r5379 - in /tools/dh-make-perl/trunk: debian/changelog dh-make-perl
gwolf at users.alioth.debian.org
gwolf at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu May 10 00:28:38 UTC 2007
Author: gwolf
Date: Thu May 10 00:28:34 2007
New Revision: 5379
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=5379
Started reorganizing the flying spaghetti monster this code has become ;-)
Modified: tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=5379&op=diff
--- tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/debian/changelog Thu May 10 00:28:34 2007
@@ -9,8 +9,15 @@
* Patched regex for finding the module name when unde Module::Install,
allowing for whitespace between the "name" string and the module
name. Thanks to Marc Chantreux for the patch (and the patience ;-) )
- -- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org> Fri, 23 Feb 2007 18:29:34 -0600
+ * Replaced the (now deprecated) call to the external program 822-date
+ for date -R
+ * Started reorganizing the code - All bare open() calls are now
+ handled through IO::File; shuffled some functions around so the code
+ is more followable
+ * Added --core-ok option to allow building core modules (Closes:
+ #409017)
+ -- Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org> Wed, 09 May 2007 19:24:16 -0500
dh-make-perl (0.25) unstable; urgency=low
Modified: tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl?rev=5379&op=diff
--- tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl (original)
+++ tools/dh-make-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl Thu May 10 00:28:34 2007
@@ -1,22 +1,98 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Pod::Parser;
+use YAML;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Copy qw(copy move);
+use User::pwent;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+use Module::Depends::Intrusive;
+use strict;
# * get more info from the package (maybe using CPAN methods)
+# This Pod::Parser must be declared before the main program flow. If you
+# are trying to figure out what happens inside dh-make-perl, skip down
+# until 'package main'.
package MyPod;
-use Pod::Parser;
-use YAML;
@MyPod::ISA = qw(Pod::Parser);
-my @pragmas = qw(attributes attrs autouse base bigint bignum
- bigrat blib bytes charnames constant
- diagnostics encoding fields filetest if
- integer less lib locale open ops overload
- re sigtrap sort strict subs threads utf8
- vars vmsish warnings warnings::register);
-my @stdmodules = qw(AnyDBM_File Attribute::Handlers::demo::Demo
+sub set_names {
+ my ($parser, @names) = @_;
+ foreach my $n (@names) {
+ $parser->{_deb_}->{$n} = undef;
+ }
+sub get {
+ my ($parser, $name) = @_;
+ $parser->{_deb_}->{$name};
+sub cleanup {
+ my $parser = shift;
+ delete $parser->{_current_};
+ foreach my $k ( keys %{$parser->{_deb_}}) {
+ $parser->{_deb_}->{$k} = undef;
+ }
+sub command {
+ my ($parser, $command, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
+ $paragraph =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ if ($command =~ /head/ && exists($parser->{_deb_}->{$paragraph})) {
+ $parser->{_current_} = $paragraph;
+ $parser->{_lineno_} = $line_num;
+ } else {
+ delete $parser->{_current_};
+ }
+ #print "GOT: $command -> $paragraph\n";
+sub add_text {
+ my ($parser, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
+ return unless exists $parser->{_current_};
+ return if ($line_num - $parser->{_lineno_} > 15);
+ $paragraph =~ s/^\s+//s;
+ $paragraph =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ $paragraph = $parser->interpolate($paragraph, $line_num);
+ $parser->{_deb_}->{$parser->{_current_}} .= "\n\n".$paragraph;
+ #print "GOTT: $paragraph'\n";
+sub verbatim { shift->add_text(@_)}
+sub textblock { shift->add_text(@_)}
+sub interior_sequence {
+ my ($parser, $seq_command, $seq_argument) = @_;
+ if ($seq_command eq 'E') {
+ my %map = ('gt' => '>', 'lt' => '<', 'sol' => '/', 'verbar' => '|');
+ return $map{$seq_argument} if exists $map{$seq_argument};
+ return chr($seq_argument) if ($seq_argument =~ /^\d+$/);
+ # html names...
+ }
+ return $seq_argument;
+# Main dh-make-perl starts here, don't look any further!
