[SCM] librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.136, created. rdf-trine-0.136

Gregory Todd Williams greg at evilfunhouse.com
Fri Jun 7 14:21:21 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, rdf-trine-0.136 has been created
        at  47bda4cc1572374c26b81d18caa62b8b1f9c929d (tag)
   tagging  e3aa0913e7a5963cc2a459553855dbef6f1bc4ea (commit)
  replaces  rdf-trine-0.135
 tagged by  Gregory Todd Williams
        on  Wed Oct 19 13:40:51 2011 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
RDF::Trine 0.136.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


Gregory Todd Williams (122):
      Updated docs and VERSION for 2.905_01 beta release.
      Updated required version of RDF::Trine to 0.135.
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-query-2.906
      Updated README for 2.905_01 beta release.
      Fixed mysql schema to quote index names that might contain reserved characters.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.135'
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-query-2.906
      Updated docs for 2.906 release.
      Updated VERSION for 2.906 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-query-2.906'
      Added RDF::Trine::Node::Literal->is_canonical_lexical_form.
      Merge pull request #22 from kjetilk/master
      Merge pull request #23 from nichtich/patch-1
      Merge pull request #24 from kjetilk/master
      Merge pull request #25 from nichtich/patch-2
      Fixed bug in SPARQL 1.1 parser for DESCRIBE queries without a WHERE clause.
      examples/query.pl now emits a warning if the query object cannot be constructed.
      Fixed RDF::Query->as_sparql for DESCRIBE queries which project URI terms, not variables.
      Fixed join ordering bug for queries with a BINDINGS clause and several joins.
      Fixed expected test results for DESCRIBE queries without a WHERE clause.
      Fixed code in RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL that was causing a warning when a variable name was redefined.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 2.906_01 beta release.
      Updated docs for 2.907 release.
      Updated VERSION for 2.907 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-query-2.907'
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.02_01 beta release.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.03 release.
      Merge branch 'rdf-endpoint-0.03'
      Fixed bug introduced by commit 3fb5e48 causing query results to disappear from HTML results page.
      Made RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples->statement_as_string a public method.
      Fixed RDF::Trine::Store::SPARQL->count_statements handling of variables.
      Initial support for using Dydra as a store.
      Updated uri for UpdateEvaluationTests.
      Added RDF::Query->prepare_with_named_graphs method.
      Fixed use of '__DEFAULT__' sentinel value in RDF::Query::Node::Resource->as_sparql.
      Fixed use of '__DEFAULT__' sentinel value in RDF::Query::Plan and RDF::Query::Plan::Service.
      Require RDF::RDFa::Generator 0.101.
      Marked RDFa service description tests as TODO due to a bug in RDF::RDFa::Generator.
      Require RDF::RDFa::Generator 0.102 (fixes RDFa service description serialization bug).
      Allow the service description default graph to be a URI or a blank node (based on config value).
      Updated VERSION for 0.03_01 beta release.
      Add exception handling in RDF::Query->set_error.
      Updated bin/passing_earl_tests.sh.
      Added RDF::Trine::Error::UnimplementedError exception class.
      Add support for SILENT and variable endpoint handling for SERVICE patterns.
      Add test harness support for SERVICE tests.
      Merge pull request #28 from kjetilk/master
      Return an empty string instead of undef in RDF::Trine::Iterator->format_node_xml.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Added option to sleep after each store update in Test::RDF::Trine::Store.
      Merge pull request #29 from nichtich/master
      Normalize language tags to lowercase.
      Fixed t/plan.t to add new argument to RDF::Query::Plan::Service constructor.
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.04 release.
      Removed TODO on RDFa tests (fixed by requiring RDF::RDFa::Generator 0.102).
      Merge branch 'rdf-endpoint-0.04'
      Added debugging to Dydra store and tests.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kasei/perlrdf
      Fixed escaping of URIs in rdf:about attributes (patch from SADI Framework).
      Added RDF::Trine::Parser::Turtle->parse_node method.
      Added initial support for CSV/TSV result files in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
      Fixed emitting of results when run with verbose -results flag.
      Made RDF::Query::Plan::Construct uniq the returned triples.
      Fixed bug in RDF::Query::Plan::Join::PushDownNestedLoop that produced invalid results when the RHS was a subselect.
      Updated plan classes to optionally register intermediate results with a execution delegate object.
      Added text/html media type, and added use of Module::Load::Conditional in RDF::Trine::Parser::RDFa.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.135_01 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST for new Dydra files.
