[SCM] libpackage-variant-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/1.001004, created. upstream/1.001004

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu May 9 17:14:12 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/1.001004 has been created
        at  e44954f3d214e86d504aba323238dd9955aa5c69 (tag)
   tagging  8723827e3e913976ac3040127d065839cce98258 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.001003
 tagged by  Jonas Smedegaard
        on  Thu May 9 19:07:28 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.001004
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Aristotle Pagaltzis (1):
      add more missed dependencies

Jonas Smedegaard (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.001004

Karen Etheridge (8):
      fix NAME entry in Makefile.PL (RT#84209)
      add some metadata
      bump version
      Release commit for 1.001003
      a .gitignore file
      s/build_variation_of/build_variant_of/g (RT#84554)
      bump version for release
      Release commit for 1.001004

Matt S Trout (13):
      initial import of Package::Variant
      contributors, credit thyself
      add skeleton Makefile.PL and VERSION
      add Distar config
      skeleton Changes file
      Release commit for 1.000000
      port to Import::Into
      refit docs
      Release commit for 1.001000
      bump version for release
      Release commit for 1.001001

Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek (2):
      bump version for release
      Release commit for 1.001002

Robert Sedlacek (18):
      base documentation
      added more tests
      turned simple moo-role test into a separate use case test file
      make Moo::Role test only run if it's installed
      added done_testing
      added new, bare simple test
      import arguments now supported
      added test for renamable import
      allow optional renaming of exported generator
      tests for array ref importing
      accept array references for importing
      importing args doc fixes
      small importing doc fix, import default works also with []
      made import argument checks and transformations more sane
      earlier error reporting, with tests
      more complete error handling and error testing
      documented single import package use
      author/contributor/copyright fixes


libpackage-variant-perl Debian packaging

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