r11875 - in /scripts/qa/Parse: ./ DebControl.pm
tincho-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
tincho-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Dec 31 05:44:54 UTC 2007
Author: tincho-guest
Date: Mon Dec 31 05:44:53 2007
New Revision: 11875
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=11875
Locally add Parse::DebControl until it's in alioth.
Added: scripts/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm?rev=11875&op=file
--- scripts/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm (added)
+++ scripts/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm Mon Dec 31 05:44:53 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,811 @@
+package Parse::DebControl;
+# Parse::DebControl - Parse debian-style control
+# files (and other colon key-value fields)
+# Copyright 2003 - Jay Bonci <jaybonci at cpan.org>
+# Licensed under the same terms as perl itself
+use strict;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Compress::Zlib;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '2.005';
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $debug) = @_;
+ my $this = {};
+ my $obj = bless $this, $class;
+ if($debug)
+ {
+ $obj->DEBUG();
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub parse_file {
+ my ($this, $filename, $options) = @_;
+ unless($filename)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("parse_file failed because no filename parameter was given");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $fh;
+ unless(open($fh,"$filename"))
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("parse_file failed because $filename could not be opened for reading");
+ return;
+ }
+ return $this->_parseDataHandle($fh, $options);
+sub parse_mem {
+ my ($this, $data, $options) = @_;
+ unless($data)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("parse_mem failed because no data was given");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $IOS = new IO::Scalar \$data;
+ unless($IOS)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("parse_mem failed because IO::Scalar creation failed.");
+ return;
+ }
+ return $this->_parseDataHandle($IOS, $options);
+sub parse_web {
+ my ($this, $url, $options) = @_;
+ unless($url)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("No url given, thus no data to parse");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
+ unless($request)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("Failed to instantiate HTTP Request object");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $response = $ua->request($request);
+ if ($response->is_success) {
+ return $this->parse_mem($response->content(), $options);
+ } else {
+ $this->_dowarn("Failed to fetch $url from the web");
+ return;
+ }
+sub write_file {
+ my ($this, $filenameorhandle, $dataorarrayref, $options) = @_;
+ unless($filenameorhandle)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("write_file failed because no filename or filehandle was given");
+ return;
+ }
+ unless($dataorarrayref)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("write_file failed because no data was given");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $handle = $this->_getValidHandle($filenameorhandle, $options);
+ unless($handle)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("write_file failed because we couldn't negotiate a valid handle");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $string = $this->write_mem($dataorarrayref, $options);
+ $string ||= "";
+ print $handle $string;
+ close $handle;
+ return length($string);
+sub write_mem {
+ my ($this, $dataorarrayref, $options) = @_;
+ unless($dataorarrayref)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("write_mem failed because no data was given");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $arrayref = $this->_makeArrayref($dataorarrayref);
+ my $string = $this->_makeControl($arrayref);
+ $string .= "\n" if $options->{addNewline};
+ $string = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($string) if $options->{gzip};
+ return $string;
+sub DEBUG
+ my($this, $verbose) = @_;
+ $verbose = 1 unless(defined($verbose) and int($verbose) == 0);
+ $this->{_verbose} = $verbose;
+ return;
+sub _getValidHandle {
+ my($this, $filenameorhandle, $options) = @_;
+ if(ref $filenameorhandle eq "GLOB")
+ {
+ unless($filenameorhandle->opened())
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("Can't get a valid filehandle to write to, because that is closed");
+ return;
+ }
+ return $filenameorhandle;
+ }else
+ {
+ my $openmode = ">>";
+ $openmode=">" if $options->{clobberFile};
+ $openmode=">>" if $options->{appendFile};
+ my $handle;
+ unless(open $handle,"$openmode$filenameorhandle")
