[SCM] libtype-tiny-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/0.012, created. upstream/0.012

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sun Jun 30 14:29:56 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/0.012 has been created
        at  438a0ba75a9a4d1396f13349e49dabe040aba549 (tag)
   tagging  186e81867e24578694ac81d459c107a1aa5787b2 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.006
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Fri Jun 28 01:02:12 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.012
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Jonas Smedegaard (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.012

Toby Inkster (199):
      Added tag 0.006 for changeset c5ca0ebd3c79
      LaxNum/StrictNum/Num stuff
      Fix $VERSION variable in Type::Library - RT#85720
      bump version; changelog
      beginnings of a decent parser for type constraint strings
      parser+registry working now
      restore Type::Registry (and now Type::Parser) to lib and t
      prefix private functions with an underscore; export all public functions
      document Type::Parser
      fix version numbers in Type::{Registry,Parser}; update changelog
      implement Types::TypeTiny->meta->get_type
      document Type::Parser constants
      readme_from Type::Tiny::Manual
      fix link to Manual.pod
      Added tag 0.007_01 for changeset 97f157db3283
      stop using Carp in Type::Parser
      improve Type::Tiny::Manual front page
      allow constraint generators to return Type::Tiny object instead of coderef
      Type::Tiny::{Class,Duck,Role} constraints now have parents, but you cannot set them manually
      Type::Tiny::Intersection constraints now have parents, but you cannot set them manually
      Type::Tiny::Enum constraints now have parents, but you cannot set them manually
      more stuff on smart parents
      InstanceOf, ConsumerOf, HasMethods, Enum types
      beginnings of F:P test
      fix Function::Parameters test case; document Function::Parameters and Attribute::Contract usage
      bump version; changelog
      diag $Function::Parameters::VERSION
      Added tag 0.007_02 for changeset 16b8fb91fa3d
      improve documentaion for "parents" method
      Initial test case for rt#85911, does not show any bug. Must be something specific to Dict
      failing test case for RT#85911
      fix obscure location of error message within Stringable thunks
      fix for RT#85911
      Apply fix for RT#85911 to Tuple too
      more fixes related to RT#85911
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_03 for changeset c2af97298bba
      add link to rt ticket
      fix RT#85895
      Function::Parameters 1.0103 has been released; use it in documentation and test case.
      failing test case for RT#86004
      add some more debugging
      RT#86004 improvements
      test non-inline coercion too
      fix non-inline coercion too
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_04 for changeset 76e2fa50157a
      document relationship with Scalar::Does
      Lots of documentation for Types::Standard.
      Allow Params::Validate-style 0 and 1 as shortcuts for Optional[Any] and Any
      implement match_on_type from Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, and also compile_match_on_type which is much faster
      fix for void context
      Type::Tie needs a link
      Test cases for InstanceOf, ConsumerOf, HasMethods, Enum type constraints
      Type::Utils docs
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_05 for changeset bf83bcab266b
      document Eval::TypeTiny's evaluation environment
      Attribute::Contract 0.03 has been released
      fix pod
      stack traces
      Moo exceptions stuff
      do not export "extends" from Type::Utils by default; rearrange much Type::Utils documentation
      remove unneeded attribute added accidentally
      better sub prototypes (mst++)
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_06 for changeset 1fbc9545b1f2
      make parameterizable type constraint Perl version dependent (mst suggestion)
      bump version; changelog
      hide Type::Parser::Token package from CPAN
      Added tag 0.007_07 for changeset 2aa7bffe1b25
      RT#86172; failing test
      fix for RT#86172
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_08 for changeset e1ddbfd4a414
      Fix for RT#86233
      Fix for RT#86233
      Fix for RT#86239
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.007_09 for changeset 340e0149897d
      dummy commit
      add STATUS note to Type::Registry
      add _std_eval function for testing; support parentheses
      fix parsing bug
      move logic out of Type::Parser::Token
      improved diagnostics
      gratuitous exception object for ETOOBIG
