r2145 - in packages/libchart-perl/trunk: . Chart debian doc/LaTeX t

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak eloy at costa.debian.org
Thu Feb 16 14:33:49 UTC 2006

Author: eloy
Date: 2006-02-16 14:32:48 +0000 (Thu, 16 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 2145

Load libchart-perl-2.4.1 into packages/libchart-perl/trunk.

Modified: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Base.pm
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Base.pm	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Base.pm	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -744,12 +744,69 @@
     y_label2	=> 'black',
     grid_lines	=> 'black',
     grey_background => 'grey',
-    (map { 'dataset'.$d++ => $_ } qw (red green blue purple peach orange mauve olive pink light_purple light_blue plum yellow turquoise light_green brown 
-                                      HotPink PaleGreen1 DarkBlue BlueViolet orange2 chocolate1 LightGreen pink light_purple light_blue plum yellow turquoise light_green brown 
-                                      pink PaleGreen2 MediumPurple PeachPuff1 orange3 chocolate2 olive pink light_purple light_blue plum yellow turquoise light_green brown 
-                                      DarkOrange PaleGreen3 SlateBlue BlueViolet PeachPuff2 orange4 chocolate3 LightGreen pink light_purple light_blue plum yellow turquoise light_green brown) ),
+    (map { 'dataset'.$d++ => $_ }
+     qw (
-  };
+	 snow1 honeydew3 SkyBlue1 cyan3 DarkOliveGreen1 IndianRed3
+	 orange1 LightPink3 MediumPurple1 snow3 LavenderBlush1
+	 SkyBlue3 DarkSlateGray1 DarkOliveGreen3 sienna1 orange3
+	 PaleVioletRed1 MediumPurple3 seashell1 LavenderBlush3
+	 LightSkyBlue1 DarkSlateGray3 khaki1 sienna3 DarkOrange1
+	 PaleVioletRed3 thistle1 seashell3 MistyRose1 LightSkyBlue3
+	 aquamarine1 khaki3 burlywood1 DarkOrange3 maroon1 thistle3
+	 AntiqueWhite1 MistyRose3 SlateGray1 aquamarine3
+	 LightGoldenrod1 burlywood3 coral1 maroon3 AntiqueWhite3
+	 azure1 SlateGray3 DarkSeaGreen1 LightGoldenrod3 wheat1 coral3
+	 VioletRed1 bisque1 azure3 LightSteelBlue1 DarkSeaGreen3
+	 LightYellow1 wheat3 tomato1 VioletRed3 bisque3 SlateBlue1
+	 LightSteelBlue3 SeaGreen1 LightYellow3 tan1 tomato3 magenta1
+	 PeachPuff1 SlateBlue3 LightBlue1 SeaGreen3 yellow1 tan3
+	 OrangeRed1 magenta3 PeachPuff3 RoyalBlue1 LightBlue3
+	 PaleGreen1 yellow3 chocolate1 OrangeRed3 orchid1 NavajoWhite1
+	 RoyalBlue3 LightCyan1 PaleGreen3 gold1 chocolate3 red1
+	 orchid3 NavajoWhite3 blue1 LightCyan3 SpringGreen1 gold3
+	 firebrick1 red3 plum1 LemonChiffon1 blue3 PaleTurquoise1
+	 SpringGreen3 goldenrod1 firebrick3 DeepPink1 plum3
+	 LemonChiffon3 DodgerBlue1 PaleTurquoise3 green1 goldenrod3
+	 brown1 DeepPink3 MediumOrchid1 cornsilk1 DodgerBlue3
+	 CadetBlue1 green3 DarkGoldenrod1 brown3 HotPink1
+	 MediumOrchid3 cornsilk3 SteelBlue1 CadetBlue3 chartreuse1
+	 DarkGoldenrod3 salmon1 HotPink3 DarkOrchid1 ivory1 SteelBlue3
+	 turquoise1 chartreuse3 RosyBrown1 salmon3 pink1 DarkOrchid3
+	 ivory3 DeepSkyBlue1 turquoise3 OliveDrab1 RosyBrown3
+	 LightSalmon1 pink3 purple1 honeydew1 DeepSkyBlue3 cyan1
+	 OliveDrab3 IndianRed1 LightSalmon3 LightPink1 purple3