+package main;
+my (@pragmas, @stdmodules);
+ at pragmas = qw(attributes attrs autouse base bigint bignum
+ bigrat blib bytes charnames constant
+ diagnostics encoding fields filetest if
+ integer less lib locale open ops overload
+ re sigtrap sort strict subs threads utf8
+ vars vmsish warnings warnings::register);
+ at stdmodules = qw(AnyDBM_File Attribute::Handlers::demo::Demo
Attribute::Handlers::demo::MyClass Attribute::Handlers attributes
AutoLoader AutoSplit autouse base Benchmark bigint bignum bigrat blib
@@ -69,75 +145,6 @@
Unicode::Collate Unicode::UCD UNIVERSAL User::grent User::pwent utf8
vars vmsish warnings warnings::register);
-sub set_names {
- my ($parser, @names) = @_;
- foreach my $n (@names) {
- $parser->{_deb_}->{$n} = undef;
- }
-sub get {
- my ($parser, $name) = @_;
- $parser->{_deb_}->{$name};
-sub cleanup {
- my $parser = shift;
- delete $parser->{_current_};
- foreach my $k ( keys %{$parser->{_deb_}}) {
- $parser->{_deb_}->{$k} = undef;
- }
-sub command {
- my ($parser, $command, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
- $paragraph =~ s/\s+$//s;
- if ($command =~ /head/ && exists($parser->{_deb_}->{$paragraph})) {
- $parser->{_current_} = $paragraph;
- $parser->{_lineno_} = $line_num;
- } else {
- delete $parser->{_current_};
- }
- #print "GOT: $command -> $paragraph\n";
-sub add_text {
- my ($parser, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
- return unless exists $parser->{_current_};
- return if ($line_num - $parser->{_lineno_} > 15);
- $paragraph =~ s/^\s+//s;
- $paragraph =~ s/\s+$//s;
- $paragraph = $parser->interpolate($paragraph, $line_num);
- $parser->{_deb_}->{$parser->{_current_}} .= "\n\n".$paragraph;
- #print "GOTT: $paragraph'\n";
-sub verbatim { shift->add_text(@_)}
-sub textblock { shift->add_text(@_)}
-sub interior_sequence {
- my ($parser, $seq_command, $seq_argument) = @_;
- if ($seq_command eq 'E') {
- my %map = ('gt' => '>', 'lt' => '<', 'sol' => '/', 'verbar' => '|');
- return $map{$seq_argument} if exists $map{$seq_argument};
- return chr($seq_argument) if ($seq_argument =~ /^\d+$/);
- # html names...
- }
- return $seq_argument;
-package main;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Copy qw(copy move);
-use User::pwent;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Cwd;
-use Module::Depends::Intrusive;
-use strict;
my $perl_pkg = get_perl_pkg_details();
my $debstdversion = '3.7.2';
@@ -148,7 +155,7 @@
my $bdepends = 'debhelper (>= 5.0.0)';
my $maintainer = get_maintainer();
my $arch = 'all';
-my $date = `822-date`;
+my $date = `date -R`;
my $debiandir;
my $startdir = getcwd();
my $dh_compat = 5;
@@ -166,9 +173,9 @@
$desc, $longdesc, $copyright, $author);
my ($extrasfields, $extrapfields);
my (@docs, $changelog, @args);
-my ($cpanmodule, $cpanplusmodule, $cpanmirror, $build, $install, $dbflags,
- $excludeRE, $notest, $nometa, $requiredeps, $user_depends, $user_bdepends,
- $user_bdependsi);
+my ($core_ok, $cpanmodule, $cpanplusmodule, $cpanmirror, $build, $install,
+ $dbflags, $excludeRE, $notest, $nometa, $requiredeps, $user_depends,
+ $user_bdepends, $user_bdependsi);
my $mod_cpan_version;
@@ -176,6 +183,7 @@
