r18357 - in /branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl: ./ current/ current/lib/ current/lib/Time/ current/t/

eloy at users.alioth.debian.org eloy at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 6 20:56:12 UTC 2008

Author: eloy
Date: Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
New Revision: 18357

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=18357
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libtime-clock-perl

    branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL   (with props)
    branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm   (with props)

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Changes?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Changes (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Changes Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+0.12 (02.01.2008) - John Siracusa <siracusa at gmail.com>
+    * Updated the maintainer's email address.
+0.11 (08.24.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa at gmail.com>
+    * Added the %s format specifier.
+    * Made as_integer_seconds() part of the public API.
+0.10 (06.30.2006) - John Siracusa <siracusa at gmail.com>
+    * Initial release.

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/MANIFEST Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/META.yml?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/META.yml (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/META.yml Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+--- #YAML:1.0
+name:                Time-Clock
+version:             0.12
+abstract:            ~
+license:             ~
+generated_by:        ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.36
+distribution_type:   module
+    url:     http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.2.html
+    version: 1.2

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+require 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+WriteMakefile(NAME         => 'Time::Clock',
+              ($^O =~ /darwin/i ?
+               (dist => { DIST_CP => 'cp' }) : ()), # Avoid Mac OS X ._* files
+              PMLIBDIRS    => [ 'lib' ],
+              VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Time/Clock.pm');

Propchange: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/Makefile.PL
    svn:executable = 