+	 honeydew2 DeepSkyBlue4 cyan2 OliveDrab4 IndianRed2
+	 LightSalmon4 LightPink2 purple4 snow2 honeydew4 SkyBlue2
+	 cyan4 DarkOliveGreen2 IndianRed4 orange2 LightPink4
+	 MediumPurple2 snow4 LavenderBlush2 SkyBlue4 DarkSlateGray2
+	 DarkOliveGreen4 sienna2 orange4 PaleVioletRed2 MediumPurple4
+	 seashell2 LavenderBlush4 LightSkyBlue2 DarkSlateGray4 khaki2
+	 sienna4 DarkOrange2 PaleVioletRed4 thistle2 seashell4
+	 MistyRose2 LightSkyBlue4 aquamarine2 khaki4 burlywood2
+	 DarkOrange4 maroon2 thistle4 AntiqueWhite2 MistyRose4
+	 SlateGray2 aquamarine4 LightGoldenrod2 burlywood4 coral2
+	 maroon4 AntiqueWhite4 azure2 SlateGray4 DarkSeaGreen2
+	 LightGoldenrod4 wheat2 coral4 VioletRed2 bisque2 azure4
+	 LightSteelBlue2 DarkSeaGreen4 LightYellow2 wheat4 tomato2
+	 VioletRed4 bisque4 SlateBlue2 LightSteelBlue4 SeaGreen2
+	 LightYellow4 tan2 tomato4 magenta2 PeachPuff2 SlateBlue4
+	 LightBlue2 SeaGreen4 yellow2 tan4 OrangeRed2 magenta4
+	 PeachPuff4 RoyalBlue2 LightBlue4 PaleGreen2 yellow4
+	 chocolate2 OrangeRed4 orchid2 NavajoWhite2 RoyalBlue4
+	 LightCyan2 PaleGreen4 gold2 chocolate4 red2 orchid4
+	 NavajoWhite4 blue2 LightCyan4 SpringGreen2 gold4 firebrick2
+	 red4 plum2 LemonChiffon2 blue4 PaleTurquoise2 SpringGreen4
+	 goldenrod2 firebrick4 DeepPink2 plum4 LemonChiffon4
+	 DodgerBlue2 PaleTurquoise4 green2 goldenrod4 brown2 DeepPink4
+	 MediumOrchid2 cornsilk2 DodgerBlue4 CadetBlue2 green4
+	 DarkGoldenrod2 brown4 HotPink2 MediumOrchid4 cornsilk4
+	 SteelBlue2 CadetBlue4 chartreuse2 DarkGoldenrod4 salmon2
+	 HotPink4 DarkOrchid2 ivory2 SteelBlue4 turquoise2 chartreuse4
+	 RosyBrown2 salmon4 pink2 DarkOrchid4 ivory4 DeepSkyBlue2
+	 turquoise4 OliveDrab2 RosyBrown4 LightSalmon2 pink4 purple2
+	))};
   # get default color specs for some color roles from alternate role.
   # Subclasses should extend as needed.
@@ -894,57 +951,421 @@
 %named_colors = (
-  'white'		=> [255,255,255],
-  'black'		=> [0,0,0],
-  'red'			=> [200,0,0],
-  'green'		=> [0,175,0],
-  'blue'		=> [0,0,200],
-  'orange'		=> [250,125,0],
-  'orange2'		=> [238,154,0],
-  'orange3'		=> [205,133,0],
-  'orange4'		=> [139,90,0],
-  'yellow'		=> [225,225,0],
-  'purple'		=> [200,0,200],
-  'light_blue'		=> [0,125,250],
-  'light_green'		=> [125,250,0],
-  'light_purple'	=> [145,0,250],
-  'pink'		=> [250,0,125],
-  'peach'		=> [250,125,125],
-  'olive'		=> [125,125,0],
-  'plum'		=> [125,0,125],
-  'turquoise'		=> [0,125,125],
-  'mauve'		=> [200,125,125],
-  'brown'		=> [160,80,0],
-  'grey'		=> [225,225,225],
-  'HotPink'             => [255,105,180],
-  'PaleGreen1'          => [154,255,154],
-  'PaleGreen2'          => [144,238,144],
-  'PaleGreen3'          => [124,205,124],
-  'PaleGreen4'          => [84,138,84],
-  'DarkBlue'            => [0,0,139],
-  'BlueViolet'          => [138,43,226],
-  'PeachPuff'           => [255,218,185],
-  'PeachPuff1'          => [255,218,185],
-  'PeachPuff2'          => [238,203,173],
-  'PeachPuff3'          => [205,175,149],
-  'PeachPuff4'          => [139,119,101],
-  'chocolate1'          => [255,127,36], 
-  'chocolate2'          => [238,118,33], 
-  'chocolate3'          => [205,102,29], 
