r4775 - in /packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl: ./ branches/
branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ tags/
vdanjean at users.alioth.debian.org
vdanjean at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 CET 2007
Author: vdanjean
Date: Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
New Revision: 4775
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=4775
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Barcode.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Barcode.pm?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Barcode.pm (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Barcode.pm Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,977 @@
+package PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+use 5.006;
+use PDF::Reuse;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.05';
+my ($str, $xsize, $ysize, $height, $sPtn, @sizes, $length, $value, %default);
+sub init
+{ %default = ( value => '0000000',
+ x => 0,
+ y => 0,
+ size => 1,
+ xsize => 1,
+ ysize => 1,
+ rotate => 0,
+ background => '1 1 1',
+ drawbackground => 1,
+ text => 'yes',
+ prolong => 0,
+ hide_asterisk => 0,
+ mode => 'Type3');
+ $str = '';
+ $xsize = 1;
+ $ysize = 1;
+ $height = 37;
+ $sPtn = '';
+ @sizes = ();
+ $length = 0;
+ $value = ''
+sub general1
+{ $default{'xsize'} = 1 unless ($default{'xsize'} != 0);
+ $default{'ysize'} = 1 unless ($default{'ysize'} != 0);
+ $default{'size'} = 1 unless ($default{'size'} != 0);
+ $xsize = $default{'xsize'} * $default{'size'};
+ $ysize = $default{'ysize'} * $default{'size'};
+ $str = "q\n";
+ $str .= "$xsize 0 0 $ysize $default{'x'} $default{'y'} cm\n";
+ if ($default{'rotate'} != 0)
+ { my $radian = sprintf("%.6f", $default{'rotate'} / 57.2957795); # approx.
+ my $Cos = sprintf("%.6f", cos($radian));
+ my $Sin = sprintf("%.6f", sin($radian));
+ my $negSin = $Sin * -1;
+ $str .= "$Cos $Sin $negSin $Cos 0 0 cm\n";
+ }
+sub general2
+{ $length = 20 + (length($sPtn) * 0.9);
+ my $height = 38;
+ my $step = 9;
+ my $prolong = 0;
+ if ($default{'prolong'} > 1)
+ { $prolong = $default{'prolong'};
+ $height = 26 + ($prolong * 12);
+ }
+ if ($default{'drawbackground'})
+ { $str .= "$default{'background'} rg\n";
+ $str .= "0 0 $length $height re\n";
+ $str .= 'f*' . "\n";
+ $str .= "0 0 0 rg\n";
+ }
+ prAdd($str);
+ @sizes = prFontSize(12);
+ if ($default{'mode'} eq 'Type3')
+ { prBar( 10, $step, $sPtn);
+ }
+ else # graphic mode
+ { $str = Bar( 10, $step, $sPtn);
+ }
+ $prolong--;
+ if ($prolong > 0)
+ { $sPtn =~ s/G/1/go;
+ while ($prolong > 0)
+ { if ($prolong > 1)
+ { $prolong--;
+ $step += 12;
+ }
+ else
+ { $step += (12 * $prolong);
+ $prolong = 0;
+ }
+ if ($default{'mode'} eq 'Type3')
+ { prBar( 10, $step, $sPtn);
+ }
+ else # graphic mode
+ { $str .= Bar( 10, $step, $sPtn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # print the graphic mode bars
+ if ($default{'mode'} ne 'Type3')
+ { $str .= "B\n";
+ prAdd($str);
+ }
+sub general3
+{ $str = "Q\n";
+ prAdd($str);
+ prFontSize($sizes[1]);
+sub standardEnd
+{ general2();
+ if ($default{'text'})
+ { my @vec = prFont('C');
+ prFontSize(10);
+ my $textLength = length($value) * 6;
+ my $start = ($length - $textLength) / 2;
+ prText($start, 1.5, $value);
+ prFont($vec[3]);
+ }
+ general3();
+ 1;
+sub Bar
+{ my ($x, $y, $pattern) = @_;
+ my $yEnd = $y + 20;
+ my $yG = $y - 3;
+ my $string = "0.92 w\n 0 0 0 RG\n";
+ for (split(//, $pattern))
+ { if ($_ eq '1')
+ { $string .= "$x $yEnd m\n $x $y l\n";
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq 'G')
+ { $string .= "$x $yEnd m\n $x $yG l\n";
+ }
+ $x += 0.91;
+ }
+ return $string;
+sub Code128
+{ eval 'require Barcode::Code128';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = Barcode::Code128->new();
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "The translation of $value to barcodes didn't succeed, aborts\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode($value);
+ $sPtn =~ tr/#/1/;
+ $sPtn =~ tr/ /0/;
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub Code39
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::Code39';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::Code39->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::Code39::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ if ($default{hide_asterisk})
+ { $value =~ s/^\*//;
+ $value =~ s/\*$//;
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub COOP2of5
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::COOP2of5';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::COOP2of5->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::COOP2of5::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub IATA2of5
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::IATA2of5';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::IATA2of5->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::IATA2of5::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub Industrial2of5
