[SCM] Packaging of Net::Citadel in Debian branch, master, updated. debian/0.16-1-45-gd21e85b

Robert James Clay jame at rocasa.us
Wed Jun 5 17:20:38 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 07c0d75f6f7d2f69828227f6a7db3b4a928457eb
Author: Robert James Clay <jame at rocasa.us>
Date:   Tue Oct 16 14:27:44 2012 -0400

    Update the documentation for the 'new' function.

diff --git a/lib/Net/Citadel.pm b/lib/Net/Citadel.pm
index 520ce3b..e2ee5f0 100644
--- a/lib/Net/Citadel.pm
+++ b/lib/Net/Citadel.pm
@@ -282,18 +282,22 @@ Readonly our $AIDE => 6;
 =head2 Constructor
-The constructor creates a handle to the citadel server (and creates the TCP connection). It expects
-the following named parameters:
+C<$c = new Net::Citadel (host => $ctdl_host)>
+The constructor creates a handle to the citadel server (and creates the TCP
+connection). It uses the following named parameters:
 =item I<host> (default: C<localhost>)
-The hostname (or IP address) where the citadel server is running on. Defaults to C<localhost>.
+The hostname (or IP address) where the citadel server is running. Defaults
+to C<localhost>.
 =item I<port> (default: C<$CITADEL_PORT>)
-The port there.
+The port where the citadel server is running. Defaults to the standard Citadel
+port number C<504>.

Packaging of Net::Citadel in Debian

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