[SCM] libtype-tiny-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/0.006, created. upstream/0.006

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Jun 14 20:22:48 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/0.006 has been created
        at  1d7fd235ba63950e3415c3ddf2ed35ca29d93de9 (tag)
   tagging  737164ded2e3612765dfdcfbeb9ac216a716fb3f (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.004
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Fri Jun 14 20:37:19 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.006
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Diab Jerius (1):
      fix typo in docs

Jonas Smedegaard (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.006

Toby Inkster (580):
      initial commit
      todo list
      todo: duck_type
      need anonymous types
      anon types
      allow one library to extend another library
      bundle modules required for testing
      make commas more optional
      make error messages better by using the message from the first level to fail
      test cases
      export assertions
      add some export groups
      add :types export group
      fix exporting for assert_* functions
      longhand accessors
      qualify names
      Moo -> Moose inflation
      docs for Type::Tiny
      document test suite
      document overload; add smart match overloading
      lots more tests; need to figure out why 03checks.t fails
      finish documenting methods
      implement get_message
      implement parents method
      document new methods
      d'oh! tests passing :-)
      stop that from happening again
      some Type::Library documentation
      it is probably not much extra work to support Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint
      beginnings of implementing coercions; I'm going to go down the route of the coercion being a separate class to the type constraint a la Moose::Meta::Type{Constraint,Coercion} as this may make inflation easier
      implement coercions (mostly)
      Sub::Exporter-style renaming of exported functions
      forgot to knock that off the todo list
      better use of Sub::Name
      beginnings of standard library of type constraints
      implement parameterized types, including some in the std lib
      rename test cases - there will end up being a lot so I do not want to have to number them all
      first bit of MooseX::Types::Structured
      use the same coderef for all null constraints; useful to know which constraints are null when inlining
      beginnings of inlining stuff
      as_moose now supports coercions and inlining hints
      inlining for parameterized types
      fix warning for inlined Int constraint
      inline test cases
      fix prototype stuff. now failing many test cases :-(
      update todo
      couple of minor fixes to stdlib inlined type constraints
      simplify testing for stdlib; fix a few incorrect test cases
      test suite now passes
      implement class types
      role types
      implement duck types
      prepare ground for type constraint unions, intersections and complements
      complementary types
      nicer stringification
      unions and intersections
      Overload type for stdlib
      more inlining
      Tuple support in stdlib
      more thorough test of Optional
      Dict type for stdlib
      allow Ref[] to take a parameter, passing it to Scalar::Util::reftype
      weaken reference fom type coercion to constraint
      child type class should generally be Type::Tiny
      more docs for Type::Tiny
      more Type::Tiny docs
      Type::Standard docs
      document Type::Tiny's overloading
      mouse compat
      replace as_moose/as_mouse functions with some attributes
      make Type::Utils more Moose::Util::TypeConstraints-like
      docs for Type::Utils
      syntax changes for Perl 5.8.x
      pod coverage
      document how exporting from type libraries works
      fill in missing docs for Type::Tiny subclasses
      some missing version numbers
      Type::Coercion docs
      set version to 0.000_01 for developer preview
      Added tag 0.000_01 for changeset 4020658e2a11
      beginnings of manual
      add Maisy Mouse example to Type::Tiny
      StrMatch type constraint; fix for enums
      todo; docs
      get bareword type names working within type libraries; start library documentation
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.000_02 for changeset 88faf91a84dc
      minor bugfixes; document overloading for Type::Coercion
      Create compiled versions of the type constraint checks; this is a significant speed-up in many cases.
