[SCM] librdf-linkeddata-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, release-0.06, created. release-0.06

Kjetil Kjernsmo kjetil at kjernsmo.net
Thu Jul 18 03:35:46 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, release-0.06 has been created
        at  922677b2e88afc24d69ed195c35f8f14267388ee (tag)
   tagging  d3c23369010d28172f4fe670b8278559029d5e20 (commit)
 tagged by  Kjetil Kjernsmo
        on  Mon Jun 14 10:08:16 2010 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging release 0.06
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Kjetil Kjernsmo (51):
      Check into my own repo
      Changelog cutnpaste correction
      Move title, predicate and page to class of its own
      Update the mojoserver with the Predicates class
      Use Pod::Coverage::Moose
      Refactor to use a Moose::Role
      Refactor to use a Moose::Role, the actual role
      Test for warnings
      use Error apparently not needed
      require Moose
      Add mailing list to docs; warn about moving target
      just mention that everything is in the role
      Rename attribute to headers_in
      Small fixes just to upload a 0.04_01 dev release
      Bump version; minor doc bug
      Add failing tests for process method
      process method partly working
      Move around stuff and enable logging
      Redo type method; more logging
      Refactor 404's
      Fighting with headers; reset response object for each call to process
      Gotten myself into too much mess now, need a new direction
      Refactor process to be the response
      message now plack body
      More tests
      Even more tests
      Delete type between calls to response; Better but ad hoc handling of conneg
      A stub Plack PSGI
      Handle non-GET methods
      Use a T:W:Mech:PSGI test instead; Remove mojo
      Update dependencies
      Documentation update
      First modifications for config
      Use Config::JFDI for config
      Update readme
      Add Config::JFDI
      Small docs changes to predicates
      ProviderRole documentation update
      Add discussion to role
      Add more documentation
      Install the scripts
      err, the share is not the script, then use glob
      more relevant docs in the README
      minor README stuff
      Mention Plack::Response in content's docs
      Update changelog
      Drop installing the config
      PSGI doc bugs
      Correct POD bug; number of tests in psgi tests
      bump version
      update changelog


librdf-linkeddata-perl Debian packaging

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