r21174 - in /branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl: ./ current/ current/Changes current/MANIFEST current/META.yml current/Makefile.PL current/README current/lib/ current/lib/Audio/ current/lib/Audio/Moosic.pm current/t/ current/t/Audio-Moosic.t

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 15 13:18:16 UTC 2008

Author: gregoa
Date: Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
New Revision: 21174

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=21174
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libaudio-moosic-perl


Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Changes?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Changes (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Changes Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Audio::Moosic.
+0.09  Mon Mar 21 20:45:33 2005
+	- Makefile.PL: Added RPC::XML to PREREQ_PM.
+0.08  Wed Dez 15 15:10:03 2004
+	- Documentation fix.
+	- Fixed fatal bugs in move() and move_list().
+	- Removed 'use 5.008004;' from Makefile.PL.
+0.07  Tue Sep 14 21:23:08 2004
+	- Added can_play().
+0.06  Mon Sep 13 12:48:22 2004
+	- Fixed bug with set_loop_mode().
+	- Added play().
+0.05  Fri Aug 20 12:41:03 2004
+	- Don't croak anymore if the connect failed. Simply set $@ and return an
+	  undefined value.
+0.04  Thu Aug 19 13:26:12 2004
+	- Added swap method introduced by moosic 1.5.1 (api version 1.8).
+0.03  Thu Jul 15 09:35:34 2004
+	- LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnix is the new name included in the module
+	  list.
+0.02  Thu Jul 15 04:18:20 2004
+	- LWP::Protocol::http::UNIX is now known as LWP::Protocol::http::UnixSocket
+0.01  Sun Jun  6 19:21:53 2004
+	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
+		-AXO -n Audio::Moosic

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/MANIFEST Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/META.yml?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/META.yml (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/META.yml Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Audio-Moosic
+version:      0.09
+version_from: lib/Audio/Moosic.pm
+installdirs:  site
+    RPC::XML:                      0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/Makefile.PL Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+use 5.008004;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    NAME              => 'Audio::Moosic',
+    VERSION_FROM      => 'lib/Audio/Moosic.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    PREREQ_PM         => {
+		'RPC::XML'	=> 0
+	}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM  => 'lib/Audio/Moosic.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR         => 'Florian Ragwitz <flora at cpan.org>') : ()),

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/README?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/README (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/README Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+Audio-Moosic version 0.09
+To install this module type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnix (only if you need to communicate with a local
+moosic server over an UNIX socket.
+Copyright (C) 2004 by Florian Ragwitz
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/lib/Audio/Moosic.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/lib/Audio/Moosic.pm?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/lib/Audio/Moosic.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/lib/Audio/Moosic.pm Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,1309 @@
+package Audio::Moosic;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( $VERSION );
+use RPC::XML;
+use RPC::XML::Client;
+$VERSION = 0.09;
+=head1 NAME
+Audio::Moosic - Moosic client library for Perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Audio::Moosic;
+  $moo = Audio::Moosic::Unix->new();
+  $moosic->append('/home/me/somewhat.ogg');
+  $moosic->play;
+  print $moosic->current, "\n";
+  $moosic->pause;
+  ...
+Audio::Moosic acts as a client for the musical jukebox programm Moosic
+(http://nanoo.org/~daniel/moosic/) by Daniel Pearson <daniel at nanoo.org>.
+Using Audio::Moosic you can connect to a moosic server either via an UNIX socket
+or an INET socket.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+  $moo = Audio::Moosic::Unix->new();
+  $moo = Audio::Moosic::Unix->new('/tmp/moosic/socket');
+  $moo = Audio::Moosic::Inet->new('localhost', 8765);
+Constructor. Initializes the class and invokes the connect method. If you're
+creating a Audio::Moosic::Unix object you can give the location of your moosic
+socket as parameter. If not ~/.moosic/socket is used. If you're creating a
+Audio::Moosic::Inet instance you need to pass host and port as arguments.
+You can't create an instance of Audio::Moosic itself. Use Unix or Inet subclass.
+If the object was able to connect to the moosic server a reference to the object
+instance is returned. If the connection failed $@ is set and undef returned.