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,761 @@
+package Time::Clock;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+our $VERSION = '0.12';
+use overload
+  '""' => sub { shift->as_string },
+   fallback => 1,
+eval { require Time::HiRes };
+our $Have_HiRes_Time = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+# Allow an hour value of 24
+our $Allow_Hour_24 = 0;
+use constant NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND => 1_000_000_000;
+use constant SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE     => 60;
+use constant SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR      => SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE * 60;
+use constant SECONDS_IN_A_CLOCK      => SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR * 24;
+use constant DEFAULT_FORMAT => '%H:%M:%S%n';
+our %Default_Format;
+sub default_format
+  my($invocant) = shift;
+  # Called as object method
+  if(ref $invocant)
+  {
+    return $invocant->{'default_format'} = shift  if(@_);
+    return ref($invocant)->default_format;
+  }
+  # Called as class method
+  return $Default_Format{$invocant} = shift  if(@_);
+  return $Default_Format{$invocant} ||= DEFAULT_FORMAT;
+sub new
+  my($class) = shift;
+  my $self = bless {}, $class;
+  @_ = (parse => @_)  if(@_ == 1);
+  $self->init(@_);
+  return $self;
+sub init
+  my($self) = shift;
+  while(@_)
+  {
+    my $method = shift;
+    $self->$method(shift);
+  }
+sub hour
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_)
+  {
+    my $hour = shift;
+    if($Allow_Hour_24)
+    {
+      croak "hour must be between 0 and 24"  
+        unless(!defined $hour || ($hour >= 0 && $hour <= 24));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      croak "hour must be between 0 and 23"  
+        unless(!defined $hour || ($hour >= 0 && $hour <= 23));
+    }
+    return $self->{'hour'} = $hour;
+  }
+  return $self->{'hour'} ||= 0;
+sub minute
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_)
+  {
+    my $minute = shift;
+    croak "minute must be between 0 and 59"  
+      unless(!defined $minute || ($minute >= 0 && $minute <= 59));
+    return $self->{'minute'} = $minute;
+  }
+  return $self->{'minute'} ||= 0;
+sub second
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_)
+  {
+    my $second = shift;
+    croak "second must be between 0 and 59"  
+      unless(!defined $second || ($second >= 0 && $second <= 59));
+    return $self->{'second'} = $second;
+  }
+  return $self->{'second'} ||= 0;
+sub nanosecond
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_)
+  {
+    my $nanosecond = shift;
+    croak "nanosecond must be between 0 and ", (NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND - 1)
+      unless(!defined $nanosecond || ($nanosecond >= 0 && $nanosecond < NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND));
+    return $self->{'nanosecond'} = $nanosecond;
+  }
+  return $self->{'nanosecond'};
+sub ampm
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_ && defined $_[0])
+  {
+    my $ampm = shift;
+    if($ampm =~ /^a\.?m\.?$/i)
+    {
+      if($self->hour > 12)
+      {
+        croak "Cannot set AM/PM to AM when hour is set to ", $self->hour;
+      }
+      elsif($self->hour == 12)
+      {
+        $self->hour(0);
+      }
+      return 'am';
+    }
+    elsif($ampm =~ /^p\.?m\.?$/i)
+    {
+      if($self->hour < 12)
+      {
+        $self->hour($self->hour + 12);
+      }
+      return 'pm';
+    }
+    else { croak "AM/PM value not understood: $ampm" }
+  }
+  return ($self->hour >= 12) ? 'PM' : 'AM';
+sub as_string 
+  my($self) = shift;
+  return $self->format($self->default_format);
+sub format
+  my($self, $format) = @_;
+  $format ||= ref($self)->default_format;
+  my $hour  = $self->hour;
+  my $ihour = $hour > 12 ? ($hour - 12) : $hour;
+  my $ns     = $self->nanosecond;
+  my %formats =
+  (
+    'H' => sprintf('%02d', $hour),
+    'I' => sprintf('%02d', $ihour),
+    'i' => $ihour,
+    'k' => $hour,
+    'M' => sprintf('%02d', $self->minute),
+    'S' => sprintf('%02d', $self->second),
+    'N' => sprintf('%09d', $ns || 0),
+    'n' => defined $ns ? sprintf('.%09d', $ns) : '',
+    'p' => $self->ampm,
+    'P' => lc $self->ampm,
+    's' => $self->as_integer_seconds,
+  );
+  $formats{'n'} =~ s/\.?0+$//;
+  for($format)
+  {
+    s{ ((?:%%|[^%]+)*) %T }{$1%H:%M:%S}gx;
+    s/%([HIikMSsNnpP])/$formats{$1}/g;
+    no warnings 'uninitialized';
+    s{ ((?:%%|[^%]+)*) % ([1-9]) N }{ $1 . substr(sprintf("%09d", $ns || 0), 0, $2) }gex;
+    if(defined $ns)
+    {
+      s{ ((?:%%|[^%]+)*) % ([1-9]) n }{ "$1." . substr(sprintf("%09d", $ns || 0), 0, $2) }gex;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      s{ ((?:%%|[^%]+)*) % ([1-9]) n }{$1}gx;
+    }
+    s/%%/%/g;
+  }
+  return $format;
+sub parse
+  my($self, $time) = @_;
+  if(my($hour, $min, $sec, $fsec, $ampm) = ($time =~ 
+  m{^
+      (\d\d?) # hour
+      (?::(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?(?:\.(\d{0,9}))? # min? sec? nanosec?
+      (?:\s*([aApP]\.?[mM]\.?))? # am/pm
+    $
+  }x))
+  {
+    # Special case to allow times of 24:00:00, which the Postgres
+    # database considers valid (presumably in order to account for
+    # leap seconds)
+    if($hour == 24)
+    {
+      no warnings 'uninitialized';
+      if($min == 0 && $sec == 0 && $fsec == 0)
+      {
+        local $Allow_Hour_24 = 1;
+        $self->hour($hour);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        croak "Could not parse time '$time' - an hour value of 24 is only ",
+              "allowed if minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds are all zero"  
+      }
+    }
+    else { $self->hour($hour) }
+    $self->minute($min);
+    $self->second($sec);
+    $self->ampm($ampm);
+    if(defined $fsec)
+    {
+      my $len = length $fsec;
+      if($len < 9)
+      {
+        $fsec .= ('0' x (9 - $len));
+      }
+      elsif($len > 9)
+      {
+        $fsec = substr($fsec, 0, 9);
+      }
+    }
+    $self->nanosecond($fsec);
+  }
+  elsif($time eq 'now')
+  {
+    if($Have_HiRes_Time)
+    {
+      (my $fsecs = Time::HiRes::time()) =~ s/^.*\.//;
