[SCM] Debian packaging of libcurses-ui-perl annotated tag, debian/0.9608-1, created. debian/0.9608-1

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Sep 1 23:36:50 UTC 2011

The annotated tag, debian/0.9608-1 has been created
        at  3a0e700f35878e203774e0ee2f79c17abaee2a94 (tag)
   tagging  6c807b9c6cfe6a013636de1823eb6bafa732c109 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.9608
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Fri Sep 2 01:36:36 2011 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
tagging version debian/0.9608-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Ansgar Burchardt (1):
      debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.

Antony Gelberg (3):
      Add patches to fix 556846 and 556934.
      Fix changelog with antgel and new date.
      Not ready for release, document ansgar suggestions.

Damyan Ivanov (15):
      Get the "NOT RELEASED YET" revision in the repo to avoid someone modivyint already released one
      * Convert to source format '3.0 (quilt)'
      fix ex-dpatches names
      refresh ex-dpatches to apply cleanly and have proper style
      one more occurence of (@;)
      add pod-spell.patch fixing spelling errors in documentation (thanks,
      describe prorotypes.patch
      describe and forward pod-spell.patch
      describe two patches from antgel
      drop the version (5.8) from perl build-dependency
      add myself to debian/copyright
      S-V: 3.9.2
      do not compress examples, as before
      releasing version 0.9607-2
      Merge commit 'upstream/0.9607'

Frank Lichtenheld (1):
      The "I don't have too much time but lets do this anyway" commit

Gregor Herrmann (17):
      * Fix typo in Description (closes: #415075).
      add missing XS-Vcs-Browser field to debian/control
      Add missing XS-Vcs-(Svn|Browser)/Homepage field(s) to debian/control.
      Change XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-* in all trunk/*/debian/control files
      debian/watch: use dist-based instead of author-based URL.
      mass-change: rmdir /usr/{lib,share}/perl5 only if they exist as a preparation for perl5.10
      New upstream release.
      debian/copyright: adjust upstream copyright statement and add
      Remove debian/{docs,examples} and let debian/rules do the work.
      * Set Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes).
      releasing version 0.9605-1
      [mass commit] switch Vcs-Browser from from WebSVN to ViewSVN
      New upstream release.
      * Set debhelper compatibility level to 7; adapt
      Don't compress examples.
      releasing version 0.9607-1
      fix changelog indentation

Gunnar Wolf (4):
      Adding the XS-Vcs-Svn field to all of our modules'
      Corrected wrong URL in the XS-Vcs-Svn field :-/ Thanks, Raphael
      'Merged' back gregor's changed to the still-not-released -1
      Removing myself as an uploader from all packages which have other human uploaders

Joey Hess (2):
      update Vcs-Svn lines for new locations
      There is no need to add a new dummy UNRELEASED changelog entry to try and

Jose Luis Rivas Contreras (1):
      New upstream release

Nathan Handler (1):
      [mass-commit] debian/watch: Modify to ignore development releases.

Roberto C. Sanchez (2):
      * New upstream release.
      * debian/docs: Remove obsolete documentation.

Russ Allbery (17):
      Load libcurses-ui-perl-0.95 into packages/libcurses-ui-perl/trunk.
      * Change maintainers to the Debian Perl Group.
      * Update standards version to 3.7.2 (no changes required).
      * Don't compress the example scripts.
      * debian/rules cleanup.
      Strip Uploaders.
      * Update debhelper compatibility level to V5 (no changes required).
      * Update standards version to 3.7.3 (no changes required).
      * Remove specific language names from the long description per recent
      * Ensure the toggle() method of Curses::UI::Checkbox always returns 0
      quilt needs to be in build-depends.
      * Give Curses::UI::Tutorial a proper description for the man page.
      Incorporate a previous change made directly to the upstream source into
      * Switch to quilt for patch management.
      Finalize changes.
      * New upstream release.
      Finalize changes.

gregor herrmann (6):
      Merge commit 'upstream/0.9608'
      New upstream release.
      Remove patches, all applied upstream.
      debian/copyright: update formatting and list of debian/* contributors.
      Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
      releasing version 0.9608-1


Debian packaging of libcurses-ui-perl

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