing the second
+character of the cuddle. In other words:
+    -vxz
+    -v -xz
+which becomes:
+    -v -x z
+which will fail, unless a C<z> argument has also been specified.
+On the other hand, if the argument:
+    =item -e <cmd>
+had been specified, the module I<would> accept:
+    -vxe'print time'
+as a cuddled version of:
+    -v -x -e'print time'
+=head2 Standard arguments
+Getopt::Euclid automatically provides four standard arguments to any
+program that uses the module. The behaviours of these arguments are "hard-
+wired" and cannot be changed, not even by defining your own arguments of
+the same name.
+The standard arguments are:
+=item --usage
+This argument cause the program to print a short usage summary and exit.
+=item --help
+This argument cause the program to print a longer usage summary (including a
+full list of required and optional arguments) and exit.
+=item --man
+This argument cause the program to print the complete POD documentation
+for the program and exit. If the standard output stream is connected to
+a terminal and the POD::Text module is available, the POD is formatted
+before printing. If the IO::Page or IO::Pager::Page module is available,
+the formatted documentation is then paged.
+If standard output is not connected to a terminal or POD::Text is not
+available, the POD is not formatted.
+=item --version
+This argument causes the program to print the version number of the
+program (as specified in the C<=head1 VERSION> section of the POD) and
+any copyright information (as specified in the C<=head1 COPYRIGHT>
+POD section) and then exit.
+=head2 Minimalist keys
+By default, the keys of C<%ARGV> will match the program's interface
+exactly. That is, if your program accepts the following arguments:
+    -v
+    --mode <modename>
+    <infile>
+    <outfile>
+Then the keys that appear in C<%ARGV> will be:
+    '-v
+    '--mode'
+    '<infile>'
+    '<outfile>'
+In some cases, however, it may be preferable to have Getopt::Euclid set
+up those hash keys without "decorations". That is, to have the keys of
+C<%ARGV> be simply:
+    'v
+    'mode'
+    'infile'
+    'outfile'
+You can arrange this by loading the module with the special C<':minimal_keys'>
+    use Getopt::Euclid qw( :minimal_keys );
+Note that, in rare cases, using this mode may cause you to lose
+data (for example, if the interface specifies both a C<--step> and
+a C<< <step> >> option). The module throws an exception if this happens.
+=head2 Compile-time diagnostics
+The following diagnostics are mainly caused by problems in the POD
+specification of the command-line interface:
+=item Getopt::Euclid was unable to access POD
+Something is horribly wrong. Getopt::Euclid was unable to read your
+program to extract the POD from it. Check your program's permissions,
+though it's a mystery how I<perl> was able to run the program in the
+first place, if it's not readable.
+=item .pm file cannot define an explicit import() when using Getopt::Euclid
+You tried to define an C<import()> subroutine in a module that was also
+using Getopt::Euclid. Since the whole point of using Getopt::Euclid in a
+module is to have it build an C<import()> for you, supplying your own
+C<import()> as well defeats the purpose.
+=item Unknown specification: %s
+You specified something in a C<=for Euclid> section that
+Getopt::Euclid didn't understand. This is often caused by typos, or by
+reversing a I<placeholder>.I<type> or I<placeholder>.I<default>
+specification (that is, writing I<type>.I<placeholder> or
+I<default>.I<placeholder> instead).
+=item Unknown type (%s) in specification: %s
+=item Unknown .type constraint: %s
+Both these errors mean that you specified a type constraint that
+Getopt::Euclid didn't recognize. This may have been a typo:
+    =for Euclid
+        count.type: inetger
+or else the module simply doesn't know about the type you specified:
+    =for Euclid
+        count.type: complex
+See L<Standard placeholder types> for a list of types that Getopt::Euclid
+I<does> recognize.
+=item Invalid .type constraint: %s
+You specified a type constraint that isn't valid Perl. For example:
+    =for Euclid
+        max.type: integer not equals 0
+instead of:
+    =for Euclid
+        max.type: integer != 0
+=item Invalid .default value: %s
+You specified a default value that isn't valid Perl. For example:
+    =for Euclid
+        curse.default: *$@!&
+instead of:
+    =for Euclid
+        curse.default: '*$@!&'
+=item Getopt::Euclid loaded a second time
+You tried to load the module twice in the same program.
+Getopt::Euclid doesn't work that way. Load it only once.
+=item Unknown mode ('%s')
+The only argument that a C<use Getopt::Euclid> command accepts is
+C<':minimal_keys'> (see L<Minimalist keys>). You specified something
+else instead (or possibly forgot to put a semicolon after C<use
+=item Internal error: minimalist mode caused arguments '%s' and '%s' to clash
+Minimalist mode removes certain characters from the keys hat are
+returned in C<%ARGV>. This can mean that two command-line options (such
+as C<--step> and C<< <step> >>) map to the same key (i.e. C<'step'>).
+This in turn means that one of the two options has overwritten the other
+within the C<%ARGV> hash. The program developer should either turn off
+C<':minimal_keys'> mode within the program, or else change the name of
+one of the options so that the two no longer clash.
+=head2 Run-time diagnostics
+The following diagnostics are caused by problems in parsing the command-line
+=item Missing required argument(s): %s
+One or more arguments specified in the C<REQUIRED ARGUMENTS> POD section
+wasn't present on the command-line.
+=item Invalid %s argument. %s must be %s but the supplied value (%s) isn't.
+Getopt::Euclid recognized the argument you were trying to specify on the
+command-line, but the value you gave to one of that argument's placeholders
+was of the wrong type.
+=item Unknown argument: %s
+Getopt::Euclid didn't recognize an argument you were trying to specify on the
+command-line. This is often caused by command-line typos.
+Getopt::Euclid requires no configuration files or environment variables.
+=item *
+=item *
+None reported.
+No bugs have been reported.
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<bug-getopt-euclid at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway  C<< <DCONWAY at cpan.org> >>
+Copyright (c) 2005, Damian Conway C<< <DCONWAY at cpan.org> >>. All rights reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/00.load.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/00.load.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/00.load.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use_ok( 'Getopt::Euclid' );
+diag( "Testing Getopt::Euclid $Getopt::Euclid::VERSION" );