+      return $self->parse(sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d.$fsecs", (localtime(time))[2,1,0]));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return $self->parse(sprintf('%d:%02d:%02d', (localtime(time))[2,1,0]));
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    croak "Could not parse time '$time'";
+  }
+  return $self;
+sub as_integer_seconds
+  my($self) = shift;
+  return ($self->hour * SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR) +
+         ($self->minute * SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE) +
+         $self->second;
+sub delta_as_integer_seconds
+  my($self, %args) = @_;
+  return (($args{'hours'} || 0) * SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR) +
+         (($args{'minutes'} || 0) * SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE) +
+         ($args{'seconds'} || 0);
+sub parse_delta
+  my($self) = shift;
+  if(@_ == 1)
+  {
+    my $delta = shift;
+    if(my($hour, $min, $sec, $fsec) = ($delta =~ 
+    m{^
+        (\d+)            # hours
+        (?::(\d+))?      # minutes
+        (?::(\d+))?      # seconds
+        (?:\.(\d{0,9}))? # nanoseconds
+      $
+    }x))
+    {
+      if(defined $fsec)
+      {
+        my $len = length $fsec;
+        if($len < 9)
+        {
+          $fsec .= ('0' x (9 - $len));
+        }
+        $fsec = $fsec + 0;
+      }
+      return
+      (
+        hours       => $hour,
+        minutes     => $min,
+        seconds     => $sec,
+        nanoseconds => $fsec,
+      );
+    }
+    else { croak "Time delta not understood: $delta" }
+  }
+  return @_;
+sub add
+  my($self) = shift;
+  my %args = $self->parse_delta(@_);
+  my $secs = $self->as_integer_seconds + $self->delta_as_integer_seconds(%args);
+  if(defined $args{'nanoseconds'})
+  {
+    my $ns_arg = $args{'nanoseconds'};
+    my $nsec   = $self->nanosecond || 0;
+    if($ns_arg + $nsec < NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND)
+    {
+      $self->nanosecond($ns_arg + $nsec);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      $secs += int(($ns_arg + $nsec) / NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
+      $self->nanosecond(($ns_arg + $nsec) % NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
+    }
+  }
+  $self->init_with_seconds($secs);
+  return;
+sub subtract
+  my($self) = shift;
+  my %args = $self->parse_delta(@_);
+  my $secs = $self->as_integer_seconds - $self->delta_as_integer_seconds(%args);
+  if(defined $args{'nanoseconds'})
+  {
+    my $ns_arg = $args{'nanoseconds'};
+    my $nsec   = $self->nanosecond || 0;
+    if($nsec - $ns_arg >= 0)
+    {
+      $self->nanosecond($nsec - $ns_arg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if(abs($nsec - $ns_arg) >= NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND)
+      {
+        $secs -= int($ns_arg / NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        $secs--;
+      }
+      $self->nanosecond(($nsec - $ns_arg) % NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
+    }
+  }
+  if($secs < 0)
+  {
+    $secs = $secs % SECONDS_IN_A_CLOCK;
+  }
+  $self->init_with_seconds($secs);
+  return;
+sub init_with_seconds
+  my($self, $secs) = @_;
+  if($secs >= SECONDS_IN_A_CLOCK)
+  {
+    $secs = $secs % SECONDS_IN_A_CLOCK;
+  }
+  if($secs >= SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR)
+  {
+    $self->hour(int($secs / SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR));
+    $secs -= $self->hour * SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR;
+  }
+  else { $self->hour(0) }
+  if($secs >= SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE)
+  {
+    $self->minute(int($secs / SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE));
+    $secs -= $self->minute * SECONDS_IN_A_MINUTE;
+  }
+  else { $self->minute(0) }
+  $self->second($secs);
+  return;
+=head1 NAME
+Time::Clock - Twenty-four hour clock object with nanosecond precision.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  $t = Time::Clock->new(hour => 12, minute => 34, second => 56);
+  print $t->as_string; # 12:34:56
+  $t->parse('8pm');
+  print "$t"; # 20:00:00
+  print $t->format('%I:%M %p'); # 08:00 PM
+  $t->add(minutes => 15, nanoseconds => 123000000);
+  print $t->as_string; # 20:15:00.123
+  $t->subtract(hours => 30);
+  print $t->as_string; # 14:15:00.123
+  ...
+A L<Time::Clock> object is a twenty-four hour clock with nanosecond precision and wrap-around.  It is a clock only; it has absolutely no concept of dates.  Vagaries of date/time such as leap seconds and daylight savings time are unsupported.
+When a L<Time::Clock> object hits 23:59:59.999999999 and at least one more nanosecond is added, it will wrap around to 00:00:00.000000000.  This works in reverse when time is subtracted.
+L<Time::Clock> objects automatically stringify to a user-definable format.
+=over 4
+=item B<default_format FORMAT>
+Set the default format used by the L<as_string|/as_string> method for all objects of this class.  Defaults to "%H:%M:%S%n".  See the documentation for the L<format|/format> method for a complete list of format specifiers.
+Note that this method may also be called as an object method, in which case it sets the default format for the individual object only.
+=over 4
+=item B<new PARAMS>
+Constructs a new L<Time::Clock> object based on PARAMS, where PARAMS are
+name/value pairs.  Any object method is a valid parameter name.  Example:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new(hour => 12, minute => 34, second => 56);
+If a single argument is passed to L<new|/new>, it is equivalent to calling the L<parse|/parse> method.  That is, this:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new('12:34:56');
+is equivalent to this:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new;
+    $t->parse('12:34:56');
+Returns the newly constructed L<Time::Clock> object.
+=over 4
+=item B<add PARAMS>
+Add the time specified by PARAMS to the clock.  Valid PARAMS are:
+=over 4
+=item C<hours INT>
+An integer number of hours.
+=item C<minutes INT>
+An integer number of minutes.
+=item C<seconds INT>
+An integer number of seconds.