-  'chocolate4'          => [139,69,19],
-  'LightGreen'          => [144,238,144],
-  'lavender'            => [230,230,250],
-  'MediumPurple'        => [147,112,219],
-  'DarkOrange'          => [255,127,0],
-  'DarkOrange2'         => [238,118,0],
-  'DarkOrange3'         => [205,102,0],
-  'DarkOrange4'         => [139,69,0],
-  'SlateBlue'           => [106,90,205],
-  'BlueViolet'          => [138,43,226],
-  'RoyalBlue'           => [65,105,225],
+		 white		=> [255,255,255],
+		 black		=> [0,0,0],
+		 light_blue	=> [0,125,250],
+		 light_green	=> [125,250,0],
+		 light_purple	=> [145,0,250],
+		 peach		=> [250,125,125],
+		 lavender	=> [230,230,250],
+		 olive		=> [125,125,0],
+		 mauve		=> [200,125,125],
+		 grey		=> [225,225,225],
+		 AntiqueWhite	=> [250,235,215],
+		 AntiqueWhite1	=> [255,239,219],
+		 AntiqueWhite2	=> [238,223,204],
+		 AntiqueWhite3	=> [205,192,176],
+		 AntiqueWhite4	=> [139,131,120],
+		 CadetBlue	=> [95,158,160],
+		 CadetBlue1	=> [152,245,255],
+		 CadetBlue2	=> [142,229,238],
+		 CadetBlue3	=> [122,197,205],
+		 CadetBlue4	=> [83,134,139],
+		 DarkGoldenrod	=> [184,134,11],
+		 DarkGoldenrod1	=> [255,185,15],
+		 DarkGoldenrod2	=> [238,173,14],
+		 DarkGoldenrod3	=> [205,149,12],
+		 DarkGoldenrod4	=> [139,101,8],
+		 DarkOliveGreen	=> [85,107,47],
+		 DarkOliveGreen1	=> [202,255,112],
+		 DarkOliveGreen2	=> [188,238,104],
+		 DarkOliveGreen3	=> [162,205,90],
+		 DarkOliveGreen4	=> [110,139,61],
+		 DarkOrange	=> [255,140,0],
+		 DarkOrange1	=> [255,127,0],
+		 DarkOrange2	=> [238,118,0],
+		 DarkOrange3	=> [205,102,0],
+		 DarkOrange4	=> [139,69,0],
+		 DarkOrchid	=> [153,50,204],
+		 DarkOrchid1	=> [191,62,255],
+		 DarkOrchid2	=> [178,58,238],
+		 DarkOrchid3	=> [154,50,205],
+		 DarkOrchid4	=> [104,34,139],
+		 DarkSeaGreen	=> [143,188,143],
+		 DarkSeaGreen1	=> [193,255,193],
+		 DarkSeaGreen2	=> [180,238,180],
+		 DarkSeaGreen3	=> [155,205,155],
+		 DarkSeaGreen4	=> [105,139,105],
+		 DarkSlateGray	=> [47,79,79],
+		 DarkSlateGray1	=> [151,255,255],
+		 DarkSlateGray2	=> [141,238,238],
+		 DarkSlateGray3	=> [121,205,205],
+		 DarkSlateGray4	=> [82,139,139],
+		 DeepPink	=> [255,20,147],
+		 DeepPink1	=> [255,20,147],
+		 DeepPink2	=> [238,18,137],
+		 DeepPink3	=> [205,16,118],
+		 DeepPink4	=> [139,10,80],
+		 DeepSkyBlue	=> [0,191,255],
+		 DeepSkyBlue1	=> [0,191,255],
+		 DeepSkyBlue2	=> [0,178,238],
+		 DeepSkyBlue3	=> [0,154,205],
+		 DeepSkyBlue4	=> [0,104,139],
+		 DodgerBlue	=> [30,144,255],
+		 DodgerBlue1	=> [30,144,255],
+		 DodgerBlue2	=> [28,134,238],
+		 DodgerBlue3	=> [24,116,205],
+		 DodgerBlue4	=> [16,78,139],
+		 HotPink	=> [255,105,180],
+		 HotPink1	=> [255,110,180],
+		 HotPink2	=> [238,106,167],
+		 HotPink3	=> [205,96,144],
+		 HotPink4	=> [139,58,98],
+		 IndianRed	=> [205,92,92],
+		 IndianRed1	=> [255,106,106],
+		 IndianRed2	=> [238,99,99],
+		 IndianRed3	=> [205,85,85],
+		 IndianRed4	=> [139,58,58],
+		 LavenderBlush	=> [255,240,245],
+		 LavenderBlush1	=> [255,240,245],
+		 LavenderBlush2	=> [238,224,229],
+		 LavenderBlush3	=> [205,193,197],
+		 LavenderBlush4	=> [139,131,134],
+		 LemonChiffon	=> [255,250,205],