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("Couldn't open file: $openmode$filenameorhandle for writing");
+ return;
+ }
+ return $handle;
+ }
+sub _makeArrayref {
+ my ($this, $dataorarrayref) = @_;
+ if(ref $dataorarrayref eq "ARRAY")
+ {
+ return $dataorarrayref;
+ }else{
+ return [$dataorarrayref];
+ }
+sub _makeControl
+ my ($this, $dataorarrayref) = @_;
+ my $str = "";
+ foreach my $stanza(@$dataorarrayref)
+ {
+ foreach my $key(keys %$stanza)
+ {
+ $stanza->{$key} ||= "";
+ my @lines = split("\n", $stanza->{$key});
+ if (@lines) {
+ $str.="$key\: ".(shift @lines)."\n";
+ } else {
+ $str.="$key\:\n";
+ }
+ foreach(@lines)
+ {
+ if($_ eq "")
+ {
+ $str.=" .\n";
+ }
+ else{
+ $str.=" $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $str ||= "";
+ $str.="\n";
+ }
+ chomp($str);
+ return $str;
+sub _parseDataHandle
+ my ($this, $handle, $options) = @_;
+ my $structs;
+ unless($handle)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("_parseDataHandle failed because no handle was given. This is likely a bug in the module");
+ return;
+ }
+ if($options->{tryGzip})
+ {
+ if(my $gunzipped = $this->_tryGzipInflate($handle))
+ {
+ $handle = new IO::Scalar \$gunzipped
+ }
+ }
+ my $data = $this->_getReadyHash($options);
+ my $linenum = 0;
+ my $lastfield = "";
+ foreach my $line (<$handle>)
+ {
+ #Sometimes with IO::Scalar, lines may have a newline at the end
+ #$line =~ s/\r??\n??$//; #CRLF fix, but chomp seems to clean it
+ chomp $line;
+ if($options->{stripComments}){
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*\#[^\#]/;
+ $line =~ s/\#$//;
+ $line =~ s/(?<=[^\#])\#[^\#].*//;
+ $line =~ s/\#\#/\#/;
+ }
+ $linenum++;
+ if($line =~ /^[^\t\s]/)
+ {
+ #we have a valid key-value pair
+ if($line =~ /(.*?)\s*\:\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ my $key = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ if($options->{discardCase})
+ {
+ $key = lc($key);
+ }
+ unless($options->{verbMultiLine})
+ {
+ $value =~ s/[\s\t]+$//;
+ }
+ $data->{$key} = $value;
+ if ($options->{verbMultiLine}
+ && (($data->{$lastfield} || "") =~ /\n/o)){
+ $data->{$lastfield} .= "\n";
+ }
+ $lastfield = $key;
+ }else{
+ $this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; invalid key/value stanza");
+ return $structs;
+ }
+ }elsif($line =~ /^([\t\s])(.*)/)
+ {
+ #appends to previous line
+ unless($lastfield)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; indented entry without previous line");
+ return $structs;
+ }
+ if($options->{verbMultiLine}){
+ $data->{$lastfield}.="\n$1$2";
+ }elsif($2 eq "." ){
+ $data->{$lastfield}.="\n";
+ }else{
+ my $val = $2;
+ $val =~ s/[\s\t]+$//;
+ $data->{$lastfield}.="\n$val";
+ }
+ }elsif($line =~ /^[\s\t]*$/){
+ if ($options->{verbMultiLine}
+ && ($data->{$lastfield} =~ /\n/o)) {
+ $data->{$lastfield} .= "\n";
+ }
+ if(keys %$data > 0){
+ push @$structs, $data;
+ }
+ $data = $this->_getReadyHash($options);
+ $lastfield = "";
+ }else{
+ $this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; unidentified line structure");
+ return $structs;
+ }
+ }
+ if(keys %$data > 0)
+ {
+ push @$structs, $data;
+ }
+ return $structs;
+sub _tryGzipInflate
+ my ($this, $handle) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $buffer = <$handle>;
+ }
+ return Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) || $buffer;
+sub _getReadyHash
+ my ($this, $options) = @_;
+ my $data;
+ if($options->{useTieIxHash})
+ {
+ eval("use Tie::IxHash");
+ if($@)
+ {
+ $this->_dowarn("Can't use Tie::IxHash. You need to install it to have this functionality");
+ return;
+ }
+ tie(%$data, "Tie::IxHash");
+ return $data;
+ }
+ return {};
+sub _dowarn
+ my ($this, $warning) = @_;
+ if($this->{_verbose})
+ {
+ warn "DEBUG: $warning";
+ }
+ return;
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::DebControl - Easy OO parsing of debian control-like files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Parse::DebControl
+ $parser = new Parse::DebControl;
+ $data = $parser->parse_mem($control_data, $options);
+ $data = $parser->parse_file('./debian/control', $options);
+ $data = $parser->parse_web($url, $options);
+ $writer = new Parse::DebControl;
+ $string = $writer->write_mem($singlestanza);
+ $string = $writer->write_mem([$stanza1, $stanza2]);
+ $writer->write_file($filename, $singlestanza, $options);
+ $writer->write_file($filename, [$stanza1, $stanza2], $options);
+ $writer->write_file($handle, $singlestanza, $options);
+ $writer->write_file($handle, [$stanza1, $stanza2], $options);
+ $parser->DEBUG();
+ Parse::DebControl is an easy OO way to parse debian control files and
+ other colon separated key-value pairs. It's specifically designed
+ to handle the format used in Debian control files, template files, and
+ the cache files used by dpkg.
