r41730 - in /trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl: CHANGES Client-Keepalive.pm META.yml Makefile.PL debian/changelog
gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Aug 12 16:10:33 UTC 2009
Author: gregoa
Date: Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
New Revision: 41730
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=41730
New upstream release.
Modified: trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/CHANGES
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/CHANGES?rev=41730&op=diff
--- trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/CHANGES (original)
+++ trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/CHANGES Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+2009-07-28T06:12:42.236838Z v0_260
+ 2009-07-28 06:06:04 (r111) by rcaputo
+ Makefile.PL M; Client-Keepalive.pm M
+ Use latest POE, and prepare for a new release.
+ 2009-07-27 04:55:14 (r110) by rcaputo
+ Makefile.PL M; Client-Keepalive.pm M
+ Added a machine-readable repository directory to the distribution.
+ Documented the bug tracker, repository, and other resource URLs.
+ 2009-07-27 02:39:01 (r109) by rcaputo; Makefile.PL M
+ Set license and repository metadata.
+ 2009-07-26 18:04:17 (r108) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
+ Avoid calling setsockopt() on bad file descriptors. Sometimes a
+ socket is given back to POE::Component::Client::Keepalive, and then
+ it goes bad before it can be reclaimed or discarded.
+ 2009-07-26 07:09:17 (r107) by rcaputo; Makefile.PL M
+ Set the Net::IP dependency, even though POE::Component::Client::DNS
+ should pull it in via Net::DNS.
+ 2009-07-26 07:08:00 (r106) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
+ Resolve rt.cpan.org 41326, reported by J.G.Konrad and entered into
+ the queue by Chris Williams. Dotted quad detection was pretty weak,
+ but now it uses Net::IP::ip_is_ipv4() to detect whether DNS
+ resolution is needed.
2008-12-09T06:15:39.900728Z v0_25
@@ -81,42 +118,6 @@
Reverse the sense of the dotted-quad address test. Resolves
rt.cpan.org ticket 38219, reported by Apocalypse.
-2008-07-13T06:50:02.417909Z v0_20
- 2008-07-13 06:47:46 (r86) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
- Time for a new release.
- 2008-07-13 06:23:06 (r85) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
- Improve handling of canceled requests. Avoids DNS response errors and
- the dreaded "unexpectedly undefined requests" crash. Fix prompted by
- a test case from Jeff Bisbee.
-2008-03-24T16:40:25.441638Z v0_1001
- 2008-03-24 16:37:59 (r83) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
- Release 0.1001
- 2008-03-24 16:37:27 (r82) by rcaputo; Client-Keepalive.pm M
- Resolve an issue where this component's session could shut down
- before the object. Thanks to Kevin Scaldeferri for reporting the
- problem in rt.cpan.org ticket 27182.
- 2008-03-24 05:50:40 (r81) by rcaputo
- t/51_reiss_reuse.t M; t/08_quick_reuse.t M
- Randomize the ports used by test 08 and 51. Not a perfect solution,
- but it should avoid most bind errors on systems that don't allow
- immeditate port reuse. Works around the issue in rt.cpan.org 29097,
- reported by Andreas J. König. (Wish me luck on the Unicode there.)
End of Excerpt
Modified: trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Client-Keepalive.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Client-Keepalive.pm?rev=41730&op=diff
--- trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Client-Keepalive.pm (original)
+++ trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Client-Keepalive.pm Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Client-Keepalive.pm 104 2008-12-09 06:14:33Z rcaputo $
+# $Id: Client-Keepalive.pm 111 2009-07-28 06:06:04Z rcaputo $
package POE::Component::Client::Keepalive;
@@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = "0.25";
+$VERSION = "0.260";
use Carp qw(croak);
-use Errno qw(ETIMEDOUT);
+use Errno qw(ETIMEDOUT EBADF);
use Socket qw(SOL_SOCKET SO_LINGER);
use POE;
use POE::Wheel::SocketFactory;
use POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive;
use POE::Component::Client::DNS;
+use Net::IP qw(ip_is_ipv4);
my $ssl_available;
eval {
@@ -279,6 +280,7 @@
# Move the wheel and its request into SF_WHEELS.
DEBUG and warn "WAKEUP: creating wheel for $req_key";
+ # TODO - Set the SocketDomain to AF_INET6 if $addr =~ /:/?
my $addr = ($request->[RQ_IP] or $request->[RQ_ADDRESS]);
my $wheel = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new(
BindAddress => $self->[SF_BIND_ADDR],
@@ -716,15 +718,18 @@
if ($socket_is_active) {
DEBUG and warn "RECLAIM: socket is still active; trying to drain";
use bytes;
my $socket_had_data = sysread($socket, my $buf = "", 65536) || 0;
DEBUG and warn "RECLAIM: socket had $socket_had_data bytes. 0 means EOF";
DEBUG and warn "RECLAIM: Giving up on socket.";
- # Avoid common FIN_WAIT_2 issues.
