r20921 - in /trunk/libmath-round-perl: Changes MANIFEST META.yml README Round.pm debian/changelog

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 UTC 2008

Author: gregoa
Date: Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
New Revision: 20921

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=20921
This is the first 0.06* package that actually contains 0.06 and not 0.05.


Modified: trunk/libmath-round-perl/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/Changes?rev=20921&op=diff
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/Changes (original)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/Changes Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -9,12 +9,17 @@
 0.03  Mon Sep 17 10:34:40 2001
 	- Now using a value for one-half that is slightly larger than
 	  0.5, to thwart the floating-point units.  Thanks to Paul
-	  Rohwer (pauldrohwer at yahoo.com) for pointing this out.
+	  Rohwer for pointing this out.
 0.04  Mon Mar  4 11:33:15 2002
 	- Added nearest_ceil and nearest_floor at the suggestion of
-	  Charlie Kim (cckim at stanford.edu).
+	  Charlie Kim (Stanford).
 0.05  Mon Apr 22 10:07:09 2002
 	- Added nlowmult and nhimult at the suggestion of Tielman
-	  de Villiers (tjdevil at bondnet.co.za).
+	  de Villiers.
+0.06  Wed Nov 29 20:29:08 2006
+	- Streamlined the code. Thanks to Richard Jelinek of PetaMem.
+	- Made $half a package variable. Thanks to Ruud H. G. van Tol
+	  for pointing out some peculiarities of the rounding.

Modified: trunk/libmath-round-perl/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/MANIFEST?rev=20921&op=diff
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/MANIFEST (original)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/MANIFEST Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Added: trunk/libmath-round-perl/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/META.yml?rev=20921&op=file
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/META.yml (added)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/META.yml Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Math-Round
+version:      0.06
+version_from: Round.pm
+installdirs:  site
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17

Modified: trunk/libmath-round-perl/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/README?rev=20921&op=diff
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/README (original)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/README Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 Version 0.04: Added nearest_ceil and nearest_floor.
 Version 0.05: Added nlowmult and nhimult.
+Version 0.06: Streamlined the code.
 How to Install

