[SCM] libpackage-variant-perl Debian packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.001003-1-16-g363631d

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu May 9 17:14:05 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8723827e3e913976ac3040127d065839cce98258
Merge: 54c942521d23d110c855fe254b87ada46186b268 6556b18f3af7c24ba9c5d270572d5d5ab9b8b8b5
Author: Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Date:   Thu May 9 19:07:28 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 1.001004

diff --combined META.json
index 7df7edc,0000000..126b81a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/META.json
+++ b/META.json
@@@ -1,50 -1,0 +1,50 @@@
 +   "abstract" : "Parameterizable packages",
 +   "author" : [
 +      "mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst at shadowcat.co.uk>"
 +   ],
 +   "dynamic_config" : 0,
-    "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921",
++   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.66, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.130880",
 +   "license" : [
 +      "perl_5"
 +   ],
 +   "meta-spec" : {
 +      "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec",
 +      "version" : "2"
 +   },
 +   "name" : "Package-Variant",
 +   "no_index" : {
 +      "directory" : [
 +         "t",
 +         "inc"
 +      ]
 +   },
 +   "prereqs" : {
 +      "build" : {
 +         "requires" : {
 +            "Test::Fatal" : "0"
 +         }
 +      },
 +      "configure" : {
 +         "requires" : {
 +            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "6.55_01"
 +         }
 +      },
 +      "runtime" : {
 +         "requires" : {
 +            "Carp" : "0",
 +            "Import::Into" : "1",
 +            "Module::Runtime" : "0.013",
 +            "strictures" : "1"
 +         }
 +      }
 +   },
 +   "release_status" : "stable",
 +   "resources" : {
 +      "homepage" : "http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=p5sagit/Package-Variant.git",
 +      "repository" : {
 +         "url" : "git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/Package-Variant.git"
 +      }
 +   },
-    "version" : "1.001003"
++   "version" : "1.001004"
diff --combined META.yml
index bb342c6,0000000..7ec267b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@@ -1,28 -1,0 +1,28 @@@
 +abstract: 'Parameterizable packages'
 +  - 'mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst at shadowcat.co.uk>'
 +  Test::Fatal: 0
 +  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.55_01
 +dynamic_config: 0
- generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.120921'
++generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.66, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.130880'
 +license: perl
 +  url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
 +  version: 1.4
 +name: Package-Variant
 +  directory:
 +    - t
 +    - inc
 +  Carp: 0
 +  Import::Into: 1
 +  Module::Runtime: 0.013
 +  strictures: 1
 +  homepage: http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=p5sagit/Package-Variant.git
 +  repository: git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/Package-Variant.git
- version: 1.001003
++version: 1.001004
diff --combined README
index 507b10b,0000000..c0bcf7b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -1,239 -1,0 +1,239 @@@
 +    Package::Variant - Parameterizable packages
 +      # declaring a variable Moo role
 +      package My::Role::ObjectAttr;
 +      use strictures 1;
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        # what modules to 'use'
 +        importing => ['Moo::Role'],
 +        # proxied subroutines
 +        subs => [ qw(has around before after with) ],
 +      sub make_variant {
 +        my ($class, $target_package, %arguments) = @_;
 +        # access arguments
 +        my $name = $arguments{name};
 +        # use proxied 'has' to add an attribute
 +        has $name => (is => 'lazy');
 +        # install a builder method
 +        install "_build_${name}" => sub {
 +          return $arguments{class}->new;
 +        };
 +      }
 +      # using the role
 +      package My::Class::WithObjectAttr;
 +      use strictures 1;
 +      use Moo;
 +      use My::Role::ObjectAttr;
 +      with ObjectAttr(name => 'some_obj', class => 'Some::Class');
 +      # using our class
 +      my $obj = My::Class::WithObjectAttr->new;
 +      $obj->some_obj; # returns a Some::Class instance
 +    This module allows you to build packages that return different
 +    variations depending on what parameters are given.
 +    Users of your package will receive a subroutine able to take parameters
 +    and return the name of a suitable variant package. The implmenetation
 +    does not care about what kind of package it builds.
 +  Declaring a variable package
 +    There are two important parts to creating a variable package. You first
 +    have to give "Package::Variant" some basic information about what kind
 +    of package you want to provide, and how. The second part is implementing
 +    a method receiving the user's arguments and generating your variants.
 +   Setting up the environment for building variations
 +    When you "use Package::Variant", you pass along some arguments that
 +    describe how you intend to build your variations.
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        importing => { $package => \@import_arguments, ... },
 +        subs      => [ @proxied_subroutine_names ];
 +    The "importing" option needs to be a hash or array reference with
 +    package names to be "use"d as keys, and array references containing the
 +    import arguments as values. These packages will be imported into every
 +    new variant, and need to set up every declarative subroutine you require
 +    to build your variable package. The next option will allow you to use
 +    these functions. See "importing" for more options. You can omit empty
 +    import argument lists when passing an array reference.
 +    The "subs" option is an array reference of subroutine names that are
 +    exported by the packages specified with "importing". These subroutines
 +    will be proxied from your declaration package to the variant to be
 +    generated.
 +    With "importing" initializing your package and "subs" declaring what
 +    subroutines you want to use to build a variant, you can now write a
 +    "make_variant" method building your variants.