+=item C<nanoseconds INT>
+An integer number of nanoseconds.
+If the amount of time added is large enough, the clock will wrap around from 23:59:59.999999999 to 00:00:00.000000000 as needed.
+=item B<ampm AM/PM>
+Get or set the AM/PM attribute of the clock.  Valid values of AM/PM must contain the letters "AM" or "PM" (case-insensitive), optionally followed by periods.
+A clock whose L<hour|/hour> is greater than 12 cannot be set to AM.  Any attempt to do so will cause a fatal error.
+Setting a clock whose L<hour|/hour> is less than 12 to PM will cause its  L<hour|/hour> to be increased by 12.  Example:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new('8:00');
+    print $t->as_string; # 08:00:00
+    $t->ampm('PM');
+    print $t->as_string; # 20:00:00
+Return the string "AM" if the L<hour|/hour> is less than 12, "PM" otherwise.
+=item B<as_integer_seconds>
+Returns the integer number of seconds since 00:00:00.
+=item B<as_string>
+Returns a string representation of the clock, formatted according to the clock object's L<default_format|/default_format>.
+=item B<default_format FORMAT>
+Set the default format used by the L<as_string|/as_string> method for this object.  Defaults to "%H:%M:%S%n".  See the documentation for the L<format|/format> method for a complete list of format specifiers.
+Note that this method may also be called as a class method, in which case it sets the default format all objects of this class.
+=item B<format FORMAT>
+Returns the clock value formatted according to the FORMAT string containing "%"-prefixed format specifiers.  Valid format specifiers are:
+=over 4
+=item C<%H>
+The hour as a two-digit, zero-padded integer using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).
+=item C<%I>
+The hour as a two-digit, zero-padded integer using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).
+=item C<%i>
+The hour as an integer using a 12-hour clock (range 1 to 12).
+=item C<%k>
+The hour as an integer using a 24-hour clock (range 0 to 23).
+=item C<%M>
+The minute as a two-digit, zero-padded integer (range 00 to 59).
+=item C<%n>
+If the clock has a non-zero L<nanosecond|/nanosecond> value, then this format produces a decimal point followed by the fractional seconds up to and including the last non-zero digit.  If no L<nanosecond|/nanosecond> value is defined, or if it is zero, then this format produces an empty string.  Examples:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new('12:34:56');
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%n'); # 12:34:56
+    $t->nanosecond(0);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%n'); # 12:34:56
+    $t->nanosecond(123000000);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%n'); # 12:34:56.123
+=item C<%[1-9]n>
+If the clock has a defined L<nanosecond|/nanosecond> value, then this format produces a decimal point followed by the specified number of digits of fractional seconds (1-9).  Examples:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new('12:34:56');
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%4n'); # 12:34:56
+    $t->nanosecond(0);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%4n'); # 12:34:56.0000
+    $t->nanosecond(123000000);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S%4n'); # 12:34:56.1230
+=item C<%N>
+Nanoseconds as a nine-digit, zero-padded integer (range 000000000 to 999999999)
+=item C<%[1-9]N>
+Fractional seconds as a one- to nine-digit, zero-padded integer.  Examples:
+    $t = Time::Clock->new('12:34:56');
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S.%4N'); # 12:34:56.0000
+    $t->nanosecond(123000000);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S.%6N'); # 12:34:56.123000
+    $t->nanosecond(123000000);
+    print $t->format('%H:%M:%S.%2N'); # 12:34:56.12
+=item C<%p>
+Either "AM" or "PM" according to the value return by the L<ampm|/ampm> method.
+=item C<%P>
+Like %p but lowercase: "am" or "pm"
+=item C<%S>
+The second as a two-digit, zero-padded integer (range 00 to 61).
+=item C<%s>
+The integer number of seconds since 00:00:00.
+=item C<%T>
+The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S).
+=item C<%%>
+A literal "%" character.
+=item B<hour INT>
+Get or set the hour of the clock.  INT must be an integer from 0 to 23.
+=item B<minute INT>
+Get or set the minute of the clock.  INT must be an integer from 0 to 59.
+=item B<nanosecond INT>
+Get or set the nanosecond of the clock.  INT must be an integer from 0 to 999999999.
+=item B<parse STRING>
+Set the clock time by parsing STRING.  Valid string values contain an hour with optional minutes, seconds, fractional seconds, and AM/PM string.  There should be a colon (":") between hours, minutes, and seconds, and a decimal point (".") between the seconds and fractional seconds.  Fractional seconds may contain up to 9 digits.  The AM/PM string is case-insensitive and may have periods after each letter.
+The string "now" will initialize the clock object with the current (local) time.  If the L<Time::HiRes> module is installed, this time will have fractional seconds.
+A time value with an hour of 24 and zero minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds is also accepted by this method.
+Here are some examples of valid time strings:
+    12:34:56.123456789
+    12:34:56.123 PM
+    24:00
+    8:30pm
+    6 A.m.
+    now
+=item B<second INT>
+Get or set the second of the clock.  INT must be an integer from 0 to 59.
+=item B<subtract PARAMS>
+Subtract the time specified by PARAMS from the clock.  Valid PARAMS are:
+=over 4
+=item C<hours INT>
+An integer number of hours.
+=item C<minutes INT>
+An integer number of minutes.
+=item C<seconds INT>
+An integer number of seconds.
+=item C<nanoseconds INT>
+An integer number of nanoseconds.
+If the amount of time subtracted is large enough, the clock will wrap around from 00:00:00.000000000 to 23:59:59.999999999 as needed.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+John C. Siracusa (siracusa at gmail.com)
+Copyright (c) 2006 by John C. Siracusa.  All rights reserved.  This program is
+free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+as Perl itself.