+ For basic format information see:
+ http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-controlsyntax
+ This module does not actually do any intelligence with the file content
+ (because there are a lot of files in this format), but merely handles
+ the format. It can handle simple control files, or files hundreds of lines
+ long efficiently and easily.
+=head2 Class Methods
+=over 4
+=item * C<new()>
+=item * C<new(I<$debug>)>
+Returns a new Parse::DebControl object. If a true parameter I<$debug> is
+passed in, it turns on debugging, similar to a call to C<DEBUG()> (see below);
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_file($control_filename,I<$options>)>
+Takes a filename as a scalar and an optional hashref of options (see below).
+Will parse as much as it can, warning (if C<DEBUG>ing is turned on) on
+parsing errors.
+Returns an array of hashrefs, containing the data in the control file, split up
+by stanza. Stanzas are deliniated by newlines, and multi-line fields are
+expressed as such post-parsing. Single periods are treated as special extra
+newline deliniators, per convention. Whitespace is also stripped off of lines
+as to make it less-easy to make mistakes with hand-written conf files).
+The options hashref can take parameters as follows. Setting the string to true
+enables the option.
+ useTieIxHash - Instead of an array of regular hashrefs, uses Tie::IxHash-
+ based hashrefs
+ discardCase - Remove all case items from keys (not values)
+ stripComments - Remove all commented lines in standard #comment format.
+ Literal #'s are represented by ##. For instance
+ Hello there #this is a comment
+ Hello there, I like ##CCCCCC as a grey.
+ The first is a comment, the second is a literal "#".
+ verbMultiLine - Keep the description AS IS, and no not collapse leading
+ spaces or dots as newlines. This also keeps whitespace from being
+ stripped off the end of lines.
+ tryGzip - Attempt to expand the data chunk with gzip first. If the text is
+ already expanded (ie: plain text), parsing will continue normally.
+ This could optionally be turned on for all items in the future, but
+ it is off by default so we don't have to scrub over all the text for
+ performance reasons.
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_mem($control_data, I<$options>)>
+Similar to C<parse_file>, except takes data as a scalar. Returns the same
+array of hashrefs as C<parse_file>. The options hashref is the same as
+C<parse_file> as well; see above.
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_web($url, I<$options>)>
+Similar to the other parse_* functions, this pulls down a control file from
+the web and attempts to parse it. For options and return values, see C<parse_file>,
+=over 4
+=item * C<write_file($filename, $data, I<$options>)>
+=item * C<write_file($handle, $data)>
+=item * C<write_file($filename, [$data1, $data2, $data3], I<$options>)>
+=item * C<write_file($handle, [$data, $data2, $data3])>
+This function takes a filename or a handle and writes the data out. The
+data can be given as a single hashref or as an arrayref of hashrefs. It
+will then write it out in a format that it can parse. The order is dependant
+on your hash sorting order. If you care, use Tie::IxHash. Remember for
+reading back in, the module doesn't care.
+The I<$options> hashref can contain one of the following two items:
+ addNewline - At the end of the last stanza, add an additional newline.
+ appendFile - (default) Write to the end of the file
+ clobberFile - Overwrite the file given.
+ gzip - Compress the data with gzip before writing
+Since you determine the mode of your filehandle, passing it along with an
+options hashref obviously won't do anything; rather, it is ignored.
+The I<addNewline> option solves a situation where if you are writing
+stanzas to a file in a loop (such as logging with this module), then
+the data will be streamed together, and won't parse back in correctly.
+It is possible that this is the behavior that you want (if you wanted to write
+one key at a time), so it is optional.