 +   Declaring a method to produce variants
 +    Every time a user requests a new variant a method named "make_variant"
 +    will be called with the name of the target package and the arguments
 +    from the user.
 +    It can then use the proxied subroutines declared with "subs" to
 +    customize the new package. An "install" subroutine is exported as well
 +    allowing you to dynamically install methods into the new package. If
 +    these options aren't flexible enough, you can use the passed name of the
 +    new package to do any other kind of customizations.
 +      sub make_variant {
 +        my ($class, $target, @arguments) = @_;
 +        # ...
 +        # customization goes here
 +        # ...
 +      }
 +    When the method is finished, the user will receive the name of the new
 +    package variant you just set up.
 +  Using variable packages
 +    After your variable package is created your users can get a variant
 +    generating subroutine by simply importing your package.
 +      use My::Variant;
 +      my $new_variant_package = Variant(@variant_arguments);
 +    The package is now fully initialized and used. You can import the
 +    subroutine under a different name by specifying an "as" argument.
 +  Dynamic creation of variant packages
 +    For regular uses, the normal import provides more than enough
 +    flexibility. However, if you want to create variations of dynamically
-     determined packages, you can use the "build_variation_of" method.
++    determined packages, you can use the "build_variant_of" method.
 +    You can use this to create variations of other packages and pass
 +    arguments on to them to allow more modular and extensible variations.
 +    These are the options that can be passed when importing
 +    "Package::Variant". They describe the environment in which the variants
 +    are created.
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        importing => { $package => \@import_arguments, ... },
 +        subs      => [ @proxied_subroutines ];
 +  importing
 +    This option is a hash reference mapping package names to array
 +    references containing import arguments. The packages will be imported
 +    with the given arguments by every variation before the "make_variant"
 +    method is asked to create the package (this is done using Import::Into).
 +    If import order is important to you, you can also pass the "importing"
 +    arguments as a flat array reference:
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        importing => [ 'PackageA', 'PackageB' ];
 +      # same as
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        importing => [ 'PackageA' => [], 'PackageB' => [] ];
 +      # or
 +      use Package::Variant
 +        importing => { 'PackageA' => [], 'PackageB' => [] };
 +    The import method will be called even if the list of import arguments is
 +    empty or not specified,
 +    If you just want to import a single package's default exports, you can
 +    also pass a string instead:
 +      use Package::Variant importing => 'Package';
 +  subs
 +    An array reference of strings listing the names of subroutines that
 +    should be proxied. These subroutines are expected to be installed into
 +    the new variant package by the modules imported with "importing".
 +    Subroutines with the same name will be availabe in your declaration
 +    package, and will proxy through to the newly created package when used
 +    within "make_variant".
 +    These are methods on the variable package you declare when you import
 +    "Package::Variant".
 +  make_variant
 +      Some::Variant::Package->make_variant( $target, @arguments );
 +    You need to provide this method. This method will be called for every
 +    new variant of your package. This method should use the subroutines
 +    declared in "subs" to customize the new variant package.
 +    This is a class method receiving the $target package and the @arguments
 +    defining the requested variant.
 +  import
 +      use Some::Variant::Package;
 +      my $variant_package = Package( @arguments );
 +    This method is provided for you. It will allow a user to "use" your
 +    package and receive a subroutine taking @arguments defining the variant
 +    and returning the name of the newly created variant package.
 +    The following options can be specified when importing:
 +    *   as
 +          use Some::Variant::Package as => 'Foo';
 +          my $variant_package = Foo(@arguments);
 +        Exports the generator subroutine under a different name than the
 +        default.
 +"Package::Variant" METHODS
 +    These methods are available on "Package::Variant" itself.
-   build_variation_of
++  build_variant_of
 +      my $variant_package = Package::Variant
-         ->build_variation_of($variable_package, @arguments);
++        ->build_variant_of($variable_package, @arguments);
 +    This is the dynamic method of creating new variants. It takes the
 +    $variable_package, which is a pre-declared variable package, and a set
 +    of @arguments passed to the package to generate a new $variant_package,
 +    which will be returned.
 +  import
 +      use Package::Variant @options;
 +    Sets up the environment in which you declare the variants of your
 +    packages. See "OPTIONS" for details on the available options and
 +    "EXPORTS" for a list of exported subroutines.
 +    Additionally to the proxies for subroutines provided in "subs", the
 +    following exports will be available in your variable package:
 +  install
 +      install($method_name, $code_reference);
 +    Installs a method with the given $method_name into the newly created
 +    variant package. The $code_reference will be used as the body for the
 +    method, and if Sub::Name is available the coderef will be named. If you
 +    want to name it something else, then use:
 +      install($method_name, $name_to_use, $code_reference);
 +    mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst at shadowcat.co.uk>
 +    phaylon - Robert Sedlacek (cpan:PHAYLON) <r.sedlacek at shadowcat.co.uk>
 +    Copyright (c) 2010-2012 the "Package::Variant" "AUTHOR" and
 +    "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above.
 +    This library is free software and may be distributed under the same
 +    terms as perl itself.

libpackage-variant-perl Debian packaging

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