Propchange: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/lib/Time/Clock.pm
    svn:executable = 

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/basic.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/basic.t?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/basic.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/basic.t Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 31;
+  use_ok('Time::Clock');
+my $t = Time::Clock->new;
+is(ref($t), 'Time::Clock', 'new()');
+$t = Time::Clock->new(hour => 12, minute => 34, second => 56);
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:56', 'as_string 1');
+is("$t", '12:34:56', 'as_string 2');
+is($t->as_integer_seconds, 45296, 'as_integer_seconds 1');
+is(Time::Clock->new('00:00:01.12345')->as_integer_seconds, 1, 'as_integer_seconds 2');
+is("$t", '12:34:56.123', 'as string 3');
+$t = Time::Clock->new('01:02:03');
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'as_string 4');
+# Hour
+is($t->hour(0), 0, 'hour 0');
+is($t->hour(23), 23, 'hour 23');
+eval { $t->hour(-1) };
+ok($@, 'hour -1');
+eval { $t->hour(24) };
+ok($@, 'hour 24');
+# Minute
+is($t->minute(0), 0, 'minute 0');
+is($t->minute(59), 59, 'minute 59');
+eval { $t->minute(-1) };
+ok($@, 'minute -1');
+eval { $t->minute(60) };
+ok($@, 'minute 60');
+# Second
+is($t->second(0), 0, 'second 0');
+is($t->second(59), 59, 'second 59');
+eval { $t->second(-1) };
+ok($@, 'second -1');
+eval { $t->second(60) };
+ok($@, 'second 60');
+# Nanosecond
+is($t->nanosecond(0), 0, 'nanosecond 0');
+is($t->nanosecond(999_999_999), 999_999_999, 'nanosecond 999,999,999');
+eval { $t->nanosecond(-1) };
+ok($@, 'nanosecond -1');
+eval { $t->nanosecond(1_000_000_000) };
+ok($@, 'nanosecond 1,000,000,000');
+# AM/PM
+is($t->ampm, 'AM', 'am 1');
+is($t->ampm, 'AM', 'am 2');
+is($t->ampm, 'PM', 'pm 1');
+is($t->ampm, 'PM', 'pm 2');
+is($t->hour, 13, 'to pm 1');
+eval { $t->ampm('am') };
+ok($@, 'to am 1');
+is($t->hour, 0, 'to am 2');

