r55946 - in /scripts: ./ t/ t/patchedit/
jozef-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
jozef-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 11 13:21:02 UTC 2010
Author: jozef-guest
Date: Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
New Revision: 55946
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=55946
initial code for patchedit
scripts/patchedit (contents, props changed)
Modified: scripts/patchedit
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/patchedit?rev=55946&op=diff
--- scripts/patchedit (original)
+++ scripts/patchedit Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -89,3 +89,177 @@
under the same terms as Perl itself.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Test::Builder;
+use DateTime;
+use List::MoreUtils 'none';
+our @standard_fields = qw(
+ Description
+ Subject
+ Origin
+ Bug
+ Forwarded
+ Author
+ From
+ Reviewed-by
+ Acked-by
+ Last-Update
+exit main() unless caller();
+sub main {
+ my $help;
+ my $do_fix = 0;
+ my $also_optional = 0;
+ GetOptions(
+ 'help|h' => \$help,
+ 'optional|o' => \$also_optional,
+ 'fix|f' => \$do_fix,
+ ) or pod2usage;
+ pod2usage if $help;
+ my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
+ my @patch_files = @ARGV;
+ pod2usage if ((not $cmd) or (not @patch_files));
+ foreach my $patch_file (@patch_files) {
+ die 'no such file "'.$patch_file.'"'
+ if not -f $patch_file;
+ given ($cmd) {
+ when ('edit') {
+ fix_patch($patch_file, $also_optional)
+ if $do_fix;
+ edit_patch($patch_file);
+ }
+ when ('check') {
+ fix_patch($patch_file, $also_optional)
+ if $do_fix;
+ check_patch($patch_file, $also_optional);
+ }
+ default { pod2usage() }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub fix_patch {
+ my $patch = shift;
+ my $also_optional = shift;
+ my $patch_content = _read_patch($patch);
+ $patch_content->{'Description'} ||= "*** FIXME ***\n";
+ $patch_content->{'Origin'} = "*** FIXME ***\n"
+ unless $patch_content->{'Origin'} || $patch_content->{'Author'};
+ if ($also_optional) {
+ $patch_content->{'Bug'} = "*** FIXME ***\n"
+ unless scalar (grep { m/Bug-?/ } keys %{$patch_content});
+ $patch_content->{'Forwarded'} ||= "*** FIXME ***\n";
+ $patch_content->{'Reviewed-by'} ||= "*** FIXME ***\n";
+ $patch_content->{'Last-Update'} ||= DateTime->now->set_time_zone('local')->strftime('%Y-%m-%d')."\n";
+ }
+ _write_patch($patch, $patch_content);
+sub _write_patch {
+ my $patch = shift;
+ my $patch_content = shift;
+ open(my $patch_fh, '>', $patch) or die 'failed to open "'.$patch.'" - '.$!;
+ foreach my $key (@standard_fields) {
+ if ($key eq 'Bug') {
+ foreach my $key (grep { m/Bug-/ } keys %{$patch_content}) {
+ print $patch_fh $key, ': ', $patch_content->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ print $patch_fh $key, ': ', $patch_content->{$key}
+ if $patch_content->{$key};
+ }
+ print $patch_fh "\n";
+ print $patch_fh $patch_content->{'_patch'};
+ close($patch_fh);
+sub check_patch {
+ my $patch = shift;
+ my $also_optional = shift;
+ my $patch_content = _read_patch($patch);
+ my $tb = Test::Builder->new;
+ $tb->plan('tests' => 7);
+ $tb->ok($patch_content->{'Description'}, 'has Description');
+ $tb->ok($patch_content->{'Origin'} || $patch_content->{'Author'}, 'has Origin or Author');
+ if ($also_optional) {
+ $tb->ok(scalar (grep { m/Bug-?/ } keys %{$patch_content}), 'has Bug or Bug-???');
+ $tb->ok($patch_content->{'Forwarded'}, 'has Forwarded');
+ $tb->ok($patch_content->{'Reviewed-by'} || $patch_content->{'Acked-by'}, 'has Reviewed-by or Acked-by');
+ $tb->ok($patch_content->{'Last-Update'}, 'has Last-Update');
+ }
+ else {
+ $tb->skip('skipping optional') foreach (1..4);
+ }
+ my @extra_fields =
+ grep { $_ ne '_patch' } # _patch is ok
+ grep { my $key = $_; none { $_ eq $key } @standard_fields } # grep out standard fields
+ grep { not m/^Bug-/ } # different bugs are fine
+ keys %{$patch_content}
+ ;
+ $tb->ok(@extra_fields == 0, 'no extra fields ('.join(',', @extra_fields).')');
+sub edit_patch {
+ my $patch = shift;
+ my $editor = $ENV{'EDITOR'} || $ENV{'VISUAL'} || '/usr/bin/editor';
+ system($editor, $patch);
+sub _read_patch {
+ my $patch = shift;
+ my %patch_content;
+ open(my $patch_fh, '<', $patch) or die 'failed to open "'.$patch.'" - '.$!;
+ my $key;
+ my $header_end = 0;
+ while (my $line = <$patch_fh>) {
+ if ($header_end or ($line !~ m/^([^\s]+) : \s+ (.+) $/xms)) {
+ # if the line begins with space it is the value that continues
+ if ((not $header_end) and ($line =~ m/^ /)) {
+ $patch_content{$key} .= $line;
+ next;
+ }
+ $header_end = 1;
+ $patch_content{'_patch'} .= $line;
+ next;
+ }
+ $key = $1;
+ my $value = $2;
+ die 'key "_patch" not allowed'
+ if $key eq '_patch';
+ $patch_content{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ close($patch_fh);
+ # remove the first empty line (will be added automaticaly)
+ $patch_content{'_patch'} =~ s/\A\s+//xms;
+ return \%patch_content;
Propchange: scripts/patchedit
svn:executable = *
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/01_patchedit.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/01_patchedit.t?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/01_patchedit.t (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/01_patchedit.t Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::Differences;
+use Test::Exception;
+use File::Slurp 'read_file';
+use DateTime;
+use File::Copy 'copy';
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+do $Bin.'/../../patchedit';
+exit maint();
+sub maint {
+ local $ENV{'EDITOR'} = '/bin/true';
