r2469 - website

Julian Mehnle jmehnle-guest at costa.debian.org
Tue Mar 21 21:33:46 UTC 2006

Author: jmehnle-guest
Date: 2006-03-21 21:33:45 +0000 (Tue, 21 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 2469

* Turned the "NAME" section into a proper "=head1" title for the
  "INTRODUCTION" section.
* Removed the "INDEX" section.  It is not customary to have manual tables of
  contents in PODs.  Besides, a TOC is generated automatically by pod2html.
* Omitted the redundant request for feedback in section 1, "The Tools".
* Section 1 =~ s/Like we said, //, since we didn't actually say it earlier.
* In section 4.2, "Building an already tagged release", don't talk of signing
  a key, but of signing the package instead.
Thanks to Damyan Ivanov for pointing out the above issues!
* Added Julian Mehnle as an author.
* Minor formatting and spelling fixes.

Modified: website/subversion.pod
--- website/subversion.pod	2006-03-21 13:24:04 UTC (rev 2468)
+++ website/subversion.pod	2006-03-21 21:33:45 UTC (rev 2469)
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-=head1 NAME
+=head1 Debian Perl Group Subversion Guide
-Debian Perl Group Subversion Guide
 This guide describes the procedures that the Debian Perl Group developers use
 to upload packages to the Subversion (SVN) repository Debian provides to them.
@@ -13,31 +9,9 @@
 This is a work in progress.  Please send any comments or ideas to
 <debian-perl at lists.debian.org>.
-=head1 INDEX
-=over 4
-=item 1. The Tools
-=item 2. Repository Anatomy
-=item 3. Initial Upload
-=item 4. Building the Package
-=item 5. Tagging and Releasing
-=item 6. Upstream Upgrade
-=item 7. Hints and Tricks
 =head1 1. The Tools
-This section will describe what tools are available and what they do.  This
-section is a work in progress.  Please send any comments or ideas on how to
-improve this section to <debian-perl at lists.debian.org>.
+This section will describe what tools are available and what they do.
 Most of the tools you will be using will come from either the
 B<svn-buildpackage> or the B<subversion> packages.  These are their contents:
@@ -52,11 +26,10 @@
 =item * svn-inject
-Like we said, B<svn-inject> is used to insert the source of a package into the
-repository.  It operates on the C<.dsc> file associated with the source files.
-It checks in the package and upstream code in the correct locations in SVN.
-This tool should be used when a new package is put in the care of the Perl
+B<svn-inject> is used to introduce the source of a package into the repository.
+It operates on the C<.dsc> file associated with the source files.  It checks in
+the package and upstream code in the correct locations in SVN.  This tool
+should be used when a new package is put in the care of the Perl Group.
 =item * svn-buildpackage -- Like dpkg-buildpackage, only SVN aware.
@@ -156,7 +129,7 @@
 More about tagging later.
-=head1 4. Building the package
+=head1 4. Building the Package
 =head2 4.1 Building the trunk
@@ -220,7 +193,7 @@
 This enables svn-buildpackage to find upstream sources correctly.
-If you sign the key, the package is ready for upload with B<dput> et al.
+If you signed the package, it is ready for upload with B<dput> et al.
 =head1 5. Tagging and Releasing
@@ -353,7 +326,7 @@
-=head1 AUTHORS
+=head1 Authors
@@ -361,9 +334,11 @@
 =item * Joachim Breitner
+=item * Julian Mehnle <julian at mehnle.net>
-=head1 LICENSE
+=head1 License
 Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Debian Perl Group.  All rights reserved. This document
 is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms

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