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/format.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/format.t?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/format.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/format.t Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
+use Time::Clock;
+my $t = Time::Clock->new;
+is($t->format('%H %k %I %i %M %S %N %n %p %P %T'), '12 12 12 12 34 56 123456789 .123456789 PM pm 12:34:56', 'format %H %I %i %M %S %N %p %P %T 1');
+is($t->format('%H %k %I %i %M %S %N %n %p %P %T'), '13 13 01 1 34 56 123000000 .123 PM pm 13:34:56', 'format %H %I %i %M %S %N %p %P %T 2');
+is($t->format('%k'), '1', 'format %k');
+is($t->format('%n'), '', 'format %n 1');
+is($t->format('%s'), 5025, 'format %s 1');
+is($t->format('%n'), '', 'format %n 2');
+is($t->format('%n'), '.123', 'format %n 3');
+is($t->format('%1N'), 1, 'format %1N');
+is($t->format('%2N'), 12, 'format %2N');
+is($t->format('%3N'), 123, 'format %3N');
+is($t->format('%4N'), 1234, 'format %4N');
+is($t->format('%5N'), 12345, 'format %5N');
+is($t->format('%6N'), 123456, 'format %6N');
+is($t->format('%7N'), 1234567, 'format %7N');
+is($t->format('%8N'), 12345678, 'format %8N');
+is($t->format('%9N'), 123456789, 'format %9N');
+is($t->format('%1n'), '.1', 'format %1n');
+is($t->format('%2n'), '.12', 'format %2n');
+is($t->format('%3n'), '.123', 'format %3n');
+is($t->format('%4n'), '.1234', 'format %4n');
+is($t->format('%5n'), '.12345', 'format %5n');
+is($t->format('%6n'), '.123456', 'format %6n');
+is($t->format('%7n'), '.1234567', 'format %7n');
+is($t->format('%8n'), '.12345678', 'format %8n');
+is($t->format('%9n'), '.123456789', 'format %9n');
+is($t->format('%H%%%M%%%2N'), '12%34%12', 'format %H%%%M%%%2N');

