[SCM] libhtml-html5-parser-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/0.301, created. upstream/0.301

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Jul 15 20:01:18 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/0.301 has been created
        at  f6e74dedb1a3f34b9260d11d0a246a691b1fb36a (tag)
   tagging  adb36ca55d07b94fa4af8e8ff914f3b219b04a53 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.208
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Mon Jul 15 21:18:54 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.301
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Audrey Tang (1):
      * Change ->manakai_local_name to ->localname here.

Dorian Taylor ext:(%20%28Code%20Address%29) (5):
      dem memory leaks
      fixed enormous memory leaks
      big leaks patched
      woops typorama
      dat memory

Jonas Smedegaard (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.301

Toby Inkster (124):
      Add HTML::HTML5::Parser - a port of Whatpm::HTML to CPAN and XML::LibXML.
      HTML::HTML5::Sanity - makes HTML5 DOM trees less insane.
      Misc fixes.
      Remove this old thing.
      Misc mini cleanups - ready for release.
      Released RDF::RDFa::Parser(::Redland)? 0.22 and HTML::HTML5::(Sanity|Parser) 0.01 to CPAN.
      Release HTML::HTML5::Parser 0.02 with more reliable encoding detection.
      Documentation fix.
      Remove from repo.
      Release 0.03.
      Set inc and Makefile.old as ignored.
      Release HTTP::Link::Parser 0.05.
      resolves bug #55845
      Couple of little examples.
      various changes - this code is broken right now.
      ready to release 0.04.
      release 0.04.
      bug fixes
      fix fatal error
      various updates
      UTF-8 fix.
      Various changes, new releases, etc.
      misc mini changes
      been using this modification on check.rdfa.info for quite some time
      Half-way through upstream sync.
      lots of updates - sync upstream and add object-in-head feature.
      fix source_line method; bump version
      release 0.102
      bug fix
      Bugfix update for HTML::HTML5::Parser; feature-packed release for RDF::RDFa::Parser.
      some warnings fixed
      Add test for HTML4 vs 5 diffs
      add test for HTML4 vs 5 diffs
      Bring HTML-HTML5-Parser distribution into line with new packaging policies. [massage.pl]
      Bring HTML-HTML5-Parser distribution into line with new packaging policies. [massage.pl]
      bunch of TODO files
      use metacpan.org links in lots of places
      catch up with Whatpm::HTML.
      release 0.104
      various releases
      Bring HTML-HTML5-Parser distribution into line with new packaging policies. [massage.pl]
      remove tarballs from repo; misc other stuff
      add load_xml/load_html methods; prepare for release
      Added tag 0.108 for changeset 8cf4af0b56dc
      Add parse_balanced_chunk feature.
      bugs list
      rearrange test suite slightly
      mini fixes
      Add method to retrieve root element name declared in DTD.
      dstinguish between missing element and missing DTD
      Allow parsing chunks within frameset and frame elements.
      html5lib test suite. We currently pass 16 of these test files; and are very close on another 16.
      Improve parsing of .dat files - allows us to pass two more test files, including tricky01.dat!
      Pass one more test file; get a lot closer to passing some others.
      fix for parse_balanced_chunk within textarea
      parse_balanced_chunk to work better in some cases if we omit end tags from the fake elements.
      Fix a setAttributeNS call.
      Now passing 21 test files; failing 23.
      proper uppercasing for MathML's definitionURL attribute - tests19.dat passes
      skip test that cannot possibly ever pass using libxml
      pass tests10.dat and get closer on tests9.dat but regress on tests19.dat
      pass tests19.dat again
      getAttributeNS fix; tests20.dat passes; webkit01/webkit02 have some SKIPs
      utf8 fixes in test files - tests24.dat passes; plain-text-unsafe, domjs-unsafe and entities02 improved; entities01.dat worsens.
      a few more subtests to skip
      merge html5lib tests into main test suite
      Prepare for a release next week.
      Make the DATA function in TagSoupParser.pm work better (and thus methods like source_line that rely on it.
      source_line now returns an implicitness flag.
      fix error message which refers to XML::LibXML
      documentation improvements
      fix rt #75809
      use XML:LibXML::Devel::SetLineNumber if available
      tests for previous
      Keep line and column numbers for text nodes
      comment nodes record line and column numbers
      Add charset method; misc other changes.
      news file
      charset examples
      eliminate use of Error.pm in favour of Try::Tiny
      none of this charset stuff seems to make any sense; this seems to pass all tests though
      remarkably, this magically passes now
      passes with exceptions noted in 99htmllib.t
      bump version number; update changelog
      drop LWP::UserAgent dependency; this still requires lots of documentation
      bump version
      Added tag 0.201_01 for changeset f70e4e8fd0e0
      add URI::file dep
      Added tag 0.201_02 for changeset 99438596aa23
      modernise docs
      add docs
      add SYNOPSIS
      prepare for release
      Added tag 0.202 for changeset c929174e0b3c
      perl 5.8 fix
      various bugfixes for t/07ua.t
      bump version for release; update changelog
      test case for RT issue 79019
      bug fix
      bump version
      Added tag 0.207_01 for changeset 9c9518f2f590
      bump to stable version
      add pod to test cases
      fix year
      Added tag 0.208 for changeset a3dbd75e974c
      Merge pull request #1 from doriantaylor/master
      dorian's changes result in API changes which must be documented
      API changes necessitate test case changes; switch from Mo to Moo while we're at it
      bump version; changelog
      rename test case
      what a cop out
      test changes
      update NEWS
      Added tag 0.300 for changeset af17eaa64da5
      fix test case
      bump version; changelog


libhtml-html5-parser-perl Debian packaging

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