      note redundant test
      improved inlined code for parameterized ScalarRef
      inlining code for Optional and Tuple
      note which still need inlining code
      fix Moo inflation test; avoid problem that display_name is non-unique
      bump version; changelog
      inflate coercions to mouse
      inlining for StrMatch
      inlining for tuples
      Moose inflation to built-ins; document compiled_check attribute
      fix version number
      Added tag 0.000_03 for changeset 1d87ec459b81
      plus_coercions/minus_coercions methods
      no_coercians method; more type comparison stuff
      type comparison test cases
      compiled coercions
      bump version; changelog
      minor updates to manual
      fix inlining of union types
      allow coercions to be specified as a string of code
      document stringy coercion codes
      don't use Str as a bareword because we load the type lib at run-time
      Added tag 0.000_04 for changeset 4fc897cfd870
      reorganise test suite slightly
      Move test libraries into t/lib/
      factor out should_pass and should_fail into Test::TypeTiny
      bump version; changelog
      Type::Standard -> Types::Standard
      establish a naming convention for type libraries
      add Types::TypeTiny library for internal use
      use Types::TypeTiny more within the distribution
      document overloading
      sanity check type constraint names
      minor fixes
      some tests for Type::{Tiny,Coercion} basics
      fix test case
      croak instead of confess
      more work on the manual
      document parameterized constraints
      test cases for coercion under moose
      Moo and Mouse coercion tests; Mouse one fails for now
      fix mouse coercions; tidy up moose coercion generation
      somehow the is_parameterized fix regressed; fix again
      refer people to test suite for now
      Added tag 0.000_05 for changeset 59e71020821d
      superfluous comma
      fix comma
      document parameterization attributes somewhat better
      tests for Overload[]
      monkey patch Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
      _instantiate_moose_type method
      custom Moose inflation for Type::Tiny subclasses
      tests for round-tripping between Moose and Type::Tiny constraints
      bump version; changelog
      avoid loading if.pm
      added quotes around name in this error message
      avoid loading Types::Standard and Type::Utils unless they're requested
      note recent optimizations in changelog
      manage TODO with freemind
      inline assertions for Moo when possible
      changelog; document inline_assert
      coercion inlining
      Type::Tiny blows MXTML out of the water for inlinable type constraints
      inlining fixes and stuff for Moo
      Moo documentation - slightly sparse
      Type::Tiny versus X
      fix regression re Moo->Moose inflation
      Added tag 0.000_06 for changeset 3bb79c9049e2
      tests for enums
      document and test Type::Tiny::Class::new DWIM
      more than a couple now
      fix heading
      document union/intersection explosions
      tests for union type constraints
      fix inlining code for intersections
      allow type subs within libraries to be parameterized
      tests for intersections
      bump version; changelog
      fix for coercion inlining
      test cases for union coercions
      teeny tiny fix to get test case to pass
      Added tag 0.000_07 for changeset 38f715fd010a
      somewhat better handling of "constant" functions
      bump version; changelog
      accept Moose type constraints in most parts of the public API where a Tiny::Tiny object might normally be expected
      have many more modules now
      more fiddling with the type "contstant" functions
      further work on constants
      Added tag 0.000_08 for changeset d55e3246c901
      Add Moose benchmarks; move them into examples directory.
      document usage with Moose
      bump version; changelog
      Moo inlining stuff works now, so tidy up experiments. We need a little Moo patch though...
      prefer to inflate to anonymous Mouse/Moose objects
      tidy up examples
      document examples
      more Moose manual stuff
      fix test case in light of preferring anonymous Moose/Mouse type constraints
      add caveats section
      Added tag 0.000_09 for changeset 1e39c6ac3d59
      allow temp Type::Tiny objects to be created which will not be registered with Moo
      improvements to has_coercion_for_{type,value}
      improvements to has_coercion_for_{type,value}
      improvement to can_be_inlined
      improvement to can_be_inlined
      check these "0 but true" bits
      fix wrong Test::Requires line
      private utility method - return a type constraintwhich is the union of all types that can be coerced by a coercion
      allow parameterized types to specify a coercion generator
      automatic coercions for ArrayRef, ScalarRef and HashRef
      coercions for Map
      only load that nasty code if it is really needed
      non-inlinable auto-coercion for Dict
      mad crazy inlined Dict coercion
      auto-coercion for Tuple
      add FreeMind::Node link
      todo, but all this can wait until post-0.001
      bump version; changelog
      plain text version of todo list
      Added tag 0.000_10 for changeset bb010ea53dce
      Experiment handling sub parameters via Type::Tiny
      beginning of blog article
      return slurpy as a ref, because that is what coercion will do
      various improvements to sub checker experiment
      build inline coercions within thunks - optimization
      fix prototype for Type::Utils::as
      fix prototype for Type::Utils::as
      coercion inheritance
      add some standalone tests for Optional[]
      more on article
      Drop the need for "-moose" and manual ->moose_type method calls; some very ugly warnings, but test cases still pass.
