[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.109, created. rdf-trine-0.109

Gregory Todd Williams greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:06 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.109 has been created
        at  7257a14a60fc2749f8a51dfb52a5d833cbd67121 (tag)
   tagging  ea37be644a66e3310f81b56b919c9bfb36ae2718 (commit)
  replaces  rdf-trine-0.108
 tagged by  Gregory Todd Williams
        on  Fri Nov 14 14:40:26 2008 -0500

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.109.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


Gregory Todd Williams (101):
      - Updated ::Algebra::Service to fork and use LWP's callback mechanism for concurrency.
      - Added $IGNORE_CLEANUP to ::Store::DBI to allow preventing DBI cleanup.
      - Moved all debugging over to use Log::Log4perl.
      - Changed debugging in RDF::Query modules to use Log::Log4perl.
      - Added Log::Log4perl init hook for jabber debugging in RDF::Endpoint.
      - Changed debugging level of federation rewriting.
      - Added initial code for ARQ-style property paths.
      - Re-ordered conditionals so that the service-bloom-filter try block is called less frequently.
      Merge branch 'paths'
      Merge branch 'master' into federation
      - Updated (forgotten) VERSION variable for RDF::Trine::Promise.
      - Added bf methods to ::Triple and ::BasicGraphPattern to describe the BGP in terms of bound/free.
      - Removed logging/warn calls from forked process in ::Service (was screwing up the parent-child IO pipe).
      - ::Iterator::Bindings::as_string now returns '' when there are no rows (instead of dying).
      - ::Store::DBI now throws an error if call to DBI->connect doesn't return a database handle.
      - Added ::Iterator::sfinally.
      - Rolled back part of the SPARQLP predicate path parsing code. This won't work fully until a proper tokenizer is in place.
      - Added POD to ::Iterator::sfinally.
      - Silenced unfinished test debugging in t/logging.t.
      - RDF::Query::Model::get_computed_statements now doesn't die if there's no query object present.
      - Added and updated POD in RDF::Query::Plan classes to pass POD tests.
      - Removed debugging.
      - Fixed bug in ::Iterator::Bindings::print_xml that would drop every other result.
      - Fixed ::Store::DBI handling of Quads in get_statements (had been broken because RDF::Query bypasses it by using get_pattern).
      - Added test data for repeat patterns (e.g. { ?a ?a ?b}).
      - Added code and tests for ::Plan::Quad
      - Added benchmark script for testing the RDF::Query::CostModel.
      - Updated t/plan.t to be less dependent on the specific state of the kasei.us service endpoint.
      - Fixed bugs in RDF::Query and RDF::Query::Expression classes that insisted variables be RDF::Query objects (and not simply RDF::Trine objects).
      - RDF::Query::Plan now loads all plan subclasses (so `use RDF::Query::Plan` will suffice to use all plan types).
      - Updated cost model code to work with ::Plan classes instead of ::Algebra classes.
      - Added ::Plan::generate_plans to enumerate query plans given an algebra object.
      - Rearranged internal structure of ::Plan objects.
      - ::Plan::generate_plans now takes an ExecutionContext object argument.
      - Started to convert RDF::Query::execute() to use ::Plan classes.
      - ::Plan::Project now handles expressions.
      - Moved QEP generation code to RDF::Query::query_plan so it can be overloaded.
      - Added ::Algebra::Project class.
      - Updated ::Compiler::SQL to recognize ::Algebra::Project objects.
      - RDF::Query::fixup() now only returns a construct pattern (the query pattern now being returned by RDF::Query::query_plan()).
      - ::Model::RDFTrine::add_uri now decodes resulting content as utf8 before proceeding.
      - Added a new ::ServiceDescription constructor that doesn't require pulling the description from a URL.
      - Updated RDF::Trine::Node::Resource to work with URI objects.
      - SPARQLP parser now creates ::Project object as parent of any ::Aggregate.
      - RDF::Endpoint::Apache::handler() is now defined with a :method attribute.
      - Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Iterator::Bindings::print_xml that dropped every other row.
      Merge branch 'master' into federation
