r21161 - in /branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl: ./ current/ current/CHANGES current/MANIFEST current/Makefile.PL current/lib/ current/lib/Archive/ current/lib/Archive/Ar.pm current/t/ current/t/10objects.t current/t/20new.t

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 UTC 2008

Author: gregoa
Date: Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
New Revision: 21161

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=21161
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libarchive-ar-perl


Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/CHANGES
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/CHANGES?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/CHANGES (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/CHANGES Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+Version 1.13b - May 7th, 2003
+Fixes to the Makefile.PL file. Ar.pm wasn't being put into /blib
+Style fix to a line with non-standard unless parenthesis
+Version 1.13 - April 30th, 2003
+Removed unneeded exports. Thanks to pudge for the pointer.
+Version 1.12 - April 14th, 2003
+Found podchecker. CPAN HTML documentation should work right now.
+Version 1.11 - April 10th, 2003
+Trying to get the HTML POD documentation to come out correctly
+Version 1.1 - April 10th, 2003
+Documentation cleanups
+Added a C<remove()> function
+Version 1.0 - April 7th, 2003
+This is the initial public release for CPAN, so everything is new.

Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/MANIFEST Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@

Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/Makefile.PL Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+	'NAME'		=> 'Archive::Ar',
+	'VERSION_FROM'	=> 'lib/Archive/Ar.pm', # finds $VERSION
+	'PREREQ_PM'	=>
+		{ 
+			'Test::More' => '0.45',
+			'File::Spec' => '0.83',
+			'Time::Local' => '1.04',
+			'Test::MockObject' => '0.12',
+		},
+	'dist'		=> 
+		{
+			COMPRESS => 'gzip -9',
+			SUFFIX   => '.gz',
+			DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist',
+		},
+	($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+		(
+			ABSTRACT_FROM	=> 'lib/Archive/Ar.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+			AUTHOR     	=> 'Jay Bonci <jay at bonci.com>') 
+		: ()),

Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/lib/Archive/Ar.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/lib/Archive/Ar.pm?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/lib/Archive/Ar.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/lib/Archive/Ar.pm Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,695 @@
+package Archive::Ar;
+#	Archive::Ar - Pure perl module to handle ar achives
+#	Copyright 2003 - Jay Bonci <jaybonci at cpan.org>
+#	Licensed under the same terms as perl itself
+use strict;
+use Exporter;
+use File::Spec;
+use Time::Local;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '1.13b';
+use constant ARMAG => "!<arch>\n";
+use constant SARMAG => length(ARMAG);
+use constant ARFMAG => "`\n";
+sub new {
+	my ($class, $filenameorhandle, $debug) = @_;
+	my $this = {};
+	my $obj = bless $this, $class;
+	$obj->{_verbose} = 0;
+	$obj->_initValues();
+	if($debug)
+	{
+		$obj->DEBUG();
+	}
+	if($filenameorhandle){
+		unless($obj->read($filenameorhandle)){
+			$obj->_dowarn("new() failed on filename or filehandle read");
+			return;
+		}		
+	}
+	return $obj;
+sub read
+	my ($this, $filenameorhandle) = @_;
+	my $retval;
+	$this->_initValues();
+	if(ref $filenameorhandle eq "GLOB")
+	{
+		unless($retval = $this->_readFromFilehandle($filenameorhandle))
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Read from filehandle failed");
+			return;
+		}
+	}else
+	{
+		unless($retval = $this->_readFromFilename($filenameorhandle))
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Read from filename failed");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	unless($this->_parseData())
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("read() failed on data structure analysis. Probable bad file");
+		return; 
+	}
+	return $retval;
+sub read_memory
+	my ($this, $data) = @_;
+	$this->_initValues();
+	unless($data)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("read_memory() can't continue because no data was given");
+		return;
+	}
+	$this->{_filedata} = $data;
+	unless($this->_parseData())
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("read_memory() failed on data structure analysis. Probable bad file");
+		return;
+	}
+	return length($data);
+sub remove
+	my($this, $filenameorarray, @otherfiles) = @_;
+	my $filelist;
+	if(ref $filenameorarray eq "ARRAY")
+	{
+		$filelist = $filenameorarray;
+	}else{
+		$filelist = [$filenameorarray];
+		if(@otherfiles)
+		{
+			push @$filelist, @otherfiles;
+		}      
+	}
+	my $filecount = 0;
+	foreach my $file (@$filelist)
+	{
+		$filecount += $this->_remFile($file);
+	}
+	return $filecount;
+sub list_files
+	my($this) = @_;
+	return \@{$this->{_files}};
+sub add_files
+	my($this, $filenameorarray, @otherfiles) = @_;
+	my $filelist;
+	if(ref $filenameorarray eq "ARRAY")
+	{
+		$filelist = $filenameorarray;
+	}else
+	{
+		$filelist = [$filenameorarray];
+		if(@otherfiles)
+		{
+			push @$filelist, @otherfiles;
+		}
+	}
+	my $filecount = 0;
+	foreach my $filename (@$filelist)
+	{
+		my @props = stat($filename);
+		unless(@props)
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Could not stat() filename. add_files() for this file failed");
+			next;
+		}
+		my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = @props;  
+		my $header = {
+			"date" => $mtime,
+			"uid"  => $uid,
+			"gid"  => $gid, 
+			"mode" => $mode,
+			"size" => $size,
+		};
+		local $/ = undef;
+		unless(open HANDLE, $filename)
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Could not open filename. add_files() for this file failed");
+			next;
+		}
+		$header->{data} = <HANDLE>;
+		close HANDLE;
+		# fix the filename
+		(undef, undef, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($filename);
+		$header->{name} = $filename;
+		$this->_addFile($header);
+		$filecount++;
+	}
+	return $filecount;
+sub add_data
+	my($this, $filename, $data, $params) = @_;
+	unless ($filename)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("No filename given; add_data() can't proceed");
+		return;
+	}
+	$params ||= {};
+	$data ||= "";
+	(undef, undef, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath($filename);
+	$params->{name} = $filename;	
+	$params->{size} = length($data);
+	$params->{data} = $data;
+	$params->{uid} ||= 0;
+	$params->{gid} ||= 0;
+	$params->{date} ||= timelocal(localtime());
+	$params->{mode} ||= "100644";
+	unless($this->_addFile($params))
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("add_data failed due to a failure in _addFile");
+		return;
+	}
+	return $params->{size}; 	
+sub write
+	my($this, $filename) = @_;
+	my $outstr;
+	$outstr= ARMAG;
+	foreach(@{$this->{_files}})
+	{
+		my $content = $this->get_content($_);
+		unless($content)
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Internal Error. $_ file in _files list but no filedata");
+			next;
+		}
+		# For whatever reason, the uids and gids get stripped
+		# if they are zero. We'll blank them here to emulate that
+		$content->{uid} ||= "";
+		$content->{gid} ||= "";
+		$outstr.= pack("A16A12A6A6A8A10", @$content{qw/name date uid gid mode size/});
+		$outstr.= ARFMAG;
+		$outstr.= $content->{data};
+	}
+	return $outstr unless $filename;
+	unless(open HANDLE, ">$filename")
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("Can't open filename $filename");
+		return;
+	}
+	print HANDLE $outstr;
+	close HANDLE;
+	return length($outstr);
+sub get_content
+	my ($this, $filename) = @_;
+	unless($filename)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("get_content can't continue without a filename");
