[SCM] libhtml-treebuilder-libxml-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, 0.16, created. 0.16

Tokuhiro Matsuno tokuhirom at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 16:34:00 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, 0.16 has been created
        at  63e72fa14559ff564641eaba1a755f87c69a9366 (tag)
   tagging  a0b446859658c7776f3f402e91a701977e1b985c (commit)
  replaces  0.15
 tagged by  Tokuhiro Matsuno
        on  Mon Apr 2 21:30:17 2012 +0900

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging version '0.16' using shipit.

Oleg G (1):
      added few methods to support Web::Query

Tokuhiro Matsuno (2):
      Merge pull request #4 from olegwtf/master
      Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.16.


libhtml-treebuilder-libxml-perl Debian packaging

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