r13058 - in /branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl: ./ current/ current/lib/ current/lib/HTML/ current/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/ current/t/
js at users.alioth.debian.org
js at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jan 21 00:41:02 UTC 2008
Author: js
Date: Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
New Revision: 13058
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=13058
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Changes?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Changes (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Changes Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+# Revision history for HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown
+date: Thu Jul 20 18:00:00 EST 2006
+version: 0.02
+ - require 0.60
+ - add attribute types
+date: Wed Jun 07 10:00:00 EST 2006
+version: 0.01
+ - initial release (fulfill feature request: bug #18111)
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/MANIFEST Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+META.yml # Will be created by "make dist"
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/META.yml?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/META.yml (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/META.yml Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name: HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown
+version: 0.02
+version_from: lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm
+installdirs: site
+ HTML::Tagset: 0
+ HTML::WikiConverter: 0.6
+ Params::Validate: 0
+ Test::More: 0
+ URI: 0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/Makefile.PL Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ NAME => 'HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown',
+ AUTHOR => 'David J. Iberri <diberri at cpan.org>',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm',
+ ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm',
+ PL_FILES => {},
+ PREREQ_PM => {
+ 'Test::More' => 0,
+ 'HTML::WikiConverter' => 0.60,
+ 'HTML::Tagset' => 0,
+ 'Params::Validate' => 0,
+ 'URI' => 0,
+ },
+ dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
+ clean => { FILES => 'HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown-*' },
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/README?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/README (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/README Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+This module adds HTML->Markdown conversion to the HTML::WikiConverter
+Converting HTML to wiki markup is easy:
+ use HTML::WikiConverter;
+ my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'Markdown' );
+ print $wc->html2wiki( "<b>hello</b>" );
+Or from the command line:
+ % html2wiki --dialect Markdown input.html > output.wiki
+There's also a web interface if you're so inclined:
+ http://diberri.dyndns.org/wikipedia/html2wiki/
+ * HTML::WikiConverter version 0.60
+ * HTML::Tagset
+ * URI
+To install this module, run the following commands:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown
+You can also look for information at:
+ Search CPAN
+ http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown
+ CPAN Request Tracker:
+ http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown
+ AnnoCPAN, annotated CPAN documentation:
+ http://annocpan.org/dist/HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown
+ CPAN Ratings:
+ http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown
+Copyright (C) 2006 David J. Iberri
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/lib/HTML/WikiConverter/Markdown.pm Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,376 @@
+package HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use base 'HTML::WikiConverter';
+our $VERSION = '0.02';
+use Params::Validate ':types';
+use HTML::Tagset;
+use URI;
+=head1 NAME
+HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown - Convert HTML to Markdown markup
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTML::WikiConverter;
+ my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'Markdown' );
+ print $wc->html2wiki( $html );
+This module contains rules for converting HTML into Markdown markup.
+You should not use this module directly; HTML::WikiConverter is the
+entry point for html->wiki conversion (eg, see synopsis above). See
+L<HTML::WikiConverter> for additional usage details.
+In addition to the regular set of attributes recognized by the
+L<HTML::WikiConverter> constructor, this dialect also accepts the
+following attributes that can be passed into the C<new()>
+constructor. See L<HTML::WikiConverter/ATTRIBUTES> for usage details.
+=head2 header_style
+Possible values: C<'setext'>, C<'atx'>. Determines how headers
+C<h1>-C<h6> will be formatted. See
+L<http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#header> for more
+information. Default is C<'atx'>.
+=head2 link_style
+Possible values: C<'inline'>, C<'reference'>. See
+L<http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#link> for more
+information. Default is C<'reference'>.
+=head2 force_inline_anchor_links
+Possible values: C<0>, C<1>. If enabled, links to anchors within the
+same page (eg, C<#some-anchor>) will always produce inline Markdown
+links, even under reference link style. This might be useful for
+building tables of contents. Default is C<0>.
+=head2 image_style
+Possible values: C<'inline'>, C<'reference'>. See
+L<http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#img> for more
+information. Default is C<'reference'>.
