r35814 - in /branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current: Changes META.yml Makefile.PL lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm t/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath.t

jawnsy-guest at users.alioth.debian.org jawnsy-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue May 19 05:28:51 UTC 2009

Author: jawnsy-guest
Date: Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
New Revision: 35814

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=35814
[svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl (0.10)


Modified: branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Changes?rev=35814&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Changes (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Changes Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
@@ -1,51 +1,70 @@
 $Id: /html-treebuilder-xpath/Changes 40 2006-05-15T07:42:34.182385Z mrodrigu  $
 Revision history for Perl extension HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath.
+version: 0.10
+date: 2008-02-11
+# minor feature addition
+new: find_nodes_as_strings method which returns a list of strings
+new: findvalues method which returns a list of values  
+new: as_XML_compact method, a replacement for HTML::TreeBuilder as_XML
+new: as_XML_indented method, same as as_XML_compact, except indents the output
-  - added support for the id function, see RT #30792 
-    at https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=30792 bug reported, and
-    a fix proposed by tokuhirom 
+version: 0.09
+date: 2007-11-20
+# 2 bug fixes
+         added support for the id function, see RT #30792 
+         at https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=30792 bug reported, and
+         a fix proposed by tokuhirom 
-  - fixed a bug where the as_XML method on text nodes returned non escaped
-    text, spotted by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
-    at the moment the output is quite ugly, as ugly as HTML::Element as_XML.
+fix:     a bug where the as_XML method on text nodes returned non escaped
+         text, spotted by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
+         at the moment the output is quite ugly, as ugly as HTML::Element as_XM.
-  - fixed a bug that prevented the 'following' and 'preceding'
-    axis to work
+version: 0.08
+date: 2007-01-20
+# bug fixes
+fix:     a bug that prevented the 'following' and 'preceding' axis to work
+fix:     set version dependency with XML::XPathEngine 
-  - set version dependency with XML::XPathEngine 
+version: 0.07
+date:    2007-01-05
+# bug fix
+fix:     a bug that prevented the 'following' axis to be used
-0.07 2007-01-05
+version: 0.06
+date:    2006-08-07
+# bug fix
+         a bug that caused a crash when an element had a value of 0 
+         (patch by Martin Sarfy)
-  - fixed a bug that prevented the 'following' axis to be used
+version: 0.05 
+date:    2006-05-17
+# more tests
+tests:   added pod and pod coverage tests
-0.06 2006-08-07
+version: 0.04 
+date:    2006-05-15
+# extended perl version support
+fix:     changed the required version of perl from 5.8.4 to 5.6.0
-  - fixed a bug that caused a crash when an element had a value of 0
-    patch by Martin Sarfy
+version: 0.03 
+date:    2006-04-20
+# bug fix
+fix:     bug that caused results not to be ordered properly when
+         there were more than 10 results (cf RT #18705) spotted by rnapier
-0.05 2006-05-17
+version: 0.02 
+date:    2006-02-27
+# bug fix
+fix:     dependency to XML::XPathEngine in the Makefile
-  - added pod and pod coverage tests
+version: 0.01 
+date:    2006-02-15
+new:     original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
+           -A -X -nHTML::TreeBuilder::XPath --use-new-tests --skip-exporter
+           --skip-autoloader
-0.04 2006-05-15
-  - changed the required version of perl from 5.8.4 to 5.6.0
-0.03 2006-04-20
-  - fixed bug that caused results not to be ordered properly when
-    there were more than 10 results (cf RT #18705) spotted by rnapier
-0.02 2006-02-27
-  - fixed dependency to XML::XPathEngine in the Makefile
-0.01 2006-02-15
-	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-		-A -X -nHTML::TreeBuilder::XPath --use-new-tests --skip-exporter --skip-autoloader

