[libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl] branch master updated (bf40119 -> bd757e5)
intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 6 15:30:01 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
intrigeri pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl.
from bf40119 Remove trailing whitespace
adds 8e2fcf8 Use the original verb, such as "and" or "but" https://github.com/sheriff/test-bdd-cucumber-perl/issues/9
adds 3fad195 v0.15 - pherkin now accepts an output type
adds 11b44f0 Supress colour output when -t is false
adds 9366973 Try and use Win32::Console::ANSI for output if available
adds 02919d3 Step line number now displayed on failing steps, added code for Before and After Hooks, and for placeholder and table Transforms
adds 50b4960 Fixed bug where results from skipped steps were not being added to the overall results
adds c7c4c87 Merge pull request #14 from highflying/master
adds a90920a Tag support for bin/pherkin
adds 252ca7b Support (mostly) for Cucumber-compatible selectors
adds bf702cd Tagged digest example
adds 8560ca2 Do the scenario-tag-filtering in the correct place.
adds 522de05 Better handling of command line tag options
adds a0a7eb8 Merged in changes from rjp's Run tagged scenarios pull request
adds 7f4b0c2 Merge pull request #15 from highflying/master
adds fda8d8e Removed Data::Dumper use
adds c9c9be0 Added information on pherkin -t option
adds ae61270 Preparation for release 0.16
adds 55185ac Changed date for release 0.16
adds 79fd3fd Merge pull request #16 from highflying/master
adds fd4ca15 Fixed POD
adds fcb2ab0 Merge pull request #17 from highflying/master
adds ceca5ba Hide Calculator from the PAUSE indexer
adds 5c7db93 Fixed bug where the scenario stash wasn't being reset between each Outline Scenario
adds 0b990cd Merge pull request #18 from highflying/master
adds 76531b9 CHANGES for v0.17
adds b80cbc9 Merge pull request #19 from highflying/master
adds 2dd94eb Imported Upstream version 0.17
new 5f0551b Merge tag 'upstream/0.17'
new bd757e5 libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl (0.17-1)
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CHANGES | 20 +-
LICENSE | 22 ++-
META.yml | 8 +-
Makefile.PL | 101 ++++++----
README | 2 +-
bin/pherkin | 23 ++-
debian/changelog | 9 +
dist.ini | 4 +-
examples/calculator/features/basic.feature | 20 +-
.../features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.pl | 51 ++++-
examples/calculator/lib/Calculator.pm | 3 +-
.../features/basic.feature | 3 +
.../features/step_definitions/basic_steps.pl | 0
lib/App/pherkin.pm | 67 ++++++-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Executor.pm | 218 ++++++++++++++-------
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Harness.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Harness/Data.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Harness/TermColor.pm | 53 ++++-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Harness/TestBuilder.pm | 29 ++-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Loader.pm | 12 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Manual/Architecture.pod | 4 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Manual/Integration.pod | 4 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Manual/Steps.pod | 4 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Manual/Tutorial.pod | 4 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Document.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Feature.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Line.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Result.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Scenario.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/Step.pm | 17 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Model/TagSpec.pm | 8 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm | 17 +-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/StepContext.pm | 176 ++++++++++++++++-
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/StepFile.pm | 39 ++--
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Util.pm | 8 +-
t/700_tag_processing.t | 50 +++++
38 files changed, 792 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
copy examples/{digest => tagged-digest}/features/basic.feature (98%)
copy examples/{digest => tagged-digest}/features/step_definitions/basic_steps.pl (100%)
create mode 100644 t/700_tag_processing.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl.git
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