[SCM] Debian packaging of Method-Signatures CPAN distribution annotated tag, upstream/20130505, created. upstream/20130505
Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
ssm at debian.org
Sun May 12 12:02:11 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, upstream/20130505 has been created
at 8972f86894be0410b48099329663edc92d546330 (tag)
tagging f4828065d254528a3e01afc0ba8de7337486c350 (commit)
replaces upstream/20130222
tagged by Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
on Sun May 12 12:55:11 2013 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 20130505
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Brian T. Wightman (3):
Change representation of infinity
Clean up 'Not in MANIFEST' message
Add M::S::Parameter module to MANIFEST
Buddy Burden (5):
fixed POD typo (missing close parend)
fix bug with error reporting on perl <= 5.12.x
packaging for CPAN: 20130427.0031_001
added GitHub issues to Changes
packaging for CPAN: 20130505
Michael G. Schwern (12):
Extracted the parameter parsing code into an object.
Get it compiling and converted all dependent code.
Remove unused variables which have been moved to MS::Parameter.
Translated !is_optional incorrectly.
Fix handling of yadayada.
Change t/types.t to use the Parameter object, not the hash.
Tests can no longer assume we don't load Mouse.
Make the scary CARP_NOT regex much easier to read.
Merge pull request #72 from schwern/issue/30
Merge pull request #75 from MidLifeXis/inf_not_a_number_under_5_8_9
Merge pull request #76 from MidLifeXis/update_manifest
Add a hook for Travis CI.
Stig Sandbeck Mathisen (1):
Imported Upstream version 20130505
Debian packaging of Method-Signatures CPAN distribution
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