r8646 - in /branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl: ./ current/ current/examples/ current/t/
jeremiah-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
jeremiah-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 UTC 2007
Author: jeremiah-guest
Date: Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
New Revision: 8646
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=8646
[svn-inject] Installing original source of liblinux-lvm-perl
branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl (with props)
branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl (with props)
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Changes?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Changes (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Changes Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Linux::LVM.
+0.01 Thu Apr 3 08:21:41 2003
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
+ -X -n Linux::LVM
+0.11 Fri Apr 4 09:00:00 2003
+ - First ready for prime time release.
+0.12 Mon Apr 7 07:45:00 2003
+ - Added get_pv_info to fetch physical volume information by physical volume name.
+ - Added get_lv_info to fetch logical volume information by logical volume name.
+ - Made the get_vg_information routine public.
+ - Added some basic error checking.
+0.13 Mon Apr 10 07:45:00 2003
+ - Reworked some of the regule expressions.
+ - Improved the source documentation.
+ - Added some examples of how to use the module.
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/LVM.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/LVM.pm?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/LVM.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/LVM.pm Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,784 @@
+package Linux::LVM;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require Exporter;
+use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
+# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
+# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
+# This allows declaration use Linux::LVM ':all';
+# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
+# will save memory.
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( get_volume_group_list
+ get_volume_group_information
+ get_logical_volume_information
+ get_physical_volume_information
+ get_vg_information
+ get_pv_info
+ get_lv_info
+) ] );
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+our @EXPORT = qw( get_volume_group_list
+ get_volume_group_information
+ get_logical_volume_information
+ get_physical_volume_information
+ get_vg_information
+ get_pv_info
+ get_lv_info
+our $VERSION = '0.13';
+# Preloaded methods go here.
+# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
+# Subroutine: get_volume_group_list #
+# Description: This function will return a sorted list of all of the #
+# active volume groups on the system. #
+# Parameters: None #
+# Return Values: On success, a array with the volume group names. #
+sub get_volume_group_list() {
+ my %vg = get_vg_information();
+ return (sort keys(%vg));
+} # End of the get_volume_group_list routine.
+# Subroutine: get_volume_group_information #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# data about the specified volume group. #
+# Parameters: A string containing a volume group name. #
+# Return Values: On success, a hast with the volume group data. #
+sub get_volume_group_information($) {
+ my $volume_group = $_[0];
+ my %vg_info;
+ my %vg = get_vg_information();
+ foreach(sort keys %{$vg{$volume_group}}) {
+ if ( $_ eq "pvols" ) { next; }
+ elsif( $_ eq "lvols" ) { next; }
+ else {
+ $vg_info{$_} = $vg{$volume_group}->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ return %vg_info;
+} # End of the get_volume_group_information routine.
+# Subroutine: get_volume_group_information #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# data about the specified volume group. #
+# Parameters: A string containing a volume group name. #
+# Return Values: On success, a hast with the volume group data. #
+sub get_logical_volume_information($) {
+ my $volume_group = $_[0];
+ my %lv_info;
+ my $lvname;
+ my %vg = get_vg_information();
+ foreach $lvname (sort keys %{$vg{$volume_group}->{lvols}}) {
+ foreach(sort keys %{$vg{$volume_group}->{lvols}->{$lvname}}) {
+ $lv_info{$lvname}->{$_} = $vg{$volume_group}->{lvols}->{$lvname}->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ return %lv_info;
+} # End of the get_logical_volume_information routine.
+# Subroutine: get_volume_group_information #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# data about the specified volume group. #
+# Parameters: A string containing a volume group name. #
+# Return Values: On success, a hast with the volume group data. #
+sub get_physical_volume_information($) {
+ my $volume_group = $_[0];
+ my %pv_info;
+ my $pvname;
+ my %vg = get_vg_information();
+ foreach $pvname (sort keys %{$vg{$volume_group}->{pvols}}) {
+ foreach(sort keys %{$vg{$volume_group}->{pvols}->{$pvname}}) {
+ $pv_info{$pvname}->{$_} = $vg{$volume_group}->{pvols}->{$pvname}->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ return %pv_info;
+} # End of the get_physical_volume_information routine.
