r61903 - in /trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX: Writer.pm Writer/XML.pm

periapt-guest at users.alioth.debian.org periapt-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 22 18:37:29 UTC 2010

Author: periapt-guest
Date: Sun Aug 22 18:37:22 2010
New Revision: 61903

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=61903
Whoops popping quilt patches


Modified: trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer.pm?rev=61903&op=diff
--- trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer.pm (original)
+++ trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer.pm Sun Aug 22 18:37:22 2010
@@ -330,10 +330,7 @@
 # new
 sub new {
-    my ( $proto, $file, $opt ) = @_;
-    my $enc_to = (defined $opt and ref $opt eq 'HASH'
-                  and defined $opt->{EncodeTo}) ? $opt->{EncodeTo}
-                                                : 'utf-8';
+    my ( $proto, $file ) = ( shift, shift );
         Message => "No filename provided to " . ref( $proto || $proto )
@@ -341,10 +338,9 @@
     local *XFH;
-    open XFH, ">:encoding($enc_to)", $file
-      or XML::SAX::Writer::Exception->throw(
+    open XFH, ">$file" or XML::SAX::Writer::Exception->throw(
         Message => "Error opening file $file: $!"
-      );
+    );
     return $proto->SUPER::new( *{XFH}{IO}, @_ );
@@ -441,16 +437,16 @@
 =item * new(%hash)
-This is the constructor for this object. It takes a number of
+This is the constructor for this object.  It takes a number of
 parameters, all of which are optional.
-=item * -- Output
-This parameter can be one of several things. If it is a simple
+=item -- Output
+This parameter can be one of several things.  If it is a simple
 scalar, it is interpreted as a filename which will be opened for
-writing. If it is a scalar reference, output will be appended to this
-scalar. If it is an array reference, output will be pushed onto this
-array as it is generated. If it is a filehandle, then output will be
+writing.  If it is a scalar reference, output will be appended to this
+scalar.  If it is an array reference, output will be pushed onto this
+array as it is generated.  If it is a filehandle, then output will be
 sent to this filehandle.
 Finally, it is possible to pass an object for this parameter, in which
@@ -460,11 +456,11 @@
 If this parameter is not provided, then output is sent to STDOUT.
-=item * -- Escape
+=item -- Escape
 This should be a hash reference where the keys are characters
 sequences that should be escaped and the values are the escaped form
-of the sequence. By default, this module will escape the ampersand
+of the sequence.  By default, this module will escape the ampersand
 (&), less than (<), greater than (>), double quote ("), and apostrophe
 ('). Note that some browsers don't support the &apos; escape used for
 apostrophes so that you should be careful when outputting XHTML.
@@ -472,24 +468,24 @@
 If you only want to add entries to the Escape hash, you can first
 copy the contents of %XML::SAX::Writer::DEFAULT_ESCAPE.
-=item * -- CommentEscape
+=item -- CommentEscape
 Comment content often needs to be escaped differently from other
 content. This option works exactly as the previous one except that
 by default it only escapes the double dash (--) and that the contents
 can be copied from %XML::SAX::Writer::COMMENT_ESCAPE.
-=item * -- EncodeFrom
+=item -- EncodeFrom
 The character set encoding in which incoming data will be provided.
 This defaults to UTF-8, which works for US-ASCII as well.
-=item * -- EncodeTo
-The character set encoding in which output should be encoded. Again,
+=item -- EncodeTo
+The character set encoding in which output should be encoded.  Again,
 this defaults to UTF-8.
-=item * -- QuoteCharacter
+=item -- QuoteCharacter
 Set the character used to quote attributes. This defaults to single quotes (') 
 for backwards compatiblity.
@@ -592,9 +588,10 @@
 Encoders can be plugged in to allow one to use one's favourite encoder
-object. Presently there are two encoders: Encode and NullEncoder. They
-need to implement two methods, and may inherit from
-XML::SAX::Writer::NullConverter if they wish to
+object. Presently there are two encoders: Iconv and NullEncoder, and
+one based on C<Encode> ought to be out soon. They need to implement
+two methods, and may inherit from XML::SAX::Writer::NullConverter if
+they wish to
 =over 4
@@ -607,11 +604,6 @@
 Converts that string and returns it.
-Note that the return value of the convert method is B<not> checked. Output may
-be truncated if a character couldn't be converted correctly. To avoid problems
-the encoder should take care encoding errors itself, for example by raising an
@@ -635,17 +627,17 @@
 This is used to set the proper converter for character encodings. The
 default implementation should suffice but you can override it. It must
-set C<< $self->{Encoder} >> to an Encoder object. Subclasses *should* call
+set C<$self->{Encoder}> to an Encoder object. Subclasses *should* call
 =item setConsumer
 Same as above, except that it is for the Consumer object, and that it
-must set C<< $self->{Consumer} >>.
+must set C<$self->{Consumer}>.
 =item setEscaperRegex
-Will initialise the escaping regex C<< $self->{EscaperRegex} >> based on
+Will initialise the escaping regex C<$self->{EscaperRegex}> based on
 what is needed.
 =item escape STRING

Modified: trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer/XML.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer/XML.pm?rev=61903&op=diff
--- trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer/XML.pm (original)
+++ trunk/libxml-sax-writer-perl/lib/XML/SAX/Writer/XML.pm Sun Aug 22 18:37:22 2010
@@ -481,14 +481,14 @@
     # also, there's order in the pseudo-attr
     my $xd = '';
     if ($data->{Version}) {
-        $xd .= "<?xml version=\"$data->{Version}\"";
+        $xd .= "<?xml version='$data->{Version}'";
         if ($data->{Encoding}) {
-            $xd .= " encoding=\"$data->{Encoding}\"";
+            $xd .= " encoding='$data->{Encoding}'";
         if ($data->{Standalone}) {
-            $xd .= " standalone=\"$data->{Standalone}\"";
-        }
-        $xd .= "?>\n";
+            $xd .= " standalone='$data->{Standalone}'";
+        }
+        $xd .= '?>';
     #$xd = $self->{Encoder}->convert($xd); # this may blow up

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