+		return;
+	}
+	unless(exists($this->{_filehash}->{$filename}))
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("get_content failed because there is not a file named $filename");
+		return;
+	}
+	return $this->{_filehash}->{$filename};
+sub DEBUG
+	my($this, $verbose) = @_;
+	$verbose = 1 unless(defined($verbose) and int($verbose) == 0);
+	$this->{_verbose} = $verbose;
+	return;
+sub _parseData
+	my($this) = @_;
+	unless($this->{_filedata})
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("Cannot parse this archive. It appears to be blank");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $scratchdata = $this->{_filedata};
+	unless(substr($scratchdata, 0, SARMAG, "") eq ARMAG)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("Bad magic header token. Either this file is not an ar archive, or it is damaged. If you are sure of the file integrity, Archive::Ar may not support this type of ar archive currently. Please report this as a bug");
+		return "";
+	}
+	while($scratchdata =~ /\S/)
+	{
+		if($scratchdata =~ s/^(.{58})`\n//m)		
+		{
+			my @fields = unpack("A16A12A6A6A8A10", $1);
+			for(0.. at fields)
+			{
+				$fields[$_] ||= "";
+				$fields[$_] =~ s/\s*$//g;
+			}
+			my $headers = {};
+			@$headers{qw/name date uid gid mode size/} = @fields;
+			$headers->{data} = substr($scratchdata, 0, $headers->{size}, "");
+			$this->_addFile($headers);
+		}else{
+			$this->_dowarn("File format appears to be corrupt. The file header is not of the right size, or does not exist at all");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	return scalar($this->{_files});
+sub _readFromFilename
+	my ($this, $filename) = @_;
+	my $handle;
+	open $handle, $filename or return;
+	return $this->_readFromFilehandle($handle);
+sub _readFromFilehandle
+	my ($this, $filehandle) = @_;
+	return unless $filehandle;
+	#handle has to be open
+	return unless fileno $filehandle;
+	local $/ = undef;
+	$this->{_filedata} = <$filehandle>;
+	close $filehandle;
+	return length($this->{_filedata});
+sub _addFile
+	my ($this, $file) = @_;
+	return unless $file;
+	foreach(qw/name date uid gid mode size data/)
+	{
+		unless(exists($file->{$_}))
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Can't _addFile because virtual file is missing $_ parameter");
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if(exists($this->{_filehash}->{$file->{name}}))
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("Can't _addFile because virtual file already exists with that name in the archive");
+		return;
+	}
+	push @{$this->{_files}}, $file->{name};
+	$this->{_filehash}->{$file->{name}} = $file;
+	return $file->{name};
+sub _remFile
+	my ($this, $filename) = @_;
+	return unless $filename;
+	if(exists($this->{_filehash}->{$filename}))
+	{
+		delete $this->{_filehash}->{$filename};
+		@{$this->{_files}} = grep(!/^$filename$/, @{$this->{_files}});
+		return 1;
+	}
+	$this->_dowarn("Can't remove file $filename, because it doesn't exist in the archive");
+	return 0;
+sub _initValues
+	my ($this) = @_;
+	$this->{_files} = [];
+	$this->{_filehash} = {};
+	$this->{_filedata} ="";
+	return;
+sub _dowarn
+	my ($this, $warning) = @_;
+	if($this->{_verbose})
+	{
+		warn "DEBUG: $warning";
+	}
+	return;
+=head1 NAME
+Archive::Ar - Interface for manipulating ar archives
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use Archive::Ar;
+	my $ar = new Archive::Ar("./foo.ar");
+	$ar->add_data("newfile.txt","Some contents", $properties);
+	$ar->add_files("./bar.tar.gz", "bat.pl")
+	$ar->add_files(["./again.gz"]);
+	$ar->remove("file1", "file2");
+	$ar->remove(["file1", "file2");
+	my $filedata = $ar->get_content("bar.tar.gz");
+	my @files = $ar->list_files();
+	$ar->read("foo.deb");
+	$ar->write("outbound.ar");
+	$ar->DEBUG();
+Archive::Ar is a pure-perl way to handle standard ar archives.  
+This is useful if you have those types of old archives on the system, but it 
+is also useful because .deb packages for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution are 
+ar archives. This is one building block in a future chain of modules to build, 
+manipulate, extract, and test debian modules with no platform or architecture 
+You may notice that the API to Archive::Ar is similar to Archive::Tar, and
+this was done intentionally to keep similarity between the Archive::*
+=head2 Class Methods
+=over 4
+=item * C<new()>
+=item * C<new(I<$filename>)>
+=item * C<new(I<*GLOB>,I<$debug>)>
+Returns a new Archive::Ar object.  Without a filename or glob, it returns an
+empty object.  If passed a filename as a scalar or in a GLOB, it will attempt
+to populate from either of those sources.  If it fails, you will receive 
+undef, instead of an object reference. 
+This also can take a second optional debugging parameter.  This acts exactly
+as if C<DEBUG()> is called on the object before it is returned.  If you have a
+C<new()> that keeps failing, this should help.
+=over 4
+=item * C<read(I<$filename>)>
+=item * C<read(I<*GLOB>)>;
+This reads a new file into the object, removing any ar archive already
+represented in the object.  Any calls to C<DEBUG()> are not lost by reading
+in a new file. Returns the number of bytes read, undef on failure.
+=over 4
+=item * C<read_memory(I<$data>)>
+This read information from the first parameter, and attempts to parse and treat
+it like an ar archive. Like C<read()>, it will wipe out whatever you have in the
+object and replace it with the contents of the new archive, even if it fails.