+ # Avoid common FIN_WAIT_2 issues, but only for valid sockets.
+ #if ($socket_had_data and fileno($socket)) {
if ($socket_had_data) {
- setsockopt($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, pack("sll",1,0,0)) or die(
- "setsockopt: $!"
+ my $opt_result = setsockopt(
+ $socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, pack("sll",1,0,0)
+ die "setsockopt: " . ($!+0) . " $!" if (not $opt_result and $! != EBADF);
goto &_ka_wake_up;
@@ -872,8 +877,11 @@
my $host = $request->[RQ_ADDRESS];
# Skip DNS resolution if it's already a dotted quad.
- # TODO - Not all dotted quads are good.
- if ($host =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) {
+ # ip_is_ipv4() doesn't require quads, so we count the dots.
+ #
+ # TODO - Do the same for IPv6 addresses containing colons?
+ # TODO - Would require AF_INET6 support around the SocketFactory.
+ if ((($host =~ tr[.][.]) == 3) and ip_is_ipv4($host)) {
DEBUG_DNS and warn "DNS: $host is a dotted quad; skipping lookup";
$kernel->call("$self", ka_add_to_queue => $request);
@@ -1341,15 +1349,9 @@
-=head1 BUGS
-tracks the known issues with this component. You can add to them by
-sending mail to bug-poe-component-client-keepalive at rt.cpan.org.
=head1 LICENSE
-This distribution is copyright 2004-2006 by Rocco Caputo. All rights
+This distribution is copyright 2004-2009 by Rocco Caputo. All rights
are reserved. This distribution is free software; you may
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
@@ -1364,4 +1366,16 @@
Joel Bernstein solved some nasty race conditions. Portugal Telecom
L<http://www.sapo.pt/> was kind enough to support his contributions.
Modified: trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/META.yml?rev=41730&op=diff
--- trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/META.yml (original)
+++ trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/META.yml Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--- #YAML:1.0
name: POE-Component-Client-Keepalive
-version: 0.25
+version: 0.260
abstract: Manages and keeps alive client connections
- Rocco Caputo <rcaputo at cpan.org>
@@ -8,15 +8,21 @@
distribution_type: module
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 0
- POE: 0.31
- POE::Component::Client::DNS: 1.01
+ Net::IP: 1.25
+ POE: 1.007
+ POE::Component::Client::DNS: 1.04
+ license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
+ repository: http://thirdlobe.com/svn/poco-client-http/trunk
- t
- inc
- mylib
-generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.48
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.54
url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
version: 1.4
Modified: trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Makefile.PL?rev=41730&op=diff
--- trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Makefile.PL (original)
+++ trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/Makefile.PL Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: Makefile.PL 102 2008-12-08 18:07:54Z rcaputo $
+# $Id: Makefile.PL 111 2009-07-28 06:06:04Z rcaputo $
use strict;
@@ -31,8 +31,15 @@
'Conn-Keepalive.pm' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/../Connection/Keepalive.pm',
- 'POE' => 0.31,
- 'POE::Component::Client::DNS' => 1.01,
+ 'POE' => 1.007,
+ 'POE::Component::Client::DNS' => 1.04,
+ 'Net::IP' => 1.25,
+ },
+ META_ADD => {
+ resources => {
+ license => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
+ repository => 'http://thirdlobe.com/svn/poco-client-http/trunk'
+ },
dist => {
COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f',
Modified: trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/debian/changelog?rev=41730&op=diff
--- trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl/debian/changelog Wed Aug 12 16:10:27 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl (0.2500-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl (0.2600-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Nathan Handler ]
* debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases.
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
[ gregor herrmann ]
* debian/watch: make padding with 0s dynamic.
- -- Nathan Handler <nhandler at ubuntu.com> Sat, 06 Jun 2009 01:37:00 +0000
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org> Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:09:35 +0200
libpoe-component-client-keepalive-perl (0.2500-1) unstable; urgency=low
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