+sub new {
+	my ($class, @args) = @_;
+	$class = ref($class) || $class;
+	my $self = { __errors => [ ] };
+	bless $self, $class;
+	unless( $self->connect(@args) ) {
+		$@ = "Can't connect to moosic server: $!";
+		return;
+	}
+	return $self;
+=head2 connect
+  $moo->connect('foobar.com', 9876);
+Connect to the moosic server. You normally don't need to run this method in your
+moosic client.
+sub connect {
+	require Carp;
+	Carp::croak('This method should never be called. Please create an instance'.
+			' of Audio::Moosic::Inet or Audio::Moosic::Unix.');
+=head2 disconnect
+  $moo->disconnect;
+Disconnect from the moosic daemon. No more calls will be sent to the server
+after calling this method. You'll need to reconnect() first.
+sub disconnect {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->{__connected} = 0;
+	delete $self->{__rpc_xml_client}
+=head2 reconnect
+  $moo->reconnect;
+Disconnects from the server if you're connected and tries to reconnect.
+sub reconnect {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->disconnect if $self->connected;
+	return $self->connect;
+=head2 connected
+  $moo->reconnect unless $moo->connected;
+Check whether you're connected to the moosic server or not.
+sub connected {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->{__connected};
+=head2 client_config
+  print $moo->client_config('location');
+  $conf = $moo->client_config();
+Reads the moosic clients config. If a $key argument is given it returns only the
+value associated with that key, if not the whole config hash.
+Would it be a good idea to make the user able to edit the client_config here?
+Suggestions or maybe patches are welcome.
+sub client_config {
+	my ($self, $key) = @_;
+	if($key) {
+		return $self->{__client_config}{$key};
+	} else {
+		return $self->{__client_config};
+	}
+=head2 ping
+  die unless $moo->ping;
+Checks if we're still connected. This method checks the connection explicitly by
+calling the no_op server method. connected() only checks the value of the
+'connected' object property.
+sub ping {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $resp = $self->{__rpc_xml_client}->send_request('no_op');
+	if( ref $resp ) {
+		$self->{__connected} = 1;
+	} else {
+		$self->{__connected} = 0;
+	}
+	return $self->connected;
+=head2 error
+  my $error = $moo->error;
+  $moo->error('Whaaa!');
+If an argument is given it adds the error string to the internal error array. If
+called in scalar context it returns the last error occured. If you call error()
+in list context the whole error array of the Audio::Moosic instance is returned.
+sub error {
+	my ($self, $error) = @_;
+	if($error) {
+		push(@{$self->{__errors}}, $error);
+	} else {
+		return wantarray ?
+			@{$self->{__errors}} :
+			@{$self->{__errors}}[@{$self->{__errors}} - 1];
+	}
+=head2 call
+  $moo->call('foo');
+  $moo->call('bar', RPC::XML::int->new(3));
+This method calls a xml-rpc method on the moosic server. The first argument
+should be the method name. The arguments of that method should follow behind.
+If the request to the moosic server could not be sent the Audio::Moosic instance
+disconnects from the server and puts the error message into the internal error
+array. Access it via error(). The object won't send any calls anymore if such an
+error occured. You should try to reconnect.
+If the request could be sent, but returned an error the error message is added
+to the error array accessable via error().
+If any error occured call() returns undef. If everything went fine the value of
+the response is returned.
+Normally you don't need to call this method. It is only used by other moosic
+methods to send their calls more easily. If a new moosic method is not supported
+by this library yet you'll maybe need to use call() manually. Please notice me
+if that happens so I'll add the new method.
+sub call {
+	my ($self, $method, @args) = @_;
+	return unless $self->connected;
+	my $resp = $self->{__rpc_xml_client}->send_request($method, @args);
+	unless( ref $resp ) {
+		my $error = qq/Lost connection to moosic server: "$resp"/;
+		if( my $function = (caller(1))[3]) { $error .= " in $function()"; }
+		$self->error($error);
+		$self->{__connected} = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	if( $resp->is_fault ) {
+		my $error = 'Error: '. $resp->code .': "'. $resp->string .'"';
+		if( my $function = (caller(1))[3]) { $error .= " in $function()"; }
+		$self->error($error);
+		return;
+	}
+	return $resp->value;
+=head2 api_version
+  @api = $moo->api_version;
+  $api = $moo->api_version;
+Return the moosic servers API version. If called in scalar context a version
+string like '1.3' is returned. In list context the mayor and minor numbers of
+the API version are returned.