+Returns the number of bytes read (processed) if successful, undef otherwise.
+=over 4
+=item * C<list_files()>
+This lists the files contained inside of the archive by filename, as an array.
+=over 4
+=item * C<add_files(I<"filename1">, I<"filename2">)>
+=item * C<add_files(I<["filename1", "filename2"]>)>
+Takes an array or an arrayref of filenames to add to the ar archive, in order.
+The filenames can be paths to files, in which case the path information is 
+stripped off.  Filenames longer than 16 characters are truncated when written
+to disk in the format, so keep that in mind when adding files.
+Due to the nature of the ar archive format, C<add_files()> will store the uid,
+gid, mode, size, and creation date of the file as returned by C<stat()>; 
+C<add_files()> returns the number of files successfully added, or undef on failure.
+=over 4
+=item * C<add_data(I<"filename">, I<$filedata>)>
+Takes an filename and a set of data to represent it. Unlike C<add_files>, C<add_data>
+is a virtual add, and does not require data on disk to be present. The
+data is a hash that looks like:
+	$filedata = {
+        "data" => $data,
+        "uid" => $uid, #defaults to zero
+        "gid" => $gid, #defaults to zero
+        "date" => $date,  #date in epoch seconds. Defaults to now.
+        "mode" => $mode, #defaults to "100644";
+	}
+You cannot add_data over another file however.  This returns the file length in 
+bytes if it is successful, undef otherwise.
+=over 4
+=item * C<write()>
+=item * C<write(I<"filename.ar">)>
+This method will return the data as an .ar archive, or will write to the 
+filename present if specified.  If given a filename, C<write()> will return the 
+length of the file written, in bytes, or undef on failure.  If the filename
+already exists, it will overwrite that file.
+=over 4
+=item * C<get_content(I<"filename">)>
+This returns a hash with the file content in it, including the data that the 
+file would naturally contain.  If the file does not exist or no filename is
+given, this returns undef. On success, a hash is returned with the following
+	name - The file name
+	date - The file date (in epoch seconds)
+	uid  - The uid of the file
+	gid  - The gid of the file
+	mode - The mode permissions
+	size - The size (in bytes) of the file
+	data - The contained data
+=over 4
+=item * C<remove(I<"filename1">, I<"filename2">)>
+=item * C<remove(I<["filename1", "filename2"]>)>
+The remove method takes a filenames as a list or as an arrayref, and removes
+them, one at a time, from the Archive::Ar object.  This returns the number
+of files successfully removed from the archive.
+=over 4
+=item * C<DEBUG()>
+This method turns on debugging.  Optionally this can be done by passing in a 
+value as the second parameter to new.  While verbosity is enabled, 
+Archive::Ar will toss a C<warn()> if there is a suspicious condition or other 
+problem while proceeding. This should help iron out any problems you have
+while using the module.
+=head1 CHANGES
+=over 4
+=item * B<Version 1.13b> - May 7th, 2003
+Fixes to the Makefile.PL file. Ar.pm wasn't being put into /blib
+Style fix to a line with non-standard unless parenthesis
+=item * B<Version 1.13> - April 30th, 2003
+Removed unneeded exports. Thanks to pudge for the pointer.
+=item * B<Version 1.12> - April 14th, 2003
+Found podchecker. CPAN HTML documentation should work right now.
+=item * B<Version 1.11> - April 10th, 2003
+Trying to get the HTML POD documentation to come out correctly
+=item * B<Version 1.1> - April 10th, 2003
+Documentation cleanups
+Added a C<remove()> function
+=item * B<Version 1.0> - April 7th, 2003
+This is the initial public release for CPAN, so everything is new.
+=head1 TODO
+A better unit test suite perhaps. I have a private one, but a public one would be
+nice if there was good file faking module.
+Fix / investigate stuff in the BUGS section.
+=head1 BUGS
+To be honest, I'm not sure of a couple of things. The first is that I know 
+of ar archives made on old AIX systems (pre 4.3?) that have a different header
+with a different magic string, etc.  This module perfectly (hopefully) handles
+ar archives made with the modern ar command from the binutils distribution. If
+anyone knows of anyway to produce these old-style AIX archives, or would like
+to produce a few for testing, I would be much grateful.
+There's no really good reason why this module I<shouldn't> run on Win32 
+platforms, but admittedly, this might change when we have a file exporting 
+function that supports owner and permission writing.
+If you read in and write out a file, you get different md5sums, but it's still
+a valid archive. I'm still investigating this, and consider it a minor bug.
+Archive::Ar is copyright 2003 Jay Bonci E<lt>jaybonci at cpan.orgE<gt>. 
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/10objects.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/10objects.t?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/10objects.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/10objects.t Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More tests => 13;
+        chdir 't' if -d 't';
+        use lib '../blib/lib', 'lib/', '..';
+my $mod = "Archive::Ar";
+can_ok($mod, "new");
+can_ok($mod, "list_files");
+can_ok($mod, "read");
+can_ok($mod, "read_memory");
+can_ok($mod, "list_files");
+can_ok($mod, "add_files");
+can_ok($mod, "add_data");
+can_ok($mod, "write");
+can_ok($mod, "get_content");
+can_ok($mod, "DEBUG");

