[SCM] Debian packaging of libnet-imap-simple-perl branch, master, updated. debian/1.2030-1-14-gd0fff6e
Xavier Guimard
x.guimard at free.fr
Mon Nov 12 20:44:28 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d0fff6e49ebe4f8d388ce1d30a35981bd0096fe1
Author: Xavier Guimard <x.guimard at free.fr>
Date: Mon Nov 12 21:43:49 2012 +0100
Add comment in TODO
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 6df61f8..53ca9b1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,45 +5,7 @@ libnet-imap-simple-perl (1.2034-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
- I'm confused about the tests:
+ we have new build dependencies but many tests are still skipped
(TEST_FILES in debian/rules)
- + when running the tests manually and with TEST_VERBOSE=1,
- all tests in t/07_select_and_examine.t are skipped with
- "Coro::EV not found, skipping all meaningful tests"
- although libcoro-perl is installed and /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm exists
- now this is interesting (in a chroot):
- # PERL5LIB=blib perl -d t/test_server.pm
- Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.33
- Editor support available.
- Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.
- main::(t/test_server.pm:1): our $tests;
- DB<1> n
- main::(t/test_server.pm:36): for my $mod (qw(Coro::EV Net::IMAP::Server IO::Socket::SSL)) {
- DB<1>
- main::(t/test_server.pm:37): my $res = do {
- DB<1>
- main::(t/test_server.pm:39): local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
- DB<1>
- main::(t/test_server.pm:40): eval "use $mod; 1";
- DB<1>
- Signal SEGV at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59
- eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59
- require Coro/EV.pm called at (eval 937)[t/test_server.pm:40] line 1
- main::BEGIN() called at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59
- eval {...} called at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59
- eval 'use Coro::EV; 1
- ;' called at t/test_server.pm line 40
- Aborted (core dumped)
- # perl -MCoro::EV -e1
- Can't locate EV.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59.
- BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/Coro/EV.pm line 59.
- Compilation failed in require.
- BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
+ [... solved ...]
--> missing build dependency on libev-perl
(and libio-socket-ssl-perl, as revealed later)
OTOH, it can be argued that libcoro-perl should have a dependency on
@@ -51,6 +13,12 @@ libnet-imap-simple-perl (1.2034-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
and after adding libev-perl and libio-socket-ssl-perl,
t/07_select_and_examine.t just hangs forever without any output
+ => I think that this is a IPv6 problem: test_server.pm launch
+ Net::IMAP::Server and a client/ The client is waiting something on the
+ socket (IMAP banner ?) and the server is blocked :
+ restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...>
+ Any idea ???
+ most other tests are useless because of
BEGIN { unless( $ENV{I_PROMISE_TO_TEST_SINGLE_THREADED} ) { print "1..1\nok 1\n"; exit 0; } }
+ if I try to run all tests with
Debian packaging of libnet-imap-simple-perl
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