+		 LemonChiffon1	=> [255,250,205],
+		 LemonChiffon2	=> [238,233,191],
+		 LemonChiffon3	=> [205,201,165],
+		 LemonChiffon4	=> [139,137,112],
+		 LightBlue	=> [173,216,230],
+		 LightBlue1	=> [191,239,255],
+		 LightBlue2	=> [178,223,238],
+		 LightBlue3	=> [154,192,205],
+		 LightBlue4	=> [104,131,139],
+		 LightCyan	=> [224,255,255],
+		 LightCyan1	=> [224,255,255],
+		 LightCyan2	=> [209,238,238],
+		 LightCyan3	=> [180,205,205],
+		 LightCyan4	=> [122,139,139],
+		 LightGoldenrod	=> [238,221,130],
+		 LightGoldenrod1	=> [255,236,139],
+		 LightGoldenrod2	=> [238,220,130],
+		 LightGoldenrod3	=> [205,190,112],
+		 LightGoldenrod4	=> [139,129,76],
+		 LightPink	=> [255,182,193],
+		 LightPink1	=> [255,174,185],
+		 LightPink2	=> [238,162,173],
+		 LightPink3	=> [205,140,149],
+		 LightPink4	=> [139,95,101],
+		 LightSalmon	=> [255,160,122],
+		 LightSalmon1	=> [255,160,122],
+		 LightSalmon2	=> [238,149,114],
+		 LightSalmon3	=> [205,129,98],
+		 LightSalmon4	=> [139,87,66],
+		 LightSkyBlue	=> [135,206,250],
+		 LightSkyBlue1	=> [176,226,255],
+		 LightSkyBlue2	=> [164,211,238],
+		 LightSkyBlue3	=> [141,182,205],
+		 LightSkyBlue4	=> [96,123,139],
+		 LightSteelBlue	=> [176,196,222],
+		 LightSteelBlue1	=> [202,225,255],
+		 LightSteelBlue2	=> [188,210,238],
+		 LightSteelBlue3	=> [162,181,205],
+		 LightSteelBlue4	=> [110,123,139],
+		 LightYellow	=> [255,255,224],
+		 LightYellow1	=> [255,255,224],
+		 LightYellow2	=> [238,238,209],
+		 LightYellow3	=> [205,205,180],
+		 LightYellow4	=> [139,139,122],
+		 MediumOrchid	=> [186,85,211],
+		 MediumOrchid1	=> [224,102,255],
+		 MediumOrchid2	=> [209,95,238],
+		 MediumOrchid3	=> [180,82,205],
+		 MediumOrchid4	=> [122,55,139],
+		 MediumPurple	=> [147,112,219],
+		 MediumPurple1	=> [171,130,255],
+		 MediumPurple2	=> [159,121,238],
+		 MediumPurple3	=> [137,104,205],
+		 MediumPurple4	=> [93,71,139],
+		 MistyRose	=> [255,228,225],
+		 MistyRose1	=> [255,228,225],
+		 MistyRose2	=> [238,213,210],
+		 MistyRose3	=> [205,183,181],
+		 MistyRose4	=> [139,125,123],
+		 NavajoWhite	=> [255,222,173],
+		 NavajoWhite1	=> [255,222,173],
+		 NavajoWhite2	=> [238,207,161],
+		 NavajoWhite3	=> [205,179,139],
+		 NavajoWhite4	=> [139,121,94],
+		 OliveDrab	=> [107,142,35],
+		 OliveDrab1	=> [192,255,62],
+		 OliveDrab2	=> [179,238,58],
+		 OliveDrab3	=> [154,205,50],
+		 OliveDrab4	=> [105,139,34],
+		 OrangeRed	=> [255,69,0],
+		 OrangeRed1	=> [255,69,0],
+		 OrangeRed2	=> [238,64,0],
+		 OrangeRed3	=> [205,55,0],
+		 OrangeRed4	=> [139,37,0],
+		 PaleGreen	=> [152,251,152],
+		 PaleGreen1	=> [154,255,154],
+		 PaleGreen2	=> [144,238,144],
+		 PaleGreen3	=> [124,205,124],
+		 PaleGreen4	=> [84,139,84],
+		 PaleTurquoise	=> [175,238,238],
+		 PaleTurquoise1	=> [187,255,255],
+		 PaleTurquoise2	=> [174,238,238],
+		 PaleTurquoise3	=> [150,205,205],
+		 PaleTurquoise4	=> [102,139,139],
+		 PaleVioletRed	=> [219,112,147],
+		 PaleVioletRed1	=> [255,130,171],
+		 PaleVioletRed2	=> [238,121,159],
+		 PaleVioletRed3	=> [205,104,137],
+		 PaleVioletRed4	=> [139,71,93],
+		 PeachPuff	=> [255,218,185],
+		 PeachPuff1	=> [255,218,185],
+		 PeachPuff2	=> [238,203,173],
