[SCM] Debian packaging of dh-make-perl branch, master, updated. debian/0.75-1-14-g2f42f25
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Fri Mar 16 19:49:15 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a8a0fec86f2bca7bed862f90a4324c1d9291a1c8
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date: Fri Mar 16 20:47:35 2012 +0100
Git-Dch: Ignore
diff --git a/lib/DhMakePerl/Command/Packaging.pm b/lib/DhMakePerl/Command/Packaging.pm
index 442bf65..4e5fa1a 100644
--- a/lib/DhMakePerl/Command/Packaging.pm
+++ b/lib/DhMakePerl/Command/Packaging.pm
@@ -1064,27 +1064,27 @@ sub create_copyright {
# templates (i.e. you must add the author name and some
# information within the licensing text as such).
if ( $self->meta->{license} ) {
- foreach ( @{ $self->meta->{license} }) {
- given ($_) {
- when (/apache_2_0/) { $licenses{'Apache-2.0'} = 1; }
- when (/artistic_1/) { $licenses{'Artistic'} = 1; }
- when (/artistic_2/) { $licenses{'Artistic-2.0'} = 1; }
- # EU::MM and M::B converts the unversioned 'gpl' to gpl_1.
- # As a unversioned GPL means *any* GPL,I think it's safe to use GPL-1+ here
- when (/gpl_1/) { $licenses{'GPL-1+'} = 1; }
- when (/perl_5/) {
- $licenses{'GPL-1+'} = 1;
+ foreach ( @{ $self->meta->{license} }) {
+ given ($_) {
+ when (/apache_2_0/) { $licenses{'Apache-2.0'} = 1; }
+ when (/artistic_1/) { $licenses{'Artistic'} = 1; }
+ when (/artistic_2/) { $licenses{'Artistic-2.0'} = 1; }
+ # EU::MM and M::B converts the unversioned 'gpl' to gpl_1.
+ # As a unversioned GPL means *any* GPL,I think it's safe to use GPL-1+ here
+ when (/gpl_1/) { $licenses{'GPL-1+'} = 1; }
+ when (/perl_5/) {
+ $licenses{'GPL-1+'} = 1;
$licenses{'Artistic'} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
else {
- if ( $mangle_cprt =~ /terms\s*as\s*Perl\s*itself/is ) {
+ if ( $mangle_cprt =~ /terms\s*as\s*Perl\s*itself/is ) {
$licenses{'GPL-1+'} = 1;
$licenses{'Artistic'} = 1;
- }
+ }
if ( $mangle_cprt =~ /[^L]GPL/ ) {
if ( $mangle_cprt =~ /GPL.*version\s*1.*later\s+version/is ) {
Debian packaging of dh-make-perl
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