[SCM] Debian packaging of libconfig-model-perl branch, master, updated. upstream/1.254-236-gaa2b002
Dominique Dumont
dod at debian.org
Mon Sep 5 12:04:13 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit aa2b002fc946483bf401e43814588405f203d9e0
Author: Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>
Date: Mon Sep 5 14:03:35 2011 +0200
ready for release
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index cbba727..e43a5d9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,29 +1,26 @@
-libconfig-model-perl (1.254-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
- * pending upstream release
+libconfig-model-perl (1.254-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Dominique Dumont ]
* New upstream release
* Framework changes:
- * AutoRead.pm: correctly handle ~ as home dir (thanks fabreg)
- * Backend/ShellVar.pm: do not write global comments if
- there's no data to write. I.e. don't write files containing
- only coments
+ * AutoRead.pm: correctly handle ~ as home dir (thanks fabreg)
+ * Backend/ShellVar.pm: do not write global comments if
+ there's no data to write. I.e. don't write files containing
+ only coments
* Application changes:
- * Backend Debian/Dpkg/Copyright.pm:
- Fixed parser to avoid confusing License and License-Alias
- + model Debian/Dpkg/Control/Source.pl:
- warn in case of duplicated dependencies
- * Debian/Dependency.pm: Fixed handling of dependency alternates
- * Backend Debian/Dpkg/Patch.pm: patch write is now working
+ * Backend Debian/Dpkg/Copyright.pm:
+ Fixed parser to avoid confusing License and License-Alias
+ + model Debian/Dpkg/Control/Source.pl:
+ warn in case of duplicated dependencies
+ * Debian/Dependency.pm: Fixed handling of dependency alternates
+ * Backend Debian/Dpkg/Patch.pm: patch write is now working
* removed fix_dir patch (applied upstream)
* New upstream release
- -- Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org> Mon, 05 Sep 2011 13:37:43 +0200
-libconfig-model-perl (1.250-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [Ansgar Burchardt ]
* debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.
- -- Ansgar Burchardt <ansgar at debian.org> Wed, 27 Jul 2011 18:42:22 +0200
+ -- Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org> Mon, 05 Sep 2011 14:03:17 +0200
libconfig-model-perl (1.250-1) unstable; urgency=low
diff --git a/examples/lcdproc/#LCDd.conf# b/examples/lcdproc/#LCDd.conf#
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b7406..0000000
--- a/examples/lcdproc/#LCDd.conf#
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1131 +0,0 @@
-# LCDd.conf -- configuration file for the LCDproc server daemon LCDd
-# This file contains the configuration for the LCDd server.
-# The format is ini-file-like. It is divided into sections that start at
-# markers that look like [section]. Comments are all line-based comments,
-# and are lines that start with '#' or ';'.
-# The server has a 'central' section named [server]. For the menu there is
-# a section called [menu]. Further each driver has a section which
-# defines how the driver acts.
-# The drivers are activated by specifiying them in a driver= line in the
-# server section, like:
-# Driver=curses
-# This tells LCDd to use the curses driver.
-# The first driver that is loaded and is capable of output defines the
-# size of the display. The default driver to use is curses.
-# If the driver is specified using the -d <driver> command line option,
-# the Driver= options in the config file are ignored.
-# The drivers read their own options from the respective sections.
-## Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server ##
-# Where can we find the driver modules ?
-# IMPORTANT: Make sure to change this setting to reflect your
-# specific setup! Otherwise LCDd won't be able to find
-# the driver modules and will thus not be able to
-# function properly.
-# NOTE: Always place a slash as last character !
-# Tells the server to load the given drivers. Multiple lines can be given.
-# The name of the driver is case sensitive and determines the section
-# where to look for further configuration options of the specific driver
-# as well as the name of the dynamic driver module to load at runtime.
-# The latter one can be changed by giving af File= directive in the
-# driver specific section.