+		 PeachPuff3	=> [205,175,149],
+		 PeachPuff4	=> [139,119,101],
+		 RosyBrown	=> [188,143,143],
+		 RosyBrown1	=> [255,193,193],
+		 RosyBrown2	=> [238,180,180],
+		 RosyBrown3	=> [205,155,155],
+		 RosyBrown4	=> [139,105,105],
+		 RoyalBlue	=> [65,105,225],
+		 RoyalBlue1	=> [72,118,255],
+		 RoyalBlue2	=> [67,110,238],
+		 RoyalBlue3	=> [58,95,205],
+		 RoyalBlue4	=> [39,64,139],
+		 SeaGreen	=> [46,139,87],
+		 SeaGreen1	=> [84,255,159],
+		 SeaGreen2	=> [78,238,148],
+		 SeaGreen3	=> [67,205,128],
+		 SeaGreen4	=> [46,139,87],
+		 SkyBlue	=> [135,206,235],
+		 SkyBlue1	=> [135,206,255],
+		 SkyBlue2	=> [126,192,238],
+		 SkyBlue3	=> [108,166,205],
+		 SkyBlue4	=> [74,112,139],
+		 SlateBlue	=> [106,90,205],
+		 SlateBlue1	=> [131,111,255],
+		 SlateBlue2	=> [122,103,238],
+		 SlateBlue3	=> [105,89,205],
+		 SlateBlue4	=> [71,60,139],
+		 SlateGray	=> [112,128,144],
+		 SlateGray1	=> [198,226,255],
+		 SlateGray2	=> [185,211,238],
+		 SlateGray3	=> [159,182,205],
+		 SlateGray4	=> [108,123,139],
+		 SpringGreen	=> [0,255,127],
+		 SpringGreen1	=> [0,255,127],
+		 SpringGreen2	=> [0,238,118],
+		 SpringGreen3	=> [0,205,102],
+		 SpringGreen4	=> [0,139,69],
+		 SteelBlue	=> [70,130,180],
+		 SteelBlue1	=> [99,184,255],
+		 SteelBlue2	=> [92,172,238],
+		 SteelBlue3	=> [79,148,205],
+		 SteelBlue4	=> [54,100,139],
+		 VioletRed	=> [208,32,144],
+		 VioletRed1	=> [255,62,150],
+		 VioletRed2	=> [238,58,140],
+		 VioletRed3	=> [205,50,120],
+		 VioletRed4	=> [139,34,82],
+		 aquamarine	=> [127,255,212],
+		 aquamarine1	=> [127,255,212],
+		 aquamarine2	=> [118,238,198],
+		 aquamarine3	=> [102,205,170],
+		 aquamarine4	=> [69,139,116],
+		 azure	=> [240,255,255],
+		 azure1	=> [240,255,255],
+		 azure2	=> [224,238,238],
+		 azure3	=> [193,205,205],
+		 azure4	=> [131,139,139],
+		 bisque	=> [255,228,196],
+		 bisque1	=> [255,228,196],
+		 bisque2	=> [238,213,183],
+		 bisque3	=> [205,183,158],
+		 bisque4	=> [139,125,107],
+		 blue	=> [138,43,226],
+		 blue1	=> [0,0,255],
+		 blue2	=> [0,0,238],
+		 blue3	=> [0,0,205],
+		 blue4	=> [0,0,139],
+		 brown	=> [165,42,42],
+		 brown1	=> [255,64,64],
+		 brown2	=> [238,59,59],
+		 brown3	=> [205,51,51],
+		 brown4	=> [139,35,35],
+		 burlywood	=> [222,184,135],
+		 burlywood1	=> [255,211,155],
+		 burlywood2	=> [238,197,145],
+		 burlywood3	=> [205,170,125],
+		 burlywood4	=> [139,115,85],
+		 chartreuse	=> [127,255,0],
+		 chartreuse1	=> [127,255,0],
+		 chartreuse2	=> [118,238,0],
+		 chartreuse3	=> [102,205,0],
+		 chartreuse4	=> [69,139,0],
+		 chocolate	=> [210,105,30],
+		 chocolate1	=> [255,127,36],
+		 chocolate2	=> [238,118,33],
+		 chocolate3	=> [205,102,29],
+		 chocolate4	=> [139,69,19],
+		 coral	=> [255,127,80],
+		 coral1	=> [255,114,86],
+		 coral2	=> [238,106,80],
+		 coral3	=> [205,91,69],
+		 coral4	=> [139,62,47],
+		 cornsilk	=> [255,248,220],
+		 cornsilk1	=> [255,248,220],
+		 cornsilk2	=> [238,232,205],
+		 cornsilk3	=> [205,200,177],
+		 cornsilk4	=> [139,136,120],
+		 cyan	=> [0,255,255],
+		 cyan1	=> [0,255,255],
+		 cyan2	=> [0,238,238],
+		 cyan3	=> [0,205,205],
+		 cyan4	=> [0,139,139],
+		 firebrick	=> [178,34,34],