+sub api_version {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $resp = $self->call('api_version') or return;
+	return wantarray ? @{$resp} : join('.', @{$resp});
+=head2 append
+  $moo->append('/home/florian/whatever.ogg');
+  $moo->append('/home/florian/foo.ogg', '/home/florian/bar.mp3');
+Add songs to the moosic queue. The files to add should be the arguments for the
+append method. append() returns 1 if there were no errors or something false if
+there were some.
+sub append {
+	my ($self, @items) = @_;
+	return $self->call('append', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::base64->new($_) } @items
+	));
+=head2 clear
+  $moo->clear;
+Clears the moosic queue. Only the current song remains playing.
+sub clear {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('clear');
+=head2 crop
+  $moo->crop(4);
+  $moo->crop(3, 4);
+Remove all playlist items that don't fall within a given range. If the range is
+represented by one integer all items whose index is greater than or equal to the
+value will be removed. Two intergers represent all items whose index is greater
+than or equal to the value of first integer and less than the value of the
+second integer.
+sub crop {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('crop', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 crop_list
+  $moo->crop_list(1, 4, 3);
+Remove all queued items exept those referenced by a list of positions.
+sub crop_list {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('crop_list', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 current
+  print $moo->current;
+Return the name of the current playing song.
+sub current {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('current');
+=head2 current_time
+  print $moo->current_time;
+Return the amount of time the current song has been playing.
+sub current_time {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('current_time');
+=head2 cut
+  $moo->cut(3);
+  $moo->cut(4, 10);
+Remove all queued items that fall within a given range. See crop() for details
+on how that range should look like.
+sub cut {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('cut', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 cut_list
+  $moo->cut_list(3, 7, 9);
+Remove all queued items referenced by list of positions.
+sub cut_list {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('cut_list', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 die
+  $moo->die;
+Tell the server to terminate itself.
+sub die {
+	my $self = shift;
+	($self->call('die') and $self->disconnect) or return;
+=head2 filter
+  $moo->filter('foo');
+  $moo->filter('bar', 4);
+  $moo->filter('moo', 7, 11);
+Remove all items that don't match the given regular expression. You may limit
+this operation to a specific range which is described in crop().
+sub filter {
+	my ($self, $regex, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('filter',
+			RPC::XML::base64->new($regex),
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range )
+	);
+=head2 get_history_limit
+  $limit = $moo->get_history_limit;
+Get the limit on the size of the history list stored in servers memory.
+sub get_history_limit {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('get_history_limit');
+=head2 getconfig
+  @config = $moo->getconfig;
+Return a list of the server's filetype-player associations.
+sub getconfig {
+	my ($self, $key) = @_;
+	my $resp = $self->call('getconfig');
+	return @{$resp};
+	#TODO support $key to read single config options
+=head2 halt_queue
+  $moo->halt_queue;
+Stop any new songs from being played. Use run_queue() to reverse this state.
+sub halt_queue {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('halt_queue');
+=head2 haltqueue
+See halt_queue().
+sub haltqueue {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->halt_queue;
+=head2 history
+  %hist = $moo->history;
+Return a list of items that has been recently played. If a positive integer
+argument is given than no more than number of items will be returned. Otherwise
+the entire history is printed.
+history() returns an array of hashrefs like that:
+  @history = (
+    { title => 'foo', start => 123.45, stop => 543.21 },
+    { title => 'bar', start => 234.56, stop => 654.32 },
+    ...
+  );
+sub history {
+	my ($self, $num) = @_;
+	return map {
+		title	=> $_->[0],
+		start	=> $_->[1],
+		stop	=> $_->[2] }, @{$self->call('history',
+				RPC::XML::int->new( $num || 0 )) };
+=head2 indexed_list
+  %list = $moo->indexed_list;
+  %list = $moo->indexed_list(1);
+  %list = $moo->indexed_list(2, 5);
+List the song queue's contents. If a range is specified, only the items that
+fall within that range are listed.
+indexed_list() returns a hash like that:
+  %list = (
+    list => [ 'foo', 'bar', 'moo', ... ],
+    start => 4
+  );
+sub indexed_list {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('indexed_list', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 insert
+  $moo->insert(4, 'foo.ogg', 'bar.mp3');
+Insert items at a given position in the queue.
