r56516 - in /trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches: ./ 00_Fix_Spelling_Errors series
jump-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
jump-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 19 06:28:32 UTC 2010
Author: jump-guest
Date: Mon Apr 19 06:28:23 2010
New Revision: 56516
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=56516
Patch to Fix spelling errors
Added: trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/00_Fix_Spelling_Errors
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/00_Fix_Spelling_Errors?rev=56516&op=file
--- trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/00_Fix_Spelling_Errors (added)
+++ trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/00_Fix_Spelling_Errors Mon Apr 19 06:28:23 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,94 @@
+Description: Fix spelling errors.
+Author: Julián Moreno Patiño <darkjunix at gmail.com
+Index: libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24/Oracle.pm
+--- libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24.orig/Oracle.pm 2010-04-01 10:49:11.773123820 -0500
++++ libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24/Oracle.pm 2010-04-01 10:53:33.400471316 -0500
+@@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@
+ You can now customize the size of the buffer when selecting LOBs with
+ the built in AUTO Lob. The default value is 4 which should is actully exessive
+-for most situations but is needed for backward compatibilty.
++for most situations but is needed for backward compatibility.
+ If you not converting between a NCS on the DB and the Client then you might
+ want to set this to 1 to free up memory.
+@@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@
+ the C<RowCacheSize> value is set to a negative number then the positive value of RowCacheSize is used
+ to compute the number of rows to prefetch.
+-By default C<RowCacheSize> is automaticaly set. If you want to totaly turn off prefetching set this to 1.
++By default C<RowCacheSize> is automatically set. If you want to totaly turn off prefetching set this to 1.
+ For any SQL statment that contains a LOB, Long or Object Type Row Caching will be turned off. However server side
+ caching still works. If you are only selecting a LOB Locator then Row Caching will still work.
+@@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@
+ =back
+-Generally speaking the interface that you will chose will be dependant on what end you are trying to achieve. All have their benefits and
++Generally speaking the interface that you will chose will be dependent on what end you are trying to achieve. All have their benefits and
+ drawbacks.
+ One point to remember when working with LOBs (CLOBs, BLOBs) is if your LOB column can be in one of three states;
+@@ -3143,7 +3143,7 @@
+ As the name implies this is the simplest way to use this interface. DBD::Oracle just attempts to get your LONG data types as a single large piece.
+ There are no special settings, simply set the database handle's 'LongReadLen' attribute to a value that will be the larger than the expected size of the LONG or LONG RAW.
+ If the size of the LONG or LONG RAW exceeds the 'LongReadLen' DBD::Oracle will return a 'ORA-24345: A Truncation' error. To stop this set the database handle's 'LongTruncOk' attribute to '1'.
+-The maximum value of 'LongReadLen' seems to be dependant on the physical memory limits of the box that Oracle is running on. You have most likely reached this limit if you run into
++The maximum value of 'LongReadLen' seems to be dependent on the physical memory limits of the box that Oracle is running on. You have most likely reached this limit if you run into
+ an 'ORA-01062: unable to allocate memory for define buffer' error. One solution is to set the size of 'LongReadLen' to a lower value.
+ For example give this table;
+@@ -3172,7 +3172,7 @@
+ =head3 Using ora_ncs_buff_mtpl
+ When getting CLOBs and NCLOBs in or out of Oracle, the Server will translate from the Server's NCharSet to the
+-Client's. If they happen to be the same or at least compatable then all of these actions are a 1 char to 1 char bases.
++Client's. If they happen to be the same or at least compatible then all of these actions are a 1 char to 1 char bases.
+ Thus if you set your LongReadLen buffer to 10_000_000 you will get up to 10_000_000 char.
+ However if the Server has to translate from one NCharSet to another it will use bytes for conversion. The buffer
+@@ -3208,7 +3208,7 @@
+ To use this interface for CLOBs and LOBs datatypes set the 'ora_pers_lob' attribute of the statement handle to '1' with the prepare method, as well
+ set the database handle's 'LongReadLen' attribute to a value that will be the larger than the expected size of the LOB. If the size of the LOB exceeds
+ the 'LongReadLen' DBD::Oracle will return a 'ORA-24345: A Truncation' error. To stop this set the database handle's 'LongTruncOk' attribute to '1'.
+-The maximum value of 'LongReadLen' seems to be dependant on the physical memory limits of the box that Oracle is running on in the same way that LONGs and LONG RAWs are.
++The maximum value of 'LongReadLen' seems to be dependent on the physical memory limits of the box that Oracle is running on in the same way that LONGs and LONG RAWs are.
+ For CLOBs and NCLOBs the limit is 64k chars if there is no truncation, this is an internal OCI limit complain to them if you want it changed. However if you CLOB is longer than this
+ and also larger than the 'LongReadLen' than the 'LongReadLen' in chars is returned.
+@@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
+ size of the LOB. Like the L</Simple Fetch for LONGs and LONG RAWs> and L</Simple Fetch for CLOBs and BLOBs> the if the size of the LOB exceeds the is 'LongReadLen' you can use the 'LongTruncOk' attribute to truncate the LOB
+ or set the 'LongReadLen' to a higher value. With this interface the value of 'ora_piece_size' seems to be constrained by the same memory limit as found on
+ the Simple Fetch interface. If you encounter an 'ORA-01062' error try setting the value of 'ora_piece_size' to a smaller value. The value for 'LongReadLen' is
+-dependant on the version and settings of the Oracle DB you are using. In theory it ranges from 8GBs
++dependent on the version and settings of the Oracle DB you are using. In theory it ranges from 8GBs
+ in 9iR1 up to 128 terabytes with 11g but you will also be limited by the physical memory of your PERL instance.
+ Using the table from the last example this code;
+@@ -3432,9 +3432,9 @@
+ =head3 Simple Usage
+-When fetching LOBs with this interface a 'LOB Locator' is created then used to get the lob up dependant on the settings of
++When fetching LOBs with this interface a 'LOB Locator' is created then used to get the lob up dependent on the settings of
+ LongReadLen and LongTruncOk attributes. The value for 'LongReadLen' is
+-dependant on the version and settings of the Oracle DB you are using. In theory it ranges from 8GBs
++dependent on the version and settings of the Oracle DB you are using. In theory it ranges from 8GBs
+ in 9iR1 up to 128 terabytes with 11g but you will also be limited by the physical memory of your PERL instance.
+ When inserting or updating LOBs some I<major> magic has to be performed
+Index: libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24/ora_explain.PL
+--- libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24.orig/ora_explain.PL 2010-04-01 10:50:00.217266276 -0500
++++ libdbd-oracle-perl-1.24/ora_explain.PL 2010-04-01 10:50:47.728513961 -0500
+@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@
+ column represents an index, and the figures define the order that the table
+ columns appears in the index. To find out the name of an index, position the
+ mouse over the index column. A single click will display the definition of the
+-index in a seperate dialog.
++index in a separate dialog.
+ Right-clicking on a plan step that refers to a table will pop up a menu showing
+ a list of the indexes available for the table. Selecting an index will display
Added: trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/series?rev=56516&op=file
--- trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/series (added)
+++ trunk/libdbd-oracle-perl/debian/patches/series Mon Apr 19 06:28:23 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
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