      Moved t/store-dydra.t to xt/store-dydra.t.
      Changed explain() syntax of plan quads.
      Fixed bin/rqsh to handle queries that use BASE.
      Updated RDF::Query::Plan::Extend to copy variable bindings instead of using the existing reference.
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Function->evaluate to propogate type errors in IF().
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Binary->evaluate to properly throw on div-by-zero.
      Added syntax support for SILENT form of LOAD.
      Added update-silent to list of test directories in xt/dawg-eval11.t.
      Removed unnecessary use statements.
      Removed depedency on Unicode::String and List::MoreUtils.
      Consolidated bnode prefix handling in parser classes, adding support for UUID::Tiny.
      Added POD for RDF::Trine::Serializer::NTriples->statement_as_string.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Memory to use Digest::SHA instead of Digest::MD5.
      Added POD for Test::RDF::Trine::Store->update_sleep.
      Removed RDF::Trine::Iterator::SAXHandler->rate method and dropped dependency on Time::HiRes.
      Made XML::LibXML an optional dependency (RDF/XML parser will not perform c14n if it is not installed)
      Removed dependency on Unicode::Escape.
      Removed heavy dependency on DBI store in test cases.
      Conditionally load DBI store, and return Memory store from temporary_store().
      Add missing use of RDF::Trine::Statement::Quad.
      Require RDF::Redland in t/store-redland.t.
      Fixed bug in use of UUID::Tiny::UUID_V1 bareword in RDF::Trine::Parser->new_bnode_prefix.
      Fixed titlecase of table reference in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->init.
      Added simple store tests for bulk_ops in Test::RDF::Trine::Store.
      Changed test endpoint from kasei.us to myrdf.us.
      Fixed titlecase of table reference in RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->init.
      Removed 'or die' conditional from store tests.
      Removed 'or die' conditional from store tests.
      Stop RDF::Trine::Store::DBI->add_statement from unnecessarily hashing nodes multiple times (patch from tobyink).
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI::mysql->_add_node to return the node hash value.
      RDF::Trine::Parser->parse_url_into_model now fill properly fall back on guesswork when media-type parsing fails.
      Added TSV serializer.
      Fixed numeric divide operation to return xsd:decimal when operands are xsd:integers.
      Fixed typo in error messages.
      Fixed bug resulting in false positive error when projecting expressions with aggregates.
      Silenced debugging information.
      Updated dawg/earl testing data.
      Fixed typo in store tests.
      Fixed RDF::Query::Expression::Binary to canonicalize numeric literal results.
      Fix RDF::Trine::Model->get_statements to throw an error when called with arguments that aren't either undef or node objects.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::DBI to use DBIx::Connector.
      Updated RDF::Trine::Store::Dydra to use SPARQL Update operations.
      Updated t/serializer-turtle.t to be more accepting of stores returning data in varying orders.
      Added support for Service as a binary op (allowing variable-endpoint SERVICE blocks).
      Updated xt/dawg-eval11.t to handle variable-endpoint SERVICE blocks in mock code.
      Added tests for TSV serializer.
      Merge branch 'feature-tsv'
      Moved redland store tests to developer xt directory.
      Merge branch 'master' into rdf-trine-0.136
      Updated docs and VERSION for 0.135_02 beta release.
      Updated MANIFEST.
      Updated VERSION and docs for 0.136 release.
      Updated xt/store-dydra.t to respect the RDFTRINE_NETWORK_TESTS environment variable.
      Merge branch 'rdf-trine-0.136' into release-rdf-trine

Jakob Voss (4):
      Added support of SPARQL endpoints with URL parameters like Virtuoso's 'http://example.org:8890/sparql?default-graph-uri=...'
      Removed duplicated, hard-coded HTML to allow better customization of HTML interface. index.html must also be modified by adding '<div id="result" />'.
      allow empty namespace prefix
      moved as_hashref to ::Iterator::Graph

Kjetil Kjernsmo (18):
      Test for LIMIT with CONSTRUCT
      style element must go in head
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Make endpoint path configurable
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Actually dereference correctly endpoint_path, and make the test use root
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:kjetilk/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/kasei/perlrdf
      More mechanize tests
      Use a more distinctive literal for later tests
      Use has_tag to look for query; add failing test for literal string
      Use has_tag for literal too
      Use like for title in results too
      xmlns checks
      Manually revert commit b96535d
      Use carp instead of warn


librdf-trine-perl Debian packaging

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