Modified: trunk/libmath-round-perl/Round.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/Round.pm?rev=20921&op=diff
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/Round.pm (original)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/Round.pm Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -1,365 +1,324 @@
-package Math::Round;
-use strict;
-use POSIX;
-require Exporter;
- at ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
- at EXPORT = qw(round nearest);
- at EXPORT_OK = qw(round nearest round_even round_odd round_rand
-   nearest_ceil nearest_floor nearest_rand
-   nlowmult nhimult );
-$VERSION = '0.05';
-%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ] );
-#--- Determine what value to use for "one-half".  Because of the
-#--- perversities of floating-point hardware, we must use a value
-#--- slightly larger than 1/2.  We accomplish this by determining
-#--- the bit value of 0.5 and increasing it by a small amount in a
-#--- lower-order byte.  Since the lowest-order bits are still zero,
-#--- the number is mathematically exact.
-my $halfhex = unpack('H*', pack('d', 0.5));
-if (substr($halfhex,0,2) ne '00' && substr($halfhex, -2) eq '00') {
-   #--- It's big-endian.
-   substr($halfhex, -4) = '1000';
-} else {
-   #--- It's little-endian.
-   substr($halfhex, 0,4) = '0010';
-my $half = unpack('d',pack('H*', $halfhex));
-sub round {
- my $x;
- my @res = ();
- foreach $x (@_) {
-   if ($x >= 0) {
-      push @res, POSIX::floor($x + $half);
-   } else {
-      push @res, POSIX::ceil($x - $half);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-sub round_even {
- my $x;
- my @res = ();
- foreach $x (@_) {
-   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($x);
-   if ($fr == 0.5) {
-      push @res, $sign * (($in % 2 == 0) ? $in : $in + 1);
-   } else {
-      push @res, $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($x) + $half);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-sub round_odd {
- my $x;
- my @res = ();
- foreach $x (@_) {
-   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($x);
-   if ($fr == 0.5) {
-      push @res, $sign * (($in % 2 == 1) ? $in : $in + 1);
-   } else {
-      push @res, $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($x) + $half);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-sub round_rand {
- my $x;
- my @res = ();
- foreach $x (@_) {
-   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($x);
-   if ($fr == 0.5) {
-      push @res, $sign * ((rand(4096) < 2048) ? $in : $in + 1);
-   } else {
-      push @res, $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($x) + $half);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-#--- Separate a number into sign, integer, and fractional parts.
-#--- Return as a list.
-sub _sepnum {
- my $x = shift;
- my ($sign, $i);
- $sign = ($x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- $x = abs($x);
- $i = int($x);
- return ($sign, $i, $x - $i);
-#------ "Nearest" routines (round to a multiple of any number)
-sub nearest {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-   if ($x >= 0) {
-      push @res, $targ * int(($x + $half * $targ) / $targ);
-   } else {
-      push @res, $targ * POSIX::ceil(($x - $half * $targ) / $targ);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-# In the next two functions, the code for positive and negative numbers
-# turns out to be the same.  For negative numbers, the technique is not
-# exactly obvious; instead of floor(x+0.5), we are in effect taking
-# ceiling(x-0.5).
-sub nearest_ceil {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-    push @res, $targ * POSIX::floor(($x + $half * $targ) / $targ);
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-sub nearest_floor {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-    push @res, $targ * POSIX::ceil(($x - $half * $targ) / $targ);
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-sub nearest_rand {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnear($x, $targ);
-   if ($fr == 0.5 * $targ) {
-      push @res, $sign * $targ * ((rand(4096) < 2048) ? $in : $in + 1);
-   } else {
-      push @res, $sign * $targ * int((abs($x) + $half * $targ) / $targ);
-   }
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-#--- Next lower multiple
-sub nlowmult {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-    push @res, $targ * POSIX::floor($x / $targ);
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-#--- Next higher multiple
-sub nhimult {
- my ($targ, @inputs) = @_;
- my @res = ();
- my $x;
- $targ = abs($targ) if $targ < 0;
- foreach $x (@inputs) {
-    push @res, $targ * POSIX::ceil($x / $targ);
- }
- return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
-#--- Separate a number into sign, "integer", and "fractional" parts
-#--- for the 'nearest' calculation.  Return as a list.
-sub _sepnear {
- my ($x, $targ) = @_;
- my ($sign, $i);
