r17718 - in /trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl: Changes META.yml Makefile.PL README debian/changelog lib/namespace/clean.pm t/00-basic.t
roberto at users.alioth.debian.org
roberto at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 17 02:57:39 UTC 2008
Author: roberto
Date: Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
New Revision: 17718
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=17718
* New upstream release.
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Changes?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Changes (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Changes Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ [0.08] Sun Mar 9 22:01:01 CET 2008
+ - Added explicit cleanup behaviour
+ [0.07] Sun Mar 9 20:13:33 CET 2008
+ - Switched from Filter::EOF to a much saner implementation via
+ %^H and Scope::Guard. (mst & autobox)++ for this.
[0.06] Wed Feb 20 15:09:00 CET 2008
- Fixed 'uninitialized value in ref-to-glob cast' error
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/META.yml?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/META.yml (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/META.yml Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
file: lib/namespace/clean.pm
- version: 0.06
+ version: 0.08
- Filter::EOF: 0.02
+ Scope::Guard: 0.02
Symbol: 0
tests: t/*.t t_author/*.t
-version: 0.06
+version: 0.08
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Makefile.PL?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Makefile.PL (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/Makefile.PL Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
build_requires q{Test::More}, '0.62';
build_requires q{FindBin}, 0;
-requires q{Filter::EOF}, '0.02';
+requires q{Scope::Guard}, '0.02';
requires q{Symbol}, 0;
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/README?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/README (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/README Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
namespace::clean - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
- 0.06
+ 0.08
package Foo;
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ Keeping packages clean
When you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it will
naturally also be available as a method. This does not per se cause
problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example, plugin
@@ -59,14 +60,44 @@
If you just want to "-except" a single sub, you can pass it directly.
For more than one value you have to use an array reference.
+ Explicitely removing functions when your scope is compiled
+ It is also possible to explicitely tell "namespace::clean" what packages
+ to remove when the surrounding scope has finished compiling. Here is an
+ example:
+ package Foo;
+ use strict;
+ # blessed NOT available
+ sub my_class {
+ use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
+ use namespace::clean qw( blessed );
+ # blessed available
+ return blessed shift;
+ }
+ # blessed NOT available
+ Moose
+ When using "namespace::clean" together with Moose you want to keep the
+ installed "meta" method. So your classes should look like:
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
+ ...
+ Same goes for Moose::Role.
You shouldn't need to call any of these. Just "use" the package at the
appropriate place.
- Makes a snapshot of the current defined functions and registers a
- Filter::EOF cleanup routine to remove those symbols at the end of the
- compile-time.
+ Makes a snapshot of the current defined functions and installs a
+ Scope::Guard in the current scope to invoke the cleanups.
This method will be called when you do a
@@ -101,7 +132,7 @@
use "undef" instead.
- Filter::EOF
+ Scope::Guard
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek "<rs at 474.at>", with many thanks to Matt S
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/debian/changelog?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/debian/changelog Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+libnamespace-clean-perl (0.08-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Roberto C. Sanchez <roberto at debian.org> Sun, 16 Mar 2008 22:57:15 -0400
libnamespace-clean-perl (0.06-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ gregor herrmann ]
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/lib/namespace/clean.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/lib/namespace/clean.pm?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/lib/namespace/clean.pm (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/lib/namespace/clean.pm Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -9,18 +9,20 @@
use warnings;
use strict;
-use vars qw( $VERSION $STORAGE_VAR );
-use Symbol qw( qualify_to_ref );
-use Filter::EOF;
+use Symbol qw( qualify_to_ref );
+use Scope::Guard;
=head1 VERSION
-$VERSION = 0.06;
+$VERSION = 0.08;
+$SCOPE_HOOK_KEY = 'namespace_clean_SCOPING';
+$SCOPE_EXPLICIT = 'namespace_clean_EXPLICIT';
@@ -55,6 +57,8 @@
+=head2 Keeping packages clean
When you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it will
naturally also be available as a method. This does not per se cause
problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example, plugin
@@ -79,6 +83,39 @@
If you just want to C<-except> a single sub, you can pass it directly.
For more than one value you have to use an array reference.
+=head2 Explicitely removing functions when your scope is compiled
+It is also possible to explicitely tell C<namespace::clean> what packages
+to remove when the surrounding scope has finished compiling. Here is an
+ package Foo;
+ use strict;
+ # blessed NOT available
+ sub my_class {
+ use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
+ use namespace::clean qw( blessed );
+ # blessed available
+ return blessed shift;
+ }
+ # blessed NOT available
+=head2 Moose
+When using C<namespace::clean> together with L<Moose> you want to keep
+the installed C<meta> method. So your classes should look like:
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
+ ...
+Same goes for L<Moose::Role>.