Added: branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/20new.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/20new.t?rev=21161&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/20new.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libarchive-ar-perl/current/t/20new.t Sun Jun 15 13:07:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More tests => 9;
+use Test::MockObject;
+        chdir 't' if -d 't';
+        use lib '../blib/lib', 'lib/', '..';
+my $mod = "Archive::Ar";
+my $mock = new Test::MockObject;
+my $ar;
+can_ok($mod, "new");
+local *Archive::Ar::read;
+*Archive::Ar::read = sub { return $mock->read(); };
+ok($ar = new Archive::Ar, "The new operator without any arguments should always succeed");
+ok($ar = Archive::Ar->new(), "Class-method new() without any arguments");
+ok(!$mock->called("read"), "Archive::Ar's read() shouldn't be called if there are no arguments");
+$ar = new Archive::Ar("myfilename");
+ok(!$ar, "The new operator with a filename should fail if read fails");
+ok($mock->called("read"), "Object creation should call read() if it is given a filename");
+my $GLOB = *STDIN;
+$ar = new Archive::Ar($GLOB);
+ok(!$ar, "The new operator with a GLOB should fail if read fails");
+ok($mock->called("read"), "Object creation should call read() if it is given a file GLOB");
+# The rest will have to be done with integration tests, as there is no good fake filesystem mod

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