+		 firebrick1	=> [255,48,48],
+		 firebrick2	=> [238,44,44],
+		 firebrick3	=> [205,38,38],
+		 firebrick4	=> [139,26,26],
+		 gold	=> [255,215,0],
+		 gold1	=> [255,215,0],
+		 gold2	=> [238,201,0],
+		 gold3	=> [205,173,0],
+		 gold4	=> [139,117,0],
+		 goldenrod	=> [218,165,32],
+		 goldenrod1	=> [255,193,37],
+		 goldenrod2	=> [238,180,34],
+		 goldenrod3	=> [205,155,29],
+		 goldenrod4	=> [139,105,20],
+		 gray	=> [190,190,190],
+		 gray1	=> [3,3,3],
+		 gray2	=> [5,5,5],
+		 gray3	=> [8,8,8],
+		 gray4	=> [10,10,10],
+		 green	=> [173,255,47],
+		 green1	=> [0,255,0],
+		 green2	=> [0,238,0],
+		 green3	=> [0,205,0],
+		 green4	=> [0,139,0],
+		 grey	=> [190,190,190],
+		 grey1	=> [3,3,3],
+		 grey2	=> [5,5,5],
+		 grey3	=> [8,8,8],
+		 grey4	=> [10,10,10],
+		 honeydew	=> [240,255,240],
+		 honeydew1	=> [240,255,240],
+		 honeydew2	=> [224,238,224],
+		 honeydew3	=> [193,205,193],
+		 honeydew4	=> [131,139,131],
+		 ivory	=> [255,255,240],
+		 ivory1	=> [255,255,240],
+		 ivory2	=> [238,238,224],
+		 ivory3	=> [205,205,193],
+		 ivory4	=> [139,139,131],
+		 khaki	=> [240,230,140],
+		 khaki1	=> [255,246,143],
+		 khaki2	=> [238,230,133],
+		 khaki3	=> [205,198,115],
+		 khaki4	=> [139,134,78],
+		 magenta	=> [255,0,255],
+		 magenta1	=> [255,0,255],
+		 magenta2	=> [238,0,238],
+		 magenta3	=> [205,0,205],
+		 magenta4	=> [139,0,139],
+		 maroon	=> [176,48,96],
+		 maroon1	=> [255,52,179],
+		 maroon2	=> [238,48,167],
+		 maroon3	=> [205,41,144],
+		 maroon4	=> [139,28,98],
+		 orange	=> [255,69,0],
+		 orange1	=> [255,165,0],
+		 orange2	=> [238,154,0],
+		 orange3	=> [205,133,0],
+		 orange4	=> [139,90,0],
+		 orchid	=> [218,112,214],
+		 orchid1	=> [255,131,250],
+		 orchid2	=> [238,122,233],
+		 orchid3	=> [205,105,201],
+		 orchid4	=> [139,71,137],
+		 pink	=> [255,192,203],
+		 pink1	=> [255,181,197],
+		 pink2	=> [238,169,184],
+		 pink3	=> [205,145,158],
+		 pink4	=> [139,99,108],
+		 plum	=> [221,160,221],
+		 plum1	=> [255,187,255],
+		 plum2	=> [238,174,238],
+		 plum3	=> [205,150,205],
+		 plum4	=> [139,102,139],
+		 purple	=> [160,32,240],
+		 purple1	=> [155,48,255],
+		 purple2	=> [145,44,238],
+		 purple3	=> [125,38,205],
+		 purple4	=> [85,26,139],
+		 red	=> [255,0,0],
+		 red1	=> [255,0,0],
+		 red2	=> [238,0,0],
+		 red3	=> [205,0,0],
+		 red4	=> [139,0,0],
+		 salmon	=> [250,128,114],
+		 salmon1	=> [255,140,105],
+		 salmon2	=> [238,130,98],
+		 salmon3	=> [205,112,84],
+		 salmon4	=> [139,76,57],
+		 seashell	=> [255,245,238],
+		 seashell1	=> [255,245,238],
+		 seashell2	=> [238,229,222],
+		 seashell3	=> [205,197,191],
+		 seashell4	=> [139,134,130],
+		 sienna	=> [160,82,45],
+		 sienna1	=> [255,130,71],
+		 sienna2	=> [238,121,66],
+		 sienna3	=> [205,104,57],
+		 sienna4	=> [139,71,38],
+		 snow	=> [255,250,250],
+		 snow1	=> [255,250,250],
+		 snow2	=> [238,233,233],
+		 snow3	=> [205,201,201],
+		 snow4	=> [139,137,137],
+		 tan	=> [210,180,140],
+		 tan1	=> [255,165,79],
+		 tan2	=> [238,154,73],
+		 tan3	=> [205,133,63],
+		 tan4	=> [139,90,43],
+		 thistle	=> [216,191,216],
+		 thistle1	=> [255,225,255],
+		 thistle2	=> [238,210,238],
+		 thistle3	=> [205,181,205],