=head1 METHODS
You shouldn't need to call any of these. Just C<use> the package at the
@@ -88,63 +125,86 @@
=head2 import
-Makes a snapshot of the current defined functions and registers a
-L<Filter::EOF> cleanup routine to remove those symbols at the end
-of the compile-time.
+Makes a snapshot of the current defined functions and installs a
+L<Scope::Guard> in the current scope to invoke the cleanups.
+my $RemoveSubs = sub {
+ my $cleanee = shift;
+ my $store = shift;
+ for my $f (@_) {
+ # ignore already removed symbols
+ next SYMBOL if $store->{exclude}{ $f };
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # keep original value to restore non-code slots
+ { no warnings 'uninitialized'; # fix possible unimports
+ local *__tmp = *{ ${ "${cleanee}::" }{ $f } };
+ delete ${ "${cleanee}::" }{ $f };
+ }
+ # restore non-code slots to symbol
+ for my $t (qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH IO FORMAT )) {
+ next SLOT unless defined *__tmp{ $t };
+ *{ "${cleanee}::$f" } = *__tmp{ $t };
+ }
+ }
sub import {
- my ($pragma, %args) = @_;
- # calling class, all current functions and our storage
- my $cleanee = caller;
- my $functions = $pragma->get_functions($cleanee);
- my $store = $pragma->get_class_store($cleanee);
- # except parameter can be array ref or single value
- my %except = map {( $_ => 1 )} (
- $args{ -except }
- ? ( ref $args{ -except } eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $args{ -except } } : $args{ -except } )
- : ()
- );
- # register symbols for removal, if they have a CODE entry
- for my $f (keys %$functions) {
- next if $except{ $f };
- next unless $functions->{ $f }
- and *{ $functions->{ $f } }{CODE};
- $store->{remove}{ $f } = 1;
- }
- # register EOF handler on first call to import
- unless ($store->{handler_is_installed}) {
- Filter::EOF->on_eof_call(sub {
- for my $f (keys %{ $store->{remove} }) {
- # ignore already removed symbols
- next SYMBOL if $store->{exclude}{ $f };
- no strict 'refs';
- # keep original value to restore non-code slots
- { no warnings 'uninitialized'; # fix possible unimports
- local *__tmp = *{ ${ "${cleanee}::" }{ $f } };
- delete ${ "${cleanee}::" }{ $f };
- }
- # restore non-code slots to symbol
- for my $t (qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH IO FORMAT )) {
- next SLOT unless defined *__tmp{ $t };
- *{ "${cleanee}::$f" } = *__tmp{ $t };
- }
- }
+ my ($pragma, @args) = @_;
+ $^H |= 0x120000;
+ my (%args, $is_explicit);
+ if (@args and $args[0] =~ /^\-/) {
+ %args = @args;
+ @args = ();
+ }
+ elsif (@args) {
+ $is_explicit++;
+ }
+ my $cleanee = caller;
+ if ($is_explicit) {
+ $^H{ $SCOPE_EXPLICIT } = Scope::Guard->new(sub {
+ $RemoveSubs->($cleanee, {}, @args);
- $store->{handler_is_installed} = 1;
- }
- return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # calling class, all current functions and our storage
+ my $functions = $pragma->get_functions($cleanee);
+ my $store = $pragma->get_class_store($cleanee);
+ # except parameter can be array ref or single value
+ my %except = map {( $_ => 1 )} (
+ $args{ -except }
+ ? ( ref $args{ -except } eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $args{ -except } } : $args{ -except } )
+ : ()
+ );
+ # register symbols for removal, if they have a CODE entry
+ for my $f (keys %$functions) {
+ next if $except{ $f };
+ next unless $functions->{ $f }
+ and *{ $functions->{ $f } }{CODE};
+ $store->{remove}{ $f } = 1;
+ }
+ # register EOF handler on first call to import
+ unless ($store->{handler_is_installed}) {
+ $^H{ $SCOPE_HOOK_KEY } = Scope::Guard->new(sub {
+ $RemoveSubs->($cleanee, $store, keys %{ $store->{remove} });
+ });
+ $store->{handler_is_installed} = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
=head2 unimport
@@ -227,7 +287,7 @@
=head1 SEE ALSO
@@ -241,4 +301,5 @@
+no warnings;
+'Danger! Laws of Thermodynamics may not apply.'
Modified: trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/t/00-basic.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/t/00-basic.t?rev=17718&op=diff
--- trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/t/00-basic.t (original)
+++ trunk/libnamespace-clean-perl/t/00-basic.t Mon Mar 17 02:57:38 2008
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
ok( main->can('foo'), 'methods are there before cleanup' );
- eval { use namespace::clean };
+ eval { require namespace::clean ;; namespace::clean->import };
ok( !$@, 'module use ok' );
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