- $sign = ($x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- $x = abs($x);
- $i = int($x / $targ);
- return ($sign, $i, $x - $i*$targ);
-=head1 NAME
-Math::Round - Perl extension for rounding numbers
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Math::Round qw(...those desired... or :all);
-  $rounded = round($scalar);
-  @rounded = round(LIST...);
-  $rounded = nearest($target, $scalar);
-  @rounded = nearest($target, LIST...);
-  # and other functions as described below
-B<Math::Round> supplies functions that will round numbers in different
-ways.  The functions B<round> and B<nearest> are exported by
-default; others are available as described below.  "use ... qw(:all)"
-exports all functions.
-=over 2
-=item B<round> LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
-returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
-Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded
-"to infinity"; i.e., positive values are rounded up (e.g., 2.5
-becomes 3) and negative values down (e.g., -2.5 becomes -3).
-=item B<round_even> LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
-returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
-Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded to the
-nearest even number; e.g., 2.5 becomes 2, 3.5 becomes 4, and -2.5
-becomes -2.
-=item B<round_odd> LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
-returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
-Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded to the
-nearest odd number; e.g., 3.5 becomes 3, 4.5 becomes 5, and -3.5
-becomes -3.
-=item B<round_rand> LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
-returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
-Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded up or
-down in a random fashion.  For example, in a large number of trials,
-2.5 will become 2 half the time and 3 half the time.
-=item B<nearest> TARGET, LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
-of the target will be rounded to infinity.  For example:
-  nearest(10, 44)    yields  40
-  nearest(10, 46)            50
-  nearest(10, 45)            50
-  nearest(25, 328)          325
-  nearest(.1, 4.567)          4.6
-  nearest(10, -45)          -50
-=item B<nearest_ceil> TARGET, LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
-of the target will be rounded to the ceiling, i.e. the next
-algebraically higher multiple.  For example:
-  nearest_ceil(10, 44)    yields  40
-  nearest_ceil(10, 45)            50
-  nearest_ceil(10, -45)          -40
-=item B<nearest_floor> TARGET, LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
-of the target will be rounded to the floor, i.e. the next
-algebraically lower multiple.  For example:
-  nearest_floor(10, 44)    yields  40
-  nearest_floor(10, 45)            40
-  nearest_floor(10, -45)          -50
-=item B<nearest_rand> TARGET, LIST
-Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
-of the target will be rounded up or down in a random fashion.
-For example, in a large number of trials, C<nearest(10, 45)> will
-yield 40 half the time and 50 half the time.
-=item B<nlowmult> TARGET, LIST
-Returns the next lower multiple of the number(s) in LIST.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are between two multiples of the
-target will be adjusted to the nearest multiples of LIST that are
-algebraically lower. For example:
-  nlowmult(10, 44)    yields  40
-  nlowmult(10, 46)            40
-  nlowmult(25, 328)          325
-  nlowmult(.1, 4.567)          4.5
-  nlowmult(10, -41)          -50
-=item B<nhimult> TARGET, LIST
-Returns the next higher multiple of the number(s) in LIST.
-TARGET must be positive.
-In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
-a list of values.  Numbers that are between two multiples of the
-target will be adjusted to the nearest multiples of LIST that are
-algebraically higher. For example:
-  nhimult(10, 44)    yields  50
-  nhimult(10, 46)            50
-  nhimult(25, 328)          350
-  nhimult(.1, 4.512)          4.6
-  nhimult(10, -49)          -40
-Floating-point numbers are, of course, a rational subset of the real
-numbers, so calculations with them are not always exact.  In order to
-avoid surprises because of this, these routines use a value for
-one-half that is very slightly larger than 0.5.  Nevertheless,
-if the numbers to be rounded are stored as floating-point, they will
-be subject, as usual, to the mercies of your hardware, your C
-compiler, etc.  Thus, numbers that are supposed to be halfway between
-two others may be stored in a slightly different way and thus behave
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Math::Round was written by Geoffrey Rommel E<lt>GROMMEL at cpan.orgE<gt>
-in October 2000.
+package Math::Round;
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+require Exporter;
+ at ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