      no need to keep calling __PACKAGE__->meta like some kinda crazy foo
      update examples and benchmark scripts; benchmarks still good
      fix some warnings in test cases
      remove ->moose_type; tests pass with no warnings now
      Need to adjust to_TypeTiny now that Type::Tiny objects can claim to be Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects
      update documentation
      document AUTOLOAD and overloading of isa/can
      hg merge feature/proxymoose
      update given changes to Moose-related API; re-run benchmarks
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.000_11 for changeset bbf497244334
      fix missing left bracket
      thank mst
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.000_12 for changeset 57396b13f180
      freeze coercions
      allow libraries to contain floating coercion objects
      allow coercions to be added together
      allow coercions to be added to type constraints
      yes, it is
      merge changes in from default branch
      Type::Check compilation
      more of introduction
      fully qualify blessed()
      fully qualify blessed()
      remove some useless bits of code...faster
      don't need to check %INC in the critical code path
      use "state" feature
      strip away much of the magic; damn that is fast
      check an explicit undef will fail Optional within Dict
      ensure parentheses in strings returned by Type::Tiny subclasses overriding inline_check
      make sure that Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects only have a weak ref to the Type::Tiny object that created them
      minor intro article changes
      html output for pod
      oops; use correct Perl
      bump version; changelog
      more speed; two options for how to use
      it would be nice to be able to coerce arrayrefs into Data::OptList-style structures
      more on intro article
      parameterized type constraints should sanity-check their parameters
      add copyright information for bundled files
      add categories to DOAP
      remove unnecessary ->moose_type method call from SYNOPSIS
      add note about ->moose_type
      more SEE ALSO links
      nicer Test::TypeTiny output
      tests for deeply nested arrayref+hashref constraints
      Added tag 0.001 for changeset bcde5d90c5f0
      merge feature/coercion-libs: allows coercions to be frozen; allows standalone coercions to be added to type libraries; coercions override plus
      merge feature/auto-coercions: auto-coercions, plus initial work on Type::Check or whatever it will be called
      dev version is now 0.003_01
      XSD-based datatypes; things like maxLength/minLength and maxInclusive/minInclusive seem like they might be useful
      link to Test::Deep::Type
      pod coverage
      avoid regenerating parameterized type constraints when it is not necessary
      split out into a separate repo
      add support links to manual
      document param handling; link to Type::Params
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_02 for changeset 0961db6b3eaa
      Added tag 0.003_01 for changeset 67291c418dbc
      clarify changes since X
      clarify changes since X on development branch
      no need to call ->moose_type here anymore
      bump version; changelog
      make has_coercion more DWIM
      add OptList type to Types::Standard, plus accompanying MkOpt coercion
      changelog; todo
      Added tag 0.003_03 for changeset 1cedcfe99aef
      Dummy commit so that I can backtrack and start a new branch at the previous revision
      move mkopt implementation into Exporter::TypeTiny
      Write Exporter::TypeTiny - an exporter wil similar configuration style to Exporter.pm but a closer feature set to Sub::Exporter
      Port Type::Utils to Exporter::TypeTiny
      Port Types::TypeTiny to Exporter::TypeTiny
      Port Test::TypeTiny to Exporter::TypeTiny
      undo dummy commit
      Hopefully I've managed to squish all references to the new-exporter named branch now
      Port Type::Library onto Exporter::TypeTiny; this is a slight slow-down - need to figure out how it can be improved.
      better sub installer; allow subs to be installed into a hash; refuse to overwrite locally defined subs
      merge branch exporter-typetiny
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_04 for changeset 3fe8290b52ed
      Add Chars and Bytes types to Types::Standard - these are a good use case for parameterized coercions
      Support parameterized coercions; include Decode and Encode coercions in Types::Standard
      error check encoding strings
      Join and Split coercions
      When several Str checks are being inlined, e.g. Tuple[Str,Str] prevent "$val masks earlier declaration" warning.
      add plus_constructors as a wrapper for plus_coercions, for Type::Tiny::Class
      previous fix for $var broke syntax.t; this does not
      Document defaults for plus_constructor().
      add stuff to manual about coercions
      coercion-related links in manual
      minor typos
      List the methods used for parameterized coercions, even if they are not fully documented
      tests, docs and improvements for Exporter::TypeTiny
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_05 for changeset 04b3798684fa
      provide a slightly more Moose-compatible API, making it less likely to need to inflate to Moose
      again; take API closer to Moose, thus eliminating need to inflate to a real Moose object
      Allow Exporter::TypeTiny to take an initial hashref like Sub::Exporter
      Allow Exporter::TypeTiny to take an initial hashref like Sub::Exporter; support "installer" option
      Exporter::TypeTiny doc improvements
      Implement more proper numeric range checks, avoiding overflows and such.