Modified: branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/META.yml?rev=35814&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/META.yml (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/META.yml Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
-# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
-#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
-name:         HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath
-version:      0.09
-version_from: lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm
-installdirs:  site
+--- #YAML:1.0
+name:                HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath
+version:             0.10
+abstract:            add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
+license:             perl
+    - Michel Rodriguez <mrodrigu at localdomain>
+generated_by:        ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.42
+distribution_type:   module
     HTML::TreeBuilder:             0
-    XML::XPathEngine:              0.08
-distribution_type: module
-generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.30_01
+    List::Util:                    0
+    XML::XPathEngine:              0.12
+    url:     http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.3.html
+    version: 1.3

Modified: branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=35814&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Makefile.PL (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/Makefile.PL Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
 # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+(my $EUMM= $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION)=~ tr/_//d;
+my @license = $EUMM > 6.30 ? qw(LICENSE perl) : ();
     NAME              => 'HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath',
     VERSION_FROM      => 'lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm', # finds $VERSION
-    PREREQ_PM         => { XML::XPathEngine => 0.08, HTML::TreeBuilder => 0, }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    PREREQ_PM         => { XML::XPathEngine => 0.12, HTML::TreeBuilder => 0, List::Util => 0 },
+    @license,
     ($] >= 5.005 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
       (ABSTRACT_FROM  => 'lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
        AUTHOR         => 'Michel Rodriguez <mrodrigu at localdomain>') : ()),