      - RDF::Query::query_plans now calls RDF::Query::prune_plans to select from the list of possible QEPs.
      - Small changes to ::VariableBindings for efficiency.
      - Updated perlrdf README.
      - Small changes to ::Iterator and ::Trine::Node::Literal for efficiency.
      - Added benchmark/plans.pl to show the runtimes of the available QEPs for a query.
      - RDF::Query now always uses a cost model (defaulting to ::Naive).
      - Added example script for generating queries programatically (based on request from KjetilK).
      - Added graph() method to ::Plan classes to use GraphViz for tree vizualization.
      - ::Plan::Service::new() now throws an error if called without a serialized query.
      - RDF::Query::new() now accepts two-argument form with just $query and \%options.
      - Updated examples/create_query_api.pl to use new ::Algebra::Project::as_sparql code.
      - Split RDF::Query::execute into prepare() and execute_plan() methods.
      - Added pushstack() and popstack() to ::ExecutionContext.
      - Cost and cardinality methods in ::CostModel classes now take ExecutionContext argument.
      - Removed old execute() code from ::Algebra classes.
      - Added referenced_variables() method to ::Plan classes.
      - Removed (now unused) parser generator script.
      - ::Service::_names_for_node updated to use ::Plan classes for query execution (fixes use of the k:bloom filter).
      - Added new ::Plan::Construct class to take ::VariableBindings and emit RDF::Trine::Statement objects.
      - Added new ::Plan::Construct class to take ::VariableBindings and emit RDF::Trine::Statement objects.
      - Added ::Algebra::Construct class.
      - Updated test service description RDF for new tests.
      - Added POD to restore full coverage.
      - bin/graph-query.pl now takes list of service descriptions as arguments (after query file).
      - Updated plan generator to produce left-deep trees (was accidentally doing right-deep trees).
      - ::Plan::generate_plans now labels plan nodes with their originating ::Algebra object.
      - ::Federate::Plan::generate_plans now returns both optimistic and naive plans.
      - Updated SSE serialization of ::Join::PushDownNestedLoop to use 'bind-join' terminology.
      - Added POD to ::Plan::Service::new_from_plan.
      - RDF::Query::prune_plans now takes ExecutionContext as an argument, and in turn calls ::Plan::prune_plans.
      - Added ::Plan::Offset::offset accessor method.
      - Updated ::Algebra SSE serializations to conform to Jena's serialization syntax.
      - Naive plan is used in ::Federate::Plan::generate_plans only if no optimistic plans are available.
      - Added ::Left subclasses to ::Plan::Join classes to allow calling constructor that defaults to leftjoin.
      - Added initial code for from_sse() method to ::Algebra, ::Statement, and ::Node.
      - Added prefix handling in ::Algebra::from_sse.
      - Removed import of 'sfinally' in ::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern.
      - Added ::Algebra::Project::from_sse.
      - Removed import of 'sfinally' in ::Algebra::Triple.
      - Added parsing of variables to RDF::Trine::Node::from_sse.
      - Added sse re-serialization test to t/29-serialize.t.
      - Added initial parser code for SPARQL Update (SPARUL) extension.
      - Added code for RDF-Trine specific BGP query plans.
      Merge branch 'federation'
      - Added cost model code for ::Aggregate plans.
      - Added new RDF-Trine-Iterator-Incremental top-level package (pulling incremental parsing out of the base RDF-Trine package)
      - Removed incremental parsing code from RDF-Trine package.
      - Updated VERSION numbers and docs for RDF::Trine for 0.109_02 candidate release.
      - Added README, MANIFEST, and Chages.ttl files to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Incremental package.
      - Added MANIFEST.SKIP to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Incremental package.
      - Added POD coverage tests to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Incremental package.
      - Updated VERSION numbers and docs for RDF::Trine for 0.109_03 candidate release.
      - Updated SIGNATURE.
      - Updated docs and SIGNATURE for 0.109 release.


librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging

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