+sub insert {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $num = pop;
+	my @items = @_;
+	return $self->call('insert',
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::base64->new($_) } @items ),
+			RPC::XML::int->new( $num )
+	);
+=head2 is_looping
+  $moo->toggle_loop_mode if $moo->is_looping;
+Check whether the loop mode is on or not.
+sub is_looping {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('is_looping');
+=head2 is_paused
+  $moo->toggle_pause if $moo->is_paused;
+Check whether the current song is paused or not.
+sub is_paused {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('is_paused');
+=head2 is_queue_running
+  if($moo->is_queue_running) {
+    ...;
+  }
+Check whether the queue consumption (advancement) is activated.
+sub is_queue_running {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('is_queue_running');
+=head2 last_queue_update
+  $time = $moo->last_queue_update
+Return the time at which the song queue was last modified.
+sub last_queue_update {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('last_queue_update');
+=head2 length
+  $length = $moo->length
+Return the number of items in the song queue.
+sub length {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('length');
+=head2 list
+  @list = $moo->list();
+  @list = $moo->list(2);
+  @list = $moo->list(4, 8);
+  $list_ref = $moo->list()
+List the song queue's contents. If a range is specified, only the items that
+fall within that range are listed. Returns an array if called in list context
+or an array reference if it's called in scalar context.
+sub list {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	my $list = $self->call('list', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+	return wantarray ?
+		@{$list} :
+		$list;
+=head2 move
+  $moo->move(10, 4);
+  $moo->move(4, 7, 1);
+Move a range of items to a new position within the queue.
+sub move {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $num = pop;
+	my @range = @_;
+	return $self->call('move',
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range ),
+			RPC::XML::int->new( $num )
+	);
+=head2 move_list
+  $moo->move(3, 5, 7, 11);
+Move the items referenced by a list of positions to a new position.
+sub move_list {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $num = pop;
+	my @range = @_;
+	return $self->call('move_list',
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range ),
+			RPC::XML::int->new( $num )
+	);
+=head2 next
+  $moo->next;
+  $moo->next(5);
+Stop the current song (if any), and jumps ahead to a song that is currently in
+the queue. The skipped songs are recorded in the history as if they had been
+played. When called without arguments, this behaves very much like the skip()
+method, except that it will have an effect even if nothing is currently playing.
+sub next {
+	my ($self, $num) = @_;
+	return $self->call('next', RPC::XML::int->new( $num || 1 ));
+=head2 no_op
+  $moo->no_op
+Do nothing, successfully.
+sub no_op {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('no_op');
+=head2 pause
+  $moo->pause;
+Pause the currently playing song.
+sub pause {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('pause');
+=head2 prepend
+  $moo->prepend('foo.ogg', 'bar.mp3');
+Add items to the beginning of the queue.
+sub prepend {
+	my ($self, @items) = @_;
+	return $self->call('prepend', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::base64->new($_) } @items
+	));
+=head2 previous
+  $moo->previous;
+  $moo->previous(3);
+Stops the current song (if any), removes the most recently played song from the
+history, and puts these songs at the head of the queue. When loop mode is on,
+the songs at the tail of the song queue are used instead of the most recently
+played songs in the history.
+sub previous {
+	my ($self, $num) = @_;
+	return $self->call('previous', RPC::XML::int->new( $num || 1 ));
+=head2 putback
+  $moo->putback;
+Place the currently playing song at the beginning of the queue.
+sub putback {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('putback');
+=head2 queue_length
+  $length = $moo->queue_length;
+Return the number of items in the song queue.
+sub queue_length {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('queue_length');
+=head2 reconfigure
+  $moo->reconfigure;
+Tell the server to reread its player configuration file.
+sub reconfigure {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('reconfigure');
+=head2 remove
+  $moo->remove('regex');
+  $moo->remove('regex', 4);
+  $moo->remove('regex', 1, 3);
+Remove all items that match the given regular expression. You can limit this
+operation by giving a range as described in crop() as last argument.
+sub remove {
+	my ($self, $regex, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('remove',
+			RPC::XML::base64->new( $regex ),
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range )
+	);
+=head2 replace
+  $moo->replace('foo.ogg', 'bar.mp3');
+Replace the contents of the queue with the given items. This is equivalent to
+calling clear() and prepend() in succession, except that this operation is
+sub replace {
+	my ($self, @items) = @_;
+	return $self->call('replace', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::base64->new($_) } @items
+	));
+=head2 reverse
+  $moo->reverse;
+  $moo->reverse(2);
+  $moo->reverse(5, 7);
+Reverse the order of the items in the queue. You can limit this operation by
+giving a range as described in crop() as last argument.
