[libimager-perl] branch master updated (dbff90d -> 2131ef9)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Aug 13 12:47:04 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libimager-perl.

      from  dbff90d   releasing package libimager-perl version 0.95+dfsg-1
      adds  11d01b5   Imported Upstream version 0.97+dfsg
       new  47b7b44   Merge tag 'upstream/0.97+dfsg'
       new  afb288a   New upstream release. Fixes "FTBFS with Perl 5.18: Failed test 'pod ok in lib/Imager/API.pod'" (Closes: #719573)
       new  b7aa7a8   Drop pod.patch (merged upstream), refresh nonfree_tests.patch (offset).
       new  8132c14   Update years of upstream copyright.
       new  a1f6f6f   cme: wrap fields
       new  2131ef9   releasing package libimager-perl version 0.97+dfsg-1

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                                           |  105 ++++
 FT2/FT2.pm                                        |    2 +-
 FT2/freetyp2.c                                    |   58 +-
 FT2/t/t10ft2.t                                    |   67 ++-
 GIF/GIF.pm                                        |    2 +-
 GIF/imgif.c                                       |    9 +-
 Imager.pm                                         |    2 +-
 Imager.xs                                         |  597 ++++++++-------------
 JPEG/JPEG.pm                                      |    2 +-
 JPEG/imexif.c                                     |    1 +
 MANIFEST                                          |  133 ++---
 MANIFEST.SKIP                                     |   13 +-
 META.json                                         |   62 +++
 META.yml                                          |   67 ++-
 Makefile.PL                                       |    6 +
 PNG/Makefile.PL                                   |   13 +-
 PNG/PNG.pm                                        |    7 +-
 PNG/PNG.xs                                        |   24 +-
 PNG/README                                        |    3 +
 PNG/impng.c                                       |   52 +-
 PNG/impng.h                                       |    8 +-
 PNG/t/10png.t                                     |   14 +-
 PNG/testimg/badcrc.png                            |  Bin 69 -> 69 bytes
 TIFF/Makefile.PL                                  |    9 +-
 TIFF/TIFF.pm                                      |    2 +-
 TIFF/TIFF.xs                                      |    8 +
 TIFF/imtiff.c                                     |  123 ++++-
 TIFF/t/t10tiff.t                                  |   36 +-
 TIFF/testimg/grey16sg.tif                         |  Bin 0 -> 5133 bytes
 TIFF/testimg/srgba32f.tif                         |  Bin 0 -> 1652 bytes
 W32/W32.pm                                        |    2 +-
 W32/lib/Imager/Font/Win32.pm                      |    4 +
 color.c                                           |    3 +
 datatypes.c                                       |    3 -
 debian/changelog                                  |   12 +
 debian/control                                    |   49 +-
 debian/copyright                                  |    2 +-
 debian/patches/nonfree_tests.patch                |    8 +-
 debian/patches/pod.patch                          |   18 -
 debian/patches/series                             |    1 -
 draw.c                                            |   11 +-
 fills.c                                           |    2 +-
 filters.im                                        |    9 +-
 fontft1.c                                         |   20 +-
 hlines.c                                          |    1 +
 image.c                                           |    3 +-
 iolayer.c                                         |   12 +-
 lib/Imager/API.pod                                |    2 +-
 lib/Imager/Cookbook.pod                           |   92 +++-
 lib/Imager/Engines.pod                            |    4 +
 lib/Imager/Expr.pm                                |    6 +-
 lib/Imager/Files.pod                              |   17 +
 lib/Imager/Fill.pm                                |    4 +-
 lib/Imager/Font/Test.pm                           |    4 +-
 lib/Imager/ImageTypes.pod                         |    8 +-
 lib/Imager/Install.pod                            |    8 +-
 lib/Imager/Matrix2d.pm                            |    8 +-
 lib/Imager/Probe.pm                               |    8 +
 lib/Imager/Transform.pm                           |    6 +-
 lib/Imager/interface.pod                          |    6 +-
 lib/Imager/regmach.pod                            |    4 +
 limits.c                                          |    5 +-
 paste.im                                          |    3 +-
 pnm.c                                             |    2 -
