r64576 - in /branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current: Changes IntSpan.pm MANIFEST META.yml t/ord.t t/span_ord.t
periapt-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
periapt-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Nov 5 08:18:01 UTC 2010
Author: periapt-guest
Date: Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
New Revision: 64576
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=64576
[svn-upgrade] new version libset-intspan-perl (1.15)
Modified: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/Changes?rev=64576&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/Changes (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/Changes Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Revision history for Perl extension Set::IntSpan
+1.15 2010 Nov 04
+ - added span_ord() method
1.14 2010 Jun 22
- added ord() method
Modified: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/IntSpan.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/IntSpan.pm?rev=64576&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/IntSpan.pm (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/IntSpan.pm Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
use base qw(Exporter);
use Carp;
-our $VERSION = '1.14';
+our $VERSION = '1.15';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(grep_set map_set grep_spans map_spans);
use overload
@@ -902,6 +902,13 @@
$upper + 1
+sub span_ord
+ my($set, $n) = @_;
+ my $i = _bsearch($set->{edges}, $n);
+ ($set->{negInf} xor $i & 1) ? $i >> 1 : undef
sub min
@@ -1411,8 +1418,6 @@
sub slice
my($set, $from, $to) = @_;
@@ -1644,6 +1649,7 @@
$n = $set->at($i);
$slice = $set->slice($from, $to);
$i = $set->ord($n);
+ $i = $set->span_ord($n);
=head2 Operator overloads
@@ -2319,6 +2325,15 @@
Dies if I<$set> is C<neg_inf>.
+=item I<$i> = I<$set>->C<span_ord>($n)
+Returns the index I<$i> of the span containing the integer I<$n>,
+or C<undef> if I<$n> if not an element of I<$set>.
+To recover the span continaing I<$n>, write
+ (I<$set>->C<spans>)[I<$i>]
@@ -2647,6 +2662,10 @@
Marc Lehmann <schmorp at schmorp.de>
+=item *
+Andrew Olson <aolson at me.com>
Modified: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=64576&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/MANIFEST (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/MANIFEST Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
Modified: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/META.yml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/META.yml?rev=64576&op=diff
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/META.yml (original)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/META.yml Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--- #YAML:1.0
name: Set-IntSpan
-version: 1.14
+version: 1.15
abstract: Manages sets of integers, newsrc style
- Steven McDougall (swmcd at world.std.com)
Added: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/ord.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/ord.t?rev=64576&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/ord.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/ord.t Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,68 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+use strict;
+use Set::IntSpan 1.14;
+my $N = 1;
+sub Not { print "not " }
+sub OK
+ my($function, $test) = @_;
+ $test ||= [];
+ for (@$test) { defined $_ or $_ = '<undef>' }
+ my $expected = pop @$test;
+ print "ok $N $function: @$test\t-> $expected\n";
+ $N++;
+my @Ord_die =
+ [ '(-0', 42, '<die>' ],
+my @Ord_test =
+ [ '-' , 0, undef ],
+ [ '0' , 0, 0 ],
+ [ '1' , 0, undef ],
+ [ '1' , 2, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 0, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 1, 0 ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 2, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 3, 1 ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 4, 2 ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 5, 3 ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 6, undef ],
+ [ '1-)' , 0, undef ],
+ [ '1-)' , 1, 0 ],
+ [ '1-)' , 8, 7 ],
+ [ '1-5,11-15,21-25', 21, 10 ],
+print "1..", @Ord_die + @Ord_test, "\n";
+for my $test (@Ord_die)
+ my($run_list, $n) = @$test;
+ eval { Set::IntSpan->new($run_list)->ord($n) };
+ $@ or Not; OK("ord", $test);
+for my $test (@Ord_test)
+ my($run_list, $n, $i) = @$test;
+ equal(Set::IntSpan->new($run_list)->ord($n), $i) or Not; OK("ord", $test);
+sub equal
+ my($a, $b) = @_;
+ not defined $a and not defined $b or
+ defined $a and defined $b and $a == $b
Added: branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/span_ord.t
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/span_ord.t?rev=64576&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/span_ord.t (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libset-intspan-perl/current/t/span_ord.t Fri Nov 5 08:17:28 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,87 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+use strict;
+use Set::IntSpan 1.14;
+my $N = 1;
+sub Not { print "not " }
+sub OK_ord
+ my $test = shift;
+ my($runlist, $n, $ord_exp, $span_exp) = @$test;
+ $ord_exp = '<undef>' unless defined $ord_exp;
+ print "ok $N ord : $runlist $n\t-> $ord_exp\n";
+ $N++;
+sub OK_span
+ my $test = shift;
+ my($runlist, $n, $ord_exp, $span_exp) = @$test;
+ $span_exp = defined $span_exp ? join ', ', map { defined($_) ? $_ : '<undef>' } @$span_exp : '<undef>';
+ print "ok $N span: $runlist $n\t-> $span_exp\n";
+ $N++;
+my @Span_ord_test =
+ [ '-' , 0, undef, undef ],
+ [ '(-)' , 0, 0 , [undef, undef] ],
+ [ '0' , 0, 0 , [ 0, 0] ],
+ [ '1' , 0, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1' , 1, 0 , [ 1, 1] ],
+ [ '1' , 2, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 0, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 1, 0 , [ 1, 1] ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 2, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 3, 1 , [ 3, 5] ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 4, 1 , [ 3, 5] ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 5, 1 , [ 3, 5] ],
+ [ '1,3-5' , 6, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1-)' , 0, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1-)' , 1, 0 , [ 1, undef] ],
+ [ '1-)' , 2, 0 , [ 1, undef] ],
+ [ '(-1' , 0, 0 , [undef, 1] ],
+ [ '(-1' , 1, 0 , [undef, 1] ],
+ [ '(-1' , 2, undef, undef ],
+ [ '1-5,11-15,21-25' , 21, 2 , [ 21, 25] ],
+ [ '(-5,11-15,21-25' , 21, 2 , [ 21, 25] ],
+ [ '1-5,11-15,21-25,30-40', 21, 2 , [ 21, 25] ],
+ [ '(-5,11-15,21-25,30-)' , 21, 2 , [ 21, 25] ],
+ [ '(-5,11-15,21-25,30-)' , 20, undef, undef ],
+print "1..", 2 * @Span_ord_test, "\n";
+for my $test (@Span_ord_test)
+ my($run_list, $n, $ord_exp, $span_exp) = @$test;
+ my $set = new Set::IntSpan $run_list;
+ my $ord_act = $set->span_ord($n);
+ identical_n($ord_act, $ord_exp) or Not; OK_ord($test);
+ my $span_act = defined $ord_act ? ($set->spans)[$ord_act] : undef;
+ identical_span($span_act, $span_exp) or Not; OK_span($test);
+sub identical_n
+ my($a, $b) = @_;
+ not defined $a and not defined $b or
+ defined $a and defined $b and $a == $b
+sub identical_span
+ my($a, $b) = @_;
+ not defined $a and not defined $b or
+ defined $a and defined $b and
+ identical_n($a->[0], $b->[0]) and identical_n($a->[1], $b->[1])
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