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub Matrix2of5
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub NW7
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::NW7';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::NW7->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::NW7::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub EAN13
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::EAN13';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ if ($value =~ m'([^0-9]+)'o)
+ { die "Invalid character $1, aborts\n";
+ }
+ if (length($value) == 12)
+ { $value .= GD::Barcode::EAN13::calcEAN13CD($value);
+ }
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::EAN13->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::EAN13::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ general2();
+ if ($default{'text'})
+ { my $siffra = substr($value, 0, 1);
+ my $del1 = substr($value, 1, 6);
+ my $del2 = substr($value, 7, 6);
+ my @vec = prFont('C');
+ prFontSize(10);
+ prText(1, 2, $siffra);
+ prText(14, 2, $del1);
+ prText(56, 2, $del2);
+ prFont($vec[3]);
+ }
+ general3;
+ 1;
+sub EAN8
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::EAN8';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ if ($value =~ m'([^0-9]+)'o)
+ { die "Invalid character $1, aborts\n";
+ }
+ if (length($value) == 7)
+ { $value .= GD::Barcode::EAN8::calcEAN8CD($value);
+ }
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::EAN8->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::EAN8::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ general2();
+ if ($default{'text'})
+ { my $del1 = substr($value, 0, 4);
+ my $del2 = substr($value, 4, 4);
+ my @vec = prFont('C');
+ prFontSize(10);
+ prText(14, 2, $del1);
+ prText(42.5, 2, $del2);
+ prFont($vec[3]);
+ }
+ general3;
+ 1;
+sub ITF
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::ITF';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::ITF->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::ITF::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ standardEnd();
+ 1;
+sub UPCA
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::UPCA';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ if ($value =~ m'([^0-9]+)'o)
+ { die "Invalid character $1, aborts\n";
+ }
+ if (length($value) == 11)
+ { $value .= GD::Barcode::UPCA::calcUPCACD($value);
+ }
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::UPCA->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::UPCA::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ general2();
+ if ($default{'text'})
+ { my $siffra1 = substr($value, 0, 1);
+ my $del1 = substr($value, 1, 5);
+ my $del2 = substr($value, 6, 5);
+ my $siffra2 = substr($value, 11, 1);
+ my @vec = prFont('C');
+ prFontSize(10);
+ prText(2, 2, $siffra1);
+ prText(20, 2, $del1);
+ prText(56, 2, $del2);
+ prText(97, 2, $siffra2);
+ prFont($vec[3]);
+ }
+ general3;
+ 1;
+sub UPCE
+{ eval 'require GD::Barcode::UPCE';
+ init();
+ my %param = @_;
+ for (keys %param)
+ { my $lc = lc($_);
+ if (exists $default{$lc})
+ { $default{$lc} = $param{$_};
+ }
+ else
+ { print STDERR "Unknown parameter $_ , not used \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $value = $default{'value'};
+ general1();
+ if ($value =~ m'([^0-9]+)'o)
+ { die "Invalid character $1, aborts\n";
+ }
+ if (length($value) == 6)
+ { $value = '0' . $value;
+ my $cd = GD::Barcode::UPCE::calcUPCECD($value);
+ $value .= $cd;
+ }
+ elsif (length($value) == 7)
+ { my $cd = GD::Barcode::UPCE::calcUPCECD($value);
+ $value .= $cd;
+ }
+ my $oGDBar = GD::Barcode::UPCE->new($value);
+ if (! $oGDBar)
+ { die "$GD::Barcode::UPCE::errStr\n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $sPtn = $oGDBar->barcode();
+ }
+ general2();
+ if ($default{'text'})
+ { my $siffra = substr($value, 0, 1);
+ my $del1 = substr($value, 1, 6);
+ my $del2 = substr($value, 7, 1);
+ my @vec = prFont('C');
+ prFontSize(10);
+ prText(2, 2, $siffra);
+ prText(14, 2, $del1);
+ prText(58, 2, $del2);
+ prFont($vec[3]);
+ }
+ general3;
+ 1;
+=head1 NAME
+PDF::Reuse::Barcode - Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use PDF::Reuse;
+ use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+ use strict;
+ prFile('bars.pdf');
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::ITF (x => 70,
+ y => 530,
+ value => '0123456789',
+ prolong => 2.96);
+ prEnd();
+This is a sub-module to PDF::Reuse. It creates barcode "images" to be used in
+PDF documents. It uses GD::Barcode and its sub-modules: GD::Barcode::Code39,
+COOP2of5, EAN13 and so on, to calculate the barcode pattern. For Code128 it uses
+Normally the barcodes are displayed on a white background and with the characters
+under the bars. You can rotate the "image", make it smaller or bigger, prolong the
+bars and change the background.