      tell travis-ci this is Perl
      more travis config
      yet another travis attempt
      I don't think it's unreasonable for Travis to do Moo tests.
      partial implementation for Duration
      negative durations allowed
      XSD: add quite a few of the stringlike types; implement max and min for durations
      Some work on DateTime-related types; not 100% functional yet
      thought this might have caught a bug in Types::XSD; turns out I was wrong; keep the test case anyway
      Types-XSD now has its own repo
      do for Mouse what we already did for Moose; eliminate the need to call ->mouse_type
      pod coverage
      document usage with Mouse
      document deep coercions
      bump version; changelog
      Types::TypeTiny::to_TypeTiny can now coerce from a Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint.
      Added tag 0.003_06 for changeset 1664a9a610fa
      docs for Class::InsideOut
      failing test from bowtie
      fix export-to-role issue
      update changelog; include details for 0.002
      add bowtie's name
      minor improvements to manual
      moar tests for Exporter::TypeTiny
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_07 for changeset 0daa98796ebc
      Allow ASCII strings to pass as both Chars and Bytes
      test for Sub::Exporter plugins
      more Exporter::TypeTiny docs
      make Type::Tiny, Type::Coercion and Types::TypeTiny even tinier by avoiding loading up Exporter::TypeTiny
      Exporter::TypeTiny docs, including Exporter comparison
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_08 for changeset 20e344bf235e
      implement Tied type constraint
      tied variables experiment
      if Mouse is loaded early, then we can borrow some of its XS checks
      use Role::Tiny magic instead of Hash::FieldHash magic
      more Type::Tie experiments
      Object::Accessor documentation and test case
      Also borrow Mouse's XS parameterized ArrayRef, HashRef and Maybe type constraints
      bump version; changelog
      update abstract
      Added tag 0.003_09 for changeset 90fb5394c3b7
      add SYNOPSIS and HISTORY sections to Exporter::TypeTiny docs
      better inlining advice
      pretty sure some of the subtest stuff we do requires a newish Test::More; Test::More 0.98 is in Perl 5.14+, so this still counts as zero-deps in my books
      minor niggles
      general tidy up
      more tidying
      check Exporter::TypeTiny compiles
      fix strictures problem when loading Type::Coercion before Type::Tiny
      factor out much of the eval stuff to an Eval::Closure-like module
      Bump version
      document Eval::TypeTiny
      merge in Type-Params
      fix warnings??
      include example from Type-Params
      Added tag 0.003_10 for changeset 42fc0eccc866
      modifications to Dict and Tuple coercions, based on discussions on play-perl.org
      bump version; changelog
      remove subtests from t/coercion-automatic.t
      remove subtests from t/stdlib-str.t; all this subtest removing is to get a more accurate count of how many tests are in the suite
      pod spelling; tidy up some of the Moose-compat and Mouse-compat methods
      test cases for Eval::TypeTiny
      make use of the "description" option for eval_closure
      Added tag 0.003_11 for changeset 00281734c0ac
      improve Type::Params docs
      validate number of args
      fix line number reporting; improve exporter
      document and test options for compile
      better pod for test cases
      emit error message if people try to follow a slurpy parameter
      better behaviour of slurpy if appearing mid-list
      tests for silly subroutine signatures
      Added tag 0.003_12 for changeset 1202697e97af
      add some copyright info
      add simple check just for number of arguments
      merge from Diab Jerius
      bump version; changelog
      more keywords
      old versions of Moose didn't supply a '_definition_context' function
      steal test from Class::InsideOut test suite
      BAIL_OUT unless 00-compile.t succeeds
      test Moose/Mouse API compatibility
      improve Moose/Mouse API compatibility
      better docs for Moose/Mouse API compatibility
      Added tag 0.003_13 for changeset 1d43bc9b1bde
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_14 for changeset 328723109eab
      add in Validation::Class support
      document the Validation::Class love-in
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.003_15 for changeset e0af25dff7ac
      document and improve coercion naming
      Map has a deep coercion too
      Nicer error messages from Type::Params, including shallow data dumps
      avoid auto-loading AutomaticCoercion.pm
      rename AutomaticCoercion.pm to DeepCoercion.pm; give up trying to load it on demand (OptList needs it to work correctly)
      bump version; changelog
      get Sub::Quote stuff working again
      update documentation and examples for Moo codulation; fix codulation for Type::Coercion
      Added tag 0.003_16 for changeset c32ba5b0eb79
      newer Validation::Class fixes filtering=off
      bump version; changelog
      forward people to correct locations
      fix multiline descriptions in eval_closure
      mention Types::XSD in Types::Standard's SEE ALSO section
      Added tag 0.004 for changeset 71a6666d8834
      fix Perl version number requirement for Type::Library
      add ArrayLike to Types::TypeTiny
      beginnings of type registries
      Type::Registry: export t function; documentation.