 polygon.c                                         |    3 -
 quant.c                                           |    4 +-
 rotate.im                                         |    2 -
 rubthru.im                                        |    3 +-
 samples/README                                    |    4 +
 samples/drop_shadow.pl                            |  132 +++++
 t/{t00basic.t => 000-load.t}                      |    0
 t/{t01introvert.t => 100-base/010-introvert.t}    |    2 +-
 t/{t15color.t => 100-base/020-color.t}            |    0
 t/{t90cc.t => 100-base/030-countc.t}              |    0
 t/{tr18561.t => 100-base/800-tr18561.t}           |    0
 t/{tr18561b.t => 100-base/801-tr18561b.t}         |    0
 t/{t021sixteen.t => 150-type/020-sixteen.t}       |    0
 t/{t022double.t => 150-type/030-double.t}         |    0
 t/{t023palette.t => 150-type/040-palette.t}       |    2 +-
 t/{t020masked.t => 150-type/100-masked.t}         |    0
 t/{t07iolayer.t => 200-file/010-iolayer.t}        |    0
 t/{t1000files.t => 200-file/100-files.t}          |    6 +-
 t/{t101nojpeg.t => 200-file/200-nojpeg.t}         |    0
 t/{t102nopng.t => 200-file/210-nopng.t}           |    0
 t/{t105nogif.t => 200-file/220-nogif.t}           |    0
 t/{t106notiff.t => 200-file/230-notiff.t}         |    0
 t/{t103raw.t => 200-file/300-raw.t}               |    0
 t/{t104ppm.t => 200-file/310-pnm.t}               |    2 +-
 t/{t107bmp.t => 200-file/320-bmp.t}               |    0
 t/{t108tga.t => 200-file/330-tga.t}               |    0
 t/{t50basicoo.t => 200-file/400-basic.t}          |    0
 t/{t21draw.t => 250-draw/010-draw.t}              |    0
 t/{t22flood.t => 250-draw/020-flood.t}            |    0
 t/{t66paste.t => 250-draw/030-paste.t}            |    0
 t/{t69rubthru.t => 250-draw/040-rubthru.t}        |    0
 t/{t75polyaa.t => 250-draw/050-polyaa.t}          |    0
 t/{t20fill.t => 250-draw/100-fill.t}              |    1 +
 t/{t62compose.t => 250-draw/200-compose.t}        |    0
 t/{t40scale.t => 300-transform/010-scale.t}       |    6 +-
 t/{t63combine.t => 300-transform/020-combine.t}   |    0
 t/{t64copyflip.t => 300-transform/030-copyflip.t} |    6 +-
 t/{t65crop.t => 300-transform/040-crop.t}         |    2 +-
 t/{t67convert.t => 300-transform/050-convert.t}   |    2 +-
 t/{t68map.t => 300-transform/060-map.t}           |   17 +-
 t/{t55trans.t => 300-transform/500-trans.t}       |    0
 t/{t58trans2.t => 300-transform/600-trans2.t}     |    0
 t/{t56postfix.t => 300-transform/610-postfix.t}   |    0
 t/{t57infix.t => 300-transform/620-infix.t}       |    0
 t/{t59assem.t => 300-transform/630-assem.t}       |    0
 t/{t31font.t => 350-font/010-font.t}              |    0
 t/{t35ttfont.t => 350-font/020-tt.t}              |    3 +-
 t/{t36oofont.t => 350-font/030-ttoo.t}            |   66 ++-
 t/{t37std.t => 350-font/040-ttstd.t}              |    0
 t/{t80texttools.t => 350-font/100-texttools.t}    |    0
 t/{t61filters.t => 400-filter/010-filters.t}      |    4 +-
 t/{t82inline.t => 450-api/100-inline.t}           |    0
 t/{t84inlinectx.t => 450-api/110-inlinectx.t}     |    0
 t/{t99thread.t => 850-thread/010-base.t}          |    0
 t/{t081error.t => 850-thread/100-error.t}         |    0
 t/{t080log.t => 850-thread/110-log.t}             |    0
 t/{t03test.t => 900-util/010-test.t}              |    0
 t/{t05error.t => 900-util/020-error.t}            |    0
 t/{t95log.t => 900-util/030-log.t}                |    0
 t/{t082limit.t => 900-util/040-limit.t}           |    0
 t/{t16matrix.t => 900-util/050-matrix.t}          |    2 +-
 t/{t83extutil.t => 900-util/060-extutil.t}        |    0
 t/{t81hlines.t => 900-util/060-hlines.t}          |   10 +-
 t/{t91pod.t => 950-kwalitee/010-pod.t}            |    2 +
 t/{t92samples.t => 950-kwalitee/020-samples.t}    |   13 +-
 t/{t93podcover.t => 950-kwalitee/030-podcover.t}  |    0
 t/{t94kwalitee.t => 950-kwalitee/040-strict.t}    |    0
 t/{t98meta.t => 950-kwalitee/050-meta.t}          |    0
 t/950-kwalitee/060-podstruct.t                    |   99 ++++
 typemap                                           |    1 +
 typemap.local                                     |   30 ++
 135 files changed, 1526 insertions(+), 670 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 META.json
 create mode 100644 TIFF/testimg/grey16sg.tif
 create mode 100644 TIFF/testimg/srgba32f.tif
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/pod.patch
 create mode 100644 samples/drop_shadow.pl
 rename t/{t00basic.t => 000-load.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t01introvert.t => 100-base/010-introvert.t} (99%)
 rename t/{t15color.t => 100-base/020-color.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t90cc.t => 100-base/030-countc.t} (100%)
 rename t/{tr18561.t => 100-base/800-tr18561.t} (100%)
