[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-endpoint-0.05, created. rdf-endpoint-0.05

Gregory Todd Williams greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:20:53 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, rdf-endpoint-0.05 has been created
        at  7592c5eacdda9f4455eb7b89b0cb6853078d2357 (tag)
   tagging  5f30a781b8227a7436da10beb342e25cc8819447 (commit)
  replaces  rdf-endpoint-0.04
 tagged by  Gregory Todd Williams
        on  Mon May 28 14:03:37 2012 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Endpoint 0.05.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


Gregory Todd Williams (261):
      Add exception handling in RDF::Query->set_error.
      Updated bin/passing_earl_tests.sh.
      Added RDF::Trine::Error::UnimplementedError exception class.
      Add support for SILENT and variable endpoint handling for SERVICE patterns.
      Add test harness support for SERVICE tests.
      Merge pull request #28 from kjetilk/master
      Return an empty string instead of undef in RDF::Trine::Iterator->format_node_xml.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Added option to sleep after each store update in Test::RDF::Trine::Store.
      Merge pull request #29 from nichtich/master
      Normalize language tags to lowercase.
      Fixed t/plan.t to add new argument to RDF::Query::Plan::Service constructor.
      Merge branch 'rdf-endpoint-0.04'
      Added debugging to Dydra store and tests.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Fixed escaping of URIs in rdf:about attributes (patch from SADI Framework).
      Added RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle->parse_node method.
      Added initial support for CSV/TSV result files in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
      Fixed emitting of results when run with verbose -results flag.
      Made RDF::Query::Plan::Construct uniq the returned triples.
      Fixed bug in RDF::Query::Plan::Join::PushDownNestedLoop that produced invalid results when the RHS was a subselect.
      Updated plan classes to optionally register intermediate results with a execution delegate object.
      Added text/html media type, and added use of Module::Load::Conditional in RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.135_01 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST for new Dydra files.
      Moved t/store-dydra.t to xt/store-dydra.t.
      Changed explain() syntax of plan quads.
      Fixed bin/rqsh to handle queries that use BASE.
      Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Extend to copy variable bindings instead of using the existing reference.
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Function->evaluate to propogate type errors in IF().
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Binary->evaluate to properly throw on div-by-zero.
      Added syntax support for SILENT form of LOAD.
      Added update-silent to list of test directories in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
      Removed unnecessary use statements.
      Removed depedency on Unicode::String and List::MoreUtils.
      Consolidated bnode prefix handling in parser classes, adding support for UUID::Tiny.
      Added POD for RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples->statement_as_string.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::MD5.
      Added POD for Test::RDF::Trine::Store->update_sleep.
      Removed RDF::Trine::Iterator::SAXHandler->rate method and dropped dependency on Time::HiRes.
      Made XML::LibXML an optional dependency (RDF/XML parser will not perform c14n if it is not installed)
      Removed dependency on Unicode::Escape.
      Removed heavy dependency on DBI store in test cases.
      Conditionally load DBI store, and return Memory store from temporary_store().
      Add missing use of RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad.
      Require RDF::Redland in t/store-redland.t.
      Fixed bug in use of UUID::Tiny::UUID_V1 bareword in RDF::Trine::Parser->new_bnode_prefix.
      Fixed titlecase of table reference in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->init.
      Added simple store tests for bulk_ops in Test::RDF::Trine::Store.
      Changed test endpoint from kasei.us to myrdf.us.
      Fixed titlecase of table reference in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->init.
      Removed 'or die' conditional from store tests.
      Removed 'or die' conditional from store tests.
      Stop RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->add_statement from unnecessarily hashing nodes multiple times (patch from tobyink).
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->_add_node to return the node hash value.
      Trying to instantiate a resource node with the Nil IRI results in the Nil node object.
      Added parse_node method to RDF::Trine::Parser::NTriples.
      Added serialize_node method to RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples and RDF::Trine::Serializer::Turtle.
      Added initial code for a Redis-based store.
      Added node-value indexes for subject, predicate, object, and graph postions.
      RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model now fill properly fall back on guesswork when media-type parsing fails.
      Added TSV serializer.
      Added use of Cache::LRU in RDF::Trine::Store::Redis.
      Fixed numeric divide operation to return xsd:decimal when operands are xsd:integers.
      Fixed typo in error messages.
      Fixed bug resulting in false positive error when projecting expressions with aggregates.
      Silenced debugging information.
      Updated dawg/earl testing data.
      Fixed typo in store tests.
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Binary to canonicalize numeric literal results.
      Fix RDF::Trine::Model->get_statements to throw an error when called with arguments that aren't either undef or node objects.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI to use DBIx::Connector.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Dydra to use SPARQL Update operations.
      Updated t/serializer-turtle.t to be more accepting of stores returning data in varying orders.
      Added support for Service as a binary op (allowing variable-endpoint SERVICE blocks).
      Updated xt/dawg-eval11.t to handle variable-endpoint SERVICE blocks in mock code.
