r55882 - /scripts/forward-patch

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 10 14:24:16 UTC 2010

Author: gregoa
Date: Sat Apr 10 14:24:02 2010
New Revision: 55882

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=55882
first commit of a new forward-patch/forward-bug script. at the moment only contains POD.


Added: scripts/forward-patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/forward-patch?rev=55882&op=file
--- scripts/forward-patch (added)
+++ scripts/forward-patch Sat Apr 10 14:24:02 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,84 @@
+=head1 NAME
+B<forward-patch>/B<forward-bug> - Forward patch/bugreport from Debian source package to CPAN RT
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<forward-patch> F<patchfile> [B<email>]
+B<forward-bug> B<bugnumber> [B<email>]
+=item B<forward-patch>
+B<forward-patch> forwards a F<patchfile> to CPAN's Requesttracker. It is run
+at the top of a Debian source package and looks for F<patchfile> in
+F<./debian/patches/>. The name of the CPAN distribution is searched for in
+F<./debian/control> (Homepage), F<./debian/copyright> (Source), and
+F<./debian/watch> -- basically everything where a URL with
+(search.)cpan.org and a dist name might occur.
+=item B<forward-bug>
+When invoked as B<forward-bug> the program does basically the same, except
+that it doesn't forward a local F<patchfile> but grabs a B<bug report> from
+the Debian BTS and forwards it to CPAN's RT.
+=item F<patchfile>/B<bugnumber> (required)
+The patch/bug to forward.
+=item B<email> (optional)
+Email address to use for forwarding, in case B<forward-patch>/B<forward-bug>
+doesn't find one or upstream doesn't use B<E<lt>bug-Foo-Bar at rt.cpan.orgE<gt>>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<-n|--no-act>
+Don't send the patch, just show what would be done.
+=item B<-c|--confirm>
+Ask for confirmation before actually sending the patch.
+=item B<-m|--mutt>
+Prepare the mail and open it in mutt.
+=item B<-e|--edit>
+Open the mail in EDITOR (or VISUAL or sensible-editor) before sending.
+B<forward-patch>/B<forward-bug> respects DEBEMAIL (or EMAIL) and DEBFULLNAME.
+Copyright 2010, NN <nn at example.org>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.

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