+# Subroutine: get_vg_information #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# volume group information for the system. #
+# Parameters: None #
+# Return Values: On success, a hash with all of the vg information. #
+sub get_vg_information() {
+ my %vghash;
+ my $vgn;
+ my $lvn;
+ my $pvn;
+ if( ! -e "/sbin/vgdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+ my @vginfo = `/sbin/vgdisplay -v`;
+ VGINF: foreach(@vginfo) {
+ # Parse the volume group name.
+ if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vgn = $1; $vghash{$vgn}->{vgname} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume group access.
+ elsif( m/^VG Access\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{access} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume group status.
+ elsif( m/^VG Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{status} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume group number.
+ elsif( m/^VG #\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_number} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the maximum logical volume size and size unit for the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^MAX LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv_size_unit} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the maximum number of logical volumes for the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^MAX LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{max_lv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the current number of logical volumes for the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_lv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of open logical volumes for the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Open LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{open_lv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of physical volumes accessible to the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Max PV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{max_pv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the current number of physical volumes in the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Cur PV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{cur_pv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of active physical volumes in the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Act PV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{act_pv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the size of the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^VG Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{vg_size_unit} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the physical extent size and unit for one extent of volume group.
+ elsif( m/^PE Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pe_size_unit} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the total number and number of free physical extents from the physical disk.
+ elsif( m/^Total PE \/ Free PE\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+)/m ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{total_pe} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{free_pe} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the total number of physical extents from the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{total_pe} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of allocated physical extents from the volume group.
+ elsif( m/^Alloc PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size} = $2;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{alloc_pe_size_unit} = $3;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume group name.
+ elsif( m/^Free PE \/ Size\s+(\S+) \/ (\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size} = $2;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{free_pe_size_unit} = $3;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume group uuid.
+ elsif( m/^VG UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{uuid} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the logical volume name.
+ elsif( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvn = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{name} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the logical volume size and unit.
+ elsif( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_size_unit} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the logical volume write access.
+ elsif( m/^LV Write Access\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{write_access} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the logical volume status.
+ elsif( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{status} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of logical extents in the logical volume.
+ elsif( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{cur_le} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of allocated logical extents in the logical volume.
+ elsif( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{alloc_le} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the allocation type for the logical volume.
+ elsif( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{allocation} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the volume number.
+ elsif( m/^LV #\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{lv_number} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the number of times the logical volume is open.
+ elsif( m/^# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{open_lv} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the block device of the logical volume.
+ elsif( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{device} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the value for the read ahead sectors of the logical volume.
+ elsif( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{lvols}->{$lvn}->{read_ahead} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the physical disk name.
+ elsif( m/^PV Name \(\#\)\s+(\S+) \((\S)\)/ ) {
+ $pvn = $2;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{device} = $1;
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{pv_number} = $2;
+ next VGINF; }
+ # Parse the status of the physical disk.
+ elsif( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $vghash{$vgn}->{pvols}->{$pvn}->{status} = $1;
+ next VGINF; }
+ }
+ return %vghash;
+} # End of the get_vg_information routine.
+# Subroutine: get_pv_info #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# information about the specified physical volume. #
+# Parameters: None #
+# Return Values: On success, a hash with all of the pv information. #
+sub get_pv_info($) {
+ my $pvname = $_[0];
+ my %pvhash;
+ if( ! -e "$pvname" ) { die("Physical Disk: $pvname does not exist."); }
+ if( ! -e "/sbin/pvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+ my @pvinfo = `/sbin/pvdisplay $pvname`;
+ PVINF: foreach(@pvinfo) {
+ # Get the name of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^PV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{pv_name} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the name of the volume group the physical volume belongs to.
+ if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{vg_name} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the size information of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^PV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+) secs\] \/ (.+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{size} = $1;
+ $pvhash{size_unit} = $2;
+ $pvhash{sectors} = $3;
+ $pvhash{size_info} = $4;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the physical volume number.
+ if( m/^PV\#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{pv_number} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the status of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^PV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{status} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the allocation status of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^Allocatable\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{allocatable} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the number of logical volumes on the physical volume.