      Added tests for TSV serializer.
      Merge branch 'feature-tsv'
      Moved redland store tests to developer xt directory.
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-trine-0.136
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.135_02 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Merge branch 'feature-redis'
      Added missing POD.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.136 release.
      Updated xt/store-dydra.t to respect the RDFTRINE_NETWORK_TESTS environment variable.
      Silenced debugging statements.
      Added resultFormats for SPARQL XML and JSON Results.
      Let RDF_ENDPOINT_FILE env variable override the Config::JFDI default.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.136'
      Renamed sd:defaultDatasetDescription to sd:defaultDataset.
      Added examples/query_url.pl.
      Merge pull request #31 from kjetilk/uuid-check-proposal
      Added PostgreSQL-specific init method to handle case sensitivity of table names (RT71890 from John Nicholas Whitley).
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Only set parser metadata if RDF::RDFa::Parser is available (github issue 32 from nichtich).
      Merge branch 'bugfix-rdfa-parser'
      Added missing POD to RDF::Trine::Store::Redis.
      Added missing POD to RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::Pg.
      Fixed RDF::Trine::Statement->from_redland to properly unescape percent-encoded URIs.
      Fixed RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle to properly unescape percent-encoded URIs.
      Fixed unicode escaping issues in RDF::Trine::Serializer::Turtle (bugreport from nichtich <4EB7B9BE.8000205 at gbv.de>).
      Fixed t/store-redis.t to be optional (if Redis is unavailable or no server is specified).
      Fixed t/store-redis.t to be optional (if Redis is unavailable or no server is specified).
      Fixed SPARQL 1.1 parser to support "GRAPH<iri>" without whitespace.
      Fixed SPARQL serialization of expressions using && and ||.
      Merge branch 'bugfix-turtle-unicode'
      Merge pull request #35 from kjetilk/master
      Updated tests and test harnesses.
      Updated description of RDF::Query.
      Added missing POD to RDF::Query::Expression->nonaggregated_referenced_variables.
      Updated docs and MANIFEST for 2.907_01 beta release.
      Improved test names in t/dataset-from-file.t.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'kjetilk/hexastore-nuke-proposal' into feature-hexastore-nuke
      Fix whitespace formatting.
      Merge branch 'feature-hexastore-nuke'
      Merge pull request #38 from kjetilk/remove-statements-proposal
      Allow aggregates in ORDER BY clause.
      Allow percent encoding and backslash escaping in prefix names.
      Merge pull request #39 from kjetilk/triple-store-tests
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Graph to use Algorithm::Combinatorics for memory/speed improvements (instead of Math::Combinatorics).
      RDF::Trine::Parser now attempts to use Data::UUID before UUID::Tiny in bnode ID generation (based on test failures).
      Updated docs for 0.136_01 beta release.
      Updated VERSION for 0.136_01 beta release.
      Merge pull request #41 from kjetilk/literal-tests-proposal
      Added ability to log queries to a file.
      Improved performance of Redis store with use of variadic functions.
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.137 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.137'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'kjetilk/literal-tests-proposal'
      Merge pull request #43 from kjetilk/die-proposal
      Merge pull request #45 from kjetilk/master
      Whitespace fixes.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'kjetilk/touch-proposal' into kjetilk-merge
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Whitespace fixes.
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-query-2.908
      Fixed bug in SPARQL 1.1 parser that mistakenly introduced aggregate operations in non-aggregate queries.
      Fixed error-handling syntax bug in RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model.
      Added docs for 0.137_01 beta release.
      Updated VERSION for 0.137_01 beta release.
      Added missing Digest::SHA to dependency list in Makefile.PL.
      Fixed changelog entry.
      Updated VERSION for 0.137_02 beta release.
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.138 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.138'
      Added endpoint startup log message.
      Updated required version of RDF::Trine to 0.138.
      Fixed RDF::Query::Algebra::Filter->as_sparql to handle variation of serialization of the child pattern.
      Fixed sse serialization in RDF::Query::Algebra::Service to handle binary op (variable endpoint) form.
      Updated DATATYPE() to return rdf:langString on language-tagged literals (per RDF 1.1 change).
      Force the planner to avoid using a bind-join when the RHS contains a Service subplan (to avoid a DOS attack on the remote endpoint).
      Added add, copy, move test directories to dawg test harness.
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-query-2.908
      Added algebra, plan, and parser support for COPY and MOVE operations.
      Merge pull request #44 from kjetilk/johnw-pg-patch
      Updated docs for 2.907_01 beta release.
      Updated VERSION for 2.907_01 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Fixed fallback parsing bug in RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model.
      Added exists test directory to xt/dawg-eval11.t.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 2.908 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-query-2.908'
      Added is_update method to RDF::Query.
      Fixed bug that wasn't passing the active graph to EXISTS filter evaluation.
      Removed erroneous copies of RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::Pg->init method.
      Accept common typo of SEPARATOR in SPARQL 1.1 parser ("SEPERATOR").
      Added POD to bin/rqsh.
      Make typo support opt-in with constructor arg 'allow_typos' in RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL11.
      Updated xt/dawg/earl.pl to use new EARL IRIs earl:passed and earl:failed.
      Updated RDF::Query::Util::cli_parse_args to allow no-argument setup.
