[SCM] Debian packaging of libxml-rss-perl annotated tag, debian/1.53-1, created. debian/1.53-1
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jun 7 23:35:24 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, debian/1.53-1 has been created
at 28d839b179e0f0335447408cf2424ca2fad13c97 (tag)
tagging 4decd74fa801fafc6e72194a88c8102df38c040c (commit)
replaces upstream/1.53
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sat Jun 8 01:35:11 2013 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libxml-rss-perl version debian/1.53-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Ansgar Burchardt (3):
* New upstream release.
Update my email address.
debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.
Brian Cassidy (4):
* New upstream release.
fix version
New upstream release
NOTICE: No need to upload as the upstream release had no significant changes
Damyan Ivanov (3):
Replace gregoa by myself in Uploaders
* Remove unnecessary removing of executable bit of examples
* Refresh debian/copyright
Gregor Herrmann (40):
* Add libdatetime-format-mail-perl and libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl to
Move perl from Build-Depends to Build-Depends-Indep.
mass-change: rmdir /usr/{lib,share}/perl5 only if they exist as a preparation for perl5.10
New upstream release; incorporates joeyh's patch.
debian/watch: use improved regexp for matching upstream tarballs.
Set debhelper compatibility level to 6.
New upstream release.
* Set Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes).
Refresh debian/rules, no functional changes.
releasing version 1.33-1
New upstream release.
* Set debhelper compatibility level to 7; adapt
releasing version 1.35-1
* Add patch rss0.91_dtd_fix.patch to reflect the move of the RSS 0.91 dtd
Add patch rss1.0_pod_dc_date.patch: mention 'date' element of the dc
Extend patch rss0.91_dtd_fix.patch to also cover examples/0.91/*.rdf.
releasing version 1.35-2
New upstream release.
Remove patches, both were accepted upstream; remove quilt framework and
releasing version 1.36-1
[mass commit] switch Vcs-Browser from from WebSVN to ViewSVN
New upstream release.
releasing version 1.37-1
New upstream release.
debian/control: Added: ${misc:Depends} to Depends: field; wrap the long
releasing version 1.38-1
releasing version 1.41-1
New upstream release.
debian/copyright: update years of packaging copyright.
debian/control: remove Section and Priority from binary stanza.
releasing version 1.42-1
d/copyright: a bit of cleanup in the listing for debian/*
d/control: syntax error (missing space in continuation line)
debian/control: remove version from libxml-parser-perl build dependency.
'Email change:' added
sort copyright years
Gunnar Wolf (2):
Fixed lintian warning regarding file permissions
Removing myself as an uploader from all packages which have other human uploaders
Joey Hess (1):
* Fix handling of guid's isPermaLink attribute -- if it's not set,
Jonathan Yu (7):
* New upstream release
* Update dependencies
dch -r. Ready for upload, builds lintian clean. ^_^
New upstream release
dch -r. Builds lintian clean, ready for upload :)
New upstream release
builds clean, dch -r
Nathan Handler (1):
[mass-commit] debian/watch: Modify to ignore development releases.
Nicholas Bamber (6):
Added myself to Uploaders
New upstream release
* Ansgar Burchardt -> ansgar at debian.org
Refreshed copyright
Added overrides to fix examples permissions
Ryan Niebur (6):
* New upstream release
fix changelog
Debian Policy 3.8.1
Ready for upload
mass updated jawnsy's email address
mass updated ryan52's email address
Salvatore Bonaccorso (6):
[mass-commit] Replace versioned dependency on perl (>= 5.6.0-{12,16}) with unversioned dependency on perl (as permitted by Debian Policy 3.8.3)
[packagecheck] fixed Vcs-(Git|Browser)/Homepage field(s) in debian/control and/or URL in debian/watch and/or rmdir /usr/{lib|share}/perl5 in debian/rules.
Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git://anonscm.debian.org)
update changelog
Change search.cpan.org based URIs to metacpan.org based URIs
update changelog
Vincent Danjean (7):
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
upgrade package to Debian Perl Group standard
New upstream version 1.31
Debian changes for new upstream version 1.31
relase to manage old BTS bugs
set a real release
Add more build-depends to cover all tests
gregor herrmann (7):
Merge tag 'upstream/1.53'
New upstream release. Fixes "FTBFS with perl 5.18: test failure" (Closes: #711406)
Add a patch to fix a spelling mistake.
debian/copyright: switch formatting to Copyright-Format 1.0.
Set Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no further changes).
cme + wrap-and-sort
releasing package libxml-rss-perl version 1.53-1
Debian packaging of libxml-rss-perl
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