+ if( m/^Cur LV\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{num_lvols} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the physical extent size and unit of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^PE Size \((\S+)\)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{pe_size} = $2;
+ $pvhash{pe_size_unit} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the total numver of physical extents on the physical volume.
+ if( m/^Total PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{total_pe} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the number of free extents on the physical volume.
+ if( m/^Free PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{free_pe} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the number of allocated physical extents on the physical volume.
+ if( m/^Allocated PE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{alloc_pe} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ # Get the UUID of the physical volume.
+ if( m/^PV UUID\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $pvhash{uuid} = $1;
+ next PVINF; }
+ }
+ return %pvhash;
+} # End of the get_pv_info routine.
+# Subroutine: get_lv_info #
+# Description: This function will return a hash containing all of the #
+# information about the specified logical volume. #
+# Parameters: None #
+# Return Values: On success, a hash with all of the lv information. #
+sub get_lv_info($) {
+ my $lvname = $_[0];
+ my %lvhash;
+ if( ! -e "$lvname" ) { die("Logical Disk: $lvname does not exist."); }
+ if( ! -e "/sbin/lvdisplay" ) { die("LVM utilities not installed in /sbin"); }
+ my @lvinfo = `/sbin/lvdisplay $lvname`;
+ LVINF: foreach(@lvinfo) {
+ # Get the logical volume name.
+ if( m/^LV Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{lv_name} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the volume group name.
+ if( m/^VG Name\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{vg_name} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the logical volume write status.
+ if( m/^LV Write Access\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{access} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the logical volume status.
+ if( m/^LV Status\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{status} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the logical volume number.
+ if( m/^LV \#\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{lv_number} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the number of opens for the logical volume.
+ if( m/^\# open\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{lv_open} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the logical volume size and size unit.
+ if( m/^LV Size\s+(\S+) (\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{size} = $1;
+ $lvhash{size_unit} = $2;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the number of extents assigned to the logical volume.
+ if( m/^Current LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{current_le} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the number of extents allocated to the logical volume.
+ if( m/^Allocated LE\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{alloc_le} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the extent allocation type of the logical volume.
+ if( m/^Allocation\s+(.+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{allocation} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the number of read ahead sectors for the logical volume.
+ if( m/^Read ahead sectors\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{read_ahead} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ # Get the block device of the logical volume.
+ if( m/^Block device\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $lvhash{block_device} = $1;
+ next LVINF; }
+ }
+ return %lvhash;
+} # End of the get_lv_info routine.
+# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!
+=head1 NAME
+Linux::LVM - Perl extension for accessing Logical Volume Manager(LVM)
+ data structures on Linux.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Linux::LVM;
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+ The live data used in the examples is included in the DESCRIPTION area
+ for your convenience and reference.
+ get_volume_group_list() This routine will return an array that
+ contains the names of the volume groups.
+ @vgs = get_volume_group_list(); print "@vgs \n";
+ Would yield the following: vg00
+ get_volume_group_information($) This routine will return all of
+ the volume group information about
+ the specified volume group.
+ %vg = get_volume_group_information("vg00");
+ foreach(sort keys %vg) {
+ print "$_ = $vg{$_}\n";
+ }
+ Would yield the following:
+ access = read/write
+ act_pv = 2
+ alloc_pe = 3840
+ alloc_pe_size = 15
+ alloc_pe_size_unit = GB
+ cur_lv = 3
+ cur_pv = 2
+ free_pe = 864
+ free_pe_size = 3.38
+ free_pe_size_unit = GB
+ max_lv = 256
+ max_lv_size = 255.99
+ max_lv_size_unit = GB
+ max_pv = 256
+ open_lv = 0
+ pe_size = 4
+ pe_size_unit = MB
+ status = available/resizable
+ total_pe = 4704
+ uuid = BBq8si-NyRR-9ZNW-3J5e-DoRO-RBHK-ckrszi
+ vg_number = 0
+ vg_size = 18.38
+ vg_size_unit = GB
+ vgname = vg00
+ get_logical_volume_information($) This routine will return all of the
+ logical volume information associated
+ with the specified volume group.