+=head2 image_tag_fallback
+Possible values: C<0>, C<1>. Markdown's image markup does not
+support image dimensions. If C<image_tag_fallback> is enabled, image
+tags containing dimensional information (ie, width or height) will not
+be converted into Markdown markup. Rather, they will be roughly
+preserved in their HTML form. Default is C<1>.
+=head2 unordered_list_style
+Possible values: C<'asterisk'>, C<'plus'>, C<'dash'>. See
+L<http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list> for more
+information. Default is C<'asterisk'>.
+=head2 ordered_list_style
+Possible values: C<'sequential'>, C<'one-dot'>. Markdown supports two
+different markups for ordered lists. Sequential style gives each list
+element its own ordinal number (ie, C<'1.'>, C<'2.'>, C<'3.'>,
+etc.). One-dot style gives each list element the same ordinal number
+(ie, C<'1.'>). See
+L<http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list> for more
+information. Default is C<'sequential'>.
+sub attributes { {
+ header_style => { default => 'atx', type => SCALAR },
+ link_style => { default => 'reference', type => SCALAR },
+ force_inline_anchor_links => { default => 0, type => BOOLEAN },
+ image_style => { default => 'reference', type => SCALAR },
+ image_tag_fallback => { default => 1, type => BOOLEAN },
+ unordered_list_style => { default => 'asterisk', type => SCALAR },
+ ordered_list_style => { default => 'sequential', type => SCALAR },
+} }
+my @common_attrs = qw/ id class lang dir title style /;
+sub rules {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %rules = (
+ hr => { replace => "\n\n----\n\n" },
+ br => { preserve => 1, empty => 1 },
+ p => { block => 1, trim => 'both', line_format => 'multi', line_prefix => \&_p_prefix },
+ blockquote => { block => 1, trim => 'both', line_format => 'blocks', line_prefix => '> ' },
+ ul => { block => 1, line_format => 'multi' },
+ ol => { alias => 'ul' },
+ li => { start => \&_li_start, trim => 'leading' },
+ i => { start => '_', end => '_' },
+ em => { alias => 'i' },
+ b => { start => '**', end => '**' },
+ strong => { alias => 'b' },
+ code => { start => '`', end => '`' },
+ a => { replace => \&_link },
+ img => { replace => \&_img },
+ );
+ for( 1..6 ) {
+ $rules{"h$_"} = { start => \&_header_start, end => \&_header_end, trim => 'both', block => 1 };
+ }
+ for( qw/ table caption tr th td / ) {
+ $rules{$_} = { preserve => 1, attrs => \@common_attrs, start => "\n", end => "\n", line_format => 'multi' };
+ }
+ return \%rules;
+sub _header_start {
+ my( $self, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->header_style eq 'atx';
+ ( my $level = $node->tag ) =~ s/\D//g;
+ return unless $level;
+ my $hr = ('#') x $level;
+ return "$hr ";
+sub _header_end {
+ my( $self, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ return '' unless $self->header_style eq 'setext';
+ ( my $level = $node->tag ) =~ s/\D//g;
+ return unless $level;
+ my $symbol = $level == 1 ? '=' : '-';
+ my $len = length $self->get_elem_contents($node);
+ my $bar = ($symbol) x $len;
+ return "\n$bar\n";
+sub _link {
+ my( $self, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ my $url = $self->_abs2rel($node->attr('href') || '');
+ my $text = $self->get_elem_contents($node);
+ my $title = $node->attr('title') || '';
+ my $style = $self->link_style;
+ $style = 'inline' if $url =~ /^\#/ and $self->force_inline_anchor_links;
+ if( $url eq $text ) {
+ return sprintf "<%s>", $url;
+ } elsif( $style eq 'inline' ) {
+ return sprintf "[%s](%s %s)", $text, $url, $title if $title;
+ return sprintf "[%s](%s)", $text, $url;
+ } elsif( $style eq 'reference' ) {
+ my $id = $self->_next_link_id;
+ $self->_add_link( { id => $id, url => $url, title => $title } );
+ return sprintf "[%s][%s]", $text, $id;
+ }
+sub _last_link_id { shift->_attr( { internal => 1 }, _last_link_id => @_ ) }
+sub _links { shift->_attr( { internal => 1 }, _links => @_ ) }
+sub _next_link_id {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $next_id = ($self->_last_link_id || 0) + 1;