 rename t/{tr18561b.t => 100-base/801-tr18561b.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t021sixteen.t => 150-type/020-sixteen.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t022double.t => 150-type/030-double.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t023palette.t => 150-type/040-palette.t} (99%)
 rename t/{t020masked.t => 150-type/100-masked.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t07iolayer.t => 200-file/010-iolayer.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t1000files.t => 200-file/100-files.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t101nojpeg.t => 200-file/200-nojpeg.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t102nopng.t => 200-file/210-nopng.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t105nogif.t => 200-file/220-nogif.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t106notiff.t => 200-file/230-notiff.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t103raw.t => 200-file/300-raw.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t104ppm.t => 200-file/310-pnm.t} (99%)
 rename t/{t107bmp.t => 200-file/320-bmp.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t108tga.t => 200-file/330-tga.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t50basicoo.t => 200-file/400-basic.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t21draw.t => 250-draw/010-draw.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t22flood.t => 250-draw/020-flood.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t66paste.t => 250-draw/030-paste.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t69rubthru.t => 250-draw/040-rubthru.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t75polyaa.t => 250-draw/050-polyaa.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t20fill.t => 250-draw/100-fill.t} (99%)
 rename t/{t62compose.t => 250-draw/200-compose.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t40scale.t => 300-transform/010-scale.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t63combine.t => 300-transform/020-combine.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t64copyflip.t => 300-transform/030-copyflip.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t65crop.t => 300-transform/040-crop.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t67convert.t => 300-transform/050-convert.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t68map.t => 300-transform/060-map.t} (66%)
 rename t/{t55trans.t => 300-transform/500-trans.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t58trans2.t => 300-transform/600-trans2.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t56postfix.t => 300-transform/610-postfix.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t57infix.t => 300-transform/620-infix.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t59assem.t => 300-transform/630-assem.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t31font.t => 350-font/010-font.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t35ttfont.t => 350-font/020-tt.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t36oofont.t => 350-font/030-ttoo.t} (57%)
 rename t/{t37std.t => 350-font/040-ttstd.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t80texttools.t => 350-font/100-texttools.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t61filters.t => 400-filter/010-filters.t} (99%)
 rename t/{t82inline.t => 450-api/100-inline.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t84inlinectx.t => 450-api/110-inlinectx.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t99thread.t => 850-thread/010-base.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t081error.t => 850-thread/100-error.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t080log.t => 850-thread/110-log.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t03test.t => 900-util/010-test.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t05error.t => 900-util/020-error.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t95log.t => 900-util/030-log.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t082limit.t => 900-util/040-limit.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t16matrix.t => 900-util/050-matrix.t} (98%)
 rename t/{t83extutil.t => 900-util/060-extutil.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t81hlines.t => 900-util/060-hlines.t} (89%)
 rename t/{t91pod.t => 950-kwalitee/010-pod.t} (72%)
 rename t/{t92samples.t => 950-kwalitee/020-samples.t} (62%)
 rename t/{t93podcover.t => 950-kwalitee/030-podcover.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t94kwalitee.t => 950-kwalitee/040-strict.t} (100%)
 rename t/{t98meta.t => 950-kwalitee/050-meta.t} (100%)
 create mode 100644 t/950-kwalitee/060-podstruct.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libimager-perl.git

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