Modified: branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm?rev=35814&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/lib/HTML/TreeBuilder/XPath.pm Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 package HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
+use List::Util qw( first);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = '0.09';
-my %ENT= ( '&' => '&amp;', '<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', );
+$VERSION = '0.10';
+my %CHAR2DEFAULT_ENT= ( '&' => '&amp;', '<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '"' => '&quot;');
+my %NUM2DEFAULT_ENT= ( '38' => 'amp', '60' => 'lt', '62' => 'gt', '"' => '&quot;');
 package HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
 use base( 'HTML::TreeBuilder');
 package HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath::Node;
@@ -29,6 +30,9 @@
 sub getFirstChild { return undef; }
 sub getLastChild { return undef; }
+# need to do a complete look_down each time, as the id could have been changed 
+# without any object being involved, hence without a potential cache being
+# up to date
 sub getElementById 
   { my ($self, $id) = @_;
     return scalar $self->look_down( id => $id);
@@ -104,13 +108,16 @@
-sub findnodes           { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findnodes(           $path, $elt); }
-sub findnodes_as_string { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findnodes_as_string( $path, $elt); }
-sub findvalue           { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findvalue(           $path, $elt); }
-sub exists              { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->exists(              $path, $elt); }
-sub find_xpath          { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->find(                $path, $elt); }
-sub matches             { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->matches( $elt, $path, $elt); }
-sub set_namespace       { my $elt= shift; xp->new->set_namespace( @_); }
+sub findnodes            { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findnodes(            $path, $elt); }
+sub findnodes_as_string  { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findnodes_as_string(  $path, $elt); }
+sub findnodes_as_strings { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findnodes_as_strings( $path, $elt); }
+sub findvalue            { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findvalue(            $path, $elt); }
+sub findvalues           { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->findvalues(           $path, $elt); }
+sub exists               { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->exists(               $path, $elt); }
+sub find_xpath           { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->find(                 $path, $elt); }
+sub matches              { my( $elt, $path)= @_; return xp->matches( $elt, $path, $elt);        }
+sub set_namespace        { my $elt= shift; xp->new->set_namespace( @_); }
 sub getRootNode
   { my $elt= shift;
@@ -205,6 +212,187 @@
     return $elt_or_text;
+sub toString { return shift->as_XML( @_); }
+# produces better looking XML
+  no warnings 'redefine'; 
+  sub as_XML_compact
+    { my( $node, $opt)= @_;
+      my $name = $node->{'_tag'};
+      if( $name eq '~literal')     { return _xml_escape_text( $node->{text});                     }
+      if( $name eq '~declaration') { return '<!'   . _xml_escape_text( $node->{text})    . ">";   }
+      if( $name eq '~pi')          { return '<?'   . _xml_escape_text( $node->{text})    . '?>';  }
+      if( $name eq '~comment')     { return '<!--' . _xml_escape_comment( $node->{text}) . '-->'; }
+      my $lc_name= lc $name;
+      my $xml= $node->_start_tag;
+      if( $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{$lc_name})
+        { my $content= $node->{_content} || '';
+          if( ref $content eq 'ARRAY' || $content->isa( 'ARRAY'))
+            { $xml .= _xml_escape_cdata( join( '', @$content), $opt); }
+          else
+            { $xml .= $content; }
+        }
+      else
+        { # start tag
+          foreach my $child ($node->content_list) 
+            { if( ref $child) { $xml .= $child->as_XML_compact(); }
+              else            { $xml .=  _xml_escape_text( $child); }
+            }
+        }
+          $xml.= "</$name>" unless $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{$lc_name};
+      return $xml;
+    }
+{ my %phrase_name;    # all phrase tags, + literals (those are not indented)
+  my %extra_newline;  # tags that get an extra newline before the end tag
+  my $default_indent; # 2 spaces, change with the 'indent' option
+    { %phrase_name= %HTML::Tagset::isPhraseMarkup;
+      $phrase_name{'~literal'}= 1;
+      $default_indent= '  ';
+      %extra_newline= map { $_ => 1 } qw(html head body script div table tbody thead tfoot tr form dl ol ul);
+    }
+  sub as_XML_indented
+    { my( $node, $opt)= @_;
+      my $name = $node->{'_tag'};
+      my $lc_name= lc $name;
+      if( $name eq '~literal')     { return _xml_escape_text( $node->{text});                     }
+      if( $name eq '~declaration') { return '<!'   . _xml_escape_text( $node->{text})    . ">\n"; }
+      if( $name eq '~pi')          { return '<?'   . _xml_escape_text( $node->{text})    . '?>';  }
+      if( $name eq '~comment')     { return '<!--' . _xml_escape_comment( $node->{text}) . '-->'; }
+      my $xml;
+      my $pre_tag_indent='';
+      if(!$phrase_name{$lc_name}) { $pre_tag_indent=  "\n" . ($opt->{indent} || $default_indent) x ($opt->{indent_level}||0); }
+      if( $opt->{indent_level}) { $xml .= $pre_tag_indent; }
+      $xml.= $node->_start_tag();
+      my $content='';
+      if( $HTML::Tagset::isCDATA_Parent{$lc_name})
+        { my $content= $node->{_content} || '';
+          if( ref $content && (ref $content eq 'ARRAY' || $content->isa( 'ARRAY') ))
+            { $content= _xml_escape_cdata( join( '', @$content), $opt); }
+        }
+      else
+        { 
+          my %child_opt= %$opt;
+          $child_opt{indent_level}++;
+          foreach my $child ($node->content_list) 
+            { if( ref $child) { $content .= $child->as_XML_indented( \%child_opt ); }
+              else            { $content .=  _xml_escape_text( $child);             }