+		 thistle4	=> [139,123,139],
+		 tomato	=> [255,99,71],
+		 tomato1	=> [255,99,71],
+		 tomato2	=> [238,92,66],
+		 tomato3	=> [205,79,57],
+		 tomato4	=> [139,54,38],
+		 turquoise	=> [64,224,208],
+		 turquoise1	=> [0,245,255],
+		 turquoise2	=> [0,229,238],
+		 turquoise3	=> [0,197,205],
+		 turquoise4	=> [0,134,139],
+		 wheat	=> [245,222,179],
+		 wheat1	=> [255,231,186],
+		 wheat2	=> [238,216,174],
+		 wheat3	=> [205,186,150],
+		 wheat4	=> [139,126,102],
+		 yellow	=> [255,255,0],
+		 yellow1	=> [255,255,0],
+		 yellow2	=> [238,238,0],
+		 yellow3	=> [205,205,0],
+		 yellow4	=> [139,139,0],
+		);
 ## No Longer needed.
 ##  let the user specify their own colors in $self->{'colors'}
 # sub _set_user_colors {

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Direction.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/ErrorBars.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/HorizontalBars.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Pareto.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Pie.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Chart/Split.pm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/Documentation.pdf
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/TODO
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/big-changes
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/big-changes	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/big-changes	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Richard Dice:
+# Lines.pm : added prepare brush - done (& legends done)
+# Bars.pm : none
+# StackedBars.pm : none
+# LinesPoints: lots of changes - use this
+# Points: added Prepare brush
+# Base: 
+# added prepare brush and scalar gif
+Jim Miner:
+# changed color roles in all modules - 1 line change in all (done)
+# fixed bug on y scale in base (took this base, basically. )
+# added mountain
+# Points: 1 line - done
+# Stacked Bars: lots (use this - done)
+# Bars: 1 line - done
+# changed composite - Use this (in c now)

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+libchart-perl (2.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (closes: #329508) (closes: #216345)
+  * debian/control - hijacking package for Debian Perl Group 
+    (closes: #279780), feel free to join: http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/
+  * debian/watch - added
+  * debian/rules - added testing suite
+ -- Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy at debian.org>  Thu, 16 Feb 2006 15:00:48 +0100
+libchart-perl (2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version
+  * The description in debian/control no longer refers to the GD libary
+    and the debian/copyright now mentions where the upstream source may be
+    found,
+  Closes: #161965
+  * Extend the number of possible datasets significantly.  The Chart
+    modules will now support 300 seperate datasets,
+  Closes: #172140
+ -- Stephen Zander <gibreel at debian.org>  Fri, 14 Mar 2003 22:51:15 -0800
+libchart-perl (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Chnages to the libgd-perl package caused this package to become
+    uninstallable.  Fix this.