      Added doap:implements statements, and updated release data to doap.rdf.
      Added support in RDF::Query->execute to passthrough query processing to the model if supported and the 'allow_passthrough' option is set on the query object.
      Removed RDF::Redland recommendation in Makefile.PL.
      Allow suppressing RDF::Redland use if the RDFQUERY_NO_REDLAND environment variable is set.
      Allow suppressing RDF::Redland use if the RDFQUERY_NO_REDLAND environment variable is set.
      Replaced references to RDFQUERY_NO_REDLAND environment variable with proper RDFTRINE_NO_REDLAND.
      Fixed bug in RDF::Query::Algebra::Service->referenced_variables.
      Added test case confirming bad sparql serialization of equality testing filters (github issue 53).
      Fixed bad sparql serialization of filters with equality tests; was using '==' instead of '=' (github issue 53).
      Started support for DISTINCT() property paths in SPARQL 1.1 parser.
      Added RDF::Trine::Serializer::NQuads->statement_as_string method.
      Made server a required configuration key in RDF::Trine::Store::Redis.
      Added algebra serialization support for DISTINCT property paths.
      Fixed bug when RDF::Trine::Iterator->finished is called before an (empty) iterator is used.
      Added tests for RDF::Trine::Iterator->peek.
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'kjetilk/zero-bgp-proposal' into zero-bgp
      Fixed interaction of peek() and finished() in RDF::Trine::Iterator.
      Simplified code in t/store-hexastore-pattern.t.
      Fixed use of iterator finished method in RDF::Trine::Store::Hexastore->get_pattern.
      Fixed use of iterator finished method in RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings->as_json.
      Fixed expected result count in Test::RDF::Trine::Store->get_pattern_tests.
      Updated EARL IRIs in bin/failing_earl_tests.sh and bin/passing_earl_tests.sh.
      Use $plan->explain instead of $plan->sse for "explain" rqsh command.
      Rewrote property path implementation to support DISTINCT paths, fix bugs, and better align with the spec.
      Merge branch 'property-paths'
      Fixed query language IRI and added logging in handling of query delegation.
      Added 'scoped_namespaces' constructor argument to RDF::Trine::Serializer::RDFXML to serialize only necessary namespace declarations.
      Updated property paths test count to align with current path counting semantics.
      Added specifies_update_dataset() method in RDF::Query.
      Merge pull request #58 from kba/master
      Updated docs for 0.139 release.
      Updated VERSION for 0.138_01 beta release.
      Added t/store-dbi-pg.t to manifest.
      Updated copyright notice dates.
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.139 release.
      Updated see also link to SPARQL Protocol (1.1).
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.139'
      Fix RDF::Trine::Store->get_pattern to actually use the right-most triple pattern as the rhs of the join.
      Removed default get_pattern implementation in RDF::Trine::Store.
      Added RDF::Trine::Pattern->sort_for_join_variables method to prevent unnecessary cartesian joins.
      Fixed config handling in rqsh to allow the use of hexastore backends.
      Removed parser support for DISTINCT() form of property paths.
      Added parser support for UUID() and STRUUID() functions.
      Added implementation of UUID() and STRUUID() functions.
      Removed algebra support for DISTINCT() form of property paths.
      Changed property path planning to use non-counting semantics.
      Fixed non-counting semantics in RDF::Query::Plan::Path->_run_oneormore.
      Added support for suggested DATA graph pattern (in-place BINDINGS).
      Added missing import of looks_like_number function.
      Merge branch 'trine-get_pattern-fix'
      Changed in-place data keyword to VALUES (from DATA).
      Added optional content_cb callback argument to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model.
      Added ability to run tests of type mf:CSVResultFormatTest.
      Removed Log4perl default initialization in t/parser-trig.t.
      Updated docs for 0.139_01 beta release.
      Updated VERSION for 0.139_01 beta release.
      Updated Test::RDF::Trine::Store to test get_pattern functionality via a model object (there is no longer a default get_pattern implementation for stores).
      Removed tests for {m,n} property path forms.
      Merge branch 'w3c-sparql11-tracking'
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.140 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.140'
      Added POD description to RDF::Trine::Graph.
      Added RDF::Trine::Model->add_iterator method.
      Removed redundant POD in RDF::Trine::Parser.
      Added POD description to RDF::Trine::Store.
      Added POD description and synopsis to RDF::Trine::VariableBindings.
      Rolled back attempted optimization of bulk ops calls (which broke the code).
      Made Literal and Resource node constructors throw exception when passed undef lexical value.
      Updated bug reporting details in BUGS POD section.
      Fixed RDF::Query->execute to properly localize the model object.
      Fixed RDF::Query->prepare to properly localize the model object.
      Fix POD in RDF::Query::Algebra::Table.
      Allow colon in prefixname local part, and allow short form of VALUES pattern.
      Fixed typo in RDF::Trine::Parser::Redland POD.
      Removed RDF::Trine methods count, add_extra_result_data, extra_result_data.
      Removed RDF::Query::ExecutionContext->base method.
      Removed old bloom-filter federation code.
      Updated documentation in iterator classes.
      Improved conformance with SPARQL 1.1 Protocol spec.
      Merge pull request #61 from kjetilk/graph-concat-proposal
      Added use of Plack::Builder and Plack::Middleware::AccessLog in default configuration.
      Removed custom logging code (should be done with Plack middleware).
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Fixed bug in update handling, and improved HTTP error status code messages.
      Updated VERSION for 0.04_01 beta release.
      Require a recent version of Plack::Request with support for logging.
      Updated VERSION for 0.04_02 beta release.
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.05 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-endpoint-0.05' into release-rdf-endpoint