-# The following drivers are supported:
-# bayrad, CFontz, CFontz633, CFontzPacket, curses, CwLnx, ea65,
-# EyeboxOne, g15, glcdlib, glk, hd44780, icp_a106, imon, imonlcd,
-# IOWarrior, irman, joy, lb216, lcdm001, lcterm, lirc, lis, MD8800,
-# mdm166a, ms6931, mtc_s16209x, MtxOrb, mx5000, NoritakeVFD, picolcd,
-# pyramid, sed1330, sed1520, serialPOS, serialVFD, shuttleVFD, sli,
-# stv5730, svga, t6963, text, tyan, ula200, xosd
-# Tells the driver to bind to the given interface
-# Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.
-# Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).
-# Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# User to run as. LCDd will drop its root priviledges, if any,
-# and run as this user instead.
-# The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.
-# Hello message: each entry represents a display line; default: builtin
-Hello=" Welcome to"
-Hello=" LCDproc!"
-# GoodBye message: each entry represents a display line; default: builtin
-GoodBye="Thanks for using"
-GoodBye=" LCDproc!"
-# Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.
-# If yes, the the serverscreen will be rotated as a usual info screen. If no,
-# it will be a background screen, only visible when no other screens are
-# active. The special value 'blank' is similar to no, but only a blank screen
-# is displayed. [default: on; legal: on, off, blank]
-# Set master backlight setting. If set to 'open' a client may control the
-# backlight for its own screens (only). [default: open; legal: off, open, on]
-# Set master heartbeat setting. If set to 'open' a client may control the
-# heartbeat for its own screens (only). [default: open; legal: off, open, on]
-# set title scrolling speed [default: 10; legal: 0-10]
-# The "...Key=" lines define what the server does with keypresses that
-# don't go to any client.
-# These are the defaults:
-## The menu section. The menu is an internal LCDproc client. ##
-# You can configure what keys the menu should use. Note that the MenuKey
-# will be reserved exclusively, the others work in shared mode.
-# The following works excellent with 4 keys or more.
-# If you have 6 keys you may define these as well
-### Driver sections are below this line, in alphabetical order ###
-## EMAC BayRAD driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
-## CrystalFontz driver (for CF632 & CF634) ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Select the LCD size [default: 20x4]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200 or 115200]
-# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# normally you shouldn't need this
-## CrystalFontz633 driver (for CF633 only) ##
-# Note: Use of this driver is deprecated, please use CFontzPacket driver
-# with Model=633 instead.
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Select the LCD type (size) [default: 16x2]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
-# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# Currently this flag is not in use, there is no such thing as NewFirmware. ;=)
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# I want to reboot the LCD to make sure we start from a known state
-## CrystalFontz packet driver (for CFA533, CFA631, CFA633 & CFA635) ##
-# Select the LCD model [default: 633; legal: 533, 631, 633, 635]
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS on driver start. [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# Enable the USB flag if the device is connected to an USB port. For
-# serial ports leave it disabled. [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# Very old 633 firmware versions do not support partial screen updates using
-# 'Send Data to LCD' command (31). For those devices it may be necessary to
-# enable this flag. [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# Override the LCD size known for the selected model. Usually setting this
-# value should not be necessary.
-# Override the default communication speed known for the selected model.
-# [default: depending on model; legal: 19200, 115200]
-## Curses driver ##
-# color settings
-# foreground color [default: blue]
-# background color when "backlight" is off [default: cyan]
-# background color when "backlight" is on [default: red]
-# display size [default: 20x4]
-# What position (X,Y) to start the left top corner at...
-# Default: (7,7)
-# use ASC symbols for icons & bars [default: no; legal, yes, no]
-# draw Border [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
-## Cwlinux driver ##
-# Select the LCD model [default: 12232; legal: 12232, 12832, 1602]
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Select the LCD size [default: depending on model: 12232: 20x4, 12832: 21x4, 1602: 16x2]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 9600, 19200]
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# normally you shouldn't need this
-# If you have a keypad connected. Keypad layout is currently not
-# configureable from the config file.
