[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.128, created. rdf-trine-0.128

Gregory Todd Williams greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:17 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.128 has been created
        at  ef9c5dd98125852a1da7e6a6a4494585e6955fca (tag)
   tagging  8d7bd9a3343ef7b06067e020a0fb3bb0f7e784df (commit)
  replaces  rdf-trine-0.127
 tagged by  Gregory Todd Williams
        on  Tue Sep 28 13:58:45 2010 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.128.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


Gregory Todd Williams (61):
      - Fixed typo of 'SEPARATOR' in SPARQL 1.1 parser.
      Updated t/queryform-describe.t to expect new RDF::Trine::Model->bounded_description results.
      Updated to use URI 1.52 to allow direct usage of IRIs without unicode workarounds.
      Made code updates to improve performance based on profiling.
      Made code updates to improve performance based on profiling.
      Updated required version of RDF::Trine to 0.126.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.127' into dev
      Added RDF::Trine::Iterator->each method (requested by tobyink).
      Updated SPARQL 1.1 parser to handle WITH clauses with PrefixedNames and added syntax tests to xt/.
      Fixed bugs and improved performance of parsing SPARQL 1.1 queries.
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Fixed bugs that were causing SPARQL 1.1 test negation/manifest#subset-02 to fail.
      RDF::Trine::Exporter::CSV now throws an exception if called without a bindings iterator.
      Added native redland parser class (patch from Dorian Taylor).
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Redland to improve efficiency (based on suggestions from Dorian Taylor).
      Added redland parser tests (patch from Dorian Taylor).
      Removed Algebra and Plan classes for Not and Exists operations (now handled in other classes).
      RDF::Query->new now warns about unrecognized options.
      Reverted xt/dawg-syntax11.t to use test URIs instead of mf:action in result reporting.
      Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Limit to use the limit accessor internally.
      Added RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->clear_restrictions method (suggestion and partial patch from tobyink).
      Updated RDF::Trine::Exporter::CSV to accept a graph iterator (for serializing s,p,o as CSV).
      Added optional flag to RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->new to attempt to canonicalize recognized XSD values.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->canonicalize_literal_value coercion of xsd:decimal values.
      Fixed type-promotion and handling of numeric types in aggregate handling.
      Added implementation of RDF::Query::Algebra::Aggregate->binding_variables.
      Replaced calls to die with throwing exceptions.
      Added more exception handling in RDF::Query::Parser::SPARQL11.
      Improved error handling.
      Renamed 'binding_variables' methods to 'potentially_bound' to align with current SPARQL 1.1 terminology.
      Updated potentially_bound Algebra method for Construct, Distinct, Extend, Limit, Minus, Offset, and Project.
      Added etag method to RDF::Trine::Model and RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to allow for HTTP caching.
      Added ETag support for query results.
      ETags now vary based on Accept and Accept-Encoding headers, and query string.
      Updated RDF::Query::Util::cli_parse_args to accept '-r' as a read-only flag.
      Fixed SPARQL 1.1 parser bug that was returning partial data from a failed parse call.
      Added RDF::Trine::Store->class_by_name class method.
      Added introspective _config_meta method to RDF::Trine::Store subclasses to allow interactive configuration.
      Removed RDF::Redland dependency in bin/rdf_store_add_file.pl.
      Updated bin/rqsh.pl to allow changing underlying store with a 'use' command.
      Updated bin/rqsh.pl.
      Updated RDF::Query::Util to look for .prefix-cmd cache of common namespace names.
      Refactored code in bin/rqsh.pl.
      Fixed call to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model in RDF::Trine::Store::Memory.
      Added init function to bin/rqsh.pl.
      Fixed call to RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_into_model in bin/rdf_store_add_file.pl.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->init to (partially) work if called for a new model (but the database has already been initialized).
      Fixed bug in RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL preventing access to the default graph.
      Fixed DBI init bug introduced in commit bc48503.
      Added .owl as a recognized RDF/XML file extension for the fallback parser guessing code.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.128_01 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Lowered required version of redland in RDF::Trine::Parser::Redland to
      Added as_string method to RDF::Trine::Iterator::Boolean and RDF::Trine::Iterator::Graph.
      Added content-sniffing to fallback parser guessing code for RDF/XML and Turtle.
      Added RDF::Trine::Serializer->serializer_names method for listing available serializers.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.128_02 beta release.
      Fixed undefined graph bug in SPARQL 1.1 parser.
      Updated RDF::Query::Node::Literal::_cmp to handle literals that fail to parse as DateTime objects.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.128 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.128'


librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging

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