[SCM] libhtml-treebuilder-libxml-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, 0.07, created. 0.07
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
miyagawa at bulknews.net
Wed Jul 17 16:33:57 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, 0.07 has been created
at b37328fda71b308a2879133a300fb865d9f47e4a (tag)
tagging 5e5969e49d99516b931d753b04685959a0490f0a (commit)
replaces 0.06
tagged by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
on Mon Jul 20 09:21:04 2009 -0700
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging version '0.07' using shipit.
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (3):
Implement all_attr, all_attr_names etc.
Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.07. Changelog diff is:
Tokuhiro Matsuno (1):
fixed typo
libhtml-treebuilder-libxml-perl Debian packaging
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