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/bundle.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/bundle.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/bundle.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+    $INFILE  = 1;
+    $OUTFILE = 1;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-io",
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-vl $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 14 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg -i       => $INFILE;
+got_arg -infile  => $INFILE;
+got_arg -l       => $LEN;
+got_arg -len     => $LEN;
+got_arg -length  => $LEN;
+got_arg -lgth    => $LEN;
+got_arg -o       => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -ofile   => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -out     => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -outfile => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -v       => 1,
+got_arg -verbose => 1,
+is ref $ARGV{'--timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
+is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
+ok !defined $ARGV{'--timeout'}{max}   => 'Got expected value for timeout <max>';
+is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
+is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
+is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]    
+Specify input file
+=item  -o[ut][file]    
+Specify output file
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_constraint.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_constraint.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_constraint.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $INFILE  = 'nexistpas';
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/must be readable/   => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_default.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_default.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_bad_default.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Getopt::Euclid: Invalid .default value: file.default: '-/
+         => 'Failed as expected'; 
+    like $@, qr/Can't find string terminator "'"/
+         => 'With expected message'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_minimal_clash.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_minimal_clash.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_minimal_clash.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "-step ${H}x${W}",
+        '-v',
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+        '-w', 's p a c e s',
+        7,
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid;
+           Getopt::Euclid->import(qw( :minimal_keys ));
+           1;
+         }
+   ) {
+    is 0 => 'Succeeded unexpectedly';
+else {
+    my $error = $@;
+    like $error, qr{\AInternal error: minimalist mode caused arguments}
+                                                    => 'Clashed as expected';
+    like $error, qr{'-step'}                        => 'Clashed on -step';
+    like $error, qr{'<step>'}                       => 'Clashed on <step>';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  -step <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item  -girth <g>
+Display girth [default: 42 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    g.default: 42
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+    max.default: -1
+=item -w <space>
+Test something spaced
+=item <step>
+Step size
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_required.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_required.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_required.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Missing required argument:/ => 'Failed as expected'; 
+    like $@, qr/-o/                         => 'With expected message'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_var.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_var.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_missing_var.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Unknown argument: size/ => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_no_spec.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_no_spec.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_no_spec.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = 'nexistpas';
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Unknown argument/   => 'Failed as expected'; 

