r47216 - /trunk/libconfig-model-perl/debian/changelog

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 15:05:45 UTC 2009

Author: gregoa
Date: Sun Nov 15 15:05:28 2009
New Revision: 47216

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=47216
back to UNRELEASED, TODO added to changelog


Modified: trunk/libconfig-model-perl/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libconfig-model-perl/debian/changelog?rev=47216&op=diff
--- trunk/libconfig-model-perl/debian/changelog (original)
+++ trunk/libconfig-model-perl/debian/changelog Sun Nov 15 15:05:28 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,19 @@
-libconfig-model-perl (0.640-3) unstable; urgency=low
+libconfig-model-perl (0.640-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  21:57 <gregoa> ddumont: libconfig-model-perl: this new templates/debconf
+                 stuff confuses me :)
+  22:00 <gregoa> ddumont: you're installing debian/dh/postinst-config-model
+                 twice in debian/libconfig-model-perl.install. should that be
+                 debian/dh/config-config-model once maybe?
+  22:02 <gregoa> ddumont: and there are 3 more lintian warnings/infos: "I:
+                 libconfig-model-perl source: no-complete-debconf-translation"
+                 is probably just fine, not sure about "W:
+                 libconfig-model-perl: script-not-executable
+                 ./usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/config-config-model"
+                 (fix? override? ignore?), "I: libconfig-model-perl:
+                 unused-debconf-template libconfig-model-perl/automatic-upgrade"
+                 might be a candidate for another override
   [ Dominique Dumont ]
   * dh_config_model_upgrade: setup debconf question to ask whether to use

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