+sub reverse {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('reverse', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 run_queue
+  $moo->run_queue;
+Allows new songs to be played again after halt_queue() has been called.
+sub run_queue {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('run_queue');
+=head2 runqueue
+See run_queue().
+sub runqueue {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->run_queue;
+=head2 set_history_limit
+  $moo->set_history_limit(44);
+Set the limit on the size of the history list stored in memory.
+sub set_history_limit {
+	my ($self, $limit) = @_;
+	return $self->call('set_history_limit', RPC::XML::int->new( $limit ));
+=head2 set_loop_mode
+  $moo->set_loop_mode(0);
+  $moo->set_loop_mode(1);
+Turn loop mode on or off.
+sub set_loop_mode {
+	my ($self, $mode) = @_;
+	return $self->call('set_loop_mode', RPC::XML::boolean->new( $mode ));
+=head2 showconfig
+  my $config = $moo->showconfig;
+  my %config = $moo->showconfig;
+Return the server's player configuration. If showconfig() is called in scalar
+context a scalar containing the textual description of the configuration is
+returned. If you call showconfig() in list context a hash which maps the
+configuration regular expression to the player commands is returned.
+sub showconfig {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $config = $self->call('showconfig');
+	return unless $config;
+	return $config unless wantarray;
+	my @config;
+	foreach(split("\n", $config)) {
+		s/^\s+//;
+		chomp;
+		push(@config, $_);
+	}
+	return @config;
+=head2 shuffle
+  $moo->shuffle;
+  $moo->shuffle(2);
+  $moo->shuffle(4, 6);
+Rearrange the contents of the queue into a random order. You can limit this
+operation by giving a range as described for crop() as last argument.
+sub shuffle {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('shuffle', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 skip
+  $moo->skip;
+Skips the rest of the current song to play the next song in the queue. This only
+has an effect if there actually is a current song.
+sub skip {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('skip');
+=head2 sort
+  $moo->sort;
+  $moo->sort(2);
+  $moo->sort(4, 6);
+Arrange the contents of the queue into sorted order.
+sub sort {
+	my ($self, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('sort', RPC::XML::array->new(
+				map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range
+	));
+=head2 stop
+  $moo->stop;
+Stop playing the current song and stops new songs from playing. The current
+song is returned to the head of the song queue and is not recorded in the
+history list. If loop mode is on, the current song won't be placed at the end of
+the song queue when it is stopped.
+sub stop {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('stop');
+=head2 sub
+  $moo->sub('regex', 'substitition');
+  $moo->sub('regex', 'substitition', 2);
+  $moo->sub('regex', 'substitition', 1, 7);
+Perform a regular expression substitution on the items in the queue. You can
+limit this operation by giving a range as described for crop() as last argument.
+sub sub {
+	my ($self, $regex, $subst, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('sub',
+			RPC::XML::base64->new( $regex ),
+			RPC::XML::base64->new( $subst ),
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range )
+	);
+=head2 sub_all
+  $moo->sub_all('regex', 'substition');
+  $moo->sub_all('regex', 'substition', 2);
+  $moo->sub_all('regex', 'substition', 1, 7);
+Performs a global regular expression substitution on the items in the queue.
+sub sub_all {
+	my ($self, $regex, $subst, @range) = @_;
+	return $self->call('sub_all',
+			RPC::XML::base64->new( $regex ),
+			RPC::XML::base64->new( $subst ),
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @range )
+	);
+=head2 swap
+  $moo->swap( [7, 10], [ 5 ]  );
+Swap the items contained in one range with the items contained in the other
+range. The ranges for the swap() method needs to be passed as array references
+in contrast to other methods that use ranges.
+sub swap {
+	my ($self, $range1, $range2) = @_;
+	return $self->call('swap',
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @{$range1} ),
+			RPC::XML::array->new( map { RPC::XML::int->new($_) } @{$range2} )
+	);
+=head2 listMethods
+  @methods = $moo->listMethods;
+Return an array of all available XML-RPC methods on this server.