-# If you have a non-standard keypad you can associate any keystrings to keys.
-# There are 6 input keys in the CwLnx hardware that generate characters
-# from 'A' to 'F'.
-# The following is the built-in default mapping hardcoded in the driver.
-# You can leave those unchanged if you have a standard keypad.
-# You can change it if you want to report other keystrings or have a non
-# standard keypad.
-# KeyMap_A=Up
-# KeyMap_B=Down
-# KeyMap_C=Left
-# KeyMap_D=Right
-# KeyMap_E=Enter
-# KeyMap_F=Escape
-# keypad_test_mode permits one to test keypad assignement
-# Default value is no
-## ea65 driver for the display in AOpen XC Cube AV EA65 media barebones ##
-# Device is fixed /dev/ttyS1
-# Width and Height are fixed 9x1
-# As the VFD is self luminescent we don't have a backlight
-# But we can use the backlight functions to control the front LEDs
-# Brightness 0 to 299 -> LEDs off
-# Brightness 300 to 699 -> LEDs half bright
-# Brightness 700 to 1000 -> LEDs full bright
-# OffBrightness is the the value used for the 'backlight off' state
-## EyeboxOne driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
-# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
-# Switch on the backlight? [default: yes]
-# Switch on the cursor? [default: no]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
-# Enter Key is a \r character, so it's hardcoded in the driver
-# You can find out which key of your display sends which
-# character by setting keypad_test_mode to yes and running
-# LCDd. LCDd will output all characters it receives.
-# Afterwards you can modify the settings above and set
-# keypad_set_mode to no again.
-## g15 driver for Logitech G15 Keyboard LCDs ##
-# Display size (currently unused)
-## glcdlib meta driver for graphical LCDs ##
-## mandatory:
-# which graphical display supported by graphlcd-base to use [default: image]
-# (see /etc/graphlcd.conf for possible drivers)
-# no=use graphlcd bitmap fonts (they have only one size / font file)
-# yes=use fonts supported by FreeType2 (needs Freetype2 support in libglcdprocdriver and its dependants)
-# text resolution in fixed width characters [default: 16x4]
-# (if it won't fit according to available physical pixel resolutioni
-# and the minimum available font face size in pixels, then
-# 'DebugBorder' will automatically be turned on)
-# path to font file to use
-## these only apply if UseFT2=yes:
-# character encoding to use
-# minumum size in pixels in which fonts should be rendered
-## optional:
-Brightness=50 # Brightness (in %) if applicable
-Contrast=50 # Contrast (in %) if applicable
-Backlight=no # Backlight if applicable
-UpsideDown=no # flip image upside down
-Invert=no # invert light/dark pixels
-ShowDebugFrame=no # turns on/off 1 pixel thick debugging
- # border whithin the usable text area,
- # for setting up TextResolution and
- # MinFontFaceSize (if using FT2);
-ShowBigBorder=no # border around the unused area
-ShowThinBorder=yes # border around the unused area
-## Matrix Orbital GLK driver ##
-# select the serial device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# set the initial contrast value [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# set the serial port speed [default: 19200; legal: 9600, 19200, 38400]
-## Hitachi HD44780 driver ##
-# Select what type of connection. See documentation for types.
-# Port where the LPT is [ususal: 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC]
-# Device of the serial interface [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Bitrate of the serial port (0 for interface default)
-# If you have a keypad connected.
-# You may also need to configure the keypad layout further on in this file.
-# Set the initial contrast (bwctusb and lcd2usb) [default: 500; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set brightness of the backlight (lcd2usb only) [default: 0; legal 0 - 1000]
-# If you have a switchable backlight.
-# If you have the additional output port ("bargraph") and you want to
-# be able to control it with the lcdproc OUTPUT command
-# Specifies if the last line is pixel addressable or it controls an
-# underline effect. [default: true (= pixel addressable); legal: yes, no]
-# Specifies the size of the LCD.