+ "core-ok" => \$core_ok,
"cpan=s" => \$cpanmodule,
# "cpanplus=s" => \$cpanplusmodule,
"cpan-mirror=s" => \$cpanmirror,
@@ -201,7 +209,7 @@
[ --depends DEPENDS ] [ --bdepends BUILD-DEPENDS ]
[ --bdependsi BUILD-DEPENDS-INDEP ] [ --cpan-mirror MIRROR ]
[ --exclude|-i [REGEX] ] [ --notest ] [ --nometa ]
- [ --requiredeps ]
+ [ --requiredeps ] [ --core-ok ]
$excludeRE = '(?:\/|^)(?:CVS|.svn)\/' if (defined $excludeRE &&
@@ -272,11 +280,12 @@
my ($dist, $mod, $cpanversion, $tarball);
$mod_cpan_version = '';
if ($cpanmodule) {
- # Is the module a core module
- if ((grep(/$cpanmodule/, @pragmas)) ||
- (grep(/$cpanmodule/, @stdmodules))) {
- die "$cpanmodule is a standard module.\n";
- }
+ my ($new_maindir);
+ # Is the module a core module
+ if ((grep(/$cpanmodule/, @pragmas)) ||
+ (grep(/$cpanmodule/, @stdmodules))) {
+ die "$cpanmodule is a standard module.\n" unless $core_ok;
+ }
require CPAN;
@@ -311,7 +320,7 @@
copy ($tarball, $ENV{'PWD'});
$tarball = $ENV{'PWD'} . "/" . basename($tarball);
- my $new_maindir = $ENV{PWD}."/".basename($maindir);
+ $new_maindir = $ENV{PWD}."/".basename($maindir);
`mv "$maindir" "$new_maindir"`;
$maindir = $new_maindir;
@@ -343,13 +352,17 @@
sub install_package {
- my $archspec = $arch;
- my $debname;
+ my ($archspec, $debname);
if ($arch eq 'any') {
$archspec = `dpkg --print-architecture`;
- }
+ } else {
+ $archspec = $arch;
+ }
$debname = "${pkgname}_$version-1_$archspec.deb";
system("dpkg -i $startdir/$debname") == 0
|| die "Cannot install package $startdir/$debname\n";
@@ -450,10 +463,12 @@
sub extract_name_ver_from_makefile {
my ($file, $name, $ver, $vfrom, $dir, $makefile);
$makefile = shift;
- local $/ = undef;
- open (MF, "<$makefile") || die "Cannot open $makefile: $!\n";
- $file = <MF>;
- close(MF);
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $fh = _file_r($makefile);
+ $file = $fh->getline;
+ }
# Get the name
if ($file =~ /([\'\"]?)
@@ -527,16 +542,17 @@
local $/ = "\n";
# apply the method used by makemaker
if (defined $dir and defined $vfrom and -f "$dir/$vfrom"
- and open(MF, "<$dir/$vfrom") ) {
- while (<MF>) {
- if (/([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/) {
+ and -r "$dir/$vfrom") {
+ my $fh = _file_r("$dir/$vfrom");
+ while (my $lin = $fh->getline) {
+ if ($lin =~ /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/) {
no strict;
- #warn "ver: $_";
- $ver = (eval $_)[0];
+ #warn "ver: $lin";
+ $ver = (eval $lin)[0];
- close(MF);
+ $fh->close;
} else {
if ( $mod_cpan_version ) {
$ver = $mod_cpan_version;
@@ -635,10 +651,11 @@
### Mental note to self: It'd be worth it to fall back to
### Module:::Depends and _only_ then fail
eval {
+ my $mod_dep;
no warnings;
local *STDERR;
open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
- my $mod_dep = Module::Depends::Intrusive->new();
+ $mod_dep = Module::Depends::Intrusive->new();
$mod_dep->dist_dir( $dir );
@@ -735,28 +752,29 @@
sub fix_rules {
- my ($rules_file, $changelog_file, @docs, $test_line, @content);
+ my ($rules_file, $changelog_file, @docs, $test_line, $fh, @content);
($rules_file, $changelog_file, @docs) = @_;
$test_line = ($module_build eq 'Module-Build') ?
