[SCM] Debian packaging of libnet-cups-perl annotated tag, debian/0.61-1, created. debian/0.61-1

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jun 22 21:06:30 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, debian/0.61-1 has been created
        at  351061868ab15d4ddf9ef112931ede0112748676 (tag)
   tagging  1414b3f5876ad5a0073907d0a35b7e5a2e718c95 (commit)
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Sat Jun 22 23:06:02 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libnet-cups-perl version debian/0.61-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Ansgar Burchardt (1):
      debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.

Damyan Ivanov (2):
      * add myself to Uploaders
      releasing version 0.55-2

Frank Lichtenheld (1):
      Really fix support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt

Gregor Herrmann (33):
      add missing XS-Vcs-Browser field to debian/control
      Add missing XS-Vcs-(Svn|Browser)/Homepage field(s) to debian/control.
      Change XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-* in all trunk/*/debian/control files
      mass-change: rmdir /usr/{lib,share}/perl5 only if they exist as a preparation for perl5.10
      * Set Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes).
      debian/watch: use dist-based URL.
      Remove debian/docs, install files directly from debian/rules.
      Remove debian/examples, install files directly from debian/rules.
      Set build dependency on libcupsys2-dev to >= 1.3.7-3; fixes
      Refresh debian/rules, no functional changes.
      Add /me to Uploaders.
      add const-c.inc and const-xs.inc to dh_clean call
      releasing version 0.55-3
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.56)
      New upstream release.
      note about FTBFS
      Change build dependency from libcupsys2-dev to libcup2-dev (the cups*
      argl. two typos.
      Suggests: s/cupsys-common/cups-common/
      * Don't run test t/03_destination.t, it requires a cups daemon at localhost
      releasing version 0.57-2
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.58)
      New upstream release.
      debian/copyright: Update years of copyright.
      releasing version 0.58-1
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.59)
      New upstream release.
      * Set debhelper compatibility level to 7; adapt
      releasing version 0.59-1
      [mass commit] switch Vcs-Browser from from WebSVN to ViewSVN

Gunnar Wolf (4):
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.57)
      New upstream version; no longer FTBFS
      removing internal note from changelog - but sorry, the upload was
      Removing myself as an uploader from all packages which have other human uploaders

Joey Hess (1):
      update Vcs-Svn lines for new locations

Jonathan Yu (5):
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.60)
      * New upstream release
      Builds lintian clean, looks ready for upload :-)
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.61)
      No release needed

Martín Ferrari (4):
      [svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, libnet-cups-perl (0.55)
      * New upstream release.
      * Loosened the versioned dependency on perl.
      Updating my email address -- repository wide

Nathan Handler (3):
      [mass-commit] debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases.
      Undo failed [mass-commit]
      [mass-commit] debian/watch: Modify to ignore development releases.

Rene Mayorga (5):
      [svn-inject] Installing original source of libnet-cups-perl
      [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
      * Improving debian/rules
      * Merge Mass commit grom Gregor and Martín ones
      updating my email address.

Ryan Niebur (1):
      mass updated jawnsy's email address

Salvatore Bonaccorso (5):
      [mass-commit] Replace versioned dependency on perl (>= 5.6.0-{12,16}) with unversioned dependency on perl (as permitted by Debian Policy 3.8.3)
      Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git://anonscm.debian.org)
      update changelog
      Change search.cpan.org based URIs to metacpan.org based URIs
      update changelog

gregor herrmann (9):
      debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies.
      update changelog
      Switch to "3.0 (quilt)" source format.
      Add patch from Red Hat taken from CPAN RT for CUPS 1.6 compatibility.
      Add libcupsfilters-dev to Build-Depends.
      debian/copyright: switch formatting to Copyright-Format 1.0.
      Use debhelper 9.20120312 to get all hardening flags.
      Set Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no further changes).
      releasing package libnet-cups-perl version 0.61-1


Debian packaging of libnet-cups-perl

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