+(But then, don't forget to test that your barcode scanner still understands it.)
+If you don't change the size of the "image", the bars are approximately 24 pixels
+high (the guard bars a few pixels longer) and the box/background is 38 pixels high
+and something like 20 pixels wider than the barcodes. The text under the bars are
+10 pixels high.
+The barcodes are generated using a Type3 font by default. Ghostscript and xpdf
+don'thave support for Type3 fonts. If you want to target engines that don't
+handle Type3 fonts properly, see the "mode" parameter.
+All functions are called in a similar way. Just replace 'ITF' in the example
+under SYNOPSIS with some other function name and let the value parameter follow
+the rules of that function.
+=head2 Code128
+Creates Code128 barcodes with the help of Barcode::Code128. Look at that module
+for further information.
+ # code128.pl
+ use PDF::Reuse;
+ use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+ prFile('code128.pdf');
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code128(x => 100,
+ y => 730,
+ value => '00000123455555555558');
+ prEnd();
+The constants CodeA, FNC1, SHIFT and so on, are not imported, but if you really
+need them (??), try to use the character values instead.
+ CodeA 0xf4 CodeB 0xf5 CodeC 0xf6
+ FNC1 0xf7 FNC2 0xf8 FNC3 0xf9
+ FNC4 0xfa Shift 0xfb StartA 0xfc
+ StartB 0xfd StartC 0xfe Stop 0xff
+ # unusual.pl
+ # Instead of FCN1
+ use PDF::Reuse;
+ use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+ prFile('unusual.pdf');
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code128(x => 100,
+ y => 430,
+ value => chr(0xf7) . '00000123455555555558',
+ text => 0 );
+ # Font and font size has to be chosen
+ # Text could be put manually at x => 110
+ # y => 431
+ # The size, xSize, ySize and rotation doesn't influence the text
+ # in this case ...
+ prEnd();
+=head2 Code39
+Translates the characters 0-9, A-Z, '-', '*', '+', '$', '%', '/', '.' and ' '
+to a barcode pattern.
+In Code39, the asterisk is used as the start and stop bar, but PDF::Reuse::Barcode
+expects you to supply the asterisks. If you do not want them to display in the
+text version, pass the option "hide_asterisk" as in
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code39 (x => 10,
+ y => 20,
+ value => '*62002*',
+ hide_asterisk => 1);
+=head2 COOP2of5
+Creates COOP2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9
+=head2 EAN13
+Creates EAN13 barcodes from a string of 12 or 13 digits.
+The check number (the 13:th digit) is calculated if not supplied.
+If there is given check number it is not controlled.
+=head2 EAN8
+Translates a string of 7 or 8 digits to EAN8 barcodes.
+The check number (the 8:th digit) is calculated if not supplied. If there is
+given check number it is not controlled.
+=head2 IATA2of5
+Creates IATA2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9
+=head2 Industrial2of5
+Creates Industrial2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9
+=head2 ITF
+Translates the characters 0-9 to a barcodes. These barcodes
+could also be called 'Interleaved2of5'.
+=head2 Matrix2of5
+Creates Matrix2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9
+=head2 NW7
+Creates a NW7 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9
+=head2 UPCA
+Translates a string of 11 or 12 digits to UPCA barcodes. The check number (the 12:th
+digit) is calculated if not supplied. If there is given check number it is not
+=head2 UPCE
+Translates a string of 6, 7 or 8 digits to UPCE barcodes. If the string is 6 digits
+long, '0' is added first in the string. The check number (the 8:th digit) is
+calculated if not supplied. If there is given check number it is not controlled.