+            }
+        }
+      $xml .= $content;
+      if( $extra_newline{$lc_name} && $content ne '' ) { $xml.= $pre_tag_indent; }
+      $xml.= "</$name>" unless $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{$lc_name};
+      $xml .="\n" if( !$opt->{indent_level});
+      return $xml;
+    }
+sub _start_tag
+  { my( $node)= @_;
+    my $name = $node->{'_tag'};
+    my $start_tag.= "<$name";
+    foreach my $att_name (sort keys %$node) 
+      { next if( (!length $att_name) ||  ($att_name=~ m{^_}) || ($att_name eq '/') );
+        my $well_formed_att_name= well_formed_name( $att_name);
+        $start_tag .= qq{ $well_formed_att_name="} . _xml_escape_attribute_value( $node->{$att_name}) . qq{"};
+      }
+    $start_tag.= $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{lc $name} ? " />" : ">";
+    return $start_tag;
+  }
+sub well_formed_name
+  { my( $name)= @_;
+    $name=~ s{[^\w:_-]+}{_}g;
+    if( $name=~ m{^\d}) { $name= "a$name"; }
+    return $name;
+  }
+sub _indent_level
+  { my( $node)= @_;
+    my $level= scalar grep { !$HTML::Tagset::isPhraseMarkup{lc $_->{_tag}} } $node->lineage;
+    return $level;
+  }
+{ my( $indent, %extra_newline, $nl);
+    { $indent= '  '; 
+      $nl= "\n";
+      %extra_newline= map { $_ => 1 } qw(html head body script div table tr form ol ul);
+    }
+  sub indents
+    { my( $opt, $name)= @_;
+      my $indents= { pre_start_tag => '', post_start_tag => '', pre_end_tag => '', post_end_tag => ''};
+      if( $opt->{indented})
+        { my $indent_level= $opt->{indent_level};
+          my $wrapping_nl= $nl; 
+          if( !defined( $indent_level)) { $indent_level = 0; $wrapping_nl= ''; }
+          if( $HTML::Tagset::isKnown{lc $name} && !$HTML::Tagset::isPhraseMarkup{lc $name} && $indent_level > 0) 
+            { $indents->{pre_start_tag}= $wrapping_nl . ($indent x $indent_level); }
+          if( $extra_newline{lc $name})
+            { $indents->{post_start_tag}= $nl; 
+              $indents->{pre_end_tag}= $nl . ($indent x $indent_level);
+            }
+          if( $indent_level == 0) 
+            { $indents->{post_end_tag} = $wrapping_nl; }
+        }
+      return $indents;
+    }
+sub _xml_escape_attribute_value
+  { my( $text)= @_;
+    $text=~ s{([&<>"])}{$CHAR2DEFAULT_ENT{$1}}g; # escape also quote, as it is the attribute separator
+    return $text;
+  }
+sub _xml_escape_text
+  { my( $text)= @_;
+    $text=~ s{([&<>])}{$CHAR2DEFAULT_ENT{$1}}g;
+    return $text;
+  }
+sub _xml_escape_comment
+  { my( $text)= @_;
+    $text=~ s{([&<>])}{$CHAR2DEFAULT_ENT{$1}}g;
+    $text=~ s{--}{-&#45;}g; # can't have double --'s in XML comments
+    return $text;
+  }
+sub _xml_escape_cdata
+  { my( $text, $opt)= @_;
+    if( $opt->{force_escape_cdata} || $text=~ m{[<&]})
+      { $text=~ s{^\s*\Q<![CDATA[}{}s;
+        $text=~ s{\Q]]>\E\s*$}{}s;
+        $text=~ s{]]>}{]]&#62;}g; # can't have]]> in CDATA
+        $text=  "<![CDATA[$text]]>";
+      }
+    return $text;
+  }
 package HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath::TextNode;
 use base 'HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath::Node';
@@ -214,18 +402,18 @@
 sub isTextNode    { return 1;                   }
 sub getAttributes { return wantarray ? () : []; }
-# extracted from _HTML::Element as_XML
+# similar to HTML::Element as_XML
 sub as_XML
   { my( $node, $entities)= @_;
     my $content= $node->{_content};
     if( $node->{_parent} && $node->{_parent}->{_tag} eq 'script')
       { $content=~ s{(&\w+;)}{HTML::Entities::decode($1)}eg; }
-      { HTML::Element::_xml_escape($content); }
+      { $content= HTML::Element::_xml_escape_text($content); }
     return $content;
+*as_XML_compact  = *as_XML;
+*as_XML_indented = *as_XML;
 sub getPreviousSibling
@@ -264,12 +452,6 @@
     return $text->{_parent}->is_inside( $node);
-sub xml_escape
-  { my( $text)= @_;
-    $text=~ s{([&<>])}{$ENT{$1}}g;
-    return $text;
-  }
@@ -283,7 +465,7 @@
 sub string_value    { return $_[0]->{_value}; }
 sub to_number       { return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new( $_[0]->{_value}); }
 sub isAttributeNode { 1 }
-sub toString        { return qq{$_[0]->{_name}="$_[0]->{_value}"}; }
+sub toString        { return qq{ $_[0]->{_name}="$_[0]->{_value}"}; }
 # awfully inefficient, but hopefully this is called only for weird (read test-case) queries
 sub getPreviousSibling
@@ -336,6 +518,10 @@
 sub getChildNodes   { my @content= ( $_[0]->{_root}); return wantarray ? @content : \@content; }
 sub getAttributes   { return []        }
 sub isDocumentNode  { return 1         }
+sub getRootNode     { return $_[0]     }
+sub getName         { return           }
+sub getNextSibling  { return           }
+sub getPreviousSibling { return        }
 # added to provide element-like methods to root, for use by cmp
 sub lineage {  return ($_[0]); }
@@ -377,7 +563,11 @@
 =head2 findnodes_as_string ($path)
-Returns the text values of the nodes
+Returns the text values of the nodes, as one string.
+=head2 findnodes_as_strings ($path)
+Returns a list of the values of the result nodes. 
 =head2 findvalue ($path)
@@ -389,6 +579,12 @@
 print the value found, or manipulate it in the ways you would a normal
 perl value (e.g. using regular expressions).
+=head2 findvalues ($path)
+Returns the values of the matching nodes as a list. This is mostly the same
+as findnodes_as_strings, except that the elements of the list are objects
+(with overloaded stringification) instead of plain strings.
 =head2 exists ($path)
 Returns true if the given path exists.
@@ -407,7 +603,20 @@
 you need to check how many nodes it found you should check $nodeset->size.
 See L<XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet>.
+=head2 as_XML_compact
+HTML::TreeBuilder's C<as_XML> output is not really nice to look at, so
+I added a new method, that can be used as a simple replacement for it. 
+It escapes only the '<', '>' and '&' (plus '"' in attribute values), and
+wraps CDATA elements in CDATA sections.
+Note that the XML is actually not garanteed to be valid at this point. Nothing
+is done about the encoding of the string. Patches or just ideas of how it could
+work are welcome.
+=head2 as_XML_indented 
+Same as as_XML, except that the output is indented.
 =head1 SEE ALSO