      second blog article
      bump version; changelog
      add stopword
      tests for Type::Registry
      Added tag 0.005_01 for changeset 4861817cb5f8
      bump version; changelog
      keep a weak ref to the type in a predicatable place
      experiment throwing exceptions for failed assertions
      Add ->explain method to Type::Exception::Assertion
      Tests for Type::Exception::Assertion
      remove duplicated code for _dd
      deep explanations for values that fail ArrayRef, HashRef and ScalarRef type constraints (TODO: Map, Dict, Tuple, union, intersection)
      deep_explanation for ScalarRef does not need B.pm
      test cases for a couple more explanations
      make exception messages more consistent with each other; roll out exceptions to Type::Params
      extend Type::Params exception coverage to include wrong number of arguments
      use exception for odd number of arguments
      document Type::Exception and split its subclasses out into separate modules
      add the quote marks back into assertion error messages; better for compatibility with older type-tiny
      planned release date
      changed repo to github.com
      fix eval_closure description for validate()
      better detection of correct caller level
      minor improvements to exceptions
      make text from explanations more consistent with text from error messages in terms of phrases and punctuation
      really releasing it now
      Added tag 0.005_02 for changeset 7ee10a025e32
      merge work from the 'exceptions' head
      remove Bytes, Chars, Encode and Decode
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.005_03 for changeset 1eefd3a653ea
      explanation for Map type
      update todo
      TODO - idea for Test::TypeTiny
      EXTENDED_TESTING mode for Test::TypeTiny
      yay; EXTENDED_TESTING/_strict_check caught an actual error
      bump version; changelog
      improve deep explanations
      croak if parent is manually specified for class, role, duck, etc types
      bump version; changelog
      exceptions all over the place
      exceptions for source that cannot be compiled
      remove last traces of Carp usage
      bring back some of the Split/Join test cases that went to Types::Encodings
      improved explanations for Ref
      deep explain Maybe
      Dict and Tuple deep explanations; allow slurpy within Tuples to slurp into a hashref
      Added tag 0.005_04 for changeset 70db0a9d11bb
      avoid warnings under 5.18
      fix/improve Type::Registry pod
      improve Type::Exception docs
      require Validation::Class 7.900017
      Add an assert_return method to Type::Tiny which does the same thing as assert_value except returns the value itself; coderef overload and assert_Foo functions now do assert_return instead of assert_value
      Type::Registry stuff isn't ready for prime-time yet
      bump version; changelog
      update Type::Tiny::Manual::Params now that we've got assert_return
      Added tag 0.005_05 for changeset 4e5f3cd262d9
      fix StrMatch for regexps containing slashes
      fold Types::Standard::DeepCoercion into Types::Standard
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.005_06 for changeset 3aaa4dfd45d1
      add Mouse PP to constraint benchmark
      fix inline assertions
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.005_07 for changeset 75104fcc67eb
      use JSON::PP in coercion-inlining.t because it's bundled with Perl 5.14
      add t/00-begin.t, to print out diagnostics prior to the beginning of testing
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.005_08 for changeset 14b0f7a9ff4a
      Code to coerce Type::Tiny objects from coderefs; cannot currently use it because it breaks coercion maps where all coderefs are expected to be converters.
      fix mkopt_hash
      bump version; changelog

Vyacheslav Matyukhin (2):
      fix a typo in declare_coercion in ::Manual::Coercions
      link to Type::Tiny::Manual::Libraries instead of non-existing Type::Tiny::Intro


libtype-tiny-perl Debian packaging

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