+All functions accepts these parameters.
+The parameters should be put in a hash.
+All of them are optional, except 'value'.
+=head2 value
+A string of characters which will be translated to barcodes.
+=head2 x
+Number of pixels along the x-axis where to put the lower left "corner" of the
+barcode image.
+=head2 y
+Number of pixels along the y-axis where to put the lower left "corner" of the
+barcode image.
+=head2 size
+A (decimal) number. If you define a number for this parameter, all sizes along
+the x- and y-axes will multiplied by this number. Also the text under the bars
+will be scaled.
+=head2 xSize
+A (decimal) number. If you define a number for this parameter, all sizes along
+the x-axis will multiplied by this number. The text under the bars are also
+=head2 ySize
+A (decimal) number. If you define a number for this parameter, all sizes along
+the y-axis will multiplied by this number. The text under the bars are also
+=head2 prolong
+0 or a decimal number greater than 1. Prolongs the bars with this factor.
+In reality tells the module to prolong the bars by repeatedly rewriting the barcode
+=head2 text
+Normally this parameter is 'yes', which will cause the digits to be written as
+text under the barcodes. If this parameter is '' or 0, the text will be suppressed.
+=head2 drawBackground
+By default this parameter is 1, which will cause the barcodes to be drawn on
+a prepared background. If this parameter is '' or 0, the current background
+will be used, and the module will not try change it.
+=head2 background
+Normally it is '1 1 1', which will draw a white background/box around the barcodes.
+Choose another RGB-combination if you want another color.
+=head2 rotate
+A degree to rotate the barcode image counter-clockwise
+=head2 mode
+Defaults to 'Type3', which means that a Type3 font will be embedded in the PDF
+document and then used to print the barcodes. Type3 fonts are not supported by
+some PDF interpreters, namely Ghostscript and xpdf.
+Set the mode to 'graphic' (currently, any string that doesn't match 'Type3' will
+do, but you should not count on this) to get graphic bars that work on all
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+ use PDF::Reuse;
+ use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+ use strict;
+ prFile('bars.pdf');
+ #################################################################
+ # First a rectangle is drawn in the upper part of the page
+ #################################################################
+ my $str = "q\n"; # save the graphic state
+ $str .= "0.9 0.5 0.5 rg\n"; # a fill color
+ $str .= "10 400 440 410 re\n"; # a rectangle
+ $str .= "b\n"; # fill (and a little more)
+ $str .= "Q\n"; # restore the graphic state
+ prAdd($str);
+ #################################
+ # An image with prolonged bars,
+ #################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::ITF (x => 50,
+ y => 700,
+ value => '0123456789',
+ prolong => 2.96);
+ #############################
+ # A magnified barcode image
+ #############################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::EAN13 (x => 250,
+ y => 700,
+ value => '012345678901',
+ size => 1.5);
+ ####################################################################
+ # "Graphic" barcodes. (The others on this page use a special font)
+ ####################################################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::EAN13 (x => 250,
+ y => 600,
+ value => '012345678901',
+ size => 1.5,
+ mode => 'graphic');
+ ######################################################
+ # A barcode image magnified a little along the y-axis
+ ######################################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::EAN8 (x => 150,
+ y => 500,
+ value => '0123456',
+ ySize => 1.2);
+ ################################
+ # With the box in a light color
+ ################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::Code39 (x => 70,
+ y => 300,
+ value => '*THIS IS SOMETHING*',
+ background => '0.99 0.97 0.97',
+ hide_asterisk => 1);
+ #############################################
+ # With everything expanded along the x-axis
+ #############################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::NW7 (x => 70,
+ y => 100,
+ value => '012345678901',
+ xSize => 2);
+ #################################################
+ # An image, 90 degrees rotated, might look
+ # strange on the screen, should be ok as printed
+ #################################################
+ PDF::Reuse::Barcode::UPCA (x => 400,
+ y => 100,
+ value => '12345678901',
+ drawBackground => 0,
+ rotate => 90);
+ prEnd();
+EAN13, EAN8, UPCA and UPCE have "guard" bars. These, a little longer bars, are often
+a little blurred at the lower ends when they are displayed on a screen. If you
+magnify the image, the lines are displayed correctly. When you print the image
+there shouldn't be any problem, if you use at least 600 dpi.