Modified: branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/t/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/t/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath.t?rev=35814&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/t/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath.t (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libhtml-treebuilder-xpath-perl/current/t/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath.t Tue May 19 05:28:46 2009
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-use Test::More tests => 19;
+use Test::More tests => 29;
 BEGIN { use_ok('HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath') };
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
 is( $html->findvalue( '//*[@id="foo"]/@class|//*[@id="foo"]/@id'), 'myspanfoo', '2 atts on same element (unsorted)');
 is( $html->findvalue( '//b'), 'boldall', '2 texts');
+is( join( '|', $html->findvalues( '//b')), 'bold|all', '2 texts with findvalues');
+is( join( '|', $html->findnodes_as_strings( '//b')), 'bold|all', '2 texts with findnodes_as_strings');
+is( join( '|', $html->findvalues( '//a/@href')), 'http://foo.com/|/bar/', '2 texts with findvalues');
+is( join( '|', $html->findnodes_as_strings( '//a/@href')), 'http://foo.com/|/bar/', '2 texts with findnodes_as_strings');
 is( $html->findvalue( '//p[@id="toto"]/a'), 'linksmore links', '2 siblings');
 is( $html->findvalue( '//p[@id="toto"]/a[1]|//p[@id="toto"]/a[2]'), 'linksmore links', '2 siblings');
@@ -55,6 +59,19 @@
 is( $html->findvalue('id("foo")/@id'), 'foo', 'id function (attribute)');
+# test for root
+my ($fake_root)=$html->findnodes('/');
+ok( !$fake_root->getParentNode => "fake root does not have a parent");
+is( $fake_root->getRootNode, $fake_root, "fake root is its own root");
+ok( !@{$fake_root->getAttributes} => "fake root has no attributes");
+ok( !defined($fake_root->getName) => "fake root does not have a name");
+ok( !defined($fake_root->getNextSibling) => "fake root does not have a next sibling");
+ok( !defined($fake_root->getPreviousSibling) => "fake root does not have a prev sibling");
 /html/body/h1            1 Example header
 //@id[.="toto"]          2 toto

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