[SCM] Packaging of Glib-Object-Introspection in Debian annotated tag, upstream/0.015, created. upstream/0.015

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Fri Jun 14 10:44:22 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/0.015 has been created
        at  959be1017f367782b58749015d049d31f63dd64b (tag)
   tagging  39464cdce6833976b5dfa11fff435b7e94b7f931 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.014
 tagged by  intrigeri
        on  Thu May 16 12:31:27 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.015

Brian Manning (2):
      Updated MANIFEST with new test files
      Unstable release 0.015

Torsten Schönfeld (9):
      Remove unneeded FIXME marks
      Handle GInitiallyUnowned return values from callbacks more specifically
      Fix a gint vs. guint inconsistency
      Register error domains
      Implement SV → GError
      Support array → SV when invoking Perl code
      Move a FIXME mark to where it belongs
      Refactor the vfunc offset code into a function
      SV → struct: handle raw structs from unregistered libraries

intrigeri (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.015


Packaging of Glib-Object-Introspection in Debian

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