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/math.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/math.t?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/math.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/math.t Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,226 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 49;
+use Time::Clock;
+my $t = Time::Clock->new;
+# Add
+$t->add(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:01', 'add 1 second');
+$t->add(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00.000000001', 'add 1 nanosecond');
+$t->add(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:01:00', 'add 1 minute');
+$t->add(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '01:00:00', 'add 1 hour');
+# Unit wrap
+$t->add(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:01', 'add 1 nanosecond - unit wrap');
+$t->add(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:01:00', 'add 1 second - unit wrap');
+$t->add(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '01:00:00', 'add 1 minute - unit wrap');
+$t->add(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'add 1 hour - unit wrap');
+$t->add(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'add 1 nanosecond - unit wrap 2');
+$t->add(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'add 1 second - unit wrap 2');
+$t->add(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'add 1 minute - unit wrap 2');
+$t->add(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'add 1 hour - unit wrap 2');
+# Bulk units
+$t->add(nanoseconds => 2_000_000_123);
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:58.789000123', 'add 2,000,000,123 nanoseconds');
+$t->add(seconds => 3800);
+is($t->as_string, '02:05:23', 'add 3,800 seconds');
+$t->add(minutes => 62);
+is($t->as_string, '02:04:03', 'add 62 minutes');
+$t->add(hours => 24);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'add 24 hours');
+$t->add(hours => 25);
+is($t->as_string, '02:02:03', 'add 25 hours');
+# Mixed units
+$t->add(hours => 3, minutes => 2, seconds => 1, nanoseconds => 54321);
+is($t->as_string, '04:04:04.000054321', 'add 03:02:01.000054321');
+$t->add(hours => 125, minutes => 161, seconds => 161, nanoseconds => 1_234_567_890);
+is($t->as_string, '08:45:45.23456789', 'add 125:161:162.234567890');
+# Strings
+is($t->as_string, '04:04:04.000054321', 'add 03:02:01.000054321 string');
+is($t->as_string, '08:45:45.23456789', 'add 125:161:162.234567890 string');
+is($t->as_string, '02:02:03', 'add 1 string');
+is($t->as_string, '02:04:03', 'add 1:2 string');
+is($t->as_string, '02:04:06', 'add 1:2:3 string');
+is($t->as_string, '02:04:06.456', 'add 1:2:3.456 string');
+eval { $t->add('125:161:162.2345678901') };
+ok($@, 'bad delta string 125:161:162.2345678901');
+eval { $t->add(':161:162.2345678901') };
+ok($@, 'bad delta string :161:162.2345678901');
+# Subtract
+$t->subtract(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'subtract 1 second');
+$t->subtract(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'subtract 1 nanosecond');
+$t->subtract(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'subtract 1 minute');
+$t->subtract(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00', 'subtract 1 hour');
+# Unit wrap
+$t->subtract(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:00.999999999', 'subtract 1 nanosecond - unit wrap');
+$t->subtract(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:00:59', 'subtract 1 second - unit wrap');
+$t->subtract(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '00:59:00', 'subtract 1 minute - unit wrap');
+$t->subtract(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '23:00:00', 'subtract 1 hour - unit wrap');
+$t->subtract(nanoseconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '23:59:59.999999999', 'subtract 1 nanosecond - unit wrap 2');
+$t->subtract(seconds => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '23:59:59', 'subtract 1 second - unit wrap 2');
+$t->subtract(minutes => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '23:59:00', 'subtract 1 minute - unit wrap 2');
+$t->subtract(hours => 1);
+is($t->as_string, '23:00:00', 'subtract 1 hour - unit wrap 2');
+# Bulk units
+$t->subtract(nanoseconds => 2_000_000_123);
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:56.789', 'subtract 2,000,000,123 nanoseconds');
+$t->subtract(seconds => 3800);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 3,800 seconds');
+$t->subtract(minutes => 62);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 62 minutes');
+$t->subtract(hours => 24);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 24 hours');
+$t->subtract(hours => 25);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 25 hours');
+# Mixed units
+$t->subtract(hours => 3, minutes => 2, seconds => 1, nanoseconds => 54321);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 03:02:01.000054321');
+$t->subtract(hours => 125, minutes => 161, seconds => 161, nanoseconds => 1_234_567_890);
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:03', 'subtract 125:161:162.234567890');
+for(1 .. 125) { $t->subtract(hours => 1) }
+for(1 .. 161) { $t->subtract(minutes => 1) }
+for(1 .. 161) { $t->subtract(seconds => 1) }
+is($t->as_string, '01:02:04.23456789', 'subtract 125:161:161 by 1s');
+$t->subtract(nanoseconds => 1_234_567_890);
+is($t->as_string, '08:45:44', 'subtract 0.234567890');
+$t->subtract(hours => 3, minutes => 2, seconds => 1, nanoseconds => 54321);
+is($t->as_string, '20:57:58.999945679', 'subtract 03:02:01.000054321');

