[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.132, created. rdf-trine-0.132
Gregory Todd Williams
greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:19 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.132 has been created
at 1aa28363aab88d7e32e418ed18e9a4fc2f4489e8 (tag)
tagging 7e69113527fa2bc74ba2b07c1b9fa656a5822555 (commit)
replaces rdf-trine-0.131
tagged by Gregory Todd Williams
on Thu Dec 23 22:09:19 2010 -0800
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.132.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Gregory Todd Williams (34):
Fixed exception throwing on numeric binary expression eval without numeric literal arguments.
Updated SPARQL built-in string function return values' datatype and language tags.
Added support for non-strict comparisons of xsd:strings in RDF::Query::Node::Literal (based on $LAZY_COMPARISONS variable).
Fixed mistaken case sensitivity of COALESCE, BNODE, CONCAT, and SUBSTRING keywords in SPARQL 1.1 parser.
Updated debugging strings in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
Added support for SPARQL 1.1 RAND() built-in function.
Whitespace formatting.
Commented out overloading of infix<+> for string concatenation.
Added RDF::Query::Node::Literal->type_list method.
Renamed LENGTH() to STRLEN().
Added CodeMirror files for syntax highlighting SPARQL query form markup.
Added CodeMirror license. Fixed bug in returning static content from the share directory.
Updated licensing text.
Added LICENSE file.
Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.131'
Updated release date of RDF::Trine 0.131 in Changes.ttl (forgotten in released version).
Added RDF::Trine::Store->new method to delegate to existing constructors.
Added auto-initialization of DBI stores during object construction.
Updated RDF::Endpoint to use a persistent model object across run() calls.
Updated endpoint.psgi to move config parsing and endpoint object construction outside of the request handler.
Updated parsesparql.js to add SPARQL 1.1 keywords and operators.
Added MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 hash functions.
Updated RDF::Query::Expression::Function->evaluate to throw an error if no function coderef is found.
Moved slow turtle parser tests into developer tests directory xt/.
Updated hashing functions to work over utf8 encoded octets.
Added conditional loading of Redland parsers and stores when available using Module::Load::Conditional.
Fixed Xpath fn:timezone-from-dateTime function return for UTC timezones.
Added sparql functions YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, and fixed parsing ambiguity between MIN aggregate and MINUTES function.
Fixed bug in RDF::Query::Plan::Clear when attempting to clear the default graph.
Updated docs for 0.132 release.
Updated VERSIONs for 0.131_01 beta release.
Updated developer tests.
Updated docs and VERSION for 0.132 release.
Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.132' into release-rdf-trine
librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging
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