+sub listMethods {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('system.listMethods');
+=head2 methodHelp
+  $help = $moo->methodHelp('sub');
+Given the name of a method, return a help string.
+sub methodHelp {
+	my ($self, $method) = @_;
+	return $self->call('syste.methodHelp',
+			RPC::XML::string->new( $method )
+	);
+=head2 methodSignature
+  $signature = $moo->methodSignature;
+Given the name of a method, return an array of legal signatures. Each signature
+is an array of scalars. The first item of each signature is the return type, and
+any others items are parameter types.  =cut
+sub methodSignature {
+	my ($self, $method) = @_;
+	return $self->call('system.methodSignature',
+			RPC::XML::string->new( $method )
+	);
+=head2 multicall
+  $moo->multicall(...);
+Process an array of calls, and return an array of results. This is not
+implemented yet.
+sub multicall {
+	my ($self, @cmds) = @_;
+	require Carp;
+	Carp::carp(__PACKAGE__."::multicall() isn't implemented yet."); #TODO
+=head2 toggle_loop_mode
+  $moo->toggle_loop_mode;
+Turn loop mode on if it is off, and turns it off if it is on.
+sub toggle_loop_mode {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('toggle_loop_mode');
+=head2 toggle_pause
+  $moo->toggle_pause;
+Pause the current song if it is playing, and unpauses if it is paused.
+sub toggle_pause {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('toggle_pause');
+=head2 unpause
+  $moo->unpause;
+Unpauses the current song.
+sub unpause {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('unpause');
+=head2 version
+  $version = $moo->version;
+Return the Moosic server's version string.
+sub version {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->call('version');
+The following methods aren't methods defined by the moosic API but should be
+usefull when dealing with a moosic server.
+=head2 play
+  $moo->play();
+Start playing. If the playback is paused it will be unpaused. If the queue is
+stopped it will be started.
+sub play {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return $self->unpause() if $self->is_paused();
+	return $self->run_queue();
+=head2 can_play
+  $moo->append( $song ) if $moo->can_play( $song );
+Takes a list of songs as argument and returns all items that can be played by
+the moosic daemon.
+sub can_play {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my @can_play;
+	my @config = $self->getconfig();
+	for my $track ( @_ ) {
+		for( @config ) {
+			push @can_play, $track if $track =~ qr/$_->[0]/;
+		}
+	}
+	return @can_play;
+package Audio::Moosic::Inet;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( Audio::Moosic );
+sub connect {
+	my ($self, $host, $port) = @_;
+	return if $self->connected;
+	my $location = "http://$host\:$port";
+	$self->disconnect;
+	$self->{__rpc_xml_client} =	RPC::XML::Client->new($location);
+	$self->ping or return;
+	$self->{__client_config} = { location => $location };
+package Audio::Moosic::Unix;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( Audio::Moosic );
+sub connect {
+	_init();
+	my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+	return if $self->connected;
+	$filename = ($ENV{HOME} || '/tmp') . '/.moosic/socket' unless $filename;
+	my $location  = "http://$filename";
+	$self->disconnect;
+	$self->{__rpc_xml_client} = RPC::XML::Client->new($location);
+	$self->ping or return;
+	$self->{__client_config} = { location => $location };
+sub _init {
+	unless( eval 'require LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnix' ) {
+		require Carp;
+		Carp::croak('You need LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnix to connect to a local'.
+				" moosic server using a UNIX socket.\nPlease install it!");
+	}
+	LWP::Protocol::implementor( http => 'LWP::Protocol::http::SocketUnix' );
+=head1 BUGS
+=over 4
+=item * check arguments more strictly
+expecially for constructors.
+If you find some others please report them to Florian Ragwitz
+E<lt>flora at cpan.orgE<gt>
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item * implement system_multicall
+=item * improve client_config
+=item * maybe use autoloader to load subs on demand
+create the method arguments from methodSignature.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+moosic(1), moosicd(1), http://nanoo.org/~daniel/moosic/
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Florian Ragwitz, E<lt>flora at cpan.orgE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2004 by Florian Ragwitz
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
+at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

Added: branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/t/Audio-Moosic.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/t/Audio-Moosic.t?rev=21174&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/t/Audio-Moosic.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libaudio-moosic-perl/current/t/Audio-Moosic.t Sun Jun 15 13:18:15 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Audio-Moosic.t'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Audio::Moosic') };
+# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.

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