+ %lv = get_logical_volume_information("vg00");
+ foreach $lvname (sort keys %lv) {
+ foreach(sort keys %{$lv{$lvname}}) {
+ print "$_ = $lv{$lvname}->{$_}\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ Would yield the following results:
+ alloc_le = 1024
+ allocation = next free
+ cur_le = 1024
+ device = 58:0
+ lv_number = 1
+ lv_size = 4
+ lv_size_unit = GB
+ name = /dev/vg00/lvol1
+ open_lv = 0
+ read_ahead = 1024
+ status = available
+ write_access = read/write
+ alloc_le = 1280
+ allocation = next free
+ cur_le = 1280
+ device = 58:1
+ lv_number = 2
+ lv_size = 5
+ lv_size_unit = GB
+ name = /dev/vg00/lvol2
+ open_lv = 0
+ read_ahead = 1024
+ status = available
+ write_access = read/write
+ alloc_le = 1536
+ allocation = next free
+ cur_le = 1536
+ device = 58:2
+ lv_number = 3
+ lv_size = 6
+ lv_size_unit = GB
+ name = /dev/vg00/lvol3
+ open_lv = 0
+ read_ahead = 1024
+ status = available
+ write_access = read/write
+ get_physical_volume_information($) This routine will return all of the information
+ information about the physical volumes assigned
+ to the specified volume group.
+ %pv = get_physical_volume_information("vg00");
+ foreach $pvname (sort keys %pv) {
+ foreach(sort keys %{$pv{$pvname}}) {
+ print "$_ = $pv{$pvname}->{$_}\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ Would yield the following results:
+ device = /dev/hda3
+ free_pe = 0
+ pv_number = 1
+ status = available / allocatable
+ total_pe = 2160
+ device = /dev/hda4
+ free_pe = 864
+ pv_number = 2
+ status = available / allocatable
+ total_pe = 2544
+ get_lv_info($) This routine will return all of the information about the
+ specified logical volume. The information will be returned
+ in a hash.
+ get_lv_info
+ %lv = get_lv_info("/dev/vg00/lvol1");
+ foreach (sort keys %lv) {
+ print "$_ = $lv{$_} \n";
+ }
+ Would yield the following results:
+ access = read/write
+ alloc_le = 1024
+ allocation = next free
+ block_device = 58:0
+ current_le = 1024
+ lv_name = /dev/vg00/lvol1
+ lv_number = 1
+ lv_open = 0
+ read_ahead = 1024
+ size = 4
+ size_unit = GB
+ status = available
+ vg_name = vg00
+ get_pv_info($) This routine will return all of the information about the
+ specified physical volume. The information will be returned
+ in a hash.
+ %pv = get_pv_info("/dev/hda3");
+ foreach (sort keys %pv) {
+ print "$_ = $pv{$_} \n";
+ }
+ Would yield the following results:
+ alloc_pe = 2160
+ allocatable = yes (but full)
+ free_pe = 0
+ num_lvols = 2
+ pe_size = 4096
+ pe_size_unit = KByte
+ pv_name = /dev/hda3
+ pv_number = 1
+ sectors = 17703630
+ size = 8.44
+ size_info = NOT usable 4.19 MB [LVM: 136 KB]
+ size_unit = GB
+ status = available
+ total_pe = 2160
+ uuid = 2c5ADu-oEdt-ovCe-rqp0-MWpF-I5u1-8XigH4
+ vg_name = vg00
+ Command Output Used In The Above Examples: /sbin/vgdisplay -v
+ --- Volume group ---
+ VG Name vg00
+ VG Access read/write
+ VG Status available/resizable
+ VG # 0
+ MAX LV 256
+ Cur LV 3
+ Open LV 0
+ MAX LV Size 255.99 GB
+ Max PV 256
+ Cur PV 2
+ Act PV 2
+ VG Size 18.38 GB
+ PE Size 4 MB
+ Total PE 4704
+ Alloc PE / Size 3840 / 15 GB
+ Free PE / Size 864 / 3.38 GB
+ VG UUID BBq8si-NyRR-9ZNW-3J5e-DoRO-RBHK-ckrszi
+ --- Logical volume ---
+ LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol1
+ VG Name vg00
+ LV Write Access read/write
+ LV Status available
+ LV # 1
+ # open 0
+ LV Size 4 GB
+ Current LE 1024
+ Allocated LE 1024
+ Allocation next free
+ Read ahead sectors 1024
+ Block device 58:0
+ --- Logical volume ---
+ LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol2
+ VG Name vg00
+ LV Write Access read/write
+ LV Status available
+ LV # 2
+ # open 0
+ LV Size 5 GB
+ Current LE 1280
+ Allocated LE 1280
+ Allocation next free
+ Read ahead sectors 1024
+ Block device 58:1
+ --- Logical volume ---
+ LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol3
+ VG Name vg00
+ LV Write Access read/write
+ LV Status available
+ LV # 3
+ # open 0
+ LV Size 6 GB
+ Current LE 1536
+ Allocated LE 1536
+ Allocation next free
+ Read ahead sectors 1024
+ Block device 58:2
+ --- Physical volumes ---
+ PV Name (#) /dev/hda3 (1)
+ PV Status available / allocatable
+ Total PE / Free PE 2160 / 0
+ PV Name (#) /dev/hda4 (2)
+ PV Status available / allocatable