+  * Dependencies changed to allow this package to work with non-XPM
+    versions of libgd-perl,
+  Closes: #147949
+ -- Stephen Zander <gibreel at debian.org>  Tue,  3 Sep 2002 10:21:44 -0700
+libchart-perl (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream source
+  * New maintainer, Closes: #123490
+  * Upstream no longer supports gif, Closes: #100446
+ -- Stephen Zander <gibreel at debian.org>  Fri, 11 Jan 2002 21:44:25 -0800
+libchart-perl (0.99c.pre3-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * NMU of the last knowned upstream version (closes: #100446,#103582).
+  * Clean rules and pass to policy version.
+  * This package is now binary indep.
+  * Update gdchart URL in description.
+  * Comment out some unneeded debhelper action in rules file. 
+ -- Rémi Perrot <rperrot at debian.org>  Sat, 27 Oct 2001 13:22:39 +0200
+libchart-perl (0.99b-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * First upstream version.
+ -- Raphael Bossek <bossekr at debian.org>  Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:48:26 +0200

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/control	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/control	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Source: libchart-perl
+Section: interpreters
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.1)
+Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>> 5.8), libgd-gd2-perl
+Package: libchart-perl
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${perl:Depends}, libgd-gd2-perl | libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl
+Description: Chart Library for Perl
+ This package is collection of chart creation modules for Perl based
+ on the GD graphics library.  It provides the ability to create the
+ following chart types:
+  * Bar
+  * Line
+  * Mountain
+  * Pareto
+  * Pie
+  * Point

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/copyright
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/copyright	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/copyright	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+This is the Debian GNU/Linux version of the Chart::* Perl modules.
+The upstream source is downloadable from
+From the README:
+    Copyright(c) 1997-1998 David Bonner, 1999 Peter Clark, 2001
+    Chart-Group at BKG.  All rights reserved.  This program is free
+    software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+    terms as Perl itself.
+Perl is distributed under either the Artistic licence or the GPL.
+The full text of the GPL is available on Debian systems in
+The full text of the Artistic Licence is available on Debian systems in
+This package has been through multiple maintainers (for a list see
+Current Debian specific changes are copyright (c) 2002,
+Stephen Zander <gibreel at debian.org>

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/rules	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/rules	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
+# -*-makefile-*-
+# debian/rules file for libchart-perl
+export DH_COMPAT=4
+PERL	?= /usr/bin/perl
+package	:= $(firstword $(shell dh_listpackages))
+prefix	:= $(PWD)/debian/$(package)/usr
+version	:= $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | \
+			sed -ne 's/^Version: *\([0-9]\+:\)*//p')
+	cvs tag -c -F $(subst .,_,debian_version_$(version))
+ifeq ($(findstring -,$(version)),)
+	cvs tag -c -F $(subst .,_,upstream_version_$(version))
+build:	build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	$(PERL) Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor PERL=$(PERL)
+	$(MAKE) test
+	touch $@
+clean:	checkroot
+	rm -f build-stamp
+	-$(MAKE) distclean
+	-rm samples/*.png
+	dh_clean
+binary-indep:	checkroot build
+	dh_clean
+	dh_installdirs
+	$(MAKE) pure_install PREFIX=$(prefix)
+	dh_installdocs README TODO rgb.txt
+	dh_installchangelogs
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_perl
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+binary-arch:	checkroot build
+binary:	binary-indep binary-arch
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+.PHONY:	binary binary-arch binary-indep clean checkroot build

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/rules
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/watch
--- packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/watch	2006-02-16 14:32:14 UTC (rev 2144)
+++ packages/libchart-perl/trunk/debian/watch	2006-02-16 14:32:48 UTC (rev 2145)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Aufbau.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Aufbau1.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Documentation.dvi
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Documentation.pdf
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Documentation.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/Elemente.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/bars.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/base.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/composite.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/composite.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_bars.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_hbars4.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_lines2.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_linesp2.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_pareto2.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/d_pie3.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/definitions.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/description.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/direction.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/error.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/error.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/example.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/hbars.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/lines.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/linespoints.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/mountain-1.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/mountain.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/mountain.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/ort.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/pareto.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/pie.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/points.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/points.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/split.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/stacked.tex
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/stackedbars.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/doc/LaTeX/stunde.png
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/bars_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/bars_3.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/bars_4.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/bars_5.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/composite_f.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/direction_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/direction_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/direction_3.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/error_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/error_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/hbars_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/hbars_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/hbars_3.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/hbars_4.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/lines_5.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/lines_6.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/linespoints_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/linespoints_3.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/pareto_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/pareto_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/pie_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/pie_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/pie_3.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/split_1.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: packages/libchart-perl/trunk/t/split_2.t
Name: svn:executable
   + *

More information about the Pkg-perl-cvs-commits mailing list