[SCM] libgd-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/2.49, updated. upstream/2.49

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Jun 24 20:21:19 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/2.49 has been updated
        to  7aacae31c81f6c3b0f25c1201be3cf47a6d79ca7 (tag)
      from  0f27dd032d6c79b07d44f8758f1891c7fe63eb99 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  73061f106a3d5039dae61fbc567cf5bdcdf859e8 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.46
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Mon Jun 24 22:13:09 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.49
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Jonas Smedegaard (1):
      Imported Upstream version 2.49

Lincoln Stein (2):
      fix compilation error on strawberry
      add github information to README

Vasudev Kamath (2):
      Imported Upstream version 2.49
      Imported Upstream version 2.49

lstein (112):
      Initial revision
      Folded together pesto and formaggio modifications.
      Folded together pesto and formaggio modifications.
      fixed test # 8
      removed evil test 8
      this is version 1.39
      fixed some more problems relating to freetype; relative font addressing does NOT work
      fixed some more problems relating to freetype; relative font addressing does NOT work
      version 1.40
      added alternative comparison solution to test 8 from ...
      version 1.41
      version 2.00
      updated MANIFEST
      folded in Dan Harasty's GD::Polyline class
      fixed patch file; merged in changes from fontina
      this is version 2.0
      this is version 2.01
      changed math::trig dependency to 1.0
      changed Math::Trig requirement to 1.0
      this is version 2.04
      really 2.0.4 with fixed manifest
      one more change to the manifest to get rid of patch file
      version 2.041
      yet another regression test for freetype
      fixed README to give correct required version of libgd
      added alpha methods from Georges Arnould
      disabled test 8
      version 2.05
      fixed alpha blending function positions
      updated to work with libgd 2.09
      added note about negative color indexes in stringFT
      added command-line options from David Eisenberg
      Now compatible with (and requires!) libgd 2.0.12.
      perl 5.6.0 is required now
      Applied 5.00503 patch from Mathieu Arnold
      new check for jpegs produced by some digital cameras
      added colorAllocateAlpha() from Cory Watson
      added library patch from Peter Kruty
      fixed tiny VMS documentation bug from Martin Zinser
      changelog updated
      this is version 2.10
      cory alpha functions not checked in earlier
      removed gratuitous lowercasing of libgd path
      fixed date in README
      fixed inconsistent references to libgd version
      fixed regression test 10, which broke under libgd 2.0.22
      colorsTotal() now returns undef for truecolor images
      added a binmode() to the stdout filehandle
      changed default include path to /usr/include
      updated README to refer to perl 5.6.0 as required
      extra check for non-null images in gd_chkimagefmt()
      bumped version number
      possible fix for compilation on AMD64 systems
      Added back GIF support and gdlib-config support
      WIN32 fix
      Fixed broken IFDEF for GIF support
      bumped version number
      use gdFontGet*() function calls rather than linking to external fonts
      fixed gif->jpeg transpositions
      almost ready for release
      added regression tests for latest libpng
      this will be version 2.17
      updated Polyline support
      now requires 2.0.28
      fixed libgd requirement
      Added test for no PNG support
      release 2.19 adds define for FTCIRCLE
      GD::Image->newFromGdData() and newFromGd2Data() got broken somewhere along the line.  They are now fixed (and have a regression test).
      added untested workaround for libiconv on solaris systems
      added new regression tests
      Version 2.21 adds regression tests for GIF and JPEG support; It also changes the build process so that GD.pm contains conditionally-compiled code, and is derived from GD.pm.PLS.
      Changed the way the gd and gd2 round-trip tests are evaluated. This might fix test failures that have been reported on some platforms.
      added patch from Slaven Rezic
      Added patch from Slaven Rezic which makes it possible to call GD constants in an OO way (without generating warnings), and removes #! from the top of autogenerated GD.pm. Rewrote tests 11 and 12 - if they continue to randomly fail on various platforms, they will be removed.
      tweaks to syntax for selecting fonts internally
      fixed documentation for alphaBlendingMode
      fixed truecolor documentation problems
      fixed Makefile.PL to install GD::Polyline and GD::Simple
      deprecated dashedLine()
      version 2.25
      *** empty log message ***
      Having troubles getting all the modules installed correctly. Should work now.
      missing source file
      Normalized the behavior of fonts
      version 2.29
      removed defunct entry from manifest
      more Simple fixes
      release 2.30
      fixed transparent() to accept symbolic color names
      thread-safe fixes
      Added a GD::Simple->HSVtoRGB() method.
      made saturation go from 0 to 255 rather than 0.0 to 1.0
      fixed hsvtorgb
      Added Sheldon McKay's RGBtoHSV function
      fixed double-free problem in newFromGdData()
      documentation updates from Mark Manning
      added GD::Polygon->clear() method
      ifdefs to allow possible compilation on 5.6.0
      Added a check for stray gd.h include files from older installations. If any are found, Makefile.PL will issue a warning; Fixed incorrect documentation of GD::Simple->string() method. The method call *does* move the pen.
      added windows installation instructions
      Doesn't push libpng onto @LIBS unless png support is requested.
      Supports Storable's freeze/thaw via a custom serializer.
      Instructions on using gdAntiAliased with palette images.
      fixed weird warning about /usr/include/gd.h != /usr/include/gd.h
      makefile.pl now refuses to run if proper libgd is not installed
      restored after repository near-death experience
      Added "transparent" color to GD::Simple.
      possibly killed a core dump that occurs on 64-bit platforms during freeze/thaw
      found changes in local repository
      created compatibility calls for GD::Simple so that ported programs don't break on line() and ellipse()
      fixed MANIFEST and LICENSE
      Fix compilation on older perls without the Newxz macros.


libgd-perl Debian packaging

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