+ Total PE / Free PE 2544 / 864
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Chad Kerner, E<lt>chadkerner at yahoo.comE<gt>
+Copyright 2003 by Chad Kerner
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/MANIFEST Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/Makefile.PL Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+use 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+ 'NAME' => 'Linux::LVM',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => 'LVM.pm', # finds $VERSION
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+ ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+ (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'LVM.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+ AUTHOR => 'Chad Kerner <chadkerner at yahoo.com>') : ()),
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/README?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/README (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/README Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+Linux/LVM version 0.01
+This module was written so that I could create my own disk allocation
+reports. I got tired of looking at vgdisplay's and lvdisplay's, so
+now I can manipulate the data easily and produce customized reports.
+To install this module type the following:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+This module has no other dependencies.
+Copyright (C) 2003 Chad Kerner
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+use Linux::LVM;
+%hash = get_lv_info("/dev/vg00/code");
+foreach(sort keys %hash) {
+ print "$_ = $hash{$_} \n";
Propchange: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_lv_info.pl
svn:executable =
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+use Linux::LVM;
+%hash = get_pv_info("/dev/hdb");
+foreach(sort keys %hash) {
+ print "$_ = $hash{$_} \n";
Propchange: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/get_pv_info.pl
svn:executable =
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/prt_vg_info.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/prt_vg_info.pl?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/prt_vg_info.pl (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/examples/prt_vg_info.pl Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+use Linux::LVM;
+%vg = get_volume_group_information("vg00");
+print "--- Volume group --- \n";
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","VG Name",$vg{vgname});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","VG Access",$vg{access});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","VG Status",$vg{status});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","VG #",$vg{vg_number});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","MAX LV",$vg{max_lv});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","Cur LV",$vg{cur_lv});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","Open LV",$vg{open_lv});
+printf("%-20s %-s %-s\n","MAX LV Size",$vg{max_lv_size},$vg{max_lv_size_unit});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","MAX PV",$vg{max_pv});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","Cur PV",$vg{cur_pv});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","Act PV",$vg{act_pv});
+printf("%-20s %-s %-s\n","VG Size",$vg{vg_size},$vg{vg_size_unit});
+printf("%-20s %-s %-s\n","PE Size",$vg{pe_size},$vg{pe_size_unit});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","Total PE",$vg{total_pe});
+printf("%-20s %-s / %-s %-s\n","Alloc PE / Size",$vg{alloc_pe},$vg{alloc_pe_size},$vg{alloc_pe_size_unit});
+printf("%-20s %-s / %-s %-s\n","Free PE / Size",$vg{free_pe},$vg{free_pe_size},$vg{free_pe_size_unit});
+printf("%-20s %-s\n","VG UUID",$vg{uuid});
+print "\n";
Added: branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/t/1.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/t/1.t?rev=8646&op=file
--- branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/t/1.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/liblinux-lvm-perl/current/t/1.t Mon Oct 29 16:15:13 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Linux::LVM') };
+# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.
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