[dh-make-perl] 01/03: rework dists.t using IPC::Run

Damyan Ivanov dmn at alioth.debian.org
Fri Aug 9 09:55:58 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dmn pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dh-make-perl.

commit 23163ea993e22a40ca8cad87a712f542c7625d71
Author: Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 9 11:52:01 2013 +0200

    rework dists.t using IPC::Run
    this gives us more diagnostic opportunities
 Build.PL       |    1 +
 debian/control |    1 +
 t/dists.t      |  147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
index 904ed8e..bc0605f 100644
--- a/Build.PL
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ my $builder = My::Builder->new(
         'YAML'                      => 0,
     build_requires      => {
+        'IPC::Run'          => 0,
         'File::DirCompare'  => 0,
         'File::Touch'       => 0,
         'Test::Compile'     => 0,
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 9b06d24..435c171 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Build-Depends-Indep: libapt-pkg-perl,
+                     libipc-run-perl,
diff --git a/t/dists.t b/t/dists.t
index 6bc4443..c709ba8 100755
--- a/t/dists.t
+++ b/t/dists.t
@@ -88,77 +88,130 @@ sub dist_ok($) {
     my $dist_dir = shift;
     my $dist = "$Bin/dists/$dist_dir";
-    system( "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
-            "--home-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--apt-contents-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--data-dir", "$Bin/../share",
-            $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (),
-            "--vcs", "none",
-            "--sources-list",
-            "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email", "joemaint\@test.local",
-            $dist );
-    is( $?, 0, "$dist_dir: system returned 0" );
+    my ( @cmd, $out, $err );
+    use IPC::Run qw( run );
+# plain make
+    $out = $err = '';
+    @cmd = (
+        "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
+        "--home-dir",           "$Bin/contents",
+        "--apt-contents-dir",   "$Bin/contents",
+        "--data-dir",           "$Bin/../share",
+        $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (), "--vcs",
+        "none",                       "--sources-list",
+        "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email",
+        "joemaint\@test.local",       $dist
+    );
+    my $ok = run \@cmd, \undef, \$out, \$err;
+    unless ($ok) {
+        diag "\$! = $!, \$? = $?";
+        diag $out if $out;
+        diag $err if $err;
+    }
+    ok( $ok, "$dist_dir run ok" );
     compare_tree( "$dist/debian", "$dist/wanted-debian", 'initial' );
-    system( "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
-            "--home-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--apt-contents-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--data-dir", "$Bin/../share",
-            $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (),
-            "--vcs", "none",
-            "--sources-list",
-            "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email", "joemaint\@test.local",
-            "refresh",
-            $dist );
+# --refresh
+    $out = $err = '';
+    @cmd = (
+        "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
+        "--home-dir",           "$Bin/contents",
+        "--apt-contents-dir",   "$Bin/contents",
+        "--data-dir",           "$Bin/../share",
+        $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (), "--vcs",
+        "none",                       "--sources-list",
+        "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email",
+        "joemaint\@test.local",       "refresh",
+        $dist
+    );
-    is( $?, 0, "$dist_dir refresh: system returned 0" );
+    $ok = run \@cmd, \undef, \$out, \$err;
+    unless ($ok) {
+        diag "\$! = $!, \$? = $?";
+        diag $out if $out;
+        diag $err if $err;
+    }
+    ok( $ok, "$dist_dir refresh: run ok" );
     compare_tree( "$dist/debian", "$dist/wanted-debian--refresh", 'refresh' );
     unlink File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.bak')->in("$dist/debian");
-    system( "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
-            "--home-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--apt-contents-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--data-dir", "$Bin/../share",
-            $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (),
-            "--vcs", "none",
-            "--sources-list",
-            "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email", "joemaint\@test.local",
-            "refresh", '--source-format', '3.0 (quilt)',
-            $dist );
-    is( $?, 0,
-        "$dist_dir refresh --source-format '3.0 (quilt)': system returned 0"
+# --refresh --source-format '3.0 (quilt)'
+    $out = $err = '';
+    @cmd = (
+        "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
+        "--home-dir",           "$Bin/contents",
+        "--apt-contents-dir",   "$Bin/contents",
+        "--data-dir",           "$Bin/../share",
+        $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (), "--vcs",
+        "none",                       "--sources-list",
+        "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "--email",
+        "joemaint\@test.local",       "refresh",
+        '--source-format',            '3.0 (quilt)',
+        $dist
+    $ok = run \@cmd, \undef, \$out, \$err;
+    unless ($ok) {
+        diag "\$! = $!, \$? = $?";
+        diag $out if $out;
+        diag $err if $err;
+    }
+    ok( $ok, "$dist_dir refresh --source-format '3.0 (quilt)': run ok" );
         'refresh --source-format 3.0 (quilt)'
+# refresh with changed email
     local $ENV{DEBFULLNAME} = 'Florian Geekwurt';
     local $ENV{DEBEMAIL} = 'florian at geekwurt.org';
-    system( "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
-            "--home-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--apt-contents-dir", "$Bin/contents",
-            "--data-dir", "$Bin/../share",
-            $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (),
-            "--vcs", "none",
-            "--sources-list",
-            "$Bin/contents/sources.list",
-            "refresh",
-            $dist );
-    is( $?, 0, "$dist_dir refresh: system returned 0" );
+    $out = $err = '';
+    @cmd = (
+        "$Bin/../dh-make-perl", "--no-verbose",
+        "--home-dir",           "$Bin/contents",
+        "--apt-contents-dir",   "$Bin/contents",
+        "--data-dir",           "$Bin/../share",
+        $ENV{NO_NETWORK} ? '--no-network' : (), "--vcs",
+        "none",                       "--sources-list",
+        "$Bin/contents/sources.list", "refresh",
+        $dist
+    );
+    $ok = run \@cmd, \undef, \$out, \$err;
+    unless ($ok) {
+        diag "\$! = $!, \$? = $?";
+        diag $out if $out;
+        diag $err if $err;
+    }
+    ok( $ok, "$dist_dir refresh with changed email: run ok" );
     compare_tree( "$dist/debian", "$dist/wanted-debian--refresh-email", 'email' );
+# clean up
     unlink File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.bak')->in("$dist/debian");
     # clean after the test

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/dh-make-perl.git

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