'$(PERL) Build test' : '$(MAKE) test';
$test_line = "#$test_line" if $notest;
- open (FH, "+<$rules_file") || die "Can't open $rules_file: $!";
- @content = <FH>;
- seek(FH, 0, 0) || die "Can't rewind $rules_file: $!";
- truncate(FH, 0)|| die "Can't truncate $rules_file: $!";
+ $fh = _file_rw($rules_file);
+ @content = $fh->getlines;
+ $fh->seek(0, 0) || die "Can't rewind $rules_file: $!";
+ $fh->truncate(0)|| die "Can't truncate $rules_file: $!";
for (@content) {
s/#DOCS#/join " ", @docs/eg;
- print FH $_;
- }
- close FH;
+ $fh->print($_);
+ }
+ $fh->close;
sub create_control {
- my ($file) = shift;
+ my $fh = _file_w(shift);
if ($arch ne 'all' and
!defined($user_bdepends) and !defined($user_bdependsi)) {
@@ -764,39 +782,36 @@
$bdependsi = '';
- open(C, ">$file") || die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- print C "Source: $srcname\n";
- print C "Section: $section\n";
- print C "Priority: $priority\n";
- print C "Build-Depends: $bdepends\n" if $bdepends;
- print C "Build-Depends-Indep: $bdependsi\n" if $bdependsi;
- print C $extrasfields if defined $extrasfields;
- print C "Maintainer: $maintainer\n";
- print C "Standards-Version: $debstdversion\n";
- print C "\n";
- print C "Package: $pkgname\n";
- print C "Architecture: $arch\n";
- print C "Depends: $depends\n" if $depends;
- print C $extrapfields if defined $extrapfields;
- print C "Description: $desc\n$longdesc\n .\n This description was automagically extracted from the module by dh-make-perl.\n";
- close(C);
+ $fh->print("Source: $srcname\n");
+ $fh->print("Section: $section\n");
+ $fh->print("Priority: $priority\n");
+ $fh->print("Build-Depends: $bdepends\n") if $bdepends;
+ $fh->print("Build-Depends-Indep: $bdependsi\n") if $bdependsi;
+ $fh->print($extrasfields) if defined $extrasfields;
+ $fh->print("Maintainer: $maintainer\n");
+ $fh->print("Standards-Version: $debstdversion\n");
+ $fh->print("\n");
+ $fh->print("Package: $pkgname\n");
+ $fh->print("Architecture: $arch\n");
+ $fh->print("Depends: $depends\n") if $depends;
+ $fh->print($extrapfields) if defined $extrapfields;
+ $fh->print("Description: $desc\n$longdesc\n .\n This description was automagically extracted from the module by dh-make-perl.\n");
+ $fh->close;
sub create_changelog {
- my ($file) = shift;
- open(C, ">$file") || die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- print C "$srcname ($pkgversion) unstable; urgency=low\n";
- print C "\n * Initial Release.\n\n";
- print C " -- $maintainer $date\n";
- #print C "Local variables:\nmode: debian-changelog\nEnd:\n";
- close(C);
+ my $fh = _file_w(shift);
+ $fh->print("$srcname ($pkgversion) unstable; urgency=low\n");
+ $fh->print("\n * Initial Release.\n\n");
+ $fh->print(" -- $maintainer $date\n");
+ #$fh->print("Local variables:\nmode: debian-changelog\nEnd:\n");
+ $fh->close
sub create_rules {
- my ($file, $rulesname);
+ my ($file, $rulesname, $error);
($file) = shift;
$rulesname = $arch eq 'all'?"rules.$module_build.noxs":"rules.$module_build.xs";
- my $error;
for my $source (("$homedir/$rulesname", "$datadir/$rulesname")) {
copy($source, $file) && do {
@@ -810,67 +825,71 @@
sub create_compat {
- my $file = shift;
- open(COMPAT, ">$file") or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
- print COMPAT "$dh_compat\n";
- close COMPAT;
+ my $fh = _file_w(shift);
+ $fh->print("$dh_compat\n");
+ $fh->close;
sub create_copyright {
- my ($file) = shift;
- open(C, ">$file") || die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- print C <<"EOF";
-This is the debian package for the $perlname module.
+ my $fh = _file_w(shift);
+ $fh->print(
+"This is the debian package for the $perlname module.
It was created by $maintainer using dh-make-perl.
This copyright info was automatically extracted from the perl module.
