[SCM] Debian packaging of libhtml-tableextract-perl branch, master, updated. 018bcdc15aedbee593a051cedd311e16d6def2eb

Nicholas Bamber nicholas at periapt.co.uk
Sat Aug 27 22:39:46 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 3eee66a130747a91b8de0cf504ffff91d9539918
Author: Nicholas Bamber <nicholas at periapt.co.uk>
Date:   Sat Aug 27 22:59:45 2011 +0100

    * New upstream version
    * Removed patch that is no longer required

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index bf7dd99..621afc9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-libhtml-tableextract-perl (2.10-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+libhtml-tableextract-perl (2.11-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   [ Nicholas Bamber ]
   * Fix bug number
+  * New upstream version
+  * Removed patch that is no longer required
   [ Ansgar Burchardt ]
   * debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.
diff --git a/debian/patches/gnarly.patch b/debian/patches/gnarly.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b0e97d8..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/gnarly.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Author: Gunnar Wolf <gwolf at gwolf.org>
-Subject: FTBS fix
- I'm attaching the patch here - What is it? Basically, I understand
- this test takes a well-known HTML file, parses it, reassembles it, and
- compares it back to itself. It should be identical. Why does it fail?
- Because a bug was fixed in one of the modules it depends on. It
- previously generated unquoted HTML attributes (i.e. <td rowspan=2>),
- where now it properly quotes them (<td rowspan="2">). The fix is
- basically to change the original string it compares to/from :)
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=414721
-Reviewed-by: Nicholas Bamber <nicholas at periapt.co.uk>
-Last-Update: 2011-03-16
---- a/t/gnarly.html
-+++ b/t/gnarly.html
-@@ -1 +1 @@
--<html><head><title>gnarly table</title></head><body><table border=1><tr><td colspan=4 rowspan=1>(0,0) [1,4]</td><td colspan=4 rowspan=2>(0,1) [2,4]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=1 rowspan=2>(1,0) [2,1]</td><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(1,1) [1,1]</td><td colspan=2 rowspan=1>(1,2) [1,2]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4 rowspan=2>(2,0) [2,4]</td><td colspan=2 rowspan=2>(2,1) [2,2]</td><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(2,2) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(3,0) [1,1]</td><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(3,1) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 rowspan=3>(4,0) [3,2]</td><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(4,1) [1,1]</td><td colspan=1 rowspan=3>(4,2) [3,1]</td><td colspan=4 rowspan=4>(4,3) [4,4]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(5,0) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=1 rowspan=1>(6,0) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4 rowspan=1>(7,0) [1,4]</td></tr></table></body></html>
-+<html><head><title>gnarly table</title></head><body><table border="1"><tr><td colspan="4" rowspan="1">(0,0) [1,4]</td><td colspan="4" rowspan="2">(0,1) [2,4]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="2">(1,0) [2,1]</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(1,1) [1,1]</td><td colspan="2" rowspan="1">(1,2) [1,2]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" rowspan="2">(2,0) [2,4]</td><td colspan="2" rowspan="2">(2,1) [2,2]</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(2,2) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(3,0) [1,1]</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(3,1) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" rowspan="3">(4,0) [3,2]</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(4,1) [1,1]</td><td colspan="1" rowspan="3">(4,2) [3,1]</td><td colspan="4" rowspan="4">(4,3) [4,4]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(5,0) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1">(6,0) [1,1]</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" rowspan="1">(7,0) [1,4]</td></tr></table></body></html>
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index fde180e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Debian packaging of libhtml-tableextract-perl

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