[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.126, created. rdf-trine-0.126
Gregory Todd Williams
greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:16 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.126 has been created
at e1a7cd40fadbd989edd81c919c26c5734d8b13c5 (tag)
tagging e666968a5329c50b3bf54a63cdc4e2da58dd0218 (commit)
replaces rdf-trine-0.125
tagged by Gregory Todd Williams
on Mon Aug 16 10:49:13 2010 -0400
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.126.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Gregory Todd Williams (34):
- Added bin/dawg11-status.pl to generate HTML overview of SPARQL 1.1 DAWG test results.
- Updated SPARQL 1.1 DAWG test harness and EARL generation.
- Service description generation for named graphs now uses a lazy iterator for graph names.
- Fixed column naming bug in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->get_contexts.
- RDF::Query::Plan::NamedGraph now uses lazy iterator for graph names.
Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.125' into dev
- Updated perlrdf/TODO.
- Improved error messages in N-Triples and N-Quads parsers.
- Added trace debugging to RDF::Query::Plan::Path.
- Added trace debugging to RDF::Query::Plan::Project.
- Added trace debugging to RDF::Query::Plan::Union.
- Fixed warn_results on failing tests in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
- Updated Memory and Hexastore backends to support 'graph' key in _new_with_config().
- Updated SPARQL backend to use SPARQL 1.1 Update and Aggregate operations.
- RDF::Trine::Model->new will now return a temporary model when called with no arguments.
- Updated RDF::Trine::Parser to call begin_bulk_ops() and end_bulk_ops() on model object.
- Fixed N-Triples serialization escaping bug for strings whose only escapable character is '\'.
- Fixed error message in RDF::Query::Plan::NamedGraph.
- Fixed sse serialization in RDF::Query::Algebra::Distinct.
- RDF::Query::Expresion::Binary now throws exceptions on numeric comparisions with non-numeric operands.
- sparql:datatype() now throws an exception unless passed a valid node object.
- Fixed SPARQL 1.1 parser to handle FITLERS to the left of MINUS/OPTIONAL and allow projecting '*' with other vars/epressions.
- Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Extend to drop the extended variable binding if evaluating the extension yields an error.
- Fixed turtle output for rdfs:comments in xt/dawg/earl.pl.
- Fixed RDF::Trine::Store::DBI to only call $dbh->commit if in a transaction.
- Fixed typo in handling of RDF::Trine::Node::Formula extension.
- Added '==' and 'eq' overloading to RDF::Trine::Graph class.
- Readability improvements to RDF::Query::VariableBindings.
- Updated VERSION and docs for 0.126_01 beta release.
- Fixed duplication in RDF::Trine::Serializer POD.
- Updated RDF::Trine::Model->bounded_description to traverse backwards links across blank nodes.
- Updated VERSION and docs for 0.126_02 beta release.
- Updated VERSION and docs for 0.126 release.
Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.126'
librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging
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