-# In case of multiple combined displays, this should be the total size.
-# For multiple combined displays: how many lines does each display have.
-# Vspan=2,2 means both displays have 2 lines.
-# If you have an HD66712, a KS0073 or another 'almost HD44780-compatible',
-# set this flag to get into extended mode (4-line linear).
-# In extended mode, on some controllers like the ST7036 (in 3 line mode)
-# the next line in DDRAM won't start 0x20 higher. [default: 0x20]
-# Character map to to map ISO-8859-1 to the LCD's character set
-# [default: hd44780_default; legal: hd44780_default, hd44780_euro,
-# ea_ks0073, sed1278f_0b, hd44780_koi8_r ]
-# If your display is slow and cannot keep up with the flow of data from
-# LCDd, garbage can appear on the LCDd. Set this delay factor to 2 or 4
-# to increase the delays. Default: 1.
-# Some displays (e.g. vdr-wakeup) need a message from the driver to that it
-# is still alive. When set to a value bigger then null the character in the
-# upper left corner is updated every <KeepAliveDisplay> seconds. Default: 0.
-# If you experience occasional garbage on your display you can use this
-# option as workaround. If set to a value bigger than null it forces a
-# full screen refresh <RefreshDiplay> seconds. Default: 0.
-# You can reduce the inserted delays by setting this to false.
-# On fast PCs it is possible your LCD does not respond correctly.
-# Default: true.
-# If you have a keypad you can assign keystrings to the keys.
-# See documentation for used terms and how to wire it.
-# For example to give directly connected key 4 the string "Enter", use:
-# KeyDirect_4=Enter
-# For matrix keys use the X and Y coordinates of the key:
-# KeyMatrix_1_3=Enter
-## ICP A106 driver ##
-## Code Mercenaries IO-Warrior driver ##
-# display dimensions
-# serial number [exactly as listed by usbview]
-# (if not given, the 1st IOWarrior found gets used)
-# If you have an HD66712, a KS0073 or another 'almost HD44780-compatible',
-# set this flag to get into extended mode (4-line linear).
-# Specifies if the last line is pixel addressable or it controls an
-# underline effect. [default: true (= pixel addressable); legal: yes, no]
-## Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent iMON driver ##
-# select the device to use
-# display dimensions
-## Soundgraph iMON LCD ##
-# Specify which iMon protocol should be used [legal: 0=15c2:ffdc device,
-# 1=15c2:0038 device; default: 0]
-# Set the exit behavior [legal: 0=leave shutdown message, 1=show the big clock,
-# 2=blank device; default: 1]
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd0]
-# Select the displays contrast [default: 200; legal: 0-1000]
-# Specify the size of the display in pixels [default: 96x16]
-# Set the backlight state [default: on; legal: on, off]
-# Set the disc mode [legal: 0=spin the "slim" disc - two disc segments,
-# 1=their complement spinning; default: 0]
-## IrMan driver ##
-# in case of trouble with IrMan, try the Lirc emulator for IrMan
-# Select the input device to use
-# Select the configuration file to use
-## IRtrans driver ##
-# Does the device have a backlight? [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-# IRTrans device to connect to [default: localhost]
-# display dimensions
-## Joystick driver ##
-# Select the input device to use [default: /dev/js0]
-# set the axis map
-# set the button map
-## LB216 driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 255; legal: 0 - 255]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 2400, 9600]
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-## LCDM001 driver ##
-# keypad settings
-# Keyname Function
-# Normal context Menu context
-# ------- -------------- ------------
-# PauseKey Pause/Continue Enter/select
-# BackKey Back(Go to previous screen) Up/Left
-# ForwardKey Forward(Go to next screen) Down/Right
-# MainMenuKey Open main menu Exit/Cancel
-# You can rearrange the settings here.