+ at EXPORT = qw(round nearest);
+ at EXPORT_OK = qw(round nearest round_even round_odd round_rand
+   nearest_ceil nearest_floor nearest_rand
+   nlowmult nhimult );
+$VERSION = '0.06';
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ] );
+#--- Default value for "one-half". This is the lowest value that
+#--- gives acceptable results for test #6 in test.pl. See the pod
+#--- for more information.
+$Math::Round::half = 0.50000000000008;
+sub round {
+ my $x;
+ my @res  = map {
+  if ($_ >= 0) { POSIX::floor($_ + $Math::Round::half); }
+     else { POSIX::ceil($_ - $Math::Round::half); }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+sub round_even {
+ my @res  = map {
+   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($_);
+   if ($fr == 0.5) {
+      $sign * (($in % 2 == 0) ? $in : $in + 1);
+   } else {
+      $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($_) + $Math::Round::half);
+   }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+sub round_odd {
+ my @res  = map {
+   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($_);
+   if ($fr == 0.5) {
+      $sign * (($in % 2 == 1) ? $in : $in + 1);
+   } else {
+      $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($_) + $Math::Round::half);
+   }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+sub round_rand {
+ my @res  = map {
+   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnum($_);
+   if ($fr == 0.5) {
+      $sign * ((rand(4096) < 2048) ? $in : $in + 1);
+   } else {
+      $sign * POSIX::floor(abs($_) + $Math::Round::half);
+   }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+#--- Separate a number into sign, integer, and fractional parts.
+#--- Return as a list.
+sub _sepnum {
+ my $x = shift;
+ my $sign = ($x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ $x = abs($x);
+ my $i = int($x);
+ return ($sign, $i, $x - $i);
+#------ "Nearest" routines (round to a multiple of any number)
+sub nearest {
+ my $targ = abs(shift);
+ my @res  = map {
+  if ($_ >= 0) { $targ * int(($_ + $Math::Round::half * $targ) / $targ); }
+     else { $targ * POSIX::ceil(($_ - $Math::Round::half * $targ) / $targ); }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+# In the next two functions, the code for positive and negative numbers
+# turns out to be the same.  For negative numbers, the technique is not
+# exactly obvious; instead of floor(x+0.5), we are in effect taking
+# ceiling(x-0.5).
+sub nearest_ceil {
+    my $targ = abs(shift);
+    my @res  = map { $targ * POSIX::floor(($_ + $Math::Round::half * $targ) / $targ) } @_;
+    return wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+sub nearest_floor {
+    my $targ = abs(shift);
+    my @res  = map { $targ * POSIX::ceil(($_ - $Math::Round::half * $targ) / $targ) } @_;
+    return wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+sub nearest_rand {
+ my $targ = abs(shift);
+ my @res = map {
+   my ($sign, $in, $fr) = _sepnear($_, $targ);
+   if ($fr == 0.5 * $targ) {
+      $sign * $targ * ((rand(4096) < 2048) ? $in : $in + 1);
+   } else {
+      $sign * $targ * int((abs($_) + $Math::Round::half * $targ) / $targ);
+   }
+ } @_;
+ return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];
+#--- Next lower multiple
+sub nlowmult {
+    my $targ = abs(shift);
+    my @res  = map { $targ * POSIX::floor($_ / $targ) } @_;
+    return wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+#--- Next higher multiple
+sub nhimult {
+    my $targ = abs(shift);
+    my @res  = map { $targ * POSIX::ceil($_ / $targ) } @_;
+    return wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+#--- Separate a number into sign, "integer", and "fractional" parts
+#--- for the 'nearest' calculation.  Return as a list.
+sub _sepnear {
+ my ($x, $targ) = @_;
+ my $sign = ($x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ $x = abs($x);
+ my $i = int($x / $targ);
+ return ($sign, $i, $x - $i*$targ);
+=head1 NAME
+Math::Round - Perl extension for rounding numbers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Math::Round qw(...those desired... or :all);
+  $rounded = round($scalar);
+  @rounded = round(LIST...);
+  $rounded = nearest($target, $scalar);
+  @rounded = nearest($target, LIST...);
+  # and other functions as described below
+B<Math::Round> supplies functions that will round numbers in different
+ways.  The functions B<round> and B<nearest> are exported by
+default; others are available as described below.  "use ... qw(:all)"
+exports all functions.
+=over 2
+=item B<round> LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
+returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
+Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded
+"to infinity"; i.e., positive values are rounded up (e.g., 2.5
+becomes 3) and negative values down (e.g., -2.5 becomes -3).
+=item B<round_even> LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
+returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
+Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded to the
+nearest even number; e.g., 2.5 becomes 2, 3.5 becomes 4, and -2.5
+becomes -2.
+=item B<round_odd> LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
+returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
+Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded to the
+nearest odd number; e.g., 3.5 becomes 3, 4.5 becomes 5, and -3.5
+becomes -3.
+=item B<round_rand> LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest integer.  In scalar context,
+returns a single value; in list context, returns a list of values.
+Numbers that are halfway between two integers are rounded up or
+down in a random fashion.  For example, in a large number of trials,
+2.5 will become 2 half the time and 3 half the time.
+=item B<nearest> TARGET, LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
+of the target will be rounded to infinity.  For example:
+  nearest(10, 44)    yields  40
+  nearest(10, 46)            50
+  nearest(10, 45)            50
+  nearest(25, 328)          325
+  nearest(.1, 4.567)          4.6
+  nearest(10, -45)          -50
+=item B<nearest_ceil> TARGET, LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
+of the target will be rounded to the ceiling, i.e. the next
+algebraically higher multiple.  For example:
+  nearest_ceil(10, 44)    yields  40
+  nearest_ceil(10, 45)            50
+  nearest_ceil(10, -45)          -40
+=item B<nearest_floor> TARGET, LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
+of the target will be rounded to the floor, i.e. the next
+algebraically lower multiple.  For example:
+  nearest_floor(10, 44)    yields  40
+  nearest_floor(10, 45)            40
+  nearest_floor(10, -45)          -50
+=item B<nearest_rand> TARGET, LIST
+Rounds the number(s) to the nearest multiple of the target value.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are halfway between two multiples
+of the target will be rounded up or down in a random fashion.
+For example, in a large number of trials, C<nearest(10, 45)> will
+yield 40 half the time and 50 half the time.
+=item B<nlowmult> TARGET, LIST
+Returns the next lower multiple of the number(s) in LIST.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are between two multiples of the
+target will be adjusted to the nearest multiples of LIST that are
+algebraically lower. For example:
+  nlowmult(10, 44)    yields  40
+  nlowmult(10, 46)            40
+  nlowmult(25, 328)          325
+  nlowmult(.1, 4.567)          4.5
+  nlowmult(10, -41)          -50
+=item B<nhimult> TARGET, LIST
+Returns the next higher multiple of the number(s) in LIST.
+TARGET must be positive.
+In scalar context, returns a single value; in list context, returns
+a list of values.  Numbers that are between two multiples of the
+target will be adjusted to the nearest multiples of LIST that are
+algebraically higher. For example:
+  nhimult(10, 44)    yields  50
+  nhimult(10, 46)            50
+  nhimult(25, 328)          350
+  nhimult(.1, 4.512)          4.6
+  nhimult(10, -49)          -40
+=head1 VARIABLE
+The variable B<$Math::Round::half> is used by most routines in this
+module. Its value is very slightly larger than 0.5, for reasons
+explained below. If you find that your application does not deliver
+the expected results, you may reset this variable at will.
+Floating-point numbers are, of course, a rational subset of the real
+numbers, so calculations with them are not always exact.
+Numbers that are supposed to be halfway between
+two others may surprise you; for instance, 0.85 may not be exactly
+halfway between 0.8 and 0.9, and (0.75 - 0.7) may not be the same as
+(0.85 - 0.8).
+In order to give more predictable results, 
+these routines use a value for
+one-half that is slightly larger than 0.5.  Nevertheless,
+if the numbers to be rounded are stored as floating-point, they will
+be subject, as usual, to the mercies of your hardware, your C
+compiler, etc.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Math::Round was written by Geoffrey Rommel E<lt>GROMMEL at cpan.orgE<gt>
+in October 2000.

Modified: trunk/libmath-round-perl/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libmath-round-perl/debian/changelog?rev=20921&op=diff
--- trunk/libmath-round-perl/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/libmath-round-perl/debian/changelog Tue Jun 10 18:31:43 2008
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
   * debian/control: Added: Vcs-Svn field (source stanza); Vcs-Browser
     field (source stanza); Homepage field (source stanza). Removed: XS-
     Vcs-Svn fields.
+  * This is the first 0.06* package that actually contains 0.06 and not 0.05.
  -- gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>  Tue, 09 Oct 2007 22:30:30 +0200

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