It may not be accurate, so you better check the module sources
if don\'t want to get into legal troubles.
if (defined $author) {
- print C "The upstream author is: $author.\n";
+ $fh->print("The upstream author is: $author.\n");
if (defined($copyright)) {
- print C $copyright;
+ $fh->print($copyright);
# Fun with regexes
if ( $copyright =~ /terms as Perl itself/i ) {
- print C "\n\n", <<END;
+ $fh->print("
Perl is distributed under your choice of the GNU General Public License or
the Artistic License. On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the
GNU General Public License can be found in \`/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL\'
and the Artistic Licence in \`/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic\'.
} elsif ( $copyright =~ /GPL/ ) {
- print C "\n\n", <<END;
+ $fh->print("
The full text of the GPL is available on Debian systems in
- close(C);
+ $fh->close;
sub create_readme {
- my ($file) = shift;
- open(C, ">$file") || die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
- print C "This is the debian package for the $perlname module.\n";
- print C "It was created by $maintainer using dh-make-perl.\n";
- close(C);
+ my $fh = _file_w(shift);
+ $fh->print(
+"This is the debian package for the $perlname module.
+It was created by $maintainer using dh-make-perl.
+ $fh->close;
sub create_watch {
- my ($file, $perl_path_name) = @_;
- open(C, ">$file") || die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
+ my ($fh, $perl_path_name);
+ $fh = _file_w(shift);
+ $perl_path_name = shift;
$perl_path_name =~ s|::|-|g;
$perl_path_name =~ s|(\w+)(-.*)|$1/$1$2|;
$perl_path_name .= "-(.*)\.(tar\.gz|tar|tgz)";
- print C "\# format version number, currently 2; this line is compulsory!\n";
- print C "version=2\n";
- print C "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/$perl_path_name\n";
- close(C);
+ $fh->print(
+"\# format version number, currently 2; this line is compulsory!
+ $fh->close;
sub get_maintainer {
@@ -964,6 +983,27 @@
return $val;
+sub _file_r {
+ my ($file, $fh);
+ $file = shift;
+ $fh = IO::File->new($file, 'r') or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
+ return $fh;
+sub _file_w {
+ my ($file, $fh);
+ $file = shift;
+ $fh = IO::File->new($file, 'w') or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
+ return $fh;
+sub _file_rw {
+ my ($file, $fh);
+ $file = shift;
+ $fh = IO::File->new($file, 'r+') or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
+ return $fh;
=head1 NAME
B<dh-make-perl> - Create debian source packages from perl modules
@@ -1045,6 +1085,16 @@
Fail if a dependency perl package was not found (dependency tracking
requires the apt-file package installed and updated)
+=item B<--core-ok>
+Allows building core Perl modules. By default, dh-make-perl will not allow
+building a module that is shipped as part of the standard Perl library; by
+specifying this option, dh-make-perl will build them anyway.
+Note that, although it is not probable, this might break unrelated items in
+your system - If a newer version of a core module breaks the API, all kinds
+of daemons might get upset ;-)
@@ -1133,7 +1183,8 @@
Maintained for a time by Marc Brockschmdit E<lt>marc at dch-faq.deE<gt>.
-Now maintained by Gunnar Wolf E<lt>gwolf at gwolf.orgE<gt>.
+Now maintained by Gunnar Wolf E<lt>gwolf at gwolf.orgE<gt>, and team-maintained
+by the Debian pkg-perl team, http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-perl
Patches from:
@@ -1148,9 +1199,11 @@
Geoff Richards E<lt>qef at ungwe.orgE<gt>
Gergely Nagy E<lt>algernon at bonehunter.rulez.orgE<gt>
Hilko Bengen E<lt>bengen at debian.orgE<gt>
+ Kees Cook E<lt>keex at outflux.netE<gt>
Jesper Krogh E<lt>jesper at krogh.ccE<gt>
Johnny Morano E<lt>jmorano at moretrix.comE<gt>
Juerd E<lt>juerd at ouranos.juerd.netE<gt>
+ Marc Chantreux (mail withheld)
Matt Hope E<lt>dopey at debian.orgE<gt>
Noel Maddy E<lt>noel at zhtwn.comE<gt>
Peter Moerch E<lt>mn3k66i02 at sneakemail.comE<gt>
More information about the Pkg-perl-cvs-commits
mailing list