[SCM] libscalar-does-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/0.200, created. upstream/0.200
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Sat Jun 8 18:47:43 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, upstream/0.200 has been created
at a4593a583179a6f3fa30a7c6e30baf401f82bb4b (tag)
tagging d1cc3ac5ada87ec10731c538c719f87b0df1e9c0 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.102
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Sat Jun 8 20:13:29 2013 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.200
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Jonas Smedegaard (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.200
Toby Inkster (92):
initial commit
some test cases
test for moose-related featuress
more test stuff
remove smart match feature
Added tag 0.001 for changeset 34cd3aa274a5
improved documentation; export constants; etc
improve test suite; 100% coverage according to Devel::Cover
test constants
remove use Data::Dumper
Added tag 0.002 for changeset 8384b7a67741
fix 99smartmatch.t test planning
make_role convenience function for making anonymouse roles; Scalar::Does::MooseTypes exploits this
correct inaccurate docs
minor fixes
Added tag 0.005 for changeset d2b59bba4638
test passing in 5.8
bump version
description for Scalar::Does::MooseTypes
Added tag 0.006 for changeset 373aece9f8ae
test for rt#80121
fix for rt#80121
more tests for undef
bump version; update changelog
update xt
Added tag 0.007 for changeset 5edb9585e695
change behaviour of single-argument versions of does and overloads
remove references to Object::DOES
revise Moo::Role documentation
update deps
Added tag 0.008 for changeset 3791418c7ac0
Perl 5.8 bugfixes
Added tag 0.009 for changeset b773cca6948a
avoid UNIVERSAL::can($pkg, "can")
private (no pod coverage)
add pod to test cases
document one last test case
add rt links to test pod
Added tag 0.010 for changeset bc752392905d
include thanks to DAMI
fix cpants fails?
Added tag 0.011_01 for changeset 67f0dc93a0e2
bump version; changelog
switch to Module::Package::RDF::tobyink
Added tag 0.012 for changeset b9a891e101e7
merge IO-Detect into Scalar-Does
bump version; changelog
update deps
misc tidying
Added tag 0.100 for changeset f57ba705f79e
document using IO::Handle constants with does()
IO::Detect can now rely on Scalar::Does's deps :-)
use lexical::underscore instead of playing with PadWalker directly - lexical::underscore only has a conditional dependency on PadWalker
copy namespace::clean stuff from Scalar::Does to IO::Detect
no utf8
roll back IO::Detect namespace::clean change; need to figure out why this causes test case failures
bump version; changelog
reintroduce namespace::clean trickery; fix test cases to pass
update changelog
improve test coverage; make does($class, $overloaded_op) saner
test for as_filehandle
test multiline string is not a filename
use Test::Requires
add "use strict"/"use warnings" to test cases
change log
Added tag 0.101 for changeset 2cc618514e07
change version number to match meta
bump version; changelog
Added tag 0.102 for changeset 2717c6c33c8a
fix pod link
pod: Relationship to Type::Tiny type constraints
changed repo to github.com
Scalar::Does::RoleChecker is now a simple subclass of Type::Tiny
actually make use of namespace::clean
use Type::Tiny type constraints to check built-in roles
skip tests involving ~~, given/when and my $_ in Perl >= 5.017
requires Type::Tiny
spelling test
rewrite Scalar::Does::MooseLike as a thin wrapper around Types::Standard; deprecate it in favour of Types::Standard
port from Sub::Exporter to Exporter::TypeTiny; general tidy up
port from Sub::Exporter to Exporter::TypeTiny
make deprecation more prominent
minor doc updates
bump version; changelog
libscalar-does-perl Debian packaging
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