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_type.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_type.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_type.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 'forty-two';
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/<l> must be int but/   => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_arg.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_arg.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_arg.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-b',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Unknown argument: -b/ => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_mode.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_mode.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_mode.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(':foo'); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Unknown mode \(':foo'\)/ => 'Failed as expected'; 
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(':minimal_keys'); 1 }) {
+    ok 1 => 'Minimal mode accepted';
+else {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly failed';

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Getopt::Euclid: Unknown specification: max.headroom/
+         => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.headroom: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec2.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec2.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_spec2.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Getopt::Euclid: Unknown specification: maxheadroom/
+         => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    maxheadroom: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_type.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_type.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_unknown_type.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/Unknown .type constraint: file.type: \s* bleadable/
+         => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    bleadable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = -42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/<l> must be > 0 but/   => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_comma.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_comma.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_comma.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = -42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/<l> must be > 0 but/   => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int, l > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_type.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_type.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/fail_user_constraint_type.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = -42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+if (eval { require Getopt::Euclid and Getopt::Euclid->import(); 1 }) {
+    ok 0 => 'Unexpectedly succeeded';
+else {
+    like $@, qr/<l> must be \+int but/   => 'Failed as expected'; 
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    +int
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/hier.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/hier.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/hier.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        '-v',
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid::HierDemo;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 14 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg -i       => $INFILE;
+got_arg -infile  => $INFILE;
+got_arg -l       => $LEN;
+got_arg -len     => $LEN;
+got_arg -length  => $LEN;
+got_arg -lgth    => $LEN;
+got_arg -o       => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -ofile   => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -out     => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -outfile => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -v       => 1,
+got_arg -verbose => 1,
+is ref $ARGV{'--timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
+is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
+ok !defined $ARGV{'--timeout'}{max}   => 'Got expected value for timeout <max>';
+is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
+is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
+is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/minimal.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/minimal.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/minimal.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        '-v',
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+        '-w', 's p a c e s',
+        7,
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid qw( :minimal_keys );
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 17 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg 'i'       => $INFILE;
+got_arg 'infile'  => $INFILE;
+got_arg 'l'       => $LEN;
+got_arg 'len'     => $LEN;
+got_arg 'length'  => $LEN;
+got_arg 'lgth'    => $LEN;
+got_arg 'girth'   => 42;
+got_arg 'o'       => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg 'ofile'   => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg 'out'     => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg 'outfile' => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg 'v'       => 1,
+got_arg 'verbose' => 1,
+is ref $ARGV{'timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
+is $ARGV{'timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
+is $ARGV{'timeout'}{max}, -1        => 'Got default value for timeout <max>';
+is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
+is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
+is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';
+is $ARGV{w}, 's p a c e s'      => 'Handled spaces correctly';
+is $ARGV{step}, 7      => 'Handled step size correctly';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item  -girth <g>
+Display girth [default: 42 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    g.default: 42
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+    max.default: -1
+=item -w <space>
+Test something spaced
+=item <step>
+Step size
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod-coverage.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 tests=>1";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
+pod_coverage_ok( "Getopt::Euclid", "Getopt::Euclid's POD is covered" );

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/pod.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.14";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD" if $@;