+Also rotated barcodes might look strange on a screen. Most often they are much
+better as printed on paper. Try to use "size" rather than "prolong", when you have
+a rotated barcode "image". (If it has been rotated 90 or 270 degrees, you can make
+the bars longer with the help of xSize.)
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+These modules are used for calculation of the barcode pattern
+ Barcode::Code128
+ GD::Barcode
+ GD::Barcode::Code39
+ GD::Barcode::COOP2of5
+ GD::Barcode::EAN13
+ GD::Barcode::EAN8
+ GD::Barcode::IATA2of5
+ GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5
+ GD::Barcode::ITF
+ GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5
+ GD::Barcode::NW7
+ GD::Barcode::UPCA
+ GD::Barcode::UPCE
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Lars Lundberg, elkelund at worldonline.se
+=head1 THANKS TO
+Everyone who has helped me with corrections and ideas, Martin Langhoff among others.
+And of course credits to Kawai Takanori and William R. Ward who have written the
+modules for calculating the barcode patterns.
+Copyright (C) 2003 - 2004 Lars Lundberg, Solidez HB. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+You get this module free as it is, but nothing is guaranteed to work, whatever
+implicitly or explicitly stated in this document, and everything you do,
+you do at your own risk - I will not take responsibility
+for any damage, loss of money and/or health that may arise from the use of this module!
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension PDF::Reuse::Barcode.
+0.05 Wed Jan 21 2004
+ Added "mode" parameter for purely "graphic" bars.
+ Credits to Martin Langhoff for this.
+0.04 Thu Jan 15 2004
+ Added the new parameter 'hide_asterisk' for Code39.
+ Credits to Martin Langhoff for this.
+0.03 Fri Nov 21 2003
+ Improved precision in the "formula" for rotation
+0.02 Tue June 10
+ Added support for Code128 by using Barcode::Code128
+0.01 Tue Jun 3 09:13:50 2003
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
+ -AXn PDF::Reuse::Barcode
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+use 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ 'NAME' => 'PDF::Reuse::Barcode',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => 'Barcode.pm',
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => { PDF::Reuse => 0,
+ GD::Barcode => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::Code39 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::COOP2of5 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::EAN13 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::EAN8 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::IATA2of5 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::ITF => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::NW7 => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::UPCA => 0,
+ GD::Barcode::UPCE => 0,
+ Barcode::Code128 => 0},
+ ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+ (AUTHOR => 'Lars Lundberg elkelund at worldonline.se') : ()),
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/README?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/README (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/README Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+PDF/Reuse/Barcode version 0.05
+This is a sub-module to PDF::Reuse. It creates barcode "images" to be used in
+PDF documents. It uses GD::Barcode and its sub-modules: GD::Barcode::Code39,
+COOP2of5, EAN13 and so on to calculate the barcode pattern.
+If you want Code128-barcodes you need Barcode::Code128.
+Normally the barcodes are displayed on a white background and with the characters
+under the bars. You can rotate the "image", make it smaller or bigger, prolong the
+bars and change the background.
+(But then, don't forget to test that your scanner still understands it.)
+To install this module in a Windows environment:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ nmake
+ nmake test
+ nmake install
+(If you haven't got nmake, try to download it via
+Under other operating systems try the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module requires these other modules:
+ PDF::Reuse
+ GD::Barcode
+ GD::Barcode::Code39
+ GD::Barcode::COOP2of5
+ GD::Barcode::EAN13
+ GD::Barcode::EAN8
+ GD::Barcode::IATA2of5
+ GD::Barcode::Industrial2of5
+ GD::Barcode::ITF
+ GD::Barcode::Matrix2of5
+ GD::Barcode::NW7
+ GD::Barcode::UPCA
+ GD::Barcode::UPCE
+ Barcode::Code128
+Copyright (C) 2003 - 2004 Lars Lundberg, Solidez HB
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl?rev=4775&op=file
--- packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl (added)
+++ packages/libpdf-reuse-barcode-perl/branches/upstream/current/test.pl Wed Jan 24 16:12:00 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 15 };
+use PDF::Reuse;
+use GD::Barcode;
+use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
+sub find
+{ $modul = shift;
+ my $status = '';
+ eval "use $modul;";
+ if ($@)
+ { print STDERR "Can't find $modul - can't produce those barcodes \n";
+ }
+ else
+ { $status = "$modul found";
+ }
+ return $status;
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