+ foreach my $type (qw(no-meta no-meta2 with-meta with-meta-and-extra-fields)) {
+ foreach my $sub_type ('', '-o') {
+ copy("t/patchedit/$type.orig", 't/patchedit/'.$type);
+ local @ARGV = (($sub_type ? $sub_type : ()), '-f', 'edit', 't/patchedit/'.$type);
+ main();
+ my $fixed = read_file('t/patchedit/'.$type);
+ my $should_be = read_file('t/patchedit/'.$type.'.ok'.$sub_type);
+ eq_or_diff($fixed, $should_be, 'fixing '.$type.($sub_type ? ' '.$sub_type : ''));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+do {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ sub DateTime::now {
+ return DateTime->new(year => 2004, month => 2, day => 2);
+ }
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+Bug: *** FIXME ***
+Forwarded: *** FIXME ***
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2004-02-02
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok-o
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok-o?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok-o (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.ok-o Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+Bug: *** FIXME ***
+Forwarded: *** FIXME ***
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2004-02-02
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.orig
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.orig?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.orig (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta.orig Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2 (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2 Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+Bug: *** FIXME ***
+Forwarded: *** FIXME ***
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2004-02-02
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok-o
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok-o?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok-o (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.ok-o Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: *** FIXME ***
+Origin: *** FIXME ***
+Bug: *** FIXME ***
+Forwarded: *** FIXME ***
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2004-02-02
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.orig
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.orig?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.orig (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/no-meta2.orig Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+diff --git a/XS.pm b/XS.pm
+index c44c9a3..a6507f7 100644
+--- a/XS.pm
++++ b/XS.pm
+@@ -681,8 +681,9 @@ The opposite of C<encode>: expects a JSON text and tries to parse it,
+ returning the resulting simple scalar or reference. Croaks on error.
+ JSON numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON arrays become
+-Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs. C<true> becomes
+-C<1>, C<false> becomes C<0> and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
++Perl arrayrefs and JSON objects become Perl hashrefs.
++C<true> becomes JSON::XS::true (equals 1 numerically and as a string),
++C<false> becomes JSON::XS::false (equals 0) and C<null> becomes C<undef>.
+ =item ($perl_scalar, $characters) = $json->decode_prefix ($json_text)
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok-o
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok-o?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok-o (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.ok-o Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.orig
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.orig?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.orig (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta-and-extra-fields.orig Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Origin: vendor
+Forwarded: yes
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Extra: 123
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok-o
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok-o?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok-o (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.ok-o Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Origin: vendor
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Forwarded: yes
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Reviewed-by: *** FIXME ***
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
Added: scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.orig
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.orig?rev=55946&op=file
--- scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.orig (added)
+++ scripts/t/patchedit/with-meta.orig Sun Apr 11 13:20:49 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+Description: Clarified documentation ambiguity
+Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/548127
+Origin: vendor
+Forwarded: yes
+Last-Update: 2010-02-18
+Index: libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm
+--- libhtml-tiny-perl.orig/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:12:47.000000000 -0600
++++ libhtml-tiny-perl/lib/HTML/Tiny.pm 2010-02-18 09:14:05.000000000 -0600
+@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
+ The [ and ] can be thought of as grouping a number of arguments.
+-Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash in the
+-argument list:
++Attributes may be supplied by including an anonymous hash as the first element
++in the argument list (after the tag name):
+ print $h->tag('p', { class => 'normal' }, 'Foo');
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