-# If your device is broken, have a look at server/drivers/lcdm001.h
-## HNE LCTerm driver ##
-## LIRC input driver ##
-# Specify an alternative location of the lircrc file [default: ~/.lircrc]
-# Must be the same as in your lircrc
-## LIS MCE 2005 driver ##
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# 0-250 = 25%, 251-500 = 50%, 501-750 = 75%, 751-1000 = 100%
-# Columns by lines [default: 20x2]
-# USB Vendor ID [default: 0x0403]
-# Change only if testing a compatible device.
-# USB Product ID [default: 0x6001]
-# Change only if testing a compatible device.
-##The driver for the VFD of the Medion MD8800 PC ##
-# device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
-# display size [default: 16x2]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-## Futuba MDM166A Display
-# Show self-running clock after LCDd shutdown
-# Possible values: [default: no; legal: no, small, big]
-# Dimm display, no dimming gives full brightness [default: no, legal: yes, no]
-# Dimm display in case LCDd is inactive [default: no, legal: yes, no]
-## MSI MS-6931 driver for displays in 1HU servers ##
-# device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
-# display size [default: 16x2]
-## MTC-S16209x driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 255; legal: 0 - 255]
-# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-## Matrix Orbital driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
-# Set the display type [default: lcd; legal: lcd, lkd, vfd, vkd]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 480]
-# NOTE: The driver will ignore this if the display
-# is a vfd or vkd as they don't have this feature
-# Some old displays do not have an adjustable backlight but only can
-# switch the backlight on/off. If you experience randomly appearing block
-# characters, try setting this to false. [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
-# The following table translates from MtxOrb key letters to logical key names.
-# By default no keys are mapped, meaning the keypad is not used at all.
-# See the [menu] section for an explanation of the key mappings
-# You can find out which key of your display sends which
-# character by setting keypad_test_mode to yes and running
-# LCDd. LCDd will output all characters it receives.
-# Afterwards you can modify the settings above and set
-# keypad_set_mode to no again.
-## mx5000 driver for LCD display on the Logitech MX5000 keyboard ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/hiddev0]
-Device = /dev/hiddev0
-# Time to wait in ms after the refresh screen has been sent [default: 1000]
-WaitAfterRefresh = 1000
-## Noritake VFD driver ##
-# device where the VFD is. Usual values are /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1 [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Specifies the size of the LCD.
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# set the serial port speed [default: 9600, legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
-# Set serial data parity [default: 0 (None), legal: 0(=none), 1(=odd), 2(=even)]
-# re-initialize the VFD [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-## Mini-box.com picoLCD (usblcd) driver ##
-# KeyTimeout is the time that LCDd spends waiting for a key press before cycling
-# through other duties. Higher values make LCDd use less CPU time and make
-# key presses more detectable. Lower values make LCDd more responsive but a
-# little prone to missing key presses. 500 (.5 second) is the default and a
-# balanced value.
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Light the keys? i[default: on; legal: on, off]
-# If Keylights is on, the you can unlight specific keys below:
-# Key0 is the directional pad. Key1 - Key5 correspond to the F1 - F5 keys.
-# There is no LED for the +/- keys. This is a handy way to indicate to users
-# which keys are disabled. [default: on; legal: on, off]
-# Host name or IP address of the LIRC instance that is to receive IR codes
-# If not set, or set to an empty value, IR support is disabled.
-# UDP port on which LIRC is listening [default: 8765; legal: 1 - 65535]
-# Threshold in jiffies of synthesized gap that triggers flushing the IR data to lirc
-# [default: 100 (6.1ms); 0 to suppress]
-## Pyramid LCD driver ##
-# device to connect to [default: /dev/lcd]
-## Seiko Epson 1330 driver ##
-# Port where the LPT is. Common values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
-# Type of LCD module (legal: G321D, G121C, G242C, G191D, G2446, SP14Q002)
-# Note: Currently only tested with G321D & SP14Q002.