+ $self->_last_link_id( $next_id );
+ return $next_id;
+sub _add_link {
+ my( $self, $link ) = @_;
+ $self->_links( [ @{ $self->_links || [] }, $link ] );
+sub _img {
+ my( $self, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ my $url = $node->attr('src') || '';
+ my $text = $node->attr('alt') || '';
+ my $title = $node->attr('title') || '';
+ my $width = $node->attr('width') || '';
+ my $height = $node->attr('height') || '';
+ if( $width || $height and $self->image_tag_fallback ) {
+ return "<img ".$self->get_attr_str( $node, qw/ src width height alt /, @common_attrs )." />";
+ } elsif( $self->image_style eq 'inline' ) {
+ return sprintf "", $text, $url, $title if $title;
+ return sprintf "", $text, $url;
+ } elsif( $self->image_style eq 'reference' ) {
+ my $id = $self->_next_link_id;
+ $self->_add_link( { id => $id, url => $url, title => $title } );
+ return sprintf "![%s][%s]", $text, $id;
+ }
+sub _li_start {
+ my( $self, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ my @parent_lists = $node->look_up( _tag => qr/ul|ol/ );
+ my $prefix = (' ') x ( @parent_lists - 1 );
+ my $bullet = '';
+ $bullet = $self->_ul_li_start if $node->parent and $node->parent->tag eq 'ul';
+ $bullet = $self->_ol_li_start($node->parent) if $node->parent and $node->parent->tag eq 'ol';
+ return "\n$prefix$bullet ";
+sub _ul_li_start {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $style = $self->unordered_list_style;
+ return '*' if $style eq 'asterisk';
+ return '+' if $style eq 'plus';
+ return '-' if $style eq 'dash';
+ die "no such unordered list style: '$style'";
+my %ol_count = ( );
+sub _ol_li_start {
+ my( $self, $ol ) = @_;
+ my $style = $self->ordered_list_style;
+ if( $style eq 'one-dot' ) {
+ return '1.';
+ } elsif( $style eq 'sequential' ) {
+ my $count = ++$ol_count{$ol};
+ return "$count.";
+ } else {
+ die "no such ordered list style: $style";
+ }
+sub _p_prefix {
+ my( $wc, $node, $rules ) = @_;
+ return $node->look_up( _tag => 'li' ) ? ' ' : '';
+sub preprocess_node {
+ my( $self, $node ) = @_;
+ return unless $node->tag and $node->parent and $node->parent->tag;
+ if( $node->parent->tag eq 'blockquote' and $self->_is_phrase_tag($node->tag) ) {
+ $self->_envelop_elem( $node, HTML::Element->new('p') );
+ } elsif( $node->tag eq '~text' ) {
+ $self->_escape_text($node);
+ }
+sub _envelop_elem {
+ my( $self, $node, $new_parent ) = @_;
+ my $h = $node->replace_with($new_parent);
+ $new_parent->push_content($h);
+my @escapes = qw( \\ \` * _ { } ); # '#', '.', '[', and '!' are handled specially
+sub _escape_text {
+ my( $self, $node ) = @_;
+ my $text = $node->attr('text') || '';
+ my $escapes = join '', @escapes;
+ $text =~ s/([\Q$escapes\E])/\\$1/g;
+ $text =~ s/^([\d]+)\./$1\\./;
+ $text =~ s/^\#/\\#/;
+ $text =~ s/\!\[/\\![/g;
+ $text =~ s/\]\[/]\\[/g;
+ $node->attr( text => $text );
+sub postprocess_output {
+ my( $self, $outref ) = @_;
+ $self->_add_references($outref);
+sub _add_references {
+ my( $self, $outref ) = @_;
+ my @links = @{ $self->_links || [] };
+ return unless @links;
+ my $links = '';
+ foreach my $link ( @links ) {
+ my $id = $link->{id} || '';
+ my $url = $link->{url} || '';
+ my $title = $link->{title} || '';
+ if( $title ) {
+ $links .= sprintf " [%s]: %s \"%s\"\n", $id, $url, $title;
+ } else {
+ $links .= sprintf " [%s]: %s\n", $id, $url;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->_links( [] );
+ $self->_last_link_id( 0 );
+ $$outref .= "\n\n$links";
+ $$outref =~ s/\s+$//gs;
+sub _is_phrase_tag {
+ my $tag = pop || '';
+ return $HTML::Tagset::isPhraseMarkup{$tag} || $tag eq '~text';
+sub _abs2rel {
+ my( $self, $uri ) = @_;
+ return $uri unless $self->base_uri;
+ return URI->new($uri)->rel($self->base_uri)->as_string;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David J. Iberri, C<< <diberri at cpan.org> >>
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<bug-html-wikiconverter-markdown at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
+I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
+your bug as I make changes.