+This function returns the number of bytes written to the file, undef
+=over 4
+=item * C<write_mem($data)>
+=item * C<write_mem([$data1,$data2,$data3])>;
+This function works similarly to the C<write_file> method, except it returns
+the control structure as a scalar, instead of writing it to a file. There
+is no I<%options> for this file (yet);
+=over 4
+=item * C<DEBUG()>
+Turns on debugging. Calling it with no paramater or a true parameter turns
+on verbose C<warn()>ings. Calling it with a false parameter turns it off.
+It is useful for nailing down any format or internal problems.
+=head1 CHANGES
+B<Version 2.005> - January 13th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * More generic test suite fix for earlier versions of Test::More
+=item * Updated copyright statement
+B<Version 2.004> - January 12th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * More documentation formatting and typo fixes
+=item * CHANGES file now generated automatically
+=item * Fixes for potential test suite failure in Pod::Coverage run
+=item * Adds the "addNewline" option to write_file to solve the streaming stanza problem.
+=item * Adds tests for the addNewline option
+B<Version 2.003> - January 6th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * Added optional Test::Pod test
+=item * Skips potential Win32 test failure in the module where it wants to write to /tmp.
+=item * Added optional Pod::Coverage test
+B<Version 2.002> - October 7th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * No code changes. Fixes to test suite
+B<Version 2.001> - September 11th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Cleaned up more POD errors
+=item * Added tests for file writing
+=item * Fixed bug where write_file ignored the gzip parameter
+B<Version 2.0> - September 5th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Version increase.
+=item * Added gzip support (with the tryGzip option), so that compresses control files can be parsed on the fly
+=item * Added gzip support for writing of control files
+=item * Added parse_web to snag files right off the web. Useful for things such as apt's Sources.gz and Packages.gz
+B<Version 1.10b> - September 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Documentation fix for ## vs # in stripComments
+B<Version 1.10> - September 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Documentation fixes, as pointed out by pudge
+=item * Adds a feature to stripComments where ## will get interpolated as a literal pound sign, as suggested by pudge.
+B<Version 1.9> - July 24th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Fix for warning for edge case (uninitialized value in chomp)
+=item * Tests for CRLF
+B<Version 1.8> - July 11th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * By default, we now strip off whitespace unless verbMultiLine is in place. This makes sense for things like conf files where trailing whitespace has no meaning. Thanks to pudge for reporting this.
+B<Version 1.7> - June 25th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * POD documentation error noticed again by Frank Lichtenheld
+=item * Also by Frank, applied a patch to add a "verbMultiLine" option so that we can hand multiline fields back unparsed.
+=item * Slightly expanded test suite to cover new features
+B<Version 1.6.1> - June 9th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * POD cleanups noticed by Frank Lichtenheld. Thank you, Frank.
+B<Version 1.6> - June 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Cleaned up some warnings when you pass in empty hashrefs or arrayrefs
+=item * Added stripComments setting
+=item * Cleaned up POD errors
+B<Version 1.5> - May 8th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Added a line to quash errors with undef hashkeys and writing
+=item * Fixed the Makefile.PL to straighten up DebControl.pm being in the wrong dir
+B<Version 1.4> - April 30th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Removed exports as they were unnecessary. Many thanks to pudge, who pointed this out.
+B<Version 1.3> - April 28th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Fixed a bug where writing blank stanzas would throw a warning. Fix found and supplied by Nate Oostendorp.
+B<Version 1.2b> - April 25th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * A bug in the test suite where IxHash was not disabled in 40write.t. Thanks to Jeroen Latour from cpan-testers for the report.
+B<Version 1.2> - April 24th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * A bug in IxHash support where multiple stanzas might be out of order
+B<Version 1.1> - April 23rd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Writing support
+=item * Tie::IxHash support
+=item * Case insensitive reading support
+B<Version 1.0> - April 23rd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * This is the initial public release for CPAN, so everything is new.
+=head1 BUGS
+The module will let you parse otherwise illegal key-value pairs and pairs with spaces. Badly formed stanzas will do things like overwrite duplicate keys, etc. This is your problem.
+As of 1.10, the module uses advanced regexp's to figure out about comments. If the tests fail, then stripComments won't work on your earlier perl version (should be fine on 5.6.0+)
+=head1 TODO
+Change the name over to the Debian:: namespace, probably as Debian::ControlFormat. This will happen as soon as the project that uses this module reaches stability, and we can do some minor tweaks.
+Parse::DebControl is copyright 2003,2004 Jay Bonci E<lt>jaybonci at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
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