      we now support Params::Validate-like 1,1,0 syntax
      beginnings of Type::Parser tests
      check against a real type constraint
      Type::Parser tests/fixes for parameterized types
      more tests, including a couple of fails
      remove ) from token queue
      And we're passing again...
      And we're failing again...
      Fix peek ahead for fat comma; and we're passing again...
      That's probably enough Type::Parser testing for now.
      That's probably enough Type::Registry testing for now.
      resolve bug around interaction with MooseX::Types
      bump version; changelog
      allow Test::TypeTiny to work with non-TT constraints in EXTENDED_TESTING mode
      Added tag 0.007_10 for changeset 910bfa7e4f04
      bump version; changelog
      oops; should have bumped to stable version
      Added tag 0.008 for changeset a568a48f92c8
      Plugin for DOY's "Reply". Try running this in the repl...
      Failing test for exception.t
      Fix error messages from types with null constraints
      bump version; changelog
      document Reply::Plugin::TypeTiny; add to changelog
      list context test
      Added tag 0.009_01 for changeset d57cbc5994b6
      some minor optimizations
      various micro-optimizations
      take Type::Utils out of the Types::Standard loop
      cut out validation check along critical path
      compiled check bugfix
      bump version; changelog
      fix order of checks
      silence some warnings in test suite
      Added tag 0.009_02 for changeset d06f9d36b7a0
      fix compilation errors under 5.8
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.009_03 for changeset a6b694f870ad
      test case for GH#1
      advertise Type::API support
      Type::Tiny::Class shouldn't completely trust @ISA when establishing parent class heirarchies.
      Ensure that Type::Tiny subclasses cannot be used for generic constraints
      bump version; changelog
      skip test case in automated testing under Perl 5.8
      pod coverage
      Added tag 0.009_04 for changeset 019442e0b54d
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.009_05 for changeset aaf4c4011e93
      Travis-CI supports Perl 5.18 now I think
      RJBS has clarified difference between Value and Str for me
      Perl 5.8 does not DOES
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.009_06 for changeset a698f4c552bf
      to_TypeTiny should set display_name instead of name, because there's no guarantee the incoming name will be acceptable to Type::Tiny
      more mxtypes test cases
      similarly subclasses of Type::Tiny should not accept an inlining coderef
      don't need to use Type::Utils in Type::Params
      Inlining support for constraint => quote_sub q{...}
      make travis logs smaller
      dunno why this is failing in 5.8
      mention Sub::Quote support in manual; update TODO
      cache Sub::Quote->can call
      ok, that did not seem to fix the ANDK test reports
      move weird test case to xt
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.009_07 for changeset 1a4e395b9c98
      bump version; changelog
      Sub::Quote experimentation
      Added tag 0.010 for changeset a7f5770b8cb9
      tidy up to_TypeTiny
      some MouseX::Types stuff (not 100% working yet)
      make that test TODO
      to_TypeTiny now supports generic Type::API-compatible objects
      Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint actually works better if handled via the generic interface; so do that
      fix for RT#86383
      fix the damned type_coercion_map stuff, so that we can finally haz to_TypeTiny(sub {...}) working
      uncomment documentation
      coerce support for generic objects
      Mouse::Util::is_a_type_constraint test
      allow generic type constraint objects to have a name
      TT|Mouse works; just not Mouse|TT yet
      fix for one problem causes another, but I think this is an improved situation slightly
      bump version; changelog
      convert to_TypeTiny before checking isa, because arguments might not be blessed
      test that coderefs can be used in places
      Added tag 0.011_01 for changeset a3a2c7528d53
      make testing work better with MooX::Types::MooseLike
      fix "library" attribute for type constraints not defined via Type::Utils (like current Types::Standard)
      more stuff to ensure proper library attributes
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.011_02 for changeset 71cb7919be84
      test case was failing in older perls
      fix, rather than ignore overloading problem
      bump version; changelog
      Added tag 0.011_03 for changeset e2029070a4c1
      bump version; changelog


libtype-tiny-perl Debian packaging

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