+=head1 SUPPORT
+You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
+ perldoc HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown
+You can also look for information at:
+=over 4
+=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
+=item * CPAN Ratings
+=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
+=item * Search CPAN
+Copyright 2006 David J. Iberri, all rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/00-load.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/00-load.t?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/00-load.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/00-load.t Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+ use_ok( 'HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown' );
+diag( "Testing HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown $HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/boilerplate.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/boilerplate.t?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/boilerplate.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/boilerplate.t Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+#!perl -T
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+sub not_in_file_ok {
+ my ($filename, %regex) = @_;
+ open my $fh, "<", $filename
+ or die "couldn't open $filename for reading: $!";
+ my %violated;
+ while (my $line = <$fh>) {
+ while (my ($desc, $regex) = each %regex) {
+ if ($line =~ $regex) {
+ push @{$violated{$desc}||=[]}, $.;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (%violated) {
+ fail("$filename contains boilerplate text");
+ diag "$_ appears on lines @{$violated{$_}}" for keys %violated;
+ } else {
+ pass("$filename contains no boilerplate text");
+ }
+not_in_file_ok(README =>
+ "The README is used..." => qr/The README is used/,
+ "'version information here'" => qr/to provide version information/,
+not_in_file_ok(Changes =>
+ "placeholder date/time" => qr(Date/time)
+sub module_boilerplate_ok {
+ my ($module) = @_;
+ not_in_file_ok($module =>
+ 'the great new $MODULENAME' => qr/ - The great new /,
+ 'boilerplate description' => qr/Quick summary of what the module/,
+ 'stub function definition' => qr/function[12]/,
+ );
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/markdown.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/markdown.t?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/markdown.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/markdown.t Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,323 @@
+local $/;
+require 't/runtests.pl';
+runtests( data => <DATA>, dialect => 'Markdown', wiki_uri => 'http://www.test.com/wiki/' );
+close DATA;
+unordered list
+* one
+* two
+* three
+ordered list
+1. one
+2. two
+3. three
+> text
+nested blockquote
+> text
+> > text2
+nested blockquote cont'd
+<blockquote>This is the first level of quoting.
+<blockquote>This is nested blockquote.</blockquote>
+<p>Back to the first level.</p></blockquote>
+> This is the first level of quoting.
+> > This is nested blockquote.
+> Back to the first level.
+# text
+<b>bold text</b>
+**bold text**
+inline link ::link_style('inline')
+<p>It's called <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_potentiation" title="Long-term potentiation">LTP</a>.</p>
+It's called [LTP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_potentiation Long-term potentiation).
+reference link ::link_style('reference')
+<p>It's called <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_potentiation" title="Long-term potentiation">LTP</a>.</p>
+It's called [LTP][1].
+ [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_potentiation "Long-term potentiation"
+reference link no title ::link_style('inline')
+<p><a href="http://example.net/">This link</a> has no title attribute.</p>
+[This link](http://example.net/) has no title attribute.