-# Width x Height of a character cell in pixels [legal: 6x7 - 8x16; default: 6x10]
-# Select what type of connection [legal: classic, bitshaker; default: classic]
-## Seiko Epson 1520 driver ##
-# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
-## serial POS display driver ##
-# Device to use in serial mode [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Specifies the size of the display in characters. [default: 16x2]
-# Set the communication protocol to use with the POS display.
-# [default: AEDEX; legal: IEE, Epson, Emax, IBM, LogicControls, Ultimate]
-# communication baud rate with the display [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 19200, 115200]
-## Serial VFD driver ##
-## Drives various (see below) serial 5x7dot VFD's. ##
-# Specifies the displaytype.[default: 0]
-# 0 NEC (FIPC8367 based) VFDs.
-# 1 KD Rev 2.1.
-# 2 Noritake VFDs (*).
-# 3 Futaba VFDs
-# 4 IEE S03601-95B
-# 5 IEE S03601-96-080 (*)
-# 6 Futaba NA202SD08FA (allmost IEE compatible)
-# 7 Samsung 20S207DA4 and 20S207DA6
-# 8 Nixdorf BA6x / VT100
-# (* most should work, not tested yet.)
-# "no" if display connected serial, "yes" if connected parallel. [default: no(=serial)]
-# Number of Custom-Characters [default: displaytype dependent]
-# Portaddress where the LPT is. Used in parallelmode only. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
-# Set parallel port timingdelay (us). Used in parallelmode only. [default: 2; legal: 0 - 255]
-# Device to use in serial mode. Usual values are /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1
-# Specifies the size of the VFD.
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000)
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-# (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000)
-# set the serial port speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
-# enable ISO 8859 1 compatibility [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
-## shuttleVFD driver ##
-# No options
-## stv5730 driver ##
-# Port the device is connected to [default: 0x378]
-# Port the device is connected to (by default first USB serial port)
-# Edition level of the device (can be 1, 2 or 3) [default: 2]
-# set display size
-# Note: The size can be obtained directly from device for edition 2 & 3.
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 480; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 480; legal: 1 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 100; legal: 1 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-## SVGAlib driver ##
-# svgalib mode to use [default: G320x240x256; legal: supported svgalib modes]
-# set display size [default: 20x4]
-# Set the initial contrast [default: 500; legal: 0 - 1000]
-# Can be set but does not change anything internally
-# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 1 - 1000]
-# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 500; legal: 1 - 1000]
-# This value is used when the display is normally
-# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
-## Text driver ##
-# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
-## Toshiba T6963 driver ##
-# set display size [default: 20x6]
-# port to use [default: 0x378; legal: 0x200 - 0x400]
-# Is ECP mode on? [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
-# Use graphics? [default: no; legal: yes, no]
-## Tyan Barebones LCD driver (GS10 & GS12 series) ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 4800, 9600]
-# set display size [default: 16x2]
-## ELV ula200 driver ##
-# Select the LCD size [default: 20x4]
-# If you have a non standard keypad you can associate any keystrings to keys.
-# There are 6 input key in the CwLnx hardware that generate characters
-# from 'A' to 'F'.
-# The following it the built-in default mapping hardcoded in the driver.
-# You can leave those unchanged if you have a standard keypad.
-# You can change it if you want to report other keystrings or have a non
-# standard keypad.
-# KeyMap_A=Up
-# KeyMap_B=Down
-# KeyMap_C=Left
-# KeyMap_D=Right
-# KeyMap_E=Enter
-# KeyMap_F=Escape
-## Wirz SLI LCD driver ##
-# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
-# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200]
-## OnScreen Display using libxosd ##
-# set display size [default: 20x4]
-# Offset in pixels from the top-left corner of the monitor [default: 0x0]
-# X font to use, in XLFD format, as given by "xfontsel"
-# EOF
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