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/quoted_args.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/quoted_args.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/quoted_args.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-e1with space1",
+        "-e2", "with space2",
+        "-e3", "with", "space3",
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 4 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg -e1 => 'with space1';
+got_arg -e2 => 'with space2';
+got_arg -e3 => 'with';
+got_arg '<remainder>' => 'space3';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item -e1 <text>
+=item -e2 <text>
+=item -e3 <text>
+=item <remainder>
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/repeated.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/repeated.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/repeated.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-a 1 2 3",
+        "-b 4 5 6",
+        "Why not",
+        "eat at", "Joes",
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+is ref $ARGV{'-a'}, 'ARRAY'        => 'Array reference returned for -a';
+is $ARGV{'-a'}[0],  1              => 'Got expected value for -a[0]';
+is $ARGV{'-a'}[1],  2              => 'Got expected value for -a[1]';
+is $ARGV{'-a'}[2],  3              => 'Got expected value for -a[2]';
+is ref $ARGV{'-b'}, 'HASH'         => 'Hash reference returned for -b';
+is $ARGV{'-b'}{first},  4          => 'Got expected value for -b{first}';
+is ref $ARGV{'-b'}{rest}, 'ARRAY'  => 'Array reference returned for -b{rest}';
+is $ARGV{'-b'}{rest}[0],  5        => 'Got expected value for -b{rest}[0]';
+is $ARGV{'-b'}{rest}[1],  6        => 'Got expected value for -b{rest}[1]';
+isnt ref $ARGV{'<file>'}, 'ARRAY'  => 'Array reference not returned for <file>';
+is $ARGV{'<file>'},       'Why not'=> 'Got expected value for <file>';
+is ref $ARGV{'<other>'}, 'ARRAY'   => 'Array reference returned for <other>';
+is $ARGV{'<other>'}[0],  'eat at'  => 'Got expected value for <other>[0]';
+is $ARGV{'<other>'}[1],  'Joes'    => 'Got expected value for <other>[1]';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  -a <data>...
+=for Euclid:
+    data.type:   int > 0
+=item  -b <first> <rest>...
+=for Euclid:
+    first.type:   int > 0
+    rest.type:    int > 0
+=item <file>
+=item <other>...
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        '-v',
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+        '-w', 's p a c e s',
+        7,
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 17 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg -i       => $INFILE;
+got_arg -infile  => $INFILE;
+got_arg -l       => $LEN;
+got_arg -len     => $LEN;
+got_arg -length  => $LEN;
+got_arg -lgth    => $LEN;
+got_arg -girth   => 42;
+got_arg -o       => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -ofile   => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -out     => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -outfile => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -v       => 1,
+got_arg -verbose => 1,
+is ref $ARGV{'--timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
+is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
+is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{max}, -1        => 'Got default value for timeout <max>';
+is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
+is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
+is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';
+is $ARGV{-w}, 's p a c e s'      => 'Handled spaces correctly';
+is $ARGV{'<step>'}, 7      => 'Handled step size correctly';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item  -girth <g>
+Display girth [default: 42 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    g.default: 42
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+    max.default: -1
+=item -w <space>
+Test something spaced
+=item <step>
+Step size
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

Added: packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple_shuffle.t
--- packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple_shuffle.t	2006-02-23 19:44:45 UTC (rev 2180)
+++ packages/libgetopt-euclid-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/simple_shuffle.t	2006-02-23 19:55:47 UTC (rev 2181)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+    $INFILE  = $0;
+    $OUTFILE = $0;
+    $LEN     = 42;
+    $H       = 2;
+    $W       = -10;
+    $TIMEOUT = 7;
+    @ARGV = (
+        '-v',
+        "-out=", $OUTFILE,
+        "size ${H}x${W}",
+        "-i   $INFILE",
+        "--timeout $TIMEOUT",
+        "-lgth $LEN",
+    );
+use Getopt::Euclid;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+sub got_arg {
+    my ($key, $val) = @_;
+    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";
+is keys %ARGV, 14 => 'Right number of args returned';
+got_arg -i       => $INFILE;
+got_arg -infile  => $INFILE;
+got_arg -l       => $LEN;
+got_arg -len     => $LEN;
+got_arg -length  => $LEN;
+got_arg -lgth    => $LEN;
+got_arg -o       => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -ofile   => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -out     => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -outfile => $OUTFILE;
+got_arg -v       => 1,
+got_arg -verbose => 1,
+is ref $ARGV{'--timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
+is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
+ok !defined $ARGV{'--timeout'}{max}   => 'Got expected value for timeout <max>';
+is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
+is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
+is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';
+=head1 NAME
+orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4
+=head1 USAGE
+    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24
+=item  -i[nfile]  [=]<file>    
+Specify input file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    readable
+    file.default: '-'
+=item  -o[ut][file]= <file>    
+Specify output file
+=for Euclid:
+    file.type:    writable
+    file.default: '-'
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item  size <h>x<w>
+Specify height and width
+=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>
+Display length [default: 24 ]
+=for Euclid:
+    l.type:    int > 0
+    l.default: 24
+=item -v[erbose]
+Print all warnings
+=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]
+=for Euclid:
+    min.type: int
+    max.type: int
+=item --version
+=item --usage
+=item --help
+=item --man
+Print the usual program information
+=begin remainder of documentation here...
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Damian Conway (damian at conway.org)
+=head1 BUGS
+There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
+Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.
+Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
+and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
+  (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)

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