+multi-paragraphs with reference links ::link_style('reference')
+<p>This is a paragraph with a link to <a href="http://google.com">Google</a>.
+There's also a link to some other stuff, like <a href="http://digg.com">Digg</a>
+and <a href="http://wikipedia.org">Wikipedia</a>.
+<p>Here's another paragraph.</p>
+<p>This is fun stuff:</p>
+ <li><a href="http://video.google.com" title="Google Video">Google Video is the best!</a></li>
+ <li><a href="http://www.example.org" title="Examples">Example.org is a close second</a></li>
+This is a paragraph with a link to [Google][1]. There's also a link to some other stuff, like [Digg][2] and [Wikipedia][3].
+Here's another paragraph.
+This is fun stuff:
+* [Google Video is the best!][4]
+* [Example.org is a close second][5]
+ [1]: http://google.com
+ [2]: http://digg.com
+ [3]: http://wikipedia.org
+ [4]: http://video.google.com "Google Video"
+ [5]: http://www.example.org "Examples"
+inline image ::image_style('inline')
+<img src="http://example.com/delete.png" alt="Delete" title="Click to delete" />
+reference image ::image_style('reference')
+<img src="http://example.com/delete.png" alt="Delete" title="Click to delete" />
+ [1]: http://example.com/delete.png "Click to delete"
+mixed inline images and links ::image_style('inline') ::link_style('inline')
+<p>Link goes <a href="http://example.com" title="Link to example.com">Here</a>.
+Image goes below:</p>
+<p><img src="http://example.com/logo.png" alt="Logo"/></p>
+Link goes [Here](http://example.com Link to example.com). Image goes below:
+mixed reference images and links ::image_style('reference') ::link_style('reference')
+<p>This is a paragraph with a link to <a href="http://google.com">Google</a>. There's also a link to some other stuff, like <a href="http://digg.com">Digg</a> and <a href="http://wikipedia.org">Wikipedia</a>. <img src="http://example.com/delete.png" alt="Delete" title="Click to delete" /></p>
+This is a paragraph with a link to [Google][1]. There's also a link to some other stuff, like [Digg][2] and [Wikipedia][3]. ![Delete][4]
+ [1]: http://google.com
+ [2]: http://digg.com
+ [3]: http://wikipedia.org
+ [4]: http://example.com/delete.png "Click to delete"
+fallback to tag if image has dimensions ::image_tag_fallback(1)
+<img src="http://example.com/origin.png" alt="Thingy" title="The title" width="100" />
+<img src="http://example.com/origin.png" width="100" alt="Thingy" title="The title" />
+no fallback ::image_tag_fallback(0) ::image_style('inline')
+<img src="http://example.com/origin.png" alt="Thingy" title="The title" width="100" />
+automatic links
+<a href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a>
+<p>a backslash \</p>
+<p>a weird combo 
+ * [Philosophy](#philosophy)
+ * [Inline HTML](#html)
+ <caption>My favorite animals</caption>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Animal</th>
+ <th>Region</th>
+ <th>Physical traits</th>
+ <th>Food</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Pacman frog</td>
+ <td>Gran Chaco (Argentina)</td>
+ <td>Half mouth, half stomach (quite literally!)</td>
+ <td>Crickets, fish, etc.</td>
+ </tr>
+<caption>My favorite animals</caption>
+<th>Physical traits</th>
+<td>Pacman frog</td>
+<td>Gran Chaco (Argentina)</td>
+<td>Half mouth, half stomach (quite literally!)</td>
+<td>Crickets, fish, etc.</td>
+setext header ::header_style('setext')
+<p>Fun stuff here.</p>
+<p>More fun stuff!</p>
+Fun stuff here.
+More fun stuff!