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/parse.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/parse.t?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/parse.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/parse.t Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 31;
+use Time::Clock;
+eval { require Time::HiRes };
+our $Have_HiRes_Time = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+my $t = Time::Clock->new;
+ok($t->parse('12:34:56.123456789'), 'parse 12:34:56.123456789');
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:56.123456789', 'check 12:34:56.123456789');
+ok($t->parse('12:34:56.123456789 pm'), 'parse 12:34:56.123456789 pm');
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:56.123456789', 'check 12:34:56.123456789 pm');
+ok($t->parse('12:34:56. A.m.'), 'parse 12:34:56. A.m.');
+is($t->as_string, '00:34:56', 'check 12:34:56 am');
+ok($t->parse('12:34:56 pm'), 'parse 12:34:56 pm');
+is($t->as_string, '12:34:56', 'check 12:34:56 pm');
+ok($t->parse('2:34:56 pm'), 'parse 2:34:56 pm');
+is($t->as_string, '14:34:56', 'check 14:34:56 pm');
+ok($t->parse('2:34 pm'), 'parse 2:34 pm');
+is($t->as_string, '14:34:00', 'check 2:34 pm');
+ok($t->parse('2 pm'), 'parse 2 pm');
+is($t->as_string, '14:00:00', 'check 2 pm');
+ok($t->parse('3pm'), 'parse 3pm');
+is($t->as_string, '15:00:00', 'check 3pm');
+ok($t->parse('4 p.M.'), 'parse 4 p.M.');
+is($t->as_string, '16:00:00', 'check 4 p.M.');
+ok($t->parse('24:00:00'), 'parse 24:00:00');
+is($t->as_string, '24:00:00', 'check 24:00:00');
+ok($t->parse('24:00:00 PM'), 'parse 24:00:00 PM');
+is($t->as_string, '24:00:00', 'check 24:00:00 PM');
+ok($t->parse('24:00'), 'parse 24:00');
+is($t->as_string, '24:00:00', 'check 24:00');
+eval { $t->parse('24:00:00.000000001') };
+ok($@ =~ /only allowed if/,  'parse fail 24:00:00.000000001');
+eval { $t->parse('24:00:01') };
+ok($@ =~ /only allowed if/,  'parse fail 24:00:01');
+eval { $t->parse('24:01') };
+ok($@ =~ /only allowed if/,  'parse fail 24:01');
+  ok($t->parse('now'), 'parse now hires');
+  ok($t->as_string =~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+$/, 'now hires');
+  local $Time::Clock::Have_HiRes_Time = 0;
+  ok($t->parse('now'), 'parse now lowres');
+  ok($t->as_string =~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/, 'check now lowres');
+  ok($t->parse('now'), 'parse now hires (skipped)');
+  ok($t->as_string =~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+$/, 'now hires (skipped)');
+  ok($t->parse('now'), 'parse now');
+  ok($t->as_string =~ /^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/, 'check now lowres');

Added: branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/pod.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/pod.t?rev=18357&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/pod.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libtime-clock-perl/current/t/pod.t Sun Apr  6 20:56:11 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More; 
+eval 'use Test::Pod 1.00'; 
+plan(skip_all => 'Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD')  if($@); 

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