Jakob Voss (3):
      allow empty namespace prefix
      moved as_hashref to ::Iterator::Graph
      detect prefixed-IRI bug in RDF/Turtle

Kjetil Kjernsmo (68):
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      Add another check for missing RDF::Redland
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Use carp instead of warn
      Check the Perl version when running Tiny::UUID
      Add comment about UUID::Tiny 1.03
      Merge branch 'uuid-check-proposal'
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      Move pod-tests to author
      Basic setup for triple store tests
      Triple test function added
      blank node quads function
      Start working on blank node triples tests
      Implement nuke method for Hexastore
      counting tests
      Do not call remove_statement_tests for triples
      Some cleanup; exports and documentation
      Just call new for nuke
      Tests for nuke
      Just call nuke from new
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf into triple-store-tests
      Create a fallback-implementation of remove_statements in Store.pm
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf into triple-store-tests
      Remove special case for Hexastores now that we have remove_statements
      Comment all_triple_store_tests in description
      Put unsupported features on args, and document it
      Make the quad skipping an argument within the args hashref rather than standalone
      Make it configurable to skip tests for duplicates
      Fix args in documentation
      remove leftover die's
      revert infix in documentation
      Tabify T:R:T:Store
      re-indent tests
      Make dupe tests TODO rather than SKIP
      Name option suppress_dupe_tests rather than dupes_unsupported
      Some new literal tests
      More literal tests on strings and language
      Testing for some UTF-8 characters
      A remove_statement test for UTF8 too
      Right whitespace now?
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Croak rather than die in some places and use logdie in one place
      Croak rather than die in some places, confess and use logdie in one place
      Croak when unable to open file handles
      Apply patch from https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=71890
      Fix documentation typos from fschlich at zedat.fu-berlin.de
      New store touch method updates etag
      Typo in Makefile.PL
      Use empty string for non-set etag
      Make Hexastore support touch and etag
      Etag should return undef if not set
      Just do etag in Hexastore
      Fix documentation typos from fschlich at zedat.fu-berlin.de
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf into johnw-pg-patch
      Add pg tests
      Make some environment variables optional
      What to do if connection fails
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Will this be an appropriate optimization, in the case that there is a
      Adding some get_pattern tests to the Store tests
      So, how about this?
      Two tests for concat graph iterators, one failing
      Materialize iterators first, before checking length

kb (2):
      Initialize Log4perl only if it isn't initialized already
      another log4perl initialization patch, this time in RDF::Query


librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging

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