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod-coverage.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod-coverage.t?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod-coverage.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod-coverage.t Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
+all_pod_coverage_ok( { also_private => [
+ # These methods are documented in HTML::WikiConverter::Dialects
+ qr/
+ get_elem_contents
+ |get_wiki_page
+ |get_attr_str
+ |is_camel_case
+ |rule
+ |rules
+ |attribute
+ |attributes
+ |preprocess_tree
+ |preprocess_node
+ |postprocess_output
+ |caption2para
+ |strip_aname
+ |base_url
+ |wiki_url
+ /x
+] } );
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod.t?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/pod.t Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#!perl -T
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.14";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD" if $@;
Added: branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/runtests.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/runtests.pl?rev=13058&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/runtests.pl (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-wikiconverter-markdown-perl/current/t/runtests.pl Mon Jan 21 00:41:01 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,132 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use HTML::WikiConverter;
+*e = \&encode_entities;
+my $more_tests = <<END_TESTS;
+entities (1)
+To enter a '<' in your input, use "&lt;"
+To enter a '<' in your input, use "&lt;"
+entities (2)
+To enter a '<' in your input, use "&lt;"
+To enter a '<' in your input, use "&lt;"
+strip comments
+A <!-- stripped --> comment
+A comment
+strip head
+<head><title>fun stuff</title></head>
+<p>Crazy stuff here</p>
+Crazy stuff here
+strip scripts
+<head><script>bogus stuff</script></head>
+<p>benevolent text</p>
+benevolent text
+sub runtests {
+ my %arg = @_;
+ $arg{wrap_in_html} = 1;
+ $arg{base_uri} ||= 'http://www.test.com';
+ my $minimal = $arg{minimal} || 0;
+ my $data = $arg{data} || '';
+ $data .= entity_tests() . $more_tests unless $minimal;
+ my @tests = split /__NEXT__\n/, $data;
+ my $numtests = @tests;
+ #$numtests += 1 unless $minimal; # file test
+ plan tests => $numtests;
+ # Delete unrecognized HTML::WikiConverter options
+ delete $arg{$_} for qw/ data minimal /;
+ my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter(%arg);
+ foreach my $test ( @tests ) {
+ $test =~ s/^(.*?)\n//; my $name = $1;
+ my( $html, $wiki ) = split /__W__\n/, $test;
+ $html =~ s/__H__\n//;
+ $name =~ s{\s*\:\:(\w+\([^\)]*?\))}{
+ my $method_call = $1;
+ eval "\$wc->$method_call;";
+ die "Failed test call ($name): $@" if $@;
+ '';
+ }ge;
+ for( $html, $wiki ) { s/^\n+//; s/\n+$// }
+ is( $wc->html2wiki($html), $wiki, $name );
+ }
+ #file_test($wc) unless $minimal;
+sub entity_tests {
+ my $tmpl = "__NEXT__\n%s\n__H__\n%s\n__W__\n%s\n"; # test-name, html-input, expected-wiki-output
+ my $data = '';
+ my @chars = ( '<', '>', '&' );
+ foreach my $char ( @chars ) {
+ ( my $charname = e($char) ) =~ s/[&;]//g;
+ $data .= sprintf $tmpl, "literal ($charname)", $char, e($char)
+ . sprintf $tmpl, "encode ($charname)", e($char), e($char)
+ . sprintf $tmpl, "meta ($charname)", e(e($char)), e(e($char));
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub _slurp {
+ my $path = shift;
+ open H, $path or die "couldn't open $path: $!";
+ local $/;
+ my $c = <H>;
+ close H;
+ return $c;
+sub file_test {
+ my $wc = shift;
+ my $lc_dialect = lc $wc->dialect;
+ my $infile = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'complete.html' );
+ my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile( 't', "complete.$lc_dialect" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Couldn't find $infile (ignore this)", 1 unless -e $infile;
+ skip "Couldn't find $outfile (ignore this)", 1 unless -e $outfile;
+ my( $got, $expect ) = ( $wc->html2wiki( file => $infile, slurp => 1 ), _slurp($outfile) );
+ for( $got, $expect ) { s/^\n+